3-Ingredient Pesto Vinaigrette Recipe (2024)

3-Ingredient Pesto Vinaigrette Recipe is about the simplest, easiest way possible to add mega satisfying flavour to a salad. It started as a recipe to reduce time in the kitchen on hot days, but is so good and full of garlicky, basil goodness that I use it all the time now!

Guys. It’s hot here.

As in Wicked Witch of the West screeching, “I’m melting. I’M MELTING” hot. And in a moment of potentially embarrassing confession, I have to admit that I can never remember whether it was the Witch from the West or the Witch from the East who is wicked, so I had to google that.

As I write this, though, I realize that the nasty witch’s name is alliterative, so maybe I’ll actually be able to retain that information now?

Who can tell? I may forget it before the day is out.

3-Ingredient Pesto Vinaigrette Recipe (1)

When it’s beautiful out like this, the very last thing I want to do is heat up my kitchen and stand there dissolving into a puddle on the floor that eventually I’ll have to mop up. I also don’t want to eat heavy, mega filling food either.

At the same time, I don’t want to nibble on an apple and call it a day. And I want my food to be pretty because, well, I like it that way! Hello, High Maintenance Party of One, here.

Pesto Salad Dressing

Light, fast, satisfying food is always the order of the day whether it’s just a beautiful day or wickedly hot. And a salad topped with a delicious dressing is exactly what I want.

This 3-Ingredient Pesto Vinaigrette Recipe hits all those marks. It’s full of flavour without being heavy, it’s such a pretty green, and oh my gosh, it is so ever-loving simple to make.

It literally takes 1 minute or less to mix our 3-Ingredient Pesto Vinaigrette recipe together and relies on things you may have in your pantry right at this very moment. If you don’t have them in your pantry and refrigerator, you can most definitely find them at most grocery stores.

We’re talking about jarred or refrigerated prepared pesto, white wine vinegar, and the finely ground type of Parmesan cheese that you can find in green topped shaker jars on the shelves of grocery stores near the pasta or in the cheese section.

What ingredients do I need for a simple Pesto Vinaigrette recipe?

It may feel like you’re phoning it in by mixing together three such common ingredients for your dressing, but I promise this 3-Ingredient Pesto Vinaigrette recipe delivers such a flavour packed salad dressing that you’ll find yourself relying on it over and over and over.

3-Ingredient Pesto Vinaigrette Recipe (2)

I shop at Wegman’s Grocery Stores where they have fresh pesto available at their Mediterranean Bar. You can also use any good homemade pestoor even jarred pesto in this recipe. If you like it, use it!

White wine vinegar is a perfect acidity in our 3-Ingredient Pesto Vinaigrette Recipe. If you can’t find it, you can substitute an equal amount of fresh squeezed lemon juice or rice wine vinegar.

I often find myself advising people to use freshly grated Parmesan cheese recipe and say “there’s a time and place for shaker cheese”. Guess what. This is the time and the place.

It’s so easy and it gives this dressing exactly the right flavour and texture. Save the stuff you need to grate for other recipes like these Garlic Parmesan Green Beans, Crispy Baked Parmesan Zucchini Fries, Roasted Garlic Parmesan Almonds,or these Garlic Basil Parmesan Rolls.

This 3-Ingredient Pesto Vinaigrette Recipe lasts for up to a week in the refrigerator so you can have it on hand for your lunch and dinner salads.

Stay tuned for my absolute favourite salad to serve our 3-Ingredient Pesto Vinaigrette on. You’re going to love it!

Do you love this 3-Ingredient Pesto Vinaigrette Recipe? Check out these salads and other dishes that would taste great with it!

Use these to make this 3-Ingredient Pesto Vinaigrette recipe!

3-Ingredient Pesto Vinaigrette Recipe (3)

Pesto Vinaigrette

Add all ingredients to a jar, fix the lid firmly in place, and shake vigorously for 30 seconds or until evenly blended.

Taste the dressing. If you need, adjust thickness by adding vinegar or olive oil, depending on whether you like a tangier or smoother dressing. Store leftovers in the refrigerator for up to a week.

3-Ingredient Pesto Vinaigrette Recipe (4)

3-Ingredient Pesto Vinaigrette Recipe

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Rebecca Lindamood

Prep Time 1 minute min


  • 1/2 cup prepared pesto
  • 1/4 cup white wine vinegar
  • 1/4 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese


  • Add all ingredients to a jar, fix the lid firmly in place, and shake vigorously for 30 seconds or until evenly blended. Taste. If you need to, adjust thickness by adding vinegar or olive oil, depending on whether you like a tangier or smoother dressing.

    Store leftovers in the refrigerator, tightly covered, for up to a week.


Calories: 73kcalCarbohydrates: 1gProtein: 1gFat: 6gSaturated Fat: 1gCholesterol: 3mgSodium: 195mgVitamin A: 335IUCalcium: 62mgIron: 0.1mg

Nutritional information is an estimate and provided to you as a courtesy. You should calculate the nutritional information with the actual ingredients used in your recipe using your preferred nutrition calculator.

did you make this recipe?

Make sure to tag @foodiewithfam on Instagram and #hashtag it #foodiewithfamily so I can check it out!

3-Ingredient Pesto Vinaigrette Recipe (5)

This post was originally published July of 2018 and updated in April 2021.

3-Ingredient Pesto Vinaigrette Recipe (2024)


What is the formula for vinaigrette dressing? ›

The French have decided that the perfect ratio for a vinaigrette is 3 parts oil to 1 part vinegar. For my personal taste, that's a little too oily — but it's totally up to you. My simple system is: In a small screw-top jar, place vinegar and a pinch of salt; cover and shake (this helps to dissolve the salt).

What is the standard recipe for a basic vinaigrette group of answer choices? ›

The Basic Vinaigrette Formula

The most basic ratio for making a salad vinaigrette is: one part vinegar (or other acid) three parts oil.

Does pesto have vinegar in it? ›

Pesto is a simple savory Italian sauce that is generally made of basil, pine nuts, garlic, cheese, and olive oil. I like to add either a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice or red wine vinegar to finish the pesto. It's gives just a bit of freshness at the end. Definitely a worthy addition but certainly not required.

What are the common ingredients of pesto? ›

The most popular variety of pesto now is made by "crushing" basil, garlic, pine nuts, olive oil and some hard cheese in a food processor or blender, but there are many varieties of pesto like sun dried tomato pesto or kale pesto. It's fun to use a mortar and pestle, but the modern way is much easier.

How long does pesto dressing last? ›

Pesto will last in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. If you've stored it in the freezer, it will last for 6 months. When you're ready to use frozen pesto, thaw it overnight in the fridge or place the container of pesto in a bowl of warm water for a quicker thawing time.

What is vinaigrette dressing made of? ›

In general, vinaigrette consists of 3 parts of oil to 1 part of vinegar whisked into an emulsion. Salt and pepper are often added. Herbs and shallots, too, are often added, especially when it is used for cooked vegetables or grains. Sometimes mustard is used as an emulsifier and to add flavour.

What is the ratio for a vinaigrette? ›

For a traditional vinaigrette, you'll need to mix about 3 tablespoons of oil to 1 tablespoon of vinegar. You'll also want to add some salt and pepper to taste. Of course, for all four ingredients, the better the quality you use, the better your vinaigrette will taste.

What are the 3 categories of salad dressing explain each? ›

In Western culture, there are three basic types of salad dressing: Vinaigrette; Creamy dressings, usually based on mayonnaise or fermented milk products, such as yogurt, sour cream (crème fraîche, smetana), buttermilk; Cooked dressings, which resemble creamy dressings, but are usually thickened by adding egg yolks and ...

What is the best vinegar for salad dressing? ›

White wine vinegar

This vinegar has a much mellower flavor than red wine vinegar and lacks the sharp tang of its sister vinegar. White wine vinegar is best used with more delicate salads and any situation where you want to add a hint of vinegar, but do not want that flavor to overwhelm the dish.

Why does my homemade pesto taste bad? ›

If you use old walnuts or pine nuts then your pesto will taste bitter. High heat will cause the basil leaves to turn bitter, use a hand grinder or grind the oil and nuts and use pulse mode when adding basil leaves. Oxidized pesto usually brown in color, will taste bitter.

Why does homemade pesto go bad? ›

The cause of pesto turning brown, or grey is usually because the herbs have started oxidising. The best way to slow that process is to reduce the amount of time the sauce is exposed to air.

What makes pesto taste so good? ›

Traditional pesto is a thick, green sauce that tastes bright and herby from the basil, and salty and rich from the cheeses and pine nuts. It should be garlicky, with pleasant grassiness from good quality olive oil.

What was pesto made of? ›

Pesto, or pesto alla genovese, is a basil-based sauce that originated in Genoa, the capital of Liguria, Italy. Traditional pesto is made with basil leaves, garlic, pine nuts, olive oil, salt, and Parmesan (or another type of hard Italian cheese, such as Pecorino).

What is pesto and what does it taste like? ›

What does pesto taste like? Traditional pesto is a thick, green sauce that tastes bright and herby from the basil, and salty and rich from the cheeses and pine nuts. It should be garlicky, with pleasant grassiness from good quality olive oil.

What is pesto mayo made of? ›

  1. 23 cup mayonnaise.
  2. 4 tablespoons prepared basil pesto.


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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.