Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (2024)

by Wayne Creed 53 Comments

Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said in a newly surfaced video from 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists”.

Cullors was the protégé of Eric Mann, a former member of the Weather Underground domestic terror organization, whichbombedgovernment buildings and police stations in the 1960s and 1970s-Cullors spent years absorbing the Marxist-Leninist ideology.

Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (1)

In the video, Cullors isinterviewedby Jared Ball of the Real News Network and discusses the direction of the BLM movement.

“The first thing, I think, is that we actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers,” she said. “We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories. And I think that what we really tried to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folk.”

One of the most oft-cited and criticized goals of the Black Lives Matter organization is its stated desire to abolish the family as we know it. Specifically, BLM’sofficial website states:

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

“Disrupting” the “nuclear family” is not new, and is a usual stated goal among Maxist organizations. Given that BLM’s founders have specifically claimed to be “trained Marxists,” it should not be surprising that the organization’s leadership has embraced a Marxian view of the family.

This idea originates with the theories of Marx and Engels, and their views that an earlier, matriarchal version of the family rejected private property as an organizing principle of society. It was only later that this older tribal model of the family gave way to the modern “patriarchal” family, which promotes and sustains private property.

The destruction of this family model will make it easier to abolish private property as well.

America may well be way ahead of BLM already.

U.S. Census data from 2010 reveal that more African-American families consisted ofsinglemothers than married households with bothparents. In 2011, it was reported that 72% ofblackbabies were born to unmarried mothers. White single-parent families are near 20%, and on the rise.

How is the destruction of the nuclear family supposed to be helpful?

If we have learned any policy lesson well over the past 25 years, it is that for children living in single-parent homes, the odds of living in poverty are greatly increased. The policy implications of the increase in out-of-wedlock births are staggering.

Being raised in a married-couple household led the poverty rate for black children to go down 73 percent compared to mother-only households and 67 percent compared to father-only households. And as evidence of the power of family structure totranscendrace, 31 percent of white children raised in mother-only households live in poverty, versus just 12 percent of black children living with their married parents. (Source:Characteristics of Children’s Families, National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education. Last updated: May 2019).


  1. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (2)Paul Plante says

    “The first thing, I think, is that we actually do have an ideological frame.”

    “Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers,” she said.

    “We are trained Marxists.”

    “We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories.”

    “And I think that what we really tried to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folk.”

    end quotes

    I really like that statement “We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories.”

    Makes them sound like real live rocket scientists, it does, well, sort of, anyway.


  2. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (4)Louise Johnson says

    I just want the Cape Charles Mirror to be distributed shorewide…sooooo much better than the Eastern Shore Post.


  3. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (5)David Moore says

    “Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family”

    Think about that local law enforcement next time you decide to march with them


  4. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (6)Paul Plante says

    Someone saying they are a “trained Marxist” is exactly equivalent to saying they are no more than a trained dog or a trained seal or a parrot spouting ignorance.

    Someone, anyone, regardless of skin color, who says they are a “trained Marxist” are admitting that they themselves are unable to think for themselves.

    Someone who claims to be a “trained Marxist” is making a public admission that they are an idiot who has embraced ignorance, because in the end, if one bothers to research in depth what “Marxists” believe in, one can come to no other conclusion than that Marxists embrace stupidity.

    For example, google the term “What is the weakness of Marxism?” and this mis the answer you get:

    The major weakness of Marxism is that it does not seem to work in the real world.

    This is because it does not take into account the essential greediness and selfishness of the human being.

    Marxism relies on people to work hard just because they should and to forego the ability to get rich from their efforts.

    end quotes

    As to abolishing the so-called “Western-prescribed nuclear family,” which itself is a contrived BULL**** term being peddled by morons, it can best be phrased as “THE FUTURE IS THE PAST!”


    That is because according to Marx’s theory of historical materialism, societies pass through six stages — primitive communism, slave society, feudalism, capitalism, socialism and finally global, stateless communism.

    If one studies the concepts, one finds that Marxist theory posits that the so-called “Western-prescribed nuclear family” supposedly came into being with the advent of capitalism, which itself is BULL****.

    These people who want to abolish the “Western-prescribed nuclear family” want to take us back to primitive communism, plain and simple.

    And none of this is idle speculation on my part, as after Marx died, his fellow traveler and bosom companion Frederick Engels put down the theories of Marx on the family in the work “Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State” where in section I. Stages of Prehistoric Culture, he stated as follows:

    MORGAN is the first man who, with expert knowledge, has attempted to introduce a definite order into the history of primitive man; so long as no important additional material makes changes necessary, his classification will undoubtedly remain in force.

    Of the three main epochs – savagery, barbarism, and civilization – he is concerned, of course, only with the first two and the transition to the third.

    He divides both savagery and barbarism into lower, middle, and upper stages according to the progress made in the production of food; for, he says:

    Upon their skill in this direction, the whole question of human supremacy on the earth depended.

    Mankind are the only beings who may be said to have gained an absolute control over the production of food….

    It is accordingly probable that the great epochs of human progress have been identified, more or less directly, with the enlargement of the sources of subsistence.

    [Morgan, op. cit., p. 19. -Ed.]

    The development of the family takes a parallel course, but here the periods have not such striking marks of differentiation.

    end quotes

    So doing away with the family is a trip back to savagery, which takes us to Marxist Stage Theory, where we have as follows:

    Stage 1 – Primitive Communism

    Men performed the same economic function – hunter gathering.

    They worked together in order to survive.

    There was no private property and there were no classes.

    Eventually the most successful hunter gatherers gained power and control over the others.

    Stage 2 – Imperialism

    The strong man ruled.

    He began by owning all the land but when threatened by outsiders, he would grant land to others in return for military services.

    A new land-owning aristocracy was therefore created.

    Stage 3 – Feudalism

    Land was owned by the aristocracy who exploited the peasantry who worked it.

    There was a surplus of food which the aristocracy sold to others – creating a class of merchants and capitalists who wanted to share political power.

    Stage 4 – Capitalism

    The wealthy merchants and factory owners (bourgeoisie) obtained political power and exploited the workers (proletariat).

    As the proletariat became politically aware they would rise up and overthrow the bourgeois government.

    Stage 5 – Socialism

    There would be a dictatorship of the proletariat as workers’ organisations re-distributed food, goods and services fairly according to need, and profits were shared by all.

    The middle classes would come to understand that equality was superior to private ownership.

    Stage 6 – Communism

    Everyone would join together for the common good.

    Money and government would no longer be needed and society would be class-less.

    As all countries reached this stage the world would become state-less and competition and wars would cease.

    end quotes



    • Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (7)cheese says

      lmao not primitive communism but scientific socialism xD you dumbass


      • Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (8)Paul Plante says

        Hey, cheese, dude, where it at?

        What’s the haps?

        People been missing you, dude, your wit and wisdom condensed down into so few words which is a real art of dissimulation, a rhetorical skill that you have clearly mastered, and mastered well!

        So Kudos to you on that achievement in your life, anyway.

        I think you deserve some praise for that, even if nobody else does.

        But your rhetorical skills and obvious erudition do nothing to counter my premise that someone saying they are a “trained Marxist” is exactly equivalent to saying they are no more than a trained dog or a trained seal or a parrot spouting ignorance.

        And how can you possibly counter it, based on history, alone?

        Certainly not by calling it “scientific socialism,” which means exactly nothing in substance and is nothing more than a set of metaphysical contradictions that you are trying to dish up to us, as if we too were dumb as a box of rocks and twice as stupid, when in fact, we are all highly adept at the art of investigating or discussing the truth of opinions, and so, can see clear through your so-called “scientific socialism” to the nothingness that underlies it, because someone, anyone, regardless of skin color, who says they are a “trained Marxist” are admitting that they themselves are unable to think for themselves.

        Someone who claims to be a “trained Marxist” is making a public admission that they are an idiot who has embraced ignorance, because in the end, if one bothers to research in depth what “Marxists” believe in, one can come to no other conclusion than that Marxists embrace stupidity.

        For example, google the term “What is the weakness of Marxism?” and this is the answer you get:

        The major weakness of Marxism is that it does not seem to work in the real world.

        Other than that, I guess maybe to you it could be a great idea, but not for me because from the time I was young, I had it impressed on me that I had a societal duty to think for myself, not to be a good Marxist and spout mindless cant from out of the Communist Manifesto, and I’m too old to break the habit now, nor would I really want to.


      • Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (9)Paul Plante says

        And hey, cheese, since you were kind and thoughtful enough to bring up the subject of the scientific socialism being practiced in the USA today as I write these words by the Biden Regime, as I am sure you will recall from your early indoctrination that Marxism-Leninism holds that a two-stage communist revolution is needed to replace capitalism.

        As you will recall, a vanguard party, organized through democratic centralism, would seize power on behalf of the proletariat and establish a one-party socialist state, called the dictatorship of the proletariat.

        That happened on 6 January 2022.

        Now we have Marxism-Bidenism here in America as a result, which is really the same as the Stalinist Marxism that replaced Lenin’s version in the Soviet Union, with Joe as our dictator in the mold of Joe Stalin, who as you will recall, was dearly beloved by the Democrat Frank Roosevelt.

        Frank was jealous of how Joe Stalin could simply have his enemies annihilated.

        Frank wished he could have that power here.

        And now, it is Joe Biden’s turn.

        Thanks for bringing that reality to our attention, lest we have missed it.


      • Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (10)Paul Plante says

        And cheese, dude, your “scientific socialism” is a contradiction in terms or maybe an oxymoron, to boot, although, I’ll leave that to the linguists among us to work out for this reason, to wit: start with the word “scientific,” which can mean “based on or characterized by the methods and principles of science,” as in “the scientific study of earthquakes,” or it can mean “relating to or used in science,” as in “scientific instruments,” or in formally, it can mean “systematic” or “methodical,” while the term “socialism” can mean “a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole,” or it can mean “policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism,” or it can mean in Marxist theory, which is what we are talking about in here, a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism, which is actually where we are right now in this country since 6 January 2021 when the Democrats scrapped OUR Constitution and made Joe Biden dictator of America.

        But there is absolutely nothing “scientific” involved, because we are talking “theories,” which can be defined as “a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained,” as in “Darwin’s theory of evolution,” or it can mean “a set of principles on which the practice of an activity is based,” as in “a theory of education,” or it can mean “an idea used to account for a situation or justify a course of action,” as in “my theory would be that thanks to the scientific socialism of Joe Biden, the federal government of the United States of America has been seriously mismanaged,” and I base that scientific theory of mine among other things on a Reuters article entitled “Wall Street ends mixed after punishing week” by Noel Randewich and Amruta Khandekar on May 20, 2022 where we have the following evidence to support my theory, as follows:

        The Dow suffered its eighth consecutive weekly decline, its longest since 1932 during the Great Depression.

        end quotes

        Now, cheese, that is not theory right there; to the contrary, that is a fact.

        Thanks to the scientific socialism of Joe Biden, we’re working our way back through time to 1929 and the stock market crash that brought on the Great Depression and resulted in the rise of Hitler in Germany, with his version of scientific socialism.

        As I say, cheese, people who claim to be trained Marxists, and here we are talking about Hussein Obama, Joe Biden’s political mentor and trainer, are unable to think for themselves, and can only spout dogma and ideological horsecrap from the Communist Manifesto which we young Americans studied when I was still a child so we would be aware of what kind of mind poison animated the COMMIES who wanted to take over America back then, but who had to wait until they got Nancy Pelosi and her pack of Democrats in power in the NANCY’S HOUSE to fulfill their goal, which comes straight out of the Communist Manifesto, your so-called “scientific socialism,” to wit:

        The proletarian movement is the self-conscious, independent movement of the immense majority, in the interest of the immense majority.

        The proletariat, the lowest stratum of our present society, cannot stir, cannot raise itself up, without the whole superincumbent strata of official society being sprung into the air.

        Though not in substance, yet in form, the struggle of the proletariat with the bourgeoisie is at first a national struggle.

        The proletariat of each country must, of course, first of all settle matters with its own bourgeoisie.

        In depicting the most general phases of the development of the proletariat, we traced the more or less veiled civil war, raging within existing society, up to the point where that war breaks out into open revolution, and where the violent overthrow of the bourgeoisie lays the foundation for the sway of the proletariat.

        Hitherto, every form of society has been based, as we have already seen, on the antagonism of oppressing and oppressed classes.

        But in order to oppress a class, certain conditions must be assured to it under which it can, at least, continue its slavish existence.

        The serf, in the period of serfdom, raised himself to membership in the commune, just as the petty bourgeois, under the yoke of the feudal absolutism, managed to develop into a bourgeois.

        The modern labourer, on the contrary, instead of rising with the process of industry, sinks deeper and deeper below the conditions of existence of his own class.

        He becomes a pauper, and pauperism develops more rapidly than population and wealth.

        And here it becomes evident, that the bourgeoisie is unfit any longer to be the ruling class in society, and to impose its conditions of existence upon society as an over-riding law.

        It is unfit to rule because it is incompetent to assure an existence to its slave within his slavery, because it cannot help letting him sink into such a state, that it has to feed him, instead of being fed by him.

        Society can no longer live under this bourgeoisie, in other words, its existence is no longer compatible with society.

        end quotes

        So where is the science, cheese?

        Help us out here if you can, dude, and America will be extremely grateful to you if you can, before Joe Biden completely destroys America with his scientific socialism that has brought us back to the times of the GREAT DEPRESSION!


  5. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (11)Paul Plante says

    So, with the above background established for the record on what it is to be a “trained Marxist” in America today, which is to say they who make the admission admit to being no more than a trained dog or a trained seal or a parrot spouting ignorance; someone, regardless of skin color, who admits to being unable to think for themselves and is making a public admission that they are an idiot who has embraced ignorance, because in the end, one can come to no other conclusion than that Marxists embrace stupidity, that established background in turn takes us to an Albany, New York Times Union story entitled “As statues tumble, relatives of Gen. Philip Schuyler ask for pause” by Brendan J. Lyons on July 5, 2020, where we find ourselves presented with the following, to wit:

    Although (Kathy) Sheehan has been mayor of the city (Albany) since 2014, the recent protests in Albany and across the country in the wake of the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer prompted her call for the statue’s removal at a time she believes everyone should embrace the Black Lives Matter movement.

    While a few leaders of Black Lives Movement groups have promoted violence, or have a history of violence themselves, the mayor said it is time for the nation to embrace that cause.

    end quotes

    And what is the cause mayor Kathy, the Democrat mayor of Albany, New York wants us to embrace?

    It is stated thusly by BLACK LIVES MATTER, to wit:

    We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

    end quotes

    Straight out of the mouth of Karl Marx himself, as we can see from the article “MARX, ENGELS, AND THE ABOLITION OF THE FAMILY” by Richard Weikart, Department of History, California State University, Stanislaus, Turlock, CA 95382, U.S.A. in History of European Ideas, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 657-672, 1994, Elseyier Science Ltd, Printed in Great Britain, to wit:

    “It is a peculiar fact,” stated Engels a few months after Marx died, “that with every great revolutionary movement the question of ‘free love’ comes to the foreground.”

    By the mid-to late-nineteenth century it was clear to advocates and opponents alike that many socialists shared a propensity to reject the institution of the family in favour of ‘free love’, if not in practice, at least as an ideal.

    end quotes

    Said any other way, people, when we finally rid ourselves of this outmoded idea of the Western-prescribed nuclear family, we can be as promiscuous as we please, with absolutely no consequences whatsoever.

    Think about how great that will be when BLACK LIVES MATTER finally gets it way and the stable nuclear family is finally gone and we all go back in time to a primitive stage of either savagery or barbarism where there is no longer a “state” to enforce “laws,” because we won’t need them, nor laws, themselves, for that matter.

    And what will that future Kathy Sheehan of Albany wants us to embrace look like, one might ask?

    For that answer, I would simply refer them to a news story in the Albany, New York Times Union entitled “War on Albany gangs ends with 55 convictions – Albany violence targeted under effort coordinated by Justice Department” by Brendan J. Lyons, Senior writer, on Jan. 9, 2011, where we have as follows as to what our future will look like when we all finally give up our resistance to the BLACK LIVES MATTER political agenda, which resistance is in the end futile anyway, and embrace the movement and voluntarily dismantle our stable nuclear families and give over our children and grand-children to be “communally raised” by BLACK LIVES MATTER, as they see fit, to wit:

    ALBANY — It was late September 2006.

    The city of Albany was being ripped by gun violence.

    end quotes

    And it is now late September 2020 and city of Albany is still being ripped by gun violence, but anymore, who is counting and who even pays attention, anymore?

    Getting back to that story from 2011, in the light of another Times Union story entitled “Albany nears 100 people being hit by bullets in 2020 – Four people shot Saturday night in continuing plague of violence” by Massarah Mikati, the Times Union Staff writer who covers communities of color for the Times Union, on Aug. 9, 2020 where we were told it was just before 8 p.m. Saturday when the sound of gunshots split the air in West Hill at least 20 times in a row and four people were shot with one of them, an 18-year-old, dying, we have:

    Since that July, nine people had been shot on city streets.

    Taron Robinson, a member of West Hill’s notorious Jungle Junkies street gang, was on the wrong side of town, staying in an apartment on Morton Avenue overlooking Lincoln Park.

    He dialed Ernest Conley, who some regarded as a leader of the gang, and told him that a dozen “downtown boys” — members of the Jungle Junkies’ rival outfit from the South End, the Original Gangsta Killers — had gathered outside the apartment.

    end quotes

    And there we see ourselves going back to a modern-day version of Marx’s Stage 1 – Primitive Communism, when the most successful hunter gatherers gained power and control over the others leading to a modern-day version of Marx’s Stage 2 – Imperialism, when the strong man rules, owning all the land but when threatened by outsiders, granting land to others in return for military services, which takes us back to that story about our collective futures in the world of BLACK LIVES MATTER, to wit:

    Conley asked Robinson if he had “that thing.”

    He did.

    “Clear ’em,” Conley told Robinson.

    The OGK members scattered as Robinson stepped outside and fired his gun into the air.

    No one was hurt.

    In police reports it would go down as just another shooting linked to a years-long feud between the city’s two most violent gangs.

    end quotes

    In the world of BLACK LIVES MATTER that Democrat Kathy Sheehan of Albany wants us all to embrace, the tribe will replace the stable nuclear family, freeing us from the burden of actually having to waste time on raising children, because the tribe will do that for us, as we see from this very story, which continues as follows:

    But this time there was something different.

    When Conley spoke into his telephone the police were listening, recording his words.

    end quotes

    And in the brave new world yet to fully come, there will be no police to interfere in the tribal warfare, because there will be no “state” along with no stable nuclear families.

    Won’t that be a good thing, knowing we no longer have to worry about the police sticking their pig snouts into our bidness?

    With respect to that police interference, that story continues as follows:

    A year earlier the U.S. Attorney’s office had stepped into the fray of Albany’s gang violence and helped organize a task force that would bring together the resources of the Albany police, DEA, FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives (ATF), among others.

    Many of the gangs’ drug deals were being monitored.

    The ATF built a database of the shootings using every shell casing and bullet recovered from crime scenes.

    The guns, many of them stolen in other states, were connected to the gang members who used, sold or kept the weapons.

    As the task force quietly built its cases, the Jungle Junkies and OGK continued their war seemingly unaware that their gunfire, drug deals and incriminating telephone calls were being rolled into the region’s largest prosecution ever under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).

    The investigation, which began before Tuffey was chief, reached its peak two weeks ago when the last of 25 OGK members pleaded guilty to federal drug conspiracy charges.

    They are scheduled to be sentenced in the coming months.

    end quotes

    Oh, the unfairness of it all, targeting those poor people just because they happen to be Black!

    Talk about racism and that damn white supremacy alright, there are some consequences of it staring us right in the face, which is why, because of that history of white supremacy we all have to own, whether we want to or not, Democrat Kathy Sheehan says we have to embrace BLACK LIVES MATTER, even though a few leaders of Black Lives Movement groups have promoted violence, or have a history of violence themselves, like the Jungle Junkies and the Original Gangsta Killers, who prove the Marxist adage that you can take the savage out of the jungle, but you can’t take the jungle out of the savage, nor should you try, because it is discrimination against the proletariat by the bourgeoisie, which class Marx lampooned for what he called its hypocrisy in presenting the family as a sacred institution based on familial love, saying “The bourgeoisie has torn away from the family relationship its sentimental veil and has reduced it to a mere money relationship,” and in a scathing rebuke, he further blamed the bourgeoisie and the capitalist system for the absence of the family among the proletariat, for the exploitation of children, for prostitution, and for the sexual exploitation of women and girls in the factories, which is a damn good reason to get rid of that class, isn’t it?

    Getting back to the racism and white supremacy rampant in our present system which is being overthrown as I write these words by a revolution of the proletariat, we have:

    Last year, the Jungle Junkies case culminated with the last of 30 people, including Conley and Robinson, being sentenced to federal prison.

    end quotes

    Oh, the racism and white supremacy!

    It’s terrible!

    It’s unfair!

    Let us all join Kathy Sheehan and her police chief by getting down on our knees in solidarity with BLACK LIVES MATTER, even though in reality, they really don’t.

    Getting back to the story, it continues as follows:

    U.S. Attorney Richard Hartunian was an assistant U.S. Attorney and at the helm of the case when it began five years ago.

    Some Albany legal observers say Hartunian’s work in the case helped gain his appointment last year as U.S. Attorney for New York’s Northern District.

    In an interview Saturday, when his office issued a statement summarizing the case, Hartunian said his debriefings with sworn members who joined gangs at ages as young as 10 or 11 gave him insight into the culture of violence that has plagued many upstate cities.

    end quotes

    There is the alternative to the stable Western-prescribed nuclear family that mayor Kathy and BLACK LIVES MATTER are presenting us with, where instead of being burdened by having to raise children, the children will be communally raised just like these children are, which takes us back to “MARX, ENGELS, AND THE ABOLITION OF THE FAMILY” by Richard Weikart, Department of History, California State University, Stanislaus, Turlock, CA 95382, U.S.A. in History of European Ideas, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 657-672, 1994, Elseyier Science Ltd, Printed in Great Britain, where we have a further glimpse at the future mayor Kathy of Albany and BLACK LIVES MATTER are going to usher in, when we all finally get down on our knees in submission and embrace the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement, to wit:

    After reading Morgan, however, both Marx and Engels accepted his view that a period of sexual promiscuity without families existed in the earliest period of human history.

    According to this view, in primitive society every man had sexual access to every woman and vice versa.

    There existed no sexual taboos or prohibitions of any kind and even incest was acceptable.

    end quotes


    Don’t that sound great!

    Bring on that Marxism now because we can’t wait!

    Getting back to Weikart, he continues the analysis as follows:

    This was not a community of women, as many people wrongly supposed, since women were free and had the same rights and prerogatives as men.

    Since these societies were matrilineal, women were esteemed highly and had equal status with men.

    Engels once argued that this sexual community was a natural state inherited from the animal kingdom.

    With naturalistic explanations such as these, Marx and Engels had shifted to a position in which not the family, but the absence of the family, was the original and natural state of humanity.

    end quotes

    Heed those words well, people, as we all get down on our knees with mayor Kathy and embrace BLACK LIVES MATTER – the absence of the family was the original and natural state of humanity, so let’s stop wasting time and get ourselves back there so that can happen all over again.

    And in mayor Kathy’s still violent sanctuary city of Albany, New York, where ignorance rules over reason and law of the jungle prevails, that future is now.

    And resistance is futile!

    So stop being a racist and white supremacist, get down on your knees in submission and join the movement now, and think how happy you will be as a result, because then, we will all be equal and one great big happy family!


  6. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (12)Stuart Bell says

    It’s been 7 years since BLM was formed. They have raised over $1 Billion Dollars! They haven’t sent 1 poor black child to college or bought school supplies, fed the hungry, donated to a food bank or provided housing to 1 poor black family or 1 neighborhood cleanup.

    Remember to Vote R.E.D. in November

    R emove
    E very
    D emocrat


  7. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (13)Paul Plante says

    With respect to the kind of world progressives like Democrat Kathy Sheehan, the mayor of the sanctuary city of Albany, New York and BLACK LIVES MATTER are going to usher in when they get us all to embrace BLACK LIVES MATTER and its Marxist-inspired agenda to disrupt our stable, law-abiding nuclear families and return us instead to a time of savagery and barbarism, we get a real good glimpse of it in the Albany, New York Times Union story “Suspect in killing of 11-year-old had been released from jail in June – Alleged shooter was released from jail after prosecutor failed to obtain indictment” by Brendan J. Lyons, managing editor, on Sep. 26, 2020, as follows:

    TROY – The 20-year-old Cohoes man charged with fatally shooting an 11-year-old boy in Troy earlier this month had been released from jail in June — where he was being held on robbery, weapons and reckless endangerment — because he had not been indicted within 45 days of his arrest last October.

    Jah Quay E. Brown has a lengthy criminal history dating to at least 2016 that includes arrests for a shooting as well as assaults, robbery and larceny charges, according to court records.

    end quotes

    Jah Quay is a Black dude, and the 11-year old boy he shot was also a Black person, whose life obviously did not matter much at all to Jah Quay, nor did it matter to BLACK LIVES MATTER, because nobody heard even a peep from them about it.

    They don’t like Black people being killed by white people, but they have no problem whatsoever with Black people killing other Black people, because that is what they do, living by the law of the jungle as they do, as opposed to the “white man’s laws” which everybody knows are discriminatory to Black people because they unfairly criminalize things like killing 11-year old children, which takes us back to another Times Union story entitled “Heartbreak in Troy as boy, 11, dies in drive-by shooting – Ayshawn Davis killed Sunday evening by hail of gunfire from moving car” by Massarah Mikati and Kenneth C. Crowe II on Sep. 14, 2020, where we have as background to wit:

    TROY — Elvis Ramos grew up in the Bronx.

    The 47-year-old has held grown men in his arms as they took their last breath.

    But when he saw Ayshawn Davis with a gunshot wound to his head Sunday night, he burst into tears.

    “To see an 11-year-old kid — I can never forget that image,” said Ramos, who lives two houses down from the stoop where the boy was shot on Old Sixth Avenue.

    Ayshawn, staying with a family friend in the North Central neighborhood, was killed in front of 2266 Old Sixth Ave. when someone sprayed bullets from a moving car.

    Police rushed to the scene around 11:40 p.m. Sunday.

    News of the killing rippled across the city Monday, from the boy’s home in Lansingburgh and his elementary school to Jimmy’s Pizzeria, where the boy worked for pocket money.

    Tasheca Medina, an organizer with Equality for Troy, broke down as she mourned what could have been.

    “I’m at a loss for words.”

    “We lost a young man who knew he was going to be a change for his generation,” Medina said.

    Last summer, Spectrum News profiled Ayshawn and told the story of how he had convinced Jimmy’s proprietor Tony Buchanan to let him do chores at the Lansingburgh restaurant.

    “You can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it,” the boy told the station in the September 2019 story.

    Monday, Buchanan’s voice quivered as he stood behind the counter recalling how Ayshawn first came into his Fifth Avenue pizzeria in December looking to work.

    “Can I clean your counter?” the 10-year-old had asked.

    Buchanan pointed out that he already had an employee cleaning the counter.

    “Two’s better than one,” Ayshawn told him.

    Buchanan gave him $5 as well as some milk and pizza after he finished.

    Ayshawn returned to sweep up, whether it was inside or outside.

    “He was definitely a kid with a future,” said Buchanan, who had received numerous telephone calls from people asking if he had heard the news.

    Old Sixth Avenue is a quiet street tucked away from busy traffic just north of downtown Troy.

    In 2015, its basketball courts were considered the turf of the Young Gunnerz gang, and had become increasingly violent and the scene of drug sales.

    A significant law enforcement operation resulted in the arrest of eight Young Gunnerz and 12 associates.

    end quotes

    Yes, indeed, law of the jungle.

    And there we have a clear-cut case of someone who was law-abiding from the type of nuclear family BLACK LIVES MATTER wants to disrupt being deprived of his constitutional right to life by a lawless savage who proclaimed himself judge, juror, and executioner who gunned him down, so that Ayshawn was killed by somebody lawless from the type of society BLACK LIVES MATTER wants to create by disrupting our stable, law-abiding nuclear families and in the process, turning us into a nation of barbarians and savages, where the strong exploit the weak and law of the jungle prevails, which takes us back to the story of Jah Quay, as follows:

    Shane Hug, a local attorney and former Rensselaer County assistant district attorney, was appointed as a special prosecutor in Brown’s case for the weapons and reckless endangerment charges in the city of Albany connected to a drive-by shooting.

    Hug on Friday confirmed that Brown was released from jail in June after his attorney, Gennaro Calabrese, filed a writ of habeus corpus motion seeking his client’s release from custody due to the amount of time that he had been behind bars without being indicted.

    The release took place not long after the coronavirus pandemic had brought New York’s court system to a crawl, including the empaneling of grand juries.

    Hug said he had no grounds to oppose Calabrese’s motion and added that Brown’s release from custody “had nothing to do with bail reform.”

    Brown’s arrest last October took place about two weeks after he was shot in the head on First Street in Albany.

    That shooting left Brown briefly hospitalized.

    He was shot less than a month after the drive-by shooting in Albany in which he was identified by police as the driver of the vehicle from which the shots where fired.

    Those charges, first-degree assault and reckless endangerment, both felonies, led to Brown’s arrest on Oct. 21.

    He was also arraigned on Oct. 24 for an unrelated robbery in Guilderland.

    Brown had been in custody at Albany County jail from late October until he was released on a court order in early June granting the writ motions — one for a robbery charge in Guilderland and the second in the Albany shooting case.

    There was also no grand jury impaneled in Albany County from roughly March to July.

    But an executive order from Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo had stayed pre-trial and speedy trial requirements during the pandemic.

    That means the special prosecutor could have asked for a stay on the motions for a writ that were filed by Brown’s attorney, but apparently did not.

    While he was at Albany County jail earlier this year, Brown also was charged with felony gang assault for an attack on another inmate.

    On Thursday morning, Brown was charged with killing 11-year-old Ayshawn Davis in a drive-by shooting on Old Sixth Avenue on Sept. 13, according to Troy police.

    Brown faces a maximum sentence of life in prison if convicted of second-degree murder.

    Brown told the judge during his arraignment that he was “concerned about my safety and my well-being.”

    end quotes

    So let us all hope that nothing happens to Jah Quay in the hands of the racists and white supremacists who took him into custody for killing that child, or my goodness, BLACK LIVES MATTER will be out there burning down more of civilized society in retaliation.


  8. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (14)Paul Plante says

    Having studied this subject for some time now, all I can say is that these Marxists are peddling some real weird **** with respect to families, and here I am relying on “Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State” by Frederick Engels, which tome was written by Engels after the death of Marx.

    According to the Introduction, after Marx’s death, in rummaging through Marx’s manuscripts, Engels came upon Marx’s precis of “Ancient Society” – a book by progressive US scholar Lewis Henry Morgan and published in London 1877.

    The precis was written between 1880-81 and contained Marx’s numerous remarks on Morgan as well as passages from other sources.

    After reading the precis, Engels set out to write a special treatise – which he saw as fulfilling Marx’s will.

    Working on the book, he used Marx’s precis, and some of Morgan’s factual material and conclusions.

    He also made use of many and diverse data gleaned in his own studies of the history of Greece, Rome, Old Ireland, and the Ancient Germans.

    It would, of course, become “The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State” – the first edition of which was published October 1884 in Hottingen-Zurich.

    It focuses on early human history, following the disintegration of the primitive community and the emergence of a class society based on private property.

    Engels looks into the origin and essence of the state, and concludes it is bound to wither away leaving a classless society.

    Engels: “Along with [the classes] the state will inevitably fall.”

    “Society, which will reorganise production on the basis of a free and equal association of the producers, will put the whole machinery of state where it will then belong: into the museum of antiquity, by the side of the spinning-wheel and the bronze axe.”

    end quotes

    This of course is the mindless belief system that BLACK LIVES MATTER is based on.

    But since we are focused on disrupting the so-called “nuclear” family, let’s go back to the Introduction to see what further we can glean, to wit:

    In 1890, having gathered new material on the history of primitive society, Engels set about preparing a new edition of his book.

    He studied the latest books on the subject – including those of Russian historian Maxim Kovalevsky.

    In 1894, Engels’s book appeared in Russian translation.

    Lenin would later describe it as “one of the fundamental works of modern socialism.”

    end quotes

    And Lenin, of course, is Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (22 April 1870 – 21 January 1924), better known by his alias Lenin, who was a Russian revolutionary, politician, and political theorist who is today a hero figure to the founders of BLACK LIVES MATTER who are ideologues of his.

    Lenin served as head of government of Soviet Russia from 1917 to 1924 and of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1924.

    Under his administration, Russia, and later the wider Soviet Union, became a one-party Marxist–Leninist state governed by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

    Ideologically a communist, he developed a variant of Marxism known as Leninism.

    Born to a moderately prosperous middle-class family in Simbirsk (now Ulyanovsk), Lenin embraced revolutionary socialist politics following his brother’s 1887 execution.

    He moved to Saint Petersburg in 1893 and became a senior Marxist activist.

    In 1897, he was arrested for sedition and exiled to Shushenskoye for three years, where he married Nadezhda Krupskaya.

    After his exile, he moved to Western Europe, where he became a prominent theorist in the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP).

    In 1903, he took a key role in the RSDLP ideological split, leading the Bolshevik faction against Julius Martov’s Mensheviks.

    Following Russia’s failed Revolution of 1905, he campaigned for the First World War to be transformed into a Europe-wide proletarian revolution, which as a Marxist he believed would cause the overthrow of capitalism and its replacement with socialism.

    end quotes

    This is the **** that fills the heads of these BLACK LIVES MATTER founders who want to disrupt our stable, law-abiding nuclear families.

    Getting back to BLACK LIVES MATTER hero, Lenin, we have further, as follows:

    After the 1917 February Revolution ousted the Tsar and established a Provisional Government, he returned to Russia to play a leading role in the October Revolution in which the Bolsheviks overthrew the new regime.

    Lenin’s Bolshevik government initially shared power with the Left Socialist Revolutionaries, elected soviets, and a multi-party Constituent Assembly, although by 1918 it had centralised power in the new Communist Party.

    Lenin’s administration redistributed land among the peasantry and nationalised banks and large-scale industry.

    It withdrew from the First World War by signing a treaty conceding territory to the Central Powers, and promoted world revolution through the Communist International.

    Opponents were suppressed in the Red Terror, a violent campaign administered by the state security services; tens of thousands were killed or interned in concentration camps.

    end quotes

    Ah, yes, the RED TERROR and the suppression of opponents!

    When BLACK LIVES MATTER are advocating for the end of “white supremacy” forever, what ill does that bode for us in this country with white skin who don’t truckle to BLACK LIVES MATTER nor bend the knee to them in submission?

    Something to think about, anyway.

    Getting back to Lenin:

    Widely considered one of the most significant and influential figures of the 20th century, Lenin was the posthumous subject of a pervasive personality cult within the Soviet Union until its dissolution in 1991.

    He became an ideological figurehead behind Marxism–Leninism and thus a prominent influence over the international communist movement.

    A controversial and highly divisive historical figure, Lenin is viewed by supporters as a champion of socialism and the working class, while critics on both the left and right emphasise his role as founder and leader of an authoritarian regime responsible for political repression and mass killings.

    end quotes

    And that is the dude who would describe “Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State” by Frederick Engels as “one of the fundamental works of modern socialism.”

    So there is some necessary background to understanding where this BLACK LIVES MATTER crowd are drawing their ideas from with respect to our stable, law-abiding nuclear families that they want to disrupt, for as Engels said in the book, “(F)or man’s development beyond the level of the animals, for the achievement of the greatest advance nature can show, something more was needed: the power of defense lacking to the individual had to be made good by the united strength and co-operation of the herd,” and “(T)he jealousy of the males prevents the herd, the higher social form, from coming into existence, or weakens its cohesion, or breaks it up during the mating period; at best, it attests its development.”

    So what is the cure?

    Group marriage, the form of family in which whole groups of men and whole groups of women mutually possess one another, and which leaves little room for jealousy.

    But stay tuned, because it doesn’t end there; it only begins!



  9. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (15)Paul Plante says

    So who is Frederick Engels, then, and what relationship does he have with Karl Marx, the spiritual father along with Lenin of the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement that wants to disrupt our stable, law-abiding nuclear families and ultimately do away with the concept of marriage, itself?

    According to his bio, Friedrich Engels, sometimes anglicised as Frederick Engels (28 November 1820 – 5 August 1895), was a German philosopher, historian, political scientist and revolutionary socialist who was also a businessman, journalist and political activist, whose father was an owner of large textile factories in Salford (Greater Manchester, England) and Barmen, Prussia (now Wuppertal, Germany).

    Engels developed what is now known as Marxism together with Karl Marx.

    In 1848, Engels co-authored The Communist Manifesto with Marx and also authored and co-authored (primarily with Marx) many other works.

    Later, Engels supported Marx financially, allowing him to do research and write Das Kapital.

    Marx needed Engels to support him because Marx himself was a loser who couldn’t hold a job because of his radicalism that made him a liability in the workplace, not as asset.

    As to Engels meeting Marx, that occurred in Paris at the Café de la Régence on the Place du Palais, 28 August 1844 and the two quickly became close friends and remained so their entire lives.

    Marx had read and was impressed by Engels’s articles on “The Condition of the Working Class in England” in which he had written that “[a] class which bears all the disadvantages of the social order without enjoying its advantages, […] Who can demand that such a class respect this social order?”

    Marx adopted Engels’s idea that the working class would lead the revolution against the bourgeoisie as society advanced toward socialism, and incorporated this as part of his own philosophy.

    So we can see that Engels is actually the source for some of the Marxist ideology subsequently adopted by the founders of BLACK LIVES MATTER who among other things want to disrupt our stable, law-abiding nuclear families as necessary on the path to socialism, and then communism, where women are expected to be promiscuous as opposed to monogamous.

    Getting back to Engels, we have as follows:

    During this time in Paris, both Marx and Engels began their association with and then joined the secret revolutionary society called the League of the Just.

    The League of the Just had been formed in 1837 in France to promote an egalitarian society through the overthrow of the existing governments.

    In 1839, the League of the Just participated in the 1839 rebellion fomented by the French utopian revolutionary socialist, Louis Auguste Blanqui.

    As to the League of the Just, or League of Justice, it was a Christian communist international revolutionary organization founded in 1836 by branching off from its ancestor, the League of Outlaws, which had formed in Paris in 1834.

    Theodore Schuster founded the League of Outlaws in Paris in 1834.

    He modeled the organization closely after Philippe Buonarroti’s vision of the “Universal Democratic Carbonari” as an egalitarian international revolutionary fellowship organization, perhaps the first of its kind.

    Schuster’s 1834 pamphlet, Confession of faith of an outlaw has been suggested as the first vision of marginalized people joining together in a coming revolution.

    So when BLACK LIVES MATTER co-founder Patrisse Cullors, a protégé of Eric Mann, a former member of the Weather Underground domestic terror organization, which bombed government buildings and police stations in the 1960s and 1970s, who spent years absorbing the Marxist-Leninist ideology tells us “The first thing, I think, is that we actually do have an ideological frame; myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers, we are trained Marxists, we are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories,” this is the kind of horse**** she is referring to, all these secret socieites that are going to usher in the brave new world promised to us all by world communism.

    Getting back to that history, at its peak, the League of Outlaws had about 100 members in Paris and 80 in Frankfurt am Main.

    At this time, Schuster focused his efforts on advocating for the unification of Germany and organized middle-class republicans into the League of Germans.

    As Schuster’s and other key members’ attention was focused on this work, the working class members of the Outlaws rallied around the leadership of Wilhelm Weitling, and this group formed the League of the Just in Paris in 1836 as an offshoot from the League of Outlaws, which league dissipated in 1838 as their members prioritized other associations.

    Members of the League of the Just were German journeymen artisans, primarily tailors and woodworkers, and their stated goal was “the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth, based on the ideals of love of one’s neighbor, equality and justice”.

    This was also referred to by the League as the “new Jerusalem”.

    The motto of the League of the Just was “All men are brothers”.

    They have been described as followers of François-Noël Babeuf and as “utopian-communist”.

    Communism, in its turn, is a philosophical, social, political, economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state.

    As to the ideologies (a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy) embraced by the founders of BLACK LIVES MATTER, Communism includes a variety of schools of thought which broadly include Marxism and anarcho-communism as well as the political ideologies grouped around both, all of which share the analysis that the current order of society stems from capitalism, its economic system and mode of production, namely that in this system there are two major social classes, conflict between these two classes is the root of all problems in society and this situation can only ultimately be resolved through a social revolution.

    The two classes are the proletariat (the working class), who make up the majority of the population within society and must work to survive; and the bourgeoisie (the capitalist class), a small minority who derives profit from employing the working class through private ownership of the means of production.

    According to this analysis, revolution would put the working class in power and in turn establish social ownership of the means of production which is the primary element in the transformation of society towards communism.

    Along with social democracy, communism became the dominant political tendency within the international socialist movement by the 1920s.

    Getting back to history, in 1847, the League of the Just merged with the Communist Correspondence Committee, an organization led by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, creating the Communist League.

    The new group tasked Marx and Engels with writing a political platform for itself and the resulting document was “The Communist Manifesto.”

    As to the Communist Manifesto, originally the Manifesto of the Communist Party, it is an 1848 political document by German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that was commissioned by the Communist League and originally published in London just as the Revolutions of 1848 began to erupt.

    The Manifesto was later recognised as one of the world’s most influential political documents and it presents an analytical approach to the class struggle (historical and then-present) and the conflicts of capitalism and the capitalist mode of production, rather than a prediction of communism’s potential future forms.

    The Communist Manifesto summarises Marx and Engels’ theories concerning the nature of society and politics, namely that in their own words “(t)he history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles”.

    It also briefly features their ideas for how the capitalist society of the time would eventually be replaced by socialism.

    In the last paragraph of the Manifesto, the authors call for a “forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions”, which served as a call for communist revolutions around the world.

    Which brings us up to today and the Marxist-inspired BLACK LIVES MATTER movement.


  10. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (16)Paul Plante says

    It is of note, but not surprising, being considered the typical behavior to be expected from a dogma (a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true)-spouting ideologue (an adherent of an ideology, especially one who is uncompromising and dogmatic) of Marxist-Leninist ideology (a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy) when their dogma and political slogans are being challenged, that the following was reported by POLITIFACT article entitled “Is Black Lives Matter a Marxist movement?” by Tom Kertscher on July 21, 2020, to wit:

    Included on its list of beliefs is one that has drawn criticism as being consistent with Marxism:

    “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.”

    A spokesperson for Black Lives Matter; Kailee Scales, managing director at Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation; and the three co-founders did not reply to our requests for information.

    end quotes

    Did not reply to the requests of POLITIFACT for information?

    Seriously. people, is anybody surprised by that?

    How can they supply any further information, given that what they are spouting is Marxist dogma?

    And dogma is dogma!

    It is not to be questioned, and it doesn’t need to be explained!

    Just believed!

    And that thought takes us back to 1919, when the nascent Soviet Government established the Communist Academy and the Marx–Engels–Lenin Institute for doctrinal Marxist study as well as to publish official ideological and research documents for the Russian Communist Party, which is where this Marxist horse**** being spouted by the founders of BLACK LIVES MATTER has its origins.

    As to the Communist Academy, it was an educational establishment based in Moscow which was intended to allow Marxists to research problems independent of, and implicitly in rivalry with, the Academy of Sciences, which long pre-existed the October Revolution and the subsequent formation of the Soviet Union.

    If that sounds weird, which to a rational person it does, we have to keep in mind that we are not studying how rational people think; we are studying how Marxist ideologues think, which is to say, they don’t.

    They are like sponges, there to soak up the dogma and regurgitate it when squeezed.

    For many years, the Communist Academy was a leading center in the social sciences and played a leading role in the promulgation of the Marxist-Leninist ideology that the founders of BLACK LIVES MATTER are adherents of.

    The Academy’s library was preserved as the Fundamental Library of the Social Sciences, which itself became an important part of the still-extant library of the Institute of Scientific Information of the Social Sciences.

    As to the Marx–Engels–Lenin Institute, it was first established in Moscow in 1919 as the Marx–Engels Institute as a Soviet library and archive attached to the Communist Academy.

    The Institute was later attached to the governing Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and served as a research center and publishing house for officially published works of Marxist doctrine.

    To trained Marxists like the dogma-spouting founders of BLACK LIVES MATTER, doctrine, i.e., the set of beliefs held and taught by the Communist party, are all important and are not be be embellished or deviated from.

    Getting back to the Marx–Engels Institute, it gathered unpublished manuscripts by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin and other leading Marxist theoreticians as well as collecting books, pamphlets and periodicals related to the socialist and organized labor movements in order to produce the ideologues we have today in the persons of the founders of BLACK LIVES MATTER.

    By 1930, the facility’s holdings included more than 400,000 books and journals and more than 55,000 original and photocopy documents by Marx and Engels alone, making it one of the largest holdings of socialist-related material in the world.

    In November of 1931, the Marx–Engels Institute was merged with the larger and less scholarly Lenin Institute (established in 1923) to form the Marx–Engels–Lenin Institute.

    The Institute was the coordinating authority for the systematic organization of documents released in the multi-volume editions of the Collected Works of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and numerous other official publications.

    The Institute assembled and maintained a research library devoted to socialist-related theme, amassing in a little over 10 years a collection of some 400,000 books, pamphlets, and journals, 15,000 manuscripts and 175,000 photocopies of original documents held elsewhere.

    Among these were 55,000 manuscripts by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels alone — far and away the single most important accumulation of such material.

    The Institute included an academic staff which engaged in research on historical and topical themes of interest to the regime.

    The Institute included sections devoted to the history of the First and Second Internationals, the history of Germany, the history of France, the history of Great Britain, the history of the United States, the history of the countries of Southern Europe and the history of international relations.

    Also included were sections working in philosophy, economics, political science and the history of socialism in Slavic countries.

    So when we hear BLACK LIVES MATTER co-founder Patrisse Cullors, a protégé of Eric Mann, a former member of the Weather Underground domestic terror organization, which bombed government buildings and police stations in the 1960s and 1970s, who spent years absorbing the Marxist-Leninist ideology telling us “The first thing, I think, is that we actually do have an ideological frame; myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers, we are trained Marxists, we are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories,” we can see that the well she draws that horse**** from is really quite deep.

    But in the end, it all comes back to it being nothing more than a pocketful of mumbles, because it is all based on memorized slogans, not substance, which is why when asked by POLITIFACT to explain why on their list of beliefs was one that has drawn criticism as being consistent with Marxism, that being “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable,” POLITIFACT was met by silence from BLACK LIVES MATTER spokesperson Kailee Scales, the managing director at Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation; and the three co-founders who did not reply to their requests for information.

    Outside of spouting even more dogma and slogans, there really wasn’t anything any of them could really say!


  11. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (17)Paul Plante says

    Going back to the mindless drivel you have to absorb to be a good Marxist-Leninist like the founders of BLACK LIVES MATTER, who are unable to rationally explain what they mean to the rest of us who don’t bend the knee in submission to them as does Kathy Sheehan, the Democrat mayor of the sanctuary city of Albany, New York, when they state on their list of beliefs one that is consistent with Marxism, that being “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable,” a request for information by POLITIFACT that was met by silence from BLACK LIVES MATTER spokesperson Kailee Scales, the managing director at Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation and the three co-founders because being doctrine and dogma spouters, they really have nothing rational they can say in explanation, because Marxists are indoctrinated, which means they can’t think for themselves, let’s go back for the moment to this statement with respect to the Communist Academy, which would be the source of the dogmna spouted by the founders of BLACK LIVES MATTER, where we had as follows:

    As to the Communist Academy, it was an educational establishment based in Moscow which was intended to allow Marxists to research problems independent of, and implicitly in rivalry with, the Academy of Sciences, which long pre-existed the October Revolution and the subsequent formation of the Soviet Union.

    end quotes

    Said another way as an American who can think for himself would say it, the Marxists have their own variety of “science” which exists to prove that Marxism is right.

    In support of that statement, consider the scholarly article “Marxism and the Philosophy of Science” posted Aug 07, 2019 originally published as “Socialist Alternative” by George Martin Fell Brown (August 1, 2019), where we are informed as follows:

    Marxists are primarily known for their concern with the development of human society and political struggle.

    end quotes

    And there is where we always end up going back to with these Marxists – the STRUGGLE, because for them, the STRUGGLE is what it is always all about.

    The STRUGGLE for BLACK LIVES MATTER is at least two-fold, to wit:

    1) End white supremacy forever; and

    2) Disrupt our stable, law-abiding nuclear families.

    Getting back to Marxist science which underlies the dogma the founders of BLACK LIVES MATTER are spouting, we have:

    As materialists, however, Marxists necessarily look to developments in science and new ways of understanding the material world.

    The Marxist interest in science entails both a search for a scientific understanding of the material forces that shape society, as well as the ways social forces shape our scientific understanding itself.

    Under capitalism, however, the Marxist interest in science hasn’t been accompanied by an embrace of Marxism by scientists.

    Capitalism portrays science as a purely objective phenomenon and considers any attempt at understanding the political implications of science to be an intrusion of ideology into the sphere of objective, scientific neutrality.

    end quotes

    And as a graduate level engineer who is not a capitalist, nonetheless, I too would say science is, and should be, a purely objective phenomenon, so that any attempt at understanding the political implications of science is an intrusion of ideology into the sphere of objective, scientific neutrality.

    Said another way, Marxists cannot be objective, because the purpose of their “science” is to validate the dogma they believe in as trained Marxists.

    Getting back to the Marxist view of “science,” we have further as follows:

    This distrustful attitude of scientists towards Marxism has been exacerbated by the legacy of Stalinism.

    In addition to waging a campaign of bureaucratic counter-revolutionary terror, Stalinism cracked down on significant scientific developments, dismissing genetics, modern physics, and important breakthroughs in psychology, while promoting pseudo-scientific ideas like Lysenkoism.

    All of this was done in the name of Marxism, which made it all the easier for capitalists to hold it up as a warning of the danger of letting politics interfere with science.

    end quotes

    Actually, anybody with a brain in their head who is not blinded by doctrine, dogma and ideology as are the Marxists know that when politics interferes with science, then science becomes pure BULL****, and that doesn’t even require a high school diploma to discern, let along some kind of advanced degree in the psuedo-science of “sociology,” which takes us back to that paper, as follows:

    Through this the forces of both Stalinism and capitalism served to bury a vibrant legacy of genuine Marxist thought concerning questions of science and the philosophy of science.

    With this in mind, the recent republication of Helena Sheehan’s “Marxism and the Philosophy of Science” can only be welcomed.

    Originally written in 1985, but reprinted at the end of 2017, Sheehan’s book recounts a wide history of serious Marxist thought on science starting with Marx and Engels themselves, and going up to the mass workers’ movements of the 1930s and 1940s.

    In keeping with a dialectical conception of science, Marxist ideas aren’t presented as static but evolving through debate and experiment in the face of new scientific and political challenges.

    This is a history of revolutionaries grappling with the scientific revolutions of their day, of a flourishing of scientific development in post-revolutionary Russia, of the strangling of that development under Stalinist degeneration, and of a new wave of politicized scientists in the west coming to terms with the political implications of their work.

    Sheehan reveals the philosophical outlook of Marxism, often termed “dialectical materialism” to be infinitely more vibrant than the Stalinist caricature that persists in the popular imagination.

    More importantly she reveals it to be far more vibrant than the views on science that dominate the capitalist world.

    Western, non-Marxist philosophy of science, has created its own historical lineage of figures like Mach, Carnap, Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos, and Feyerabend.

    This lineage often featured philosophers dramatically overturning the over-simplistic conceptions of their predecessors, only to replace them with new over-simplistic conceptions of their own.

    As Sheehan points out “The trajectory of this tradition, from positivism to the current variety of postpositivist philosophies of science, has reflected the pressure of a complex reality upon conceptions too restricted to give an adequate account of it.”

    end quotes

    And if that last sentence about “(T)he trajectory of this tradition, from positivism to the current variety of postpositivist philosophies of science, has reflected the pressure of a complex reality upon conceptions too restricted to give an adequate account of it” sounds like more ignorant Marxist horse **** based on more slogans and soundbites intended to confuse the reader, that is because it is.

    That is why when confronted with a request from POLITIFACT to explain what they mean by the statement “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable,” that request for information by POLITIFACT was met by silence from BLACK LIVES MATTER spokesperson Kailee Scales, the managing director at Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation and the three co-founders because being doctrine and dogma spouters, they really have nothing rational they can say in explanation, because Marxists are indoctrinated, which means they can’t think for themselves.


  12. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (18)Paul Plante says

    And while we are on this subject of the purpose of Marxist science being to justify Marxism, which means that any and all data that does not justify the thesis is discarded, let’s for the moment go to number 3, titled “The Pairing Family,” in section II, “The Family,” of “Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State” by Frederick Engels, where we have as follows:

    The communistic household, in which most or all of the women belong to one and the same gens, while the men come from various gentes, is the material foundation of that supremacy of the women which was general in primitive times, and which it is Bachofen’s third great merit to have discovered.

    end quotes

    There is what the science of Marxism is all about – proving that communism is a natural and superior state of being to the lifestyles we live in the United States today, with our stable, law-abiding nuclear families that are deemed a threat to the Communistic “herd,” which takes us back to Engels, and through Engels forward in time to BLACK LIVES MATTER and its goal to disrupt our stable, law-abiding nuclear families as a way of ending what they call “white supremacy” forever, to wit:

    The reports of travelers and missionaries, I may add, to the effect that women among savages and barbarians are overburdened with work in no way contradict what has been said.

    The division of labor between the two sexes is determined by quite other causes than by the position of woman in society.

    Among peoples where the women have to work far harder than we think suitable, there is often much more real respect for women than among our Europeans.

    The lady of civilization, surrounded by false homage and estranged from all real work, has an infinitely lower social position than the hard-working woman of barbarism, who was regarded among her people as a real lady (lady, frowa, Frau – mistress) and who was also a lady in character.

    Whether pairing marriage has completely supplanted group marriage in America today is a question to be decided by closer investigation among the peoples still at the upper stage of savagery in the northwest, and particularly in South America.

    Among the latter, so many instances of sexual license are related that one can hardly assume the old group marriage to have been completely overcome here.

    At any rate, all traces of it have not yet disappeared.

    In at least forty North American tribes the man who marries an eldest sister has the right to take all her other sisters as his wives as soon as they are old enough – a relic of the time when a whole line of sisters had husbands in common.

    And Bancroft reports of the Indians of the California peninsula (upper stage of savagery) that they have certain festivals when several “tribes” come together for the purpose of promiscuous sexual intercourse.

    These “tribes” are clearly gentes, who preserve in these feasts a dim memory of the time when the women of one gens had all the men of the other as their common husbands, and conversely.

    The same custom still prevails in Australia.

    We find among some peoples that the older men, the chieftains and the magician-priests, exploit the community of wives and monopolize most of the women for themselves; at certain festivals and great assemblies of the people, however, they have to restore the old community of women and allow their wives to enjoy themselves with the young men.

    Westermarck (History of Human Marriage, 1891, pp. 28, 29) quotes a whole series of instances of such periodic Saturnalian feasts, when for a short time the old freedom of sexual intercourse is again restored: examples are given among the Hos, the Santals, the Punjas and Kotars in India, among some African peoples, and so forth.

    Curiously enough, Westermarck draws the conclusion that these are survivals, not of the group marriage, which he totally rejects, but of the mating season which primitive man had in common with the other animals.

    Here we come to Bachofen’s fourth great discovery – the widespread transitional form between group marriage and pairing.

    What Bachofen represents as a penance for the transgression of the old divine laws – the penance by which the woman purchases the right of chastity – is in fact only a mystical expression of the penance by which the woman buys herself out of the old community of husbands and acquires the right to give herself to one man only.

    This penance consists in a limited surrender: the Babylonian women had to give themselves once a year in the temple of Mylitta; other peoples of Asia Minor sent their girls for years to the temple of Anaitis, where they had to practice free love with favorites of their own choosing before they were allowed to marry.

    Similar customs in religious disguise are common to almost all Asiatic peoples between the Mediterranean and the Ganges.

    The sacrifice of atonement by which the woman purchases her freedom becomes increasingly lighter in course of time, as Bachofen already noted:

    Instead of being repeated annually, the offering is made once only; the hetaerism of the matrons is succeeded by the hetaerism of the maidens; hetaerism during marriage by hetaerism before marriage; surrender to all without choice by surrender to some.
    (Mutterrecht, p. xix.)

    Among other peoples the religious disguise is absent.

    In some cases – among the Thracians, Celts, and others, in classical times, many of the original inhabitants of India, and to this day among the Malayan peoples, the South Sea Islanders and many American Indians – the girls enjoy the greatest sexual freedom up to the time of their marriage.

    This is especially the case almost everywhere in South America, as everyone who has gone any distance into the interior can testify.

    Thus Agassiz (A Journey in Brazil, Boston and New York, 1868, p. 266) tells this story of a rich family of Indian extraction: when he was introduced to the daughter, he asked after her father, presuming him to be her mother’s husband, who was fighting as an officer in the war against Paraguay; but the mother answered with a smile: “Nao tem pai, e filha da fortuna” (She has no father. She is a child of chance):

    It is the way the Indian or half-breed women here always speak of their illegitimate children . . . without an intonation of sadness or of blame….

    So far is this from being an unusual case, that… the opposite seems the exception.

    Children are frequently quite ignorant of their parentage.

    They know about their mother, for all the care and responsibility falls upon her, but they have no knowledge of their father; nor does it seem to occur to the woman that she or her children have any claim upon him.

    What seems strange here to civilized people is simply the rule according to mother-right and in group marriage.

    end quotes

    That is a candid look at the world the Communists want to recreate for all of is alive today.

    To go forward into the Communist future, we really are going far back in our past to a much more primitive time when women were deemed common property and paired marriages, and thus, nuclear families, did not exist.

    And that is going to make us all real happy and there will be no more wars as a result.

    How do I know?

    Marxist science says it is so!


  13. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (19)Paul Plante says

    “I ‘bear no ill-will’ (as Heine says) and nor for that matter does Engels.”

    “Neither of us cares a straw for popularity.”

    “Let me cite one proof of this: such was my aversion to the personality cult that at the time of the International, when plagued by numerous moves — originating from various countries — to accord me public honour, I never allowed one of these to enter the domain of publicity, nor did I ever reply to them, save with an occasional snub.”

    “When Engels and I first joined the secret communist society, we did so only on condition that anything conducive to a superstitious belief in authority be eliminated from the Rules.”

    That is an extract of a letter from modern-day cult hero Karl Marx, spiritual father of the founders of BLACK LIVES MATTER, to Wilhelm Blos in Hamburg dated 10 November 1877, London, 41 Maitland Park Road, N. W., and it is quite relevant to this discussion of BLACK LIVES MATTER because history clearly demonstrates that subsequent to Marx penning those words, a superstitious belief in authority by the Marxists, who properly be called for what they are – cultists – was not only not eliminated from the Rules, but to the contrary, became enshrined in them, so that while Marx spoke to aversion to the personality cult building around him, the fact is that despite his aversion to being made the cult figure he is today, he is in fact a cult figure and to be a Marxist, you have to become a true believer in Karl Marx as your savior and source of your deliverance.

    Thus, you cannot question!

    You can only accept!

    To question makes you suspect!

    If you are suspect, you cannot be a member of the cult.

    As to what you cannot question, the Marxist conception of philosophy of science began with Marx and Engels themselves, which it would logically follow it had to, given that the cult is about them.

    With respect to Marxist science, which exists to prove that everything Karl Marx said is true and uncontrovertible, the previous century before Marx and Engels in the 1800’s saw the enlightenment promise to do away with religious and idealist ideas once and for all with a thorough-going materialist worldview.

    As to a “materialist” worldview, that is an artificial construct, and so, has no concrete meaning, but if you are a Marxist, a true believer, which you have to be to be a Marxist, you treat it as if it were really something concrete,m which it isn’t and can never be, being highly subjective as it is, as opposed to objective.

    Getting back to the philosophy, “Idealism,” in the philosophical sense, refers to the approach that sees ideas or the spirit as the basis of reality, while “materialism” sees the natural universe as the basis.

    By the nineteenth century, materialism had run into hurdles, seeing a resurgence of idealist thought in the form of Hegel, who challenged the rigid, mechanical formulations of the enlightenment ideas.

    Hegel, of course, is 19th Century German philosopher, G.W.F. Hegel, and the term “Hegel’s dialectics” refers to the particular dialectical method of argument employed by Hegel, and subsequently by Marx and Engels, which, like other “dialectical” methods, relies on a contradictory process between opposing sides.

    Hegel’s claim in both the Phenomenology and the Science of Logic that his philosophy relies on a process of “determinate negation [bestimmte Negation]” has sometimes led scholars to describe his dialectics as a method or doctrine of “determinate negation.”

    There are several features of this account that Hegel thought would raise his dialectical method to the level of a genuine science, which it certainly is not, and thus was born the science of Karl Marx that is practiced today by indoctrinated Marxists like the founders of BLACK LIVES MATTER to prove that they are right to disrupt our stable, law-abiding nuclear families.

    As to the relationship between Marx and Engels, and Hegel, they came out of the Young Hegelian movement, which tried to more extensively engage in political struggle.

    And engaging in these struggles brought Marx and Engels back to materialism, but of a different kind than during the enlightenment.

    As to the Young or Left Hegelians, according to, they were the radical disciples of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel who formed a rather amorphous school in Germany between the late 1830s and the mid-1840s, which itself was actually another cult, these Germans being big on personality cults, which would give is Adolph Hitler in the 1930s as a counter-force to the Marxist Communists, who in turn have given us BLACKJ LIVES MATTER here in the United States of America, today.

    They flourished in the middle of the period between the Revolution of 1830 in France, when the reactionary Charles X (r. 1824–1830) was deposed, and the wave of revolutions that swept Europe in 1848.

    The Young Hegelians were thus both the product and the producers of the potent mixture of religion, philosophy, and politics that fermented in Germany during that seminal period.

    Their leading members were David Friedrich Strauss, Arnold Ruge, Bruno and Edgar Bauer, August Cieszkowski, Ludwig Feuerbach, Max Stirner (Johann Kaspar Schmidt), Moses Hess, Karl Marx, and Friedrich Engels.

    That potent mixture of religion, philosophy, and politics that fermented in Germany during that seminal period underlies and underpins the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement today, and we should not kid ourselves that it is otherwise.

    The focal point of the Young Hegelians was the University of Berlin.

    Almost all of them—Bruno and Edgar Bauer, Cieszkowski, Feuerbach, Stirner, Marx, and Engels—had studied philosophy in Berlin.

    Apart from Hess and Engels—both to some extent autodidacts in philosophy since their fathers wished them to go into the family business—all the Young Hegelians wished to go on to teach in some form or another, most of them in universities, though Stirner taught in a high school.

    Their misfortune was that, owing to their unorthodox ideas, the universities were gradually closed to them and they found themselves without jobs and cut off from society.

    Such is the fate of radicals in society when the goal of those radicals is to dismantle or disrupt that society that rejects them for their radical ideas.

    And here let me make reference to Dennis v. United States, 341 U.S. 494 (1951), which was a United States Supreme Court case relating to Eugene Dennis, General Secretary of the Communist Party USA.

    In that case, the Court ruled that Dennis did not have the right under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution to exercise free speech, publication and assembly, if the exercise involved the creation of a plot to overthrow the government.

    So, yes, people, pretty much all my life, especially when young, I have been hearing these Marxists like the BLACK LIVES MATTER founders talking about the overthrow of our government in this country, which is to say, the Marxists talking about making war on those of us who aren’t Marxists to accomplish their goal, which is why I take very seriously this stated goal of BLACK LIVES MATTER to end white supremacy forever, which with the Marxists involves violent means, as we see by going back to Dennis, to wit:

    In 1948, eleven Communist Party leaders were convicted of advocating the violent overthrow of the US government and for the violation of several points of the Smith Act.

    The party members who had been petitioning for socialist reforms claimed that the act violated their First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and that they served no clear and present danger to the nation.

    The trial was held in the Foley Square federal courthouse in New York City, and opened on November 1, 1948; preliminary proceedings and jury selection lasted until January 17, 1949; the defendants first appeared in court on March 7; and the trial concluded on October 14, 1949.

    Prosecutor John McGohey did not assert that the defendants had a specific plan to violently overthrow the US government, but rather alleged that the CPUSA’s philosophy generally advocated the violent overthrow of governments.

    To prove this, the prosecution proffered articles, pamphlets and books (such as The Communist Manifesto) written by authors such as Karl Marx.

    The prosecution argued that the texts advocated violent revolution, and that by adopting the texts as their political foundation, the defendants were also personally guilty of advocating violent overthrow of the government.

    The five attorneys who volunteered to defend the communists were familiar with leftist causes and personally supported the defendants’ rights to espouse communist views.

    The defense employed a three-pronged strategy: First, portraying the CPUSA as a conventional political party, which promoted socialism by peaceful means; second, employing the “labor defense” tactic to attack the trial as a capitalist venture which could never provide a fair outcome to proletarian defendants; and third, using the trial as an opportunity to publicize CPUSA policies.

    The defense deliberately antagonized the judge by making a large number of objections and motions, which led to numerous bitter engagements between the attorneys and Judge Medina.

    Out of the chaos, an atmosphere of “mutual hostility” arose between the judge and attorneys.

    Medina came to believe that the defense attorneys were using the trial as an opportunity to publicize communist propaganda, and that they deliberately disrupted the trial using any means they could.

    Judge Medina attempted to maintain order by removing defendants who were out of order.

    In the course of the trial, Medina sent five of the defendants to jail for outbursts.

    Several times in July and August, the judge held defense attorneys in contempt of court, and told them their punishment would be meted out upon conclusion of the trial.

    On October 14, 1949, after the defense rested their case, the judge gave the jury instructions to guide them in reaching a verdict.

    After deliberating for seven and a half hours, the jury returned guilty verdicts against all eleven defendants.

    The judge sentenced ten defendants to five years’ imprisonment and a $10,000 fine each.

    So, are the Marxists of today like BLACK LIVES MATTER any different?

    A question for our times!


  14. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (20)Paul Plante says

    And Dennis v. United States, 341 U.S. 494 (1951), which was a United States Supreme Court case relating to Eugene Dennis, General Secretary of the Communist Party USA who was advocating for the overthrow of the United States government, is relevant to this discussion of BLACK LIVES MATTER because in 1957, the Supreme Court in Yates v. United States restricted the holding in Dennis, ruling that the Smith Act did not prohibit advocacy of forcible overthrow of the government as an abstract doctrine, which is a very important concept we have to grasp with respect to groups like BLACK LIVES MATTER who have as part of their policy the use of violence against those who don’t bend the knee to them in submission.

    They are free to incite acts of violence, all the time claiming that they are only talking about the violence they are advocating for as an abstract doctrine.

    Yates v. United States, 354 U.S. 298 (1957), was a case decided by the Supreme Court of the United States that held that the First Amendment protected radical and reactionary speech, unless it posed a “clear and present danger.”

    With respect to where we are now, with the Marxist group BLACK LIVES MATTER on the ascendant here in the United States of America in terms of sheer political power wielded by them, as we saw with the huge and menacing BLACK LIVES MATTER banner flying over the entrances of Albany City Hall in the Democrat-controlled sanctuary city of Albany, New York, the decision in Yates was announced on the same day as several other decisions in which communists were on the winning side, including Watkins v. United States and Sweezy v. New Hampshire with the same majority and dissent.

    The day was called “Red Monday” by some anti-communists who disagreed with the decision.

    FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover called the decisions “the greatest victory the Communist Party in America ever received.”

    So while Yates did not overrule Dennis, it rendered the broad conspiracy provisions of the Smith Act unenforceable, and finally, in a Communist victory that would pave the way for BLACK LIVES MATTER to come on the scene today to advocate for violence as an abstract doctrine, in 1969, Brandenburg v. Ohio held that “mere advocacy” of violence was per se protected speech.

    Brandenburg was a de facto overruling of Dennis, defining the bar for constitutionally unprotected speech to be incitement to “imminent lawless action.”

    Welcome to the future.

    The future is now.


  15. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (21)Paul Plante says

    As to the total horse **** nature of the Marxist “science” which supports the BLACK LIVES MATTER goal of disrupting our stable-law-abiding nuclear families here in the United States of America, which so-called “science” is a seething mass of contradictions and inconsistencies held together by a glue made of pig **** and cobwebs, let’s for the moment go back to number 3, titled “The Pairing Family,” in section II, “The Family,” of “Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State” by Frederick Engels, where we have as follows:

    As to how and when this revolution took place among civilized peoples, we have no knowledge.

    It falls entirely within prehistoric times.

    end quotes

    Now, if one is able to actually engage in critical thinking, which is somebody who is not a Marxist, because they cannot think, only absorb, one would look at those two sentences and say out loud, “my goodness, how ridiculous!”

    Because in reality, the reality those of us who are not trained Marxists reside in, if one has no knowledge of something, such as this “revolution” Engels is talking about, then it would logically follow that one cannot talk about it as if it actually did exist.

    But not so a Marxist – for them, it is enough that Engels said it, because when you are a Marxist, yours is not to question!

    So what then was this supposed “revolution” and what relevance does it have to BLACK LIVES MATTER and their goal to disrupt our stable, law-abiding nuclear families?

    Here it is, stated as follows, to wit:

    Thus, on the one hand, in proportion as wealth increased, it made the man’s position in the family more important than the woman’s, and on the other hand created an impulse to exploit this strengthened position in order to overthrow, in favor of his children, the traditional order of inheritance.

    This, however, was impossible so long as descent was reckoned according to mother-right.

    Mother-right, therefore, had to be overthrown, and overthrown it was.

    This was by no means so difficult as it looks to us today.

    For this revolution – one of the most decisive ever experienced by humanity – could take place without disturbing a single one of the living members of a gens.

    All could remain as they were.

    A simple decree sufficed that in the future the offspring of the male members should remain within the gens, but that of the female should be excluded by being transferred to the gens of their father.

    The reckoning of descent in the female line and the matriarchal law of inheritance were thereby overthrown, and the male line of descent and the paternal law of inheritance were substituted for them.

    The overthrow of mother-right was the world historical defeat of the female sex.

    The man took command in the home also; the woman was degraded and reduced to servitude, she became the slave of his lust and a mere instrument for the production of children.

    This degraded position of the woman, especially conspicuous among the Greeks of the heroic and still more of the classical age, has gradually been palliated and glazed over, and sometimes clothed in a milder form; in no sense has it been abolished.

    end quotes

    Engels said it, so therefore, if you are a Marxist, that has to be true, even if the evidence before your eyes tells you it is not true, at all, for if the woman was actually degraded and reduced to servitude and became the slave of man’s lust and a mere instrument for the production of children, how then do we explain Hillary Clinton or Kamala Harris running for president of the United States of America?

    And getting back to Engels, who in turn brings Marx into the discussion, we have:

    Marx adds:

    The modern family contains in germ not only slavery (servitus), but also serfdom, since from the beginning it is related to agricultural services.

    It contains in miniature all the contradictions which later extend throughout society and its state.

    Such a form of family shows the transition of the pairing family to monogamy.

    In order to make certain of the wife’s fidelity and therefore of the paternity of the children, she is delivered over unconditionally into the power of the husband; if he kills her, he is only exercising his rights.

    end quotes

    And there it is, people – that is why BLACK LIVES MATTER are going to disrupt our stable, law-abiding nuclear families – because Karl Marx said the modern family contains in germ not only slavery (servitus), but also serfdom.

    And if Karl said it was true, then to a Marxist, that is all they need to know.

    See how easy it is to be a Marxist?

    No thought required, and no thought allowed!


  16. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (22)Paul Plante says

    And getting back to the Marxist “science” which supports the BLACK LIVES MATTER goal of disrupting our stable-law-abiding nuclear families here in the United States of America being nothing more than a seething mass of contradictions and inconsistencies held together by a glue made of pig **** and cobwebs, let’s first go back to number 3, titled “The Pairing Family,” in section II, “The Family,” of “Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State” by Frederick Engels, where we have as follows:

    As to how and when this revolution took place among civilized peoples, we have no knowledge.

    It falls entirely within prehistoric times.

    end quotes

    Now, focus on this: “As to how and when this revolution took place among civilized peoples ….”

    What they are saying there is that in prehistoric times, there were “civilized” peoples.

    Then we go a bit further, into 4. The Monogamous Family, where we now have this to consider, to wit:

    It (the Monogamous Family) develops out of the pairing family, as previously shown, in the transitional period between the upper and middle stages of barbarism; its decisive victory is one of the signs that civilization is beginning.

    end quotes

    Now, focus in on this: “…. its decisive victory is one of the signs that civilization is beginning.”

    But wait – how can that be?

    If people were already civilized in prehistoric times, as Marx and Engels tell us in one place, then how is it that later in time, civilization is just beginning?

    And the answer is simple – what Marx and Engels are peddling to their cult is pure BULL****, but since their followers are cultists, unable to think for themselves, this seething mass of contradictions and inconsistencies held together by a glue made of pig **** and cobwebs which is Marxist “science” sails right on by them, unchallenged, because to be a Marxist, you don’t challenge, you only accept, which thought takes us to an article in an on-line publication called Quillette published on February 21, 2019 and entitled “What My Days as a Marxist Taught Me About Modern Political Cults” written by C.K. Ryan, where we were informed as follows:

    There was a time when Das Kapital was my bible.

    It sits on one of the bookshelves that line my living room, alongside other artifacts from my youthful foray into Marxism.

    The front cover is worn, the pages slightly frayed.

    For years, I returned to those words, chewing slow on arguments unspooled in archaic prose about labour-power and the appropriation of surplus-value.

    I was certain I’d found the key to understanding the modern world; a truth so pure it would end the oppression of man by man.

    I’ve thought often about that sense of certainty in the years since.

    I turn the memories over in my mind, amazed at my erstwhile fervency.

    The sense that I, a teenager and later a young man, had found the answer to what ails the world in a text of political economy published in 1867….

    That hubris, in retrospect, is shocking.

    end quotes

    Hubris, of course, for those not familiar with the term, is excessive pride or self-confidence, which would certainly also apply to the founders of BLACK LIVES MATTER who also believe that through Marxist ideology and dogma, they too have found the key to understanding the modern world, a truth so pure it would end the oppression of man by man, which in their case requires disrupting our stable, law-abiding nuclear families and ending white supremacy forever.

    Getting back to that article, it continues as follows:

    Although I would have protested the idea then, it’s become clear to me that my former sense of conviction was a secularized form of faith.

    My pretense to holding an atheistic worldview coldly ruled by reason was just that: a pretense.

    Marx may have been correct that religion is the opiate of the masses, but he failed to envision what his materialist conception of history would become to his followers in a secularized world.

    end quotes

    And the answer is that Marx has become a cult hero to his followers and his materialist conception of history has become their bible, plain and simple.

    The article then continues as follows:

    The link between religion and Marxism (or, more recently, identity politics) has been remarked upon by many writers, including here in Quillette.

    Nevertheless, I continue to be struck by how many intelligent and empathetic young people, often on the tail end of a gradual, multi-generational rejection of God, become congregants of the radical left.

    end quotes

    In other words, Marx has become their God, and Marxism has become their religion, which takes us back to that article as follows:

    I’ll use Christianity and Marxism to illustrate the point, but it holds for other religions and ideologies as well.

    Jesus steps onto the world stage to bring forth the word of God, before sacrificing himself for the sins of mankind.

    Marx rises from obscurity after revealing the unfolding logic of history and — by extension — the end point in the social organization of man.

    end quotes

    Except as we saw above, Marx does not reveal any unfolding logic of history – to the contrary, what Marx gives us is a seething mass of contradictions and inconsistencies held together by a glue made of pig **** and cobwebs which is Marxist “science,” where civilization starts to begin after we have been told it already began long ago.

    Getting back to that article, we have:

    The apostles, the closest followers of Christ, dedicate themselves to interpreting and spreading his word.

    The post-Marx Marxists do the same, although the most revered figures vary depending on geography and personal preference.

    For some, it’s butchers such as Stalin and Mao; for me, it was Lenin and Trotsky, the architects of the October Revolution of 1917.

    Perhaps most on the nose: The Czech-Austrian communist theoretician Karl Kautsky, the most well-known follower of Marx and Engels in the immediate aftermath of their deaths, was affectionately called “the pope of Marxism.”

    The Old Testament is replaced by Das Kapital or The Communist Manifesto, and the New Testament by Trotsky’s Permanent Revolution, or Mao’s On Guerilla Warfare, or Lenin’s April Theses.

    Parsing these texts becomes an obsession for generations of true believers.

    The rapture, that bloody apocalyptic end of days, is replaced with revolution.

    And like fundamentalist Christians, many Marxists look forward to it, including the death and terror it would bring.

    end quotes

    Does that include the founders of BLACK LIVES MATTER?

    Something to give some real serious thought to, anyway, in the light of their threats to end white supremacy forever and to disrupt our stable, law-abiding nuclear families.

    Getting back to it one more time, we have:

    Finally, communism marks the manifestation of heaven on earth.

    end quotes

    And how many times have I heard that in my lifetime about communism being the manifestation of heaven on earth!

    But when?

    Getting back to that article, we have:

    The late British-American essayist Christopher Hitchens was a reformed Marxist.

    In his 2007 book, “God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything,” he likened his youthful political convictions to religious faith thusly:

    When I was a Marxist, I did not hold my opinions as a matter of faith, but I did have the conviction that a sort of unified field theory might have been discovered.

    The concept of historical and dialectical materialism was not an absolute, and it did not have any supernatural element, but it did have its messianic element in the idea that an ultimate moment might arrive, and it most certainly had its martyrs and saints and doctrinaires and (after a while) its mutually excommunicating rival papacies.

    It also had its schisms and inquisitions and heresy hunts.

    I was a member of a dissident sect, which admired Rosa Luxemburg and Leon Trotsky, and I can say definitely that we also had our prophets…

    Those of us who had a sort of rational alternative for religion had reached a terminus which was comparably dogmatic.

    end quotes

    Ah, yes – dogmatic, that being inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true.

    Sounds like Marxism to me, anyway – don’t think, just obey!

    And that talk of Marxism being a secular religion, which it is, takes us back to an article in THE HILL entitled “Hillary Clinton: ‘Black Lives Matter’ is ‘very profoundly a theological statement’” by John Bowden on 09/29/20, where we have Hillary as either a true believer herself, or a Marxist running dog, to wit:

    Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says in a new episode of her podcast that she views “Black Lives Matter,” the rallying cry used by thousands of protesters demanding changes in the way Black Americans are treated by police, as a “theological” statement.

    end quotes

    For those who like myself who wish to be totally clear as to what message Hillary is trying to convey there, and to whom, the term “theological” means “relating to the study of theology,” and “theology” is further defined as the field of study and analysis that treats of God and of God’s attributes and relations to the universe; study of divine things or religious truth; divinity, which makes it appear as if Hillary is telling us that the founders of BLACK LIVES MATTER are themselves “divine,” which is to say “of, from, or like God or a god” as in “heroes with divine powers,” which takes us back to THE HILL, as follows, to wit:

    In the episode released Tuesday featuring a conversation between Clinton and the Rev. William J. Barber, a supporter of the “Black Lives Matter” movement and co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign, Clinton explained her thoughts on the phrase.

    “When you think about the very concerted effort by one specific political party to basically own Christianity … it overlooks the role of the African American church, it overlooks, as you say, a lot of theology, a lot of history, it also overlooks this moment in time,” Clinton said.

    “‘Black Lives Matter,’ I view as, you know, very profoundly a theological statement,” she added.

    end quotes

    And my goodness, people, since Hillary said it, who can possibly argue with her logic?


  17. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (23)Paul Plante says

    And staying for the moment with the inane statement by the ditzy airhead Hillary Rodham Clinton saying in a new episode of her podcast that “‘Black Lives Matter,’ I view as, you know, very profoundly a theological statement,” that in the light of BLACK LIVES MATTER co-founder Patrisse Cullors, a protégé of Eric Mann, a former member of the Weather Underground domestic terror organization, which bombed government buildings and police stations in the 1960s and 1970s, who herself spent years absorbing the Marxist-Leninist ideology, telling us in a newly surfaced video from 2015 where she was interviewed by Jared Ball of the Real News Network that she and her fellow organizers are trained Marxists, “The first thing, I think, is that we actually do have an ideological frame; myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers; we are trained Marxists; we are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories,” let us for the moment go back to the Quillette article “What My Days as a Marxist Taught Me About Modern Political Cults” written by C.K. Ryan, the pen name of a Canadian writer and essayist, published on February 21, 2019, where we had as follows, to wit:

    As I can attest, there is a certain comfort that accompanies this mindset, which I suspect is similar to what religious true believers feel.

    It also gives one a sense of purpose, for I was a missionary on the hunt for converts.

    There were times I travelled hundreds of kilometres to participate in demonstrations that had little, if any, connection to my life, except for the hope that one day, perhaps even after my death, my efforts would help usher in the prophesized utopia.

    end quotes

    Keeping in mind that Marx’s pretentious crap in Das Kapital was published one hundred fifty-three (153) years ago on 14 September 1867, we have been waiting for the prophesized utopia promised to the Marxist cultists for some long time now, and long after I am gone from this earth, we will still be waiting for it, for it is a myth, regardless of any religious significance Hillary Clinton may give to the founders of BLACK LIVES MATTER as our latest “saviors,” which takes us back to the essay, as follows:

    There were moments my comrades and I would even acknowledge and poke fun at this aspect of our activism: During a campaign that involved canvassing poor neighbourhoods in a major U.S. city, knocking on door after door, we began referring to ourselves as the Jehovah’s Witnesses of the revolution.

    end quotes

    Ah, yes, people – the revolution!

    If the Marxists did not have the revolution and the prophesized utopia to follow it to peddle to the masses as their opiate, they would have nothing at all, which takes us back to the essay as follows:

    One of the most evident problems with faith-based (or ersatz-faith-based) worldviews is that they arm adherents with a sense of certitude that is corrosive to discourse.

    It leaves them utterly certain that they occupy the moral high ground on every issue, and so the facts must be on their side.

    And if the facts prove uncooperative, they are either ignored, distorted, or simply erased.

    end quotes

    And there with respect to Marxism and BLACK LIVES MATTER, he just said a mouthful, because with them, there is no discourse, nor can there be, since all they have to say are simply more soundbites!

    They cannot rationally justify the tenants of Marxism because those tenants cannot be justified, which takes us to this from that essay, to wit:

    This is something the much-maligned French philosopher Michel Foucault understood quite well, notwithstanding all of the criticism to which he has been subject:

    “The polemi­cist (a person who engages in controversial debate) .…pro­ceeds en­cased in priv­i­leges that he pos­sesses in ad­vance and will never agree to ques­tion.”

    “On prin­ci­ple, he pos­sesses rights au­tho­riz­ing him to wage war and mak­ing that strug­gle a just un­der­tak­ing; the per­son he con­fronts is not a part­ner in search for the truth, but an ad­ver­sary, an en­emy who is wrong, who is harm­ful, and whose very ex­is­tence con­sti­tutes a threat.”

    “For him, then, the game con­sists not of rec­og­niz­ing this per­son as a sub­ject hav­ing the right to speak, but of abol­ish­ing him as in­ter­locu­tor from any pos­si­ble di­a­logue; and his final ob­jec­tive will be not to come as close as pos­si­ble to a difficult truth, but to bring about the tri­umph of the just cause he has been man­i­festly up­hold­ing from the be­gin­ning.”

    end quotes

    And how much like Hillary Clinton does that sound, so perfect in every way as our Hillary really is, which again takes us back to the essay, keeping in mind that Hillary Clinton herself has a TWITTER feed where just two days ago our Hillary TWEETED “historians help tell the story of our lives and who tells it matters; I’m thrilled @UniOfOxford has named Prof. Brenda Stevenson as the first Hillary Rodham Clinton Chair of Women’s History,” as follows:

    My job as a journalist requires me to spend a fair amount of time on Twitter, which I find draining and toxic.

    My feed is a curated list of North American politicos and reporters, which gives me a front row seat on the outrage mobs.

    I’ve concluded that many of the most active and influential culture warriors — the ones in the front pews praying the loudest, and the most ecstatically — are mentally unwell.

    end quotes

    And talk about saying a mouthful there, he has hit a big nail square on the head with respect to these times we now find ourselves mired in, which again takes us back to the essay, to wit:

    One of the best descriptions of the ideologically possessed mind comes to us from Hungarian-British author Arthur Koestler (1905-1983).

    In “The God that Failed,” a 1949 collection of essays written by ex-communists detailing their conversion to, and disillusionment from, Marxism, Koestler wrote:

    “Something had clicked in my brain, which shook me like a mental explosion.”

    “To say that one had ‘seen the light’ is a poor description of the mental rapture which only the convert knows…”

    “The new light seems to pour from all directions across the skull; the whole universe falls into a pattern like the stray pieces of a jigsaw puzzle assembled by magic at one stroke.”

    “There is now an answer to every question, doubts and conflicts are a matter of the tortured past.”

    What is needed in the face of such ideological certainty is a phase shift to a more modest intellectual approach.

    When I look back on my time as a Marxist, I’m struck by how little doubt I experienced.

    The world is an unbelievably complex place composed of infinite shades of grey.

    And anyone who thinks they have it all figured out should be mistrusted on principle.

    Your favorite pundit or political theorist is just that — a pundit or political theorist, not a Moses, Mohammed or Jesus.

    And there is no one ideology that will lead us to an imagined promised land.

    end quotes

    As I say, something to think about, anyway.


  18. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (24)Paul Plante says

    And as if we already did not know it, or possibly could not know it, given all that has gone before concerning the political ascendancy of the Marxist-inspired BLACK LIVES MATTER movement here in the United States of America, and this is according to Queen Empress Kamala Harris, “Corn Pop” Biden’s presidential running mate who is going to use executive orders to go after what she calls “white supremacists” once she gains the oval office, we, the American people, are going to experience what Queen Empress Kamala called in what I construed to be a threatening tone of voice “a reckoning on racial justice,” that utterance coming just days ago on 18 October 2020 when Queen Empress Kamala was appearing at the Iowa Democrat’s Sunday’s Liberty and Justice dinner, with the term “racial justice” remaining undefined by the Queen Empress, so we cannot be sure of exactly what she is talking about, and thus, cannot in any way challenge her in a rational and logical manner, since we are clueless as to what she is on about with this “reckoning on racial justice” blather, where a “reckoning” is defined as “the time when one is called to account for one’s actions, to pay one’s debts,” which thought takes us back to April of 2016 and a CNN article by Dan Merica on April 20, 2016 entitled “Hillary Clinton talks race: ‘We all have implicit biases'” where we were treated to the following, to wit:

    Philadelphia (CNN) – Hillary Clinton bluntly assessed the state of race relations in the United States on Wednesday, telling a mostly African-American audience that racial bias is something that has been part of our “DNA going back probably millennia.”

    end quotes

    Now, before we go any farther with respect to this “reckoning on racial justice” Queen Empress Kamala is promising when she becomes president, let us not kid ourselves that Hillary was anything other than full of horse **** when she told that mostly African-American audience that racial bias is something that has been part of our “DNA going back probably millennia,” because our DNA does not contain “racial bias.”

    According to Medline, our DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms and nearly every cell in a person’s body has the same DNA.

    Most DNA is located in the cell nucleus (where it is called nuclear DNA), but a small amount of DNA can also be found in the mitochondria (where it is called mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA).

    Mitochondria are structures within cells that convert the energy from food into a form that cells can use.

    According to the Ancestry DNA Learning Site, DNA is the basis for life on planet Earth—every living thing has it.

    The function of DNA is to store all of the genetic information that an organism needs to develop, function, and reproduce.

    Essentially, it is the biological instruction manual found in each of your cells.

    DNA is important because it holds all of the genetic information that makes you, you.

    This information is needed for your development and survival and is able to be passed along to the next generation.

    It also influences your traits, ranging from what you look like to the food you like with lots of things in between.

    Given how different you are from someone else, it might seem like everyone’s DNA should be very different from one another.

    Amazingly this is not the case.

    On average, you share around 99.5% of your DNA with someone you are not related to.

    A big part of what makes you unique is found in that 0.5% of your DNA.

    And even though we’re overall more alike than different, everyone’s DNA tells a different story about who their relatives are and where they are from.

    end quotes

    So if in fact “racial bias” is a part of our DNA as Hillary claims, then it would have to be a part of the DNA of the Black folks, as well, which is perhaps why they have such a hatred for people with white skin as they do.

    Getting back to the CNN article, which really was where this talk of “racial justice” and condemnation and demonizing of people with white skin by the Democrasts began, we have:

    “We all have implicit biases,” Clinton said at St. Paul’s Baptist Church.

    “What we need to do is be more honest about that and surface them.”

    “Because today, most people believe that they don’t have those biases.”

    end quotes

    Most people don’t believe they have those biases because they don’t have those biases – they are not so superficial as Hillary that they are obsessed with what color a person’s skin is, which takes us back to the CNN article for more horse **** from Hillary as follows:

    Clinton, a candidate running to be the first person to succeed the first black president of the United States, has talked about race throughout her campaign, acknowledging what she regularly calls “deep seeded racism” that plagues the United States.

    end quotes

    Deep-seeded racism?

    Do tell, Hillary!

    Getting back to Hillary, we have more as follows:

    “We have to be honest about the systemic racism and that particularly is the responsibility of white people, not just people in public life, but all of us, who have to keep trying to put ourselves in the position of what goes through the minds and hearts of so many people in our country who know they aren’t getting a fair shake,” Clinton said.

    “They are not being treated equally and we can’t assume that our experience is somehow enough to guide us.”

    “We have to be open and listening and then responsive.”

    end quotes

    Uh, okay, Hillary, whatever you say.

    And moving right along here with respect to this “reckoning on racial justice” the Democrats are promising us when they take complete control of the national government next year, we come to a New York Times article entitled “In Charleston, Cory Booker Delivers Major Speech About White Supremacy and Gun Violence” by Alexander Burns on 7 August 2019, where we were informed as follows, to wit:

    CHARLESTON, S.C. — Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey called on Wednesday for a national crusade against gun violence and a moral reckoning with the strains of white supremacy “ingrained in our politics since our founding,” as demands for government action continued to mount after two gun massacres last weekend in Texas and Ohio.

    end quotes

    A “moral reckoning,” people?

    And pray tell, exactly what is that term supposed to connote to we, the American people who are sick and tired of hearing Democrats calling everyone they don’t like a “racist,” which itself is a damn stupid term, given that we only have one race of people here in this country, unless of course, Cory Booker thinks people with skin other than white are some other race than human, which would make Cory very stupid indeed?

    Which brings us forward in time to Queen Empress Kamala and a San Francisco Chronicle article entitled “Black Lives Matter co-creator: Biden must choose a Black woman for VP” by Joe Garofoli, the San Francisco Chronicle’s senior political writer, covering national and state politics, on Aug. 3, 2020, where we were treated to the following directive or command from, BLACK LIVES MATTER to “Corn Pop,” himself the epitome of a lying dog-faced pony soldier if there ever was one, as follows:

    Joe Biden will soon choose his running mate, and Black Lives Matter co-creator Alicia Garza says it had better be a Black woman.

    “A Black woman in particular and not just a woman of color,” the Oakland resident told The Chronicle’s “It’s All Political” podcast, because ‘Black voters are who essentially made Joe Biden the presumptive nominee.’”

    “That’s facts on facts.”

    end quotes

    So talk about dividing America on “racial” lines, there we have the Democrat’s game plan in that regards writ large for all to see – a Democrat party hate campaign against people with skin that is white as the Democrats pander for the Black votes to accomplish their “Blue Wave” come November when they hope to control all both houses of Congress and the executive branch, as well, and God help the people with white skin in this country of that fate should befall us, because we are going to need it.


  19. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (25)Paul Plante says

    And while we are on this subject of Marxist horse**** and the gross ignorance and mindlessness it requires of its converts and adherents and fellow travelers; and Queen Empress Kamala and her “reckoning on racial justice” while the Marxist-inspired BLACK LIVES MATTER movement, one of which’s founders demanded of “Corn Pop” Biden that his vice president be “(A) Black woman in particular and not just a woman of color,” which is why we have Queen Empress Kamala as “Corn Pop’s” running mate, are telling us that in accord with Marxist precepts as outlined by Engels in Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State” wherein is stated that the modern individual family is founded on the open or concealed domestic slavery of the wife, and within the family the husband is the bourgeois and the wife represents the proletariat, so that it is plain that the first condition for the liberation of the wife is to bring the whole female sex back into public industry, and that this in turn demands the abolition of the monogamous family as the economic unit of society, that they are going to unilaterally disrupt our stable, law-abiding nuclear families to take us back to the time of the old communistic household, where life will be beautiful all the time, and Democrat Kathy Sheehan, the mayor of the sanctuary city of Albany, New York, taking the knee to BLACK LIVES MATTER in an act of submission, while telling us that we all should embrace the gross ignorance that BLACK LIVES MATTER is peddling as its stock-in-trade, to see where this stupidity is heading, let’s first go back for a minute to an Albany, New York Times Union article entitled “Demonstrators rally outside court for couple arrested while recording police” by Steve Hughes on June 17, 2020, where we have as follows, to wit:

    Addison and Shuman were arrested shortly after they began recording the arrest of another man near the intersection of South Pearl and Arch streets.

    The incident took place days after several rallies – including two that featured clashes between police and protesters – were held in Albany to call for police reforms and an end to police brutality after the May 25 killing of George Floyd, who died after a Minneapolis police officer kneeled on his neck for nearly nine minutes.

    Police accused Addison of inciting a riot and resisting arrest.

    The incident occurred near the police department’s South Station where police and protesters clashed on May 30.

    Shuman was also accused of resisting arrest.

    As videos of the arrest surfaced, Mayor Kathy Sheehan said she was troubled by the behavior of police and the city announced the charges would be dropped.

    The case was referred to the police department’s Office of Professional Standards.

    “The video footage does not appear to depict efforts by police to de-escalate a situation, nor it does it depict the sensitivity I expect from all city employees in this moment and every day,” she said.

    end quotes

    So, okay, a Black dude outside the police station in the sanctuary city of Albany, New York, where Kathy Sheehan has a large, intimidating BLACK LIVES MATTER banner flying above the entrance to Albany City Hall like a gang symbol so you know without a doubt whose turf you are on is inciting to riot, which is a privilege enjoyed by Black folks because they are Black, civil disobedience being one of their human rights, and because the police arrested him, they were wrong because they were not sufficiently sensitive to the needs of the rioters, which resulted in the police being referred to internal affairs for investigation and punishment, which as Hussein Obama would say, is the right thing to do in the upside down New World Order of BLACK LIVES MATTER, which brings us forward in time to another Albany, New York Times Union article entitled “Albany hiring firm to study racial bias in police department” by Steve Hughes on Aug. 24, 2020, where we have as follows:

    ALBANY — The city is hiring a Virginia-based firm to conduct a study of racial bias in the Albany Police Department.

    Chief City Auditor Dorcey Applyrs said the city will pay CNA, a nonprofit research and analysis organization that got its start tracking Nazi U-boat attacks, $80,000 to do the audit along with members of her staff.

    At a brief news conference in front of City Hall, Applyrs said that in order for the city to make the right decisions about its police department, it needed to understand the extent of any implicit or racial basis in the department.

    “We must use all of our platforms to promote racial justice and begin the healing we so desperately need in cities all across our nation,” she said.

    end quotes

    Ah, yes, people – promote racial justice!

    Sounds great, does it not?

    And it is a powerful sound-bite, all in all, because who would want to be on record as not wanting to promote racial justice.

    As to the Hon. Dr. Dorcey Applyrs, she is a very accomplished young Black woman who moved to Albany in 2003 to pursue graduate-level education and since has earned a master’s degree and doctorate in public health from the University at Albany School of Public Health and she serves as Clinical Associate Professor in the Health Policy, Management, and Behavior Department and is a member of the Dean’s Advisory Council and Community Advisory Council and also serves as the Subject Matter Expert for the School’s Center for Public Health Continuing Education, which sort of puts the lie to the premise of “systemic racism” in this country, along with Hillary Clinton’s “implicit bias” being a part of our DNA, because if there was systemic racism, the Hon. Dr. Dorcey Applyrs would be none of those things, period.

    She is also listed as a NewDEAL leader in Albany where the NewDEAL is a national network of rising state and local elected leaders who are pro-growth progressives, and their mission, according to their website, is to bring together leaders focused on expanding opportunity and to help them develop and spread innovative ideas to spur economic growth that is broadly-earned and sustainable, which they do by connecting the NewDEAL Leaders with each other to exchange ideas, and connecting them with other pro-growth progressive political, policy, and private sector leaders, which network includes their Honorary Chairs, former Delaware Governor Jack Markell and U.S. Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, as well as their Honorary Regional Chairs: Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, U.S. Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey, U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware, U.S. Senator Gary Peters of Michigan, U.S. Congresswoman Kathleen Rice of New York, California Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, former Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman, former Miami Mayor Manny Diaz, and former Houston Mayor Annise Parker, so how about that for star power!

    Getting back to the Times Union article, we have further as follows, to wit:

    Applyrs’ decision to hire a firm was made in part by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s executive order requiring municipalities do comprehensive reviews of their police departments and develop plans to reform them.

    Cuomo’s order came in the wake of protests in New York and around the nation after the May 25 killing of George Floyd, who died after a Minneapolis police officer kneeled on his neck for nearly nine minutes.

    The audit will examine the department’s internal operations, policies and procedures, looking for evidence of implicit and racial biases and how they impact city residents.

    Auditors will be looking at data related to traffic stops, use of force and other department interactions with the public over a five-year period.

    CNA was chosen among seven firms that submitted proposals, Applyrs said.

    CNA did a similar audit in Charleston, S.C. and is working on one in Chicago.

    “We were looking for a firm who could balance the understanding of communities of color…but also a firm who understands law enforcement culture,” she said.

    Its examination of Charleston’s police department found racial disparities in traffic stops, poor data-collection practices, lack of clarity in policies on use of force, failures to fully engage parts of the city’s community as well as issues around accountability, according to the firm’s summary of the report.

    The firm’s working on policing reform is done through its Center for Justice Research and Innovation.

    Earlier this month, Mayor Kathy Sheehan created a 37-member working group that is expected to develop a plan to reform the city’s police department.

    Sheehan said she had discussed the planned audit with Applyrs and the city recognized that it needed outside help to do a in-depth examination.

    “I think this is a great opportunity to bring in a third party to really help us understand what our data tells us, what’s missing, how to collect data we’re not collecting and most importantly — how do we report that out to the community on a regular basis in a transparent way.”

    end quotes

    Which in a very surreal and bizarre manner brings us to present time and yet another Albany, New York Times Union article, this one appropriately entitled “Albany Common Council seeks outside help to deal with violence – Police arrest three in connection with Monday drive-by” by Steve Hughes on Oct. 21, 2020 where we have the results of what happens when “progressive” Democrats like Kathy Sheehan of Albany cripple their police departments to appease BLACK LIVES MATTER, to wit:

    ALBANY – Common Council members all but demanded the city bring in outside law enforcement agencies to help deal with a historically violent year in its borders.

    Councilors spoke in favor of the move, with one going as far as to call on the city to declare a state of emergency after two men were wounded in a drive-by shooting in the city’s South End while the Council was meeting Monday evening.

    The shooting on Mount Hope Drive was the fifth shooting in 48 hours and at least the third time this year six or more people had been shot within a two-day span in the city.

    At least 116 people have been shot in the city so far this year, with 16 homicides.

    end quotes

    Yes, people, that’s what happens when people like Kathy Sheehan of Albany punish their police officers for not being “sensitive” enough to the howlers and rioters and lawless savages that roam freely in their sanctuary cities when the police attempt to enforce the law against Black people, which is considered racial injustice – you get lawlessness, and that is exactly what it looks like in real life, because to these savages, no lives matter, whatsoever.

    And as to this so-called “racial justice,” here is a definition I was finally able to come across, to wit:

    “Racial justice is the systematic fair treatment of people of all races, resulting in equitable opportunities and outcomes for all.”

    “Racial justice — or racial equity — goes beyond ‘anti-racism.’”

    “It is not just the absence of discrimination and inequities, but also the presence of deliberate systems and supports to achieve and sustain racial equity through proactive and preventative measures.”

    end quotes

    All of which is bunkum, piffle, balderdash, twaddle, codswallop, tosh, claptrap, gibberish, tommy-rot, buncombe, and a farrago to boot as we clearly see by returning to reality in the Age of BLACK LIVES MATTER, where no lives matter, as follows:

    The city needs to realize it has a gang problem and to rely on outside law enforcement, such as the Albany County Sheriff’s Department, to help deal with it, said Council President Corey Ellis.

    end quotes

    For the record, Corey Ellis is himself a Black dude.

    Moving right along, we have more of the aftermath of what happens when “progressive” Democrats like Kathy Sheehan of Albany make the police out as the criminals in need of reform, as opposed to the real criminals who seek sanctuary in her city, as follows:

    Councilman Owusu Anane went further.

    “As a result of these unprecedented shootings, I think we need to look at calling a state of emergency to address the frequent violence that is occurring in our streets,” he said.

    end quotes

    As a result of these unprecedented shootings, quite frankly, I think the Common Council needs to look at Kathy Sheehan and the responsibility she shares in promoting that violence by punishing the police for enforcing the law.

    Getting back to the story, we have:

    Other councilmembers noted that for months they had been talking about rising violence in their neighborhoods and welcomed conversations about further resources.

    “We need resources out there,” said Councilwoman Sonia Frederick, who represents part of the South End.

    “We need to address this issue because this continues to happen.”

    end quotes

    We need to address this issue because this continues to happen?

    What a crock of crap that is when the City of Albany is going to spend $80,000 of taxpayer money not on enforcing the law, but instead on proving the Albany police are racists!

    As I say, bizarre and surreal, but hey, it is the Age of BLACK LIVES MATTER, so that is the new normal now!

    So we just better get used to it, because it is now here to stay!


  20. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (26)Paul Plante says

    “Look, they’re good people!”

    That’s probably what a white cop in Democrat Kathy Sheehan’s sanctuary city of Albany, New York, where a large intimidating BLACK LIVES MATTER banner over the entrance to city hall in that city makes it clear, like a gang symbol, whose turf you are on in that city, who just got his *** suspended for being a “racist” is saying to himself today, as we see from the Albany, New York Times Union article “Albany officer suspended for racist remarks caught on camera; Called Black people ‘the worst … race’; chief denounces recording as ‘shocking and appalling'” by Steve Hughes on Nov. 12, 2020, where we have the details, as follows:

    ALBANY – A city police officer was suspended without pay after an Albany County sheriff deputy’s body camera recorded him calling Black people “the worst f__ing race.”

    end quotes

    Now, what is truly ironic here is that this suspended Albany police officer is not saying anything that Candace Amber Farmer (née Owens; born April 29, 1989), who is Black and an American conservative author, commentator, and political activist known for her criticism of Black Lives Matter, is also saying, which takes us back to that story as follows:

    David W. Haupt, who joined the force in 2016, was suspended for 30 days on Wednesday after the Albany County district attorney’s office turned the footage over to the department late Tuesday evening.

    Chief Eric Hawkins, who took over the department in 2018, described Haupt’s comments as some of the most “shocking and appalling” he had heard in his 30 years in law enforcement.

    end quotes

    And quite truthfully, that sounds like melodramatic bull**** coming from the chief there, who is Black, because if one listens to Candace Owns, who is Black, one realizes that there is nothing either shocking or appalling about what the cop said, but the chief, who has already taken the knee in submission to BLACK LIVES MATTER along with Mayor Kathy, is an actor on a stage here, and so he has to ham it up for his BLACK LIVES MATTER handlers if he wants to keep his job by acting as if he has never heard that before, which takes us back to the story for more as follows:

    “It’s inappropriate; it does not reflect the values of the men and women in this department,” he said.

    end quotes

    And that is more bull****, because what that cop said does in fact reflect what a lot of people are thinking as they watch the black-on-black carnage the savages in Albany are perpetrating on each other and are appalled by it, as they should be.

    Getting back to the story, it continues as follows:

    The unnamed deputy and Haupt are pumping gas into the police officer’s patrol car.

    The sheriff’s department began placing deputies in city police patrol cars earlier this year to help support the department as it dealt with a historically violent year in which more than 120 people have been shot.

    The deputy’s body camera appears to have been accidentally activated in the middle of their conversation.

    “Literally it does get old,” the deputy says on the recording, “because literally every day, it’s not like it’s an overwhelming 50-percent-to-50-percent shot where you get a call and they’re like, ‘Yeah, a white male — ,’ or, you know what I mean.”

    end quotes

    And here is where the Albany cop should have stepped in and said, “Look, they’re good people, good people, stop right now saying bad things about them because they’re good people and I don’t want to hear any more bad things said about them.”

    Then things would have been alright if he had praised the savages who had committed those more than 120 shootings in mayor Kathy’s sanctuary city of Albany, New York, where if you are a criminal, you’ll find both sanctuary and solace, not having to fear the police, who mayor Kathy keeps on a very tight leash, so the criminals in her sanctuary city will feel safe from harm, but he didn’t and there is where he went wrong, as we see by going back to the story, as follows:

    Haupt replies, “My buddies listen to the scanner and they send me texts all the time, and they go, ‘Is the suspect ever a white male?’ and I go ‘No.’”

    “I know it sounds terrible to say, but I don’t give a f__ what anybody says, I sincerely don’t.”

    “Because bro, they are the worst f__ing race and I don’t — you can’t deny, like, over the last X amount of months, they are — you know because we work together — they are getting worse and worse, and people are defending that.”

    “Are you f__ing kidding me?”

    end quotes

    Candace Owens, who is Black, says the same thing about things are getting “worse and worse,” which they clearly are in mayor Kathy’s lawless sanctuary city of Albany, New York and “people are defending that.”

    Things in the sanctuary city of Albany, New York where this cop just got suspended for speaking the truth as he sees it, are indeed getting worse and worse because mayor Kathy is ham-stringing the police in that city and is rendering them neuter in her own bid to stay on the right side of her BLACK LIVES MATTER controllers so they won’t burn down her city in retaliation if she doesn’t kneel to them and truckle, which takes us back to the story for more, as follows:

    Mayor Kathy Sheehan said she learned of the incident Wednesday evening and saw the footage Thursday.

    She called Haupt’s remarks “blatantly racist,” and that she expects the investigation to result in his termination.

    “As mayor, I wanted to ensure that this individual was not on the job until we have an understanding of what occurred here,” Sheehan said.

    “And that statement in and of itself can be construed no other way that being a racist statement that does not reflect the values of the Albany Police Department.”

    end quotes

    Which under her administration means the values of the Albany Police Department dictate that the white cops should be subservient and coddle the savages committing all those shooting and when asked, only say very nice things about them, like “They’re good people, good people all of them, and I don’t want to hear any different.”

    Then they will know their jobs are safe and mayor Kathy won’t fire them for daring to speak the truth as they see it.

    And that is life today in a time of BLACK LIVES MATTER, while no other ones do, at all.

    Welcome to the New World Order!

    And if you value your life, stay the hell out of mayor Kathy’s violent sanctuary city of Albany, New York.


  21. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (27)Paul Plante says

    And staying with what can only be called more yet BLACK LIVES MATTER bull**** intruding further into our lives, where a violent minority segment of society spouting Marxist horse**** from the Communist manifesto is dictating to the majority how we must think, this now coming to us from the Black police chief of the lawless, violent Democrat-controlled sanctuary city of Albany, New York under mayor Kathy Sheehan, both of whom take the knee to and grovel to BLACK LIVES MATTER as theur master, let’s go to the Albany, New York Times Union article “Albany plans to fire officer over racist rant; releases video of remarks – But termination of Officer Daniel Haupt could take months under New York’s arbitration process” by Steve Hughes on Nov. 13, 2020 where we have as follows:

    ALBANY – As the police department released video of the officer’s racist remarks, the police chief took steps Friday to fire the patrolman who was caught on tape calling Black people “the worst f__ing race.”

    The department released the video Friday afternoon after refusing to disclose it when the Times Union on Thursday published a transcript of Haupt’s comments to an Albany County sheriff’s deputy.

    Police Chief Eric Hawkins said there was no place in society or in police departments for Haupt’s remarks.

    end quotes

    No place in society for Haupt’s remarks?

    Oh, really, chief.

    And there you are dead wrong, chief, because one, you don’t tell society what it is we should be thinking, this not being a police state where we are told what we can think or say by a Black police chief who made a mockery of his badge, his oath and the law the day he got down on his knees and groveled to BLACK LIVES MATTER; and two, what there is no place in civilized society for is this endless Black violence committed by these lawless savages that mayor Kathy of Albany wants coddled and cuddled and caressed by her police; violence that day after day after day all of us who obey the law and have law-abiding, stable nuclear families these savages want to disrupt to take us back to the primitive state of barbarism and tribalism they are stuck in, while the rest of civilization has advanced into a more modern age these savages are trying to dismantle.

    That is what there is no place in society for, and we, the people, who don’t commit these senseless acts of violence these savages do resent being told otherwise, just as we resent this police officer being fired for expressing his thoughts about the world he is forced to have to deal with day after day after day – a world where an escalation of violence by these savages who act like ravening beasts has left more than 120 people shot and 16 dead in Kathy Sheehan’s lawless sanctuary city of Albany, New York where the criminals are coddled and their victims can go to hell, because in the scheme of things in Albany, New York, they don’t count for anything – just some collateral damage is all, nothing to see here, folks, everybody go back home and get down in your basem*nts and don’t dare to think any bad thoughts about these savages destroying civilized society in Albany, New York.

    And going back to the comments of this police officer the chief is going to fire, a police officer who is quite obviously and rightfully totally disgusted, as are the majority of us, with what he has to confront each day of his life in Kathy Sheehan’s lawless and violent sanctuary city of Albany, New York where the police officers are expected to, and now required to coddle the criminals, not protect their victims from thems, that this police chief who gets down on his knees in submission to BLACK LIVES MATTER and their Marxist agenda says have no place in society, which is horse****, they are as follows:

    The deputy’s body camera appears to have been accidentally activated in the middle of their conversation and starts recording as the deputy complains that that majority of their calls involve Black residents.

    Haupt replies, “My buddies listen to the scanner and they send me texts all the time, and they go, ‘Is the suspect ever a white male?’ and I go ‘No.’”

    “I know it sounds terrible to say, but I don’t give a f__ what anybody says, I sincerely don’t.”

    “Because bro, they are the worst f__ing race and I don’t — you can’t deny, like, over the last X amount of months, they are — you know because we work together — they are getting worse and worse, and people are defending that.”

    “Are you f__ing kidding me?”

    end quotes

    People are defending the violence and those who commit the violence, and those people who are doing that defending are mayor Kathy Sheehan and her Black police chief, Eric Hawkins, who is fast becoming the best friend a violent criminal in the city of Albany could have, and this police officer, whose life in put in jeopardy each time he has to confront those lawless savages, has every right as an American citizen to express his disgust with that situation, where police are expected to be nice to the savages and respect their feelings and be sensitive to their needs as savages as opposed to upholding law and order, which does not exist in Albany, New York, thanks to Kathy Sheehan and Eric Hawkins, who is more interested in imposing and enforcing thought control on civilized society in Albany, New York than he is on enforcing the law and keeping people safe from the violent savages that Kathy Sheehan wants coddled in her city so they don’t feel bad about themselves.

    All in all some pretty incredible stuff when a police chief in Albany, New York who takes the knee to BLACK LIVES MATTER now thinks he can tell society how it is that we have to think, and for the record, I’m standing with this police officer who is sick and tired of putting his life and future in jeopardy in Albany, New York, and I sincerely hope he fights his firing to the max by standing up to this police chief who is on the side of the lawless savages, not law and order and who has proven himself not worthy of wearing the badge in what is the capital city of the state of New York.


  22. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (28)Paul Plante says

    And tracking the dissemination and propagation of this BLACK LIVES MATTER bull**** back to its sources, we come to an editorial in the Albany, New York Times Union, a Hearst Communications publication, by Rex Smith, the editor-at-large who leads the Times Union editorial board, entitled “Rex Smith: Confronting racism (we’d rather not)” on Nov. 14, 2020, where we have as follows from Rex, to wit:

    Twice this week, I’ve been engaged in thoughtful conversations about whether local police are infected by racism.

    Then a video emerged showing an Albany cop spewing a shocking racial epithet.

    That put a pretty clear punctuation mark to all the talk.

    Here it comes: There’s racism in policing.


    end quotes

    Now, so we know who is speaking here, and who it is that we are listening to in this discussion of “racism” in policing, according to his bio, Rex Smith was named editor of the Albany Times Union in July 2002 and previously, Smith had been the paper’s managing editor/news.

    Smith has spent over two decades in newspaper reporting and editing, including 15 in New York State’s Capital Region.

    He has been a key player on the team that helped the Times Union win recognition as the best newspaper in its circulation class in New York State.

    Smith has spent 11 years in journalism in key editing roles with Capital Region newspapers, but his introduction to the area came in 1987 when he was named Albany bureau chief and national correspondent for Newsday, the Long Island newspaper he joined as a reporter in 1980.

    In 1991, he became editor of The Record in Troy, N.Y., before joining the Times Union in 1995 as managing editor/news.

    Smith began his newspaper career in 1974 as managing editor of the Rensselaer Republican in Rensselaer, Ind., then worked as a legislative aide and press secretary to U.S. Rep. Floyd Fithian, D-Ind., from 1975 to 1979 before going to graduate school.

    He holds a bachelor of arts, cum laude, in American studies from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, and a master of science from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.

    Smith is a past president of the New York State Associated Press Association, was a Pulitzer Prize juror in 2001 and 2002, and is a host of “The Media Project,” a nationally syndicated weekly program produced by Northeast Public Radio.

    end quotes

    So, Rex Smith never served in the military in combat, and he has never been a police officer, which is an important distinction in this case of this Albany Police Officer he is running down and discrediting here, as Rex sits in his well protected and secure ivory tower office in the Times Union building, which is in Colonie, New York, not Albany, because while it was in Albany, that area became too unsafe so the Times Union pulled out and went to safer grounds out in the suburbs where the savages the Albany Police have to deal with on a daily basis don’t live.

    Getting back to the editorial, self-righteous “Ivory Tower Rex” continues as follows:

    No, maybe we need a semicolon or a dash — because this is not a problem only in the ranks of the police, nor is it probably found more frequently among cops than in the broader society.

    In fact, since police agencies routinely put personnel through training aimed at fighting implicit bias, it might be true that police are less imbued with racism than the rest of us.

    end quotes

    Less imbued with racism than the rest of us, Rex?

    How about less imbued with racism than you are, given that you have no clue who we are out here outside of your cloistered ivory tower, and you don’t know how we think and you sure as hell do not speak for us, or get to clump us all into your basket of deplorables, as if you were another Hillary Clinton.

    Getting back to Rex, he continues as follows:

    And given how starkly race divides our communities, you may see racism among police more often just because there is more interaction between the races when law enforcement is involved.

    It’s easy to decry racism if you’re a white person who rarely encounters a Black person.

    Tut, tut.

    end quotes

    Tut tut?

    Who in the United States of America, and more specifically, the Capital District area of New York, rarely encounters a Black person?

    There are Black people all over the Capital District who are very decent people who have families they care about and jobs they go to where they are encountered by white people who happen to be their friends and associates, and even someone like myself out in the country encounters Black people all the time, precisely because they are a part of the community.

    BUT, those are not the Black folks the cops in Albany encounter, because the cops in Albany aren’t going after those folks; to the contrary, the cops in Albany have to deal with the lawless savages who prey on those decent folks, gunning down their children in acts of wanton violence, because that is what savages do.

    And it is those savages this Albany cop, in a private conversation, was decrying!

    So, is that racism?

    Or is that a bias a cop has against criminals?

    Getting back to self-righteous and pompous Rex, he goes on yet further as follows:

    But it matters more when racism emerges from the thin blue line, in no small part because we have put so much of our society’s well-being into the hands of cops these days.

    We need them to be better than we are, not just as clueless or callous.

    end quotes

    Not as clueless or callous?

    Speak for yourself about being clueless and callous, Rex.

    And stop portraying us as ignorant racist, venom-spewing white trash because that happens to be the lens you look through at life from your secure ivory tower.

    Stop projecting yourself onto the rest of us who don’t share your racist perspective concerning the Black folks in OUR communities who are our neighbors and friends.

    Getting back to the editorial:

    On Thursday, Albany police Chief Eric Hawkins suspended Officer David Haupt without pay after a body camera inadvertently caught Haupt calling Black people “the worst f…ing race.”

    Haupt well understood that his comment was detestable; he had preceded the remark by saying, “I know it sounds terrible to say, but I don’t give a f… what anybody says.”

    “I sincerely don’t.”


    Since he (sincerely!) doesn’t care what I say, let’s go with this: The man shouldn’t be a cop.

    end quotes

    What I am hearing there is a human being who is disgusted with what he has to encounter on a daily basis, while other people like Rex Smith get to live comfortable protected lives far from the violence, and who has been pushed to the limits of his endurance, and should be considered disabled and placed on disability status due to PTSD, which comes from having to look at too many dead children, and grieving parents and traumatized neighbors who want to know why this is happening to them, and why people like him are doing nothing to stop it, when persons like him, who are daily living in hell in Black Town in Albany, New York with their hands tied by Democrat mayor Kathy Sheehan, are powerless to stop the violence, but instead, day after day after day must live with it, which makes anybody sick to their stomach after a while, regardless of how strong a person they might be.

    For the record, the essential diagnostic feature of PTSD is a person confronted with experiences which can be considered “outside the realm of human experience,” which very adequately describes what these Albany cops dealing with these savages in Albany, New York are forced to go through o a daily basis, with their lives in jeopardy along with their careers if they happen to look cross-eyed at one of these savages, or “diss” them in some way, which will have Kathy Sheehan demanding that they be fired, which constitutes the creation of a hostile work environment for these cops by Albany mayor Kathy Sheehan, who wants these savages coddled and cuddled by her police officers, if they are to remain in her good standing, which takes us back to Rex and his editorial, to wit:

    Mayor Kathy Sheehan said she expects Haupt will be fired.

    You go, Mayor.

    end quotes

    And the honest, law-abiding people in Albany, New York would be a whole lot better off if she did, but last I checked, she was still in office and seemed to have no plans to leave anytime soon, which is to the detriment of everybody in Albany except the lawless savages.

    And there for the moment, I will pause for you to reflect on where it is we are going in this country, when the lawless savages in this country get the protection of the law and the cops who are to enforce it are vilified by ivory tower people like Rex Smith of the Albany Times Union.


  23. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (29)Paul Plante says

    And continuing on with the tracking of the dissemination and propagation of this BLACK LIVES MATTER bull**** back to its sources, we come back to the editorial in the Albany, New York Times Union, a Hearst Communications publication, by Rex Smith, the editor-at-large who leads the Times Union editorial board, entitled “Rex Smith: Confronting racism (we’d rather not)” on Nov. 14, 2020, where he continued as follows, to wit:

    But let’s not feel smug, white people, if one dumb cop is drummed out of the department.

    We ought to know that we share the blame for the ugly reality that his words reflect.

    end quotes

    WE share the blame?

    Oh, really, Rex.

    And how is that?

    Are we the white people in America responsible for the creation of those lawless Black savages in the Democrat-controlled sanctuary city of Albany, New York that the Times Union skedaddled from years ago because it wasn’t a safe environment, who are terrorizing the Black community down there?

    If you think that, Rex, you’re stupid, plain and simple.

    If anyone is responsible, it would be Kathy Sheehan, the mayor of Albany, not the white people of America.

    So stop trying to pin that rap on us as if we created those savages in Albany who we have absolutely no control over, whatsoever.

    end quotes

    Getting back to more of Rex, we have:

    Imagine being black in Albany, white folks — or anywhere else in America, because the divide is visible everywhere.

    end quotes

    And there is more bull**** from Rex, because every day in America, millions of Black people who have raised children who are decent and productive and courteous and polite get up in the morning just like white folks do and then like white folks, they go to work in the same community as the white folks are in, where they are doctors, lawyers, nurses, police officers, police chiefs, etc.

    So yes, imagine being Black in Albany, and in most cases, it won’t be any different than imagining what it is like to be white in Albany, or Chinese, in Albany, or Korean in Albany, or Vietnamese in Albany, or Mexican in Albany or Puerto Rican in Albany.

    And Rex, how does it feel to be white in Colonie in your secure ivory tower office in the Times Union building where you are protected from those Black people and where you don’t have to interact with them as do the rest of us who live normal lives here in America?

    Getting back to Rex, he goes on as follows in a concerted effort to prove conclusively that you can be dog stupid and still be an editor for the Hearst Communications flagship publication the Albany Times Union, even though it is no longer in Albany, to wit:

    Black people make up 13 percent of the U.S. population, but 23 percent of the COVID-19 deaths, which isn’t surprising since a far larger share of Black Americans don’t have health insurance.

    end quotes

    What on earth does having or not having health insurance have to do with COVID?

    The president of the United States of America who arguably has the best healthcare in the world afforded him caught COVID, as did his wife, and as did many other high ranking government officials in that town, precisely because there is no preventative for COVID that health insurance can provide, so that is pure hyperbole that Rex is feeding us there, and it is incredible that he is trying to place the blame for Black folks having COVID over onto white folks, as if the white folks are using COVID as a means of killing off the Black folks, which is hysteria on his part.

    Getting back to Rex:

    Are cops called disproportionately to Black neighborhoods, which is what Haupt was ranting about when he slurred a whole race?

    Of course.

    Why do you suppose that is so?

    end quotes

    Well, Rex, given that you phrased the question as “Are cops called disproportionately to Black neighborhoods,” with emphasis on the operative word “called,” as in a complaint has been made from a member or members of the community, unless you are implying or stating that the Albany Police themselves are phoning in complaints, which is a ridiculous assertion, I would have to suppose that that is so because the people calling in those complaints feel threatened enough to do so, which then casts doubt on the use of the word “disproportionately” in that sentence, where in the English language we common folks who aren’t ivorym tower newspaper editors use, the word “disproportionately” is defined as “to an extent that is too large or too small in comparison with something else.”

    Are you saying, Rex, that there needs to be more violence in the white and Asian and Hispanic sections of Albany to balance out all the violence in the Black section so as to make everything equal?

    What balderdash!

    Rex then comes to his conclusion as follows:

    We are all products of our heritage and our environment, and more than a century and a half after slavery ended here, America still hasn’t figured out how to fix its lingering effects.

    It’s not that descendants of the involuntary immigrants from Africa can’t escape the debilitating disparities that plague their communities; it’s that they’re usually born into circ*mstances that make such transcendence almost impossible.

    end quotes

    And what a full plate of steaming hot bull**** that is considering that we just had a Black president, and we now have a Black vice president, and a Black police chief in Albany, New York, and Black city council members, and Black state assembly persons and Black state senators, with a Black woman in charge of the New York state senate, and a Black United States congressman and millions upon millions of productive Black people in this country, all of whom live in the present, not mired in the past like you do.

    But those are not the people that the Albany Police have to deal with on a daily basis.

    Those are the people who lives are put in jeopardy by these savages in Albany who Kathy Sheehan wants protected.

    Why is that, Rex?

    The candid world would truly like to know!


    • Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (30)tokenny says

      The Color of Crime:

      • Black males age 18-35 years of age are only 1.8% of the U.S. population, yet have committed 52% of homicides from 1980-2008. Black males (all ages) are only 6% of the U.S. population, yet commit 46% of all violent crimes, and 50% of the gun homicides. If Blacks were removed from the equation, the U.S. gun homicide rate would be equal to Great Britain’s, who have some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the world.

      • The Black homicide rate is 17 per 100,000, a rate over 9x that of the White rate, and comparable to some of those most murderous countries in the world. If the homicide rate for the U.S. were the White-only rate, the homicide rate would drop 84%, making the U.S. rate comparable to European countries.

      • According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics 2018 survey of criminal victimization, there were 593,598 interracial violent victimizations (excluding homicide) between Blacks and Whites last year, including White-on-Black and Black-on-White attacks. Blacks committed 537,204 of those interracial felonies, or 90 percent, and Whites committed 56,394 of them, or less than 10 percent.

      • Blacks constitute 13% of the U.S. population, but represent 27% of all criminal activity in the U.S.

      • According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting for 2018, of the homicide victims for whom race was known, 53.3% were Black, 43.8% were White and 2.8% were of other races. In cases where the race of the offender was known, 54.9% were Black, 42.4% were White, and 2.7% were of other races.

      • Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving Blacks and Whites, Blacks commit 85 percent and Whites commit 15 percent. This means that a Black is 27 times more likely to attack a White person than vice versa.

      • For each one standard deviation increase in proportion of Black population, firearm homicide rate is increased by 82.8%. Therefore, the U.S. has a Black problem, not a gun or violent crime problem. When Blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-Blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.

      • 40% of gun crime occurs in just three cities: 596 (10%) – St Louis, MO, 53 (11%) – Detroit, MI, and 1,527 (27%) – Chicago, IL.

      • Murder is the leading cause of death for Black men, ages 15 to 34. Their murderers are other Black men 93 percent of the time.

      • Black males between 16-35 years of age are only 2.0% of the population, yet commit 72% of the street crime in America.

      • The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is Black.

      • If New York City were all White, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent. In an all-White Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.

      • Every year, approximately 6,000 blacks are murdered. This is a number greater than white and Hispanic homicide victims combined, even though blacks are only 12 percent of the national population. Blacks of all ages are killed at six times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined. That black death-by-homicide rate is a function of the black crime rate. The national rate of homicides committed by blacks is eight times that of whites and Hispanics combined. Black males between the ages of 14 and 17 commit homicide at 10 times the rate of white and Hispanic male teens combined.

      • Homicide is not the only crime that is vastly racially disproportionate. New York City is representative of other crime spreading across the country. Blacks are 23 percent of New York’s population, but they commit 75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime, according to the victims of, and witnesses to, those crimes. Whites are 33 percent of the New York City’s population, but they commit less than 2 percent of all shootings, 4 percent of all robberies, and 5 percent of all violent crime.

      • The United States is third in murders throughout the world, but if you omit just five Black cities (Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, St Louis, and New Orleans) from the equation, then the United States is fourth from the bottom.

      • Black serial killers have comprised over half of documented serial killers since the dawn of the 21st century at 56 percent, making up a total of 40 percent in years dating back to 1900. Blacks constituted 44% of the known serial killers during the 1995-2004 period and 38.2% of all multiple murderers (serial, mass, and spree combined) during 1976-1998 period. During the 2000-2010 decade, 62% of serial killers were Black.


      2019 Data Shows 51% of Mass Shooters Were Black, Only 29% Were White:


  24. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (31)Paul Plante says

    And as we track the dissemination and propagation of this BLACK LIVES MATTER bull**** back to its sources, especially the Albany, New York Times Union, a Hearst Communications publication which was purchased by William Randolph Hearst in 1924, we need to remember that the founder of the dynasty, William Randolph Hearst, who pushed us into the Spanish-American War in order to sell newspapers, was nicknamed the “Father of Yellow Journalism,” and we need to keep in mind that the type of reporting known as yellow journalism practiced by such Hearst personages as Rex Smith of the Albany, New York Times Union goes back in time to long before radio, television, and the Internet, when newspapers served as a medium for communicating information to a wide audience, and in the late 1800s, as immigrants poured into American cities, newspaper publishers saw the potential for greater profits through increased sales, which is what this BLACK LIVES MATTER bull**** being pushed today by the Times Union is all about – selling newspapers and gaining advertisers to keep the cash flow going.

    As to yellow journalism, as we see in this editorial by Rex Smith we have been analyzing, it is an exaggerated, exploitative, sensational style of newspaper reporting, and if it has to destroy lives in the process, so be it, because in his ivory tower, Rex Smith simply does not care, nor does he need to, having the full force of freedom of the press to lie, distort and warp and twist reality backing him up so he can never be held to account, even though in this case, he is putting the lives of white police officers in Albany, New York in jeopardy.

    Yellow journalism emerged at the end of the nineteenth century when rival newspaper publishers competed for sales in the coverage of events leading up to and during the Spanish-American War in 1898.

    The growing turmoil in Cuba between the Spanish imperialists and Cuban revolutionaries gave William Randolph Hearst, publisher of the New York Morning Journal, and Joseph Pulitzer, publisher of the New York World, an ongoing story to cover in their newspapers, just as this BLACK LIVES MATTER bull**** is giving Rex Smith and the Albany Times Union an on-going story to cover today.

    As we are seeing today, to keep Americans entertained and coming back for new developments, the yellow journalists would often exaggerate events, sometimes fabricating the truth and would present information in a way that was intended to excite the public and provoke interest, even if the story’s details were not true, and that takes us to a Times Union story entitled “Systemic racism needs to be addressed in policing audit, Center for Law and Justice says” by Eduardo Medina, Albany, New York Times Union on Nov. 13, 2020, where we have as follows:

    The Center for Law and Justice said a recent audit that examined the city’s police department didn’t adequately incorporate the impact of systemic racism in its findings.

    Alice Green, executive director of the Center for Law and Justice, said she believes the audit — done by CNA, a non-profit research organization — is useful and an important step to help transform policing.

    But its findings — which showed that Black residents are more likely to be charged with resisting arrest, have force used against them and file civil rights complaints against the city — needed to do a better job
    of looking “at the entire system,” she said.

    end quotes

    Now, here we are. back to this “systemic racism” bull****, also known as institutional racism, which is a form of racism that is embedded as normal practice within society or an organization and it can lead to such issues as discrimination in criminal justice, employment, housing, health care, political power, and education, among other issues.

    The term institutional racism was first coined in 1967 by Stokely Carmichael and Charles V. Hamilton in “Black Power: The Politics of Liberation,” where Carmichael and Hamilton wrote that while individual racism is often identifiable because of its overt nature, institutional racism is less perceptible because of its “less overt, far more subtle” nature, and institutional racism “originates in the operation of established and respected forces in the society, and thus receives far less public condemnation than [individual racism]”.

    Stokely Standiford Churchill Carmichael (June 29, 1941 – November 15, 1998), known as Kwame Ture, was a prominent organizer in the civil rights movement in the United States and the global Pan-African movement.

    He was a key leader in the development of the Black Power movement, first while leading the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), then as the “Honorary Prime Minister” of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and last as a leader of the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP).

    As to the Black Power movement, it started as a social movement that by the late 1960s came to represent the demand for more immediate violent action to counter American white supremacy.

    That is the race war the Albany Times Union is trying to keep stoked to sell newspapers, because racial harmony certainly wouldn’t serve that purpose.

    Hence, systemic racism!

    Getting back to the background leading up to the charges of “systemic racism” from Alice Green of Albany, New York, who is the best advocate a criminal in that city could ask for, the fifth point of the Black Panther Party’s Ten-Point Program called for “education for our people (the Black folks) that exposes the true nature of this decadent American society.”

    “We want education that teaches us our true history and our role in the present day society.”

    How very judgmental, that horse**** about “the true nature of this decadent American society” which the Black folks Alice Green advocates for do not feel themselves a part of.

    As to the use of media such as the Times Union to disseminate their propaganda, just as Black Power activists focused on community control of schools and politics, the movement also took a major interest in creating and controlling its own media institutions, and most famously, the Black Panther Party produced the Black Panther newspaper, which proved to be one of the BPP’s most influential tools for disseminating its message and recruiting new members.

    Today, it has the full resources of the Albany Times Union to do that for them.

    As to control of politics, which is exactly what is going on here in the Democrat-controlled sanctuary city of Albany, New York, the capital of the state, which makes it a prize to be coveted by BLACK LIVES MATTER, political control of the capital, during the 2008 presidential election New Black Panther Party members were accused of voter intimidation at a polling station in a predominantly black, Democratic voting district of Philadelphia.

    But hey, intimidation is the name of the game in politics, especially the politics of race, and he who plays the game the best wins.

    And Alice Green of Albany, New York is a master at that game of manipulation and distortion as we see in this article we are discussing here from the Times Union on that subject.

    As to the use of violence to advance their political agenda, in 1970 the Honorary Prime Minister of the Black Panther Party, Stokely Carmichael, traveled to various countries to discuss methods to resist “American imperialism”.

    In the same year former Black Panthers formed the Black Liberation Army to continue a violent revolution rather than the party’s new reform movements.

    On October 22, 1970, the Black Liberation Army is believed to have planted a bomb in St. Brendan’s Church in San Francisco while it was full of mourners attending the funeral of San Francisco police officer Harold Hamilton, who had been killed in the line of duty while responding to a bank robbery.

    In 1971, several Panther officials fled the U.S. due to police concerns and that was an active year for the Black Revolutionary Assault Team, a group that bombed the New York South African consular office in protest of apartheid and on September 20 it placed bombs at the UN Missions of Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa) and the Republic of Malawi.

    Then, in February 1971, ideological splits within the Black Panther Party between leaders Newton and Eldridge Cleaver led to two factions within the party; the conflict turned violent and four people were killed in a series of assassinations.

    On May 21, 1971, five Black Liberation Army members participated in the shootings of two New York City police officers, Joseph Piagentini and Waverly Jones.

    On August 29, 1971, three BLA members murdered San Francisco police sergeant John Victor Young at his police station.

    Late in the year Huey Newton visited China for meetings on Maoist theory and anti-imperialism.

    On November 3, Officer James R. Greene of the Atlanta Police Department was shot and killed in his patrol van at a gas station by Black Liberation Army members.

    On January 27, 1972, the Black Liberation Army assassinated police officers Gregory Foster and Rocco Laurie in New York City.

    On July 31, five armed BLA members hijacked Delta Air Lines Flight 841, eventually collecting a ransom of $1 million and diverting the plane, after passengers were released, to Algeria.

    The authorities there seized the ransom but allowed the group to flee, and after being accused of murdering a prostitute in 1974, Huey Newton fled to Cuba.

    So yes, people, systemic racism.

    And here again I will pause to let this necessary background sink in, as the modern Black Lives Matter movement we are being confronted by today has been compared to the Black Power movement, noting its similarities.


  25. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (32)Paul Plante says

    So we can now see that this “institutional racism,” a term first coined in 1967 by Stokely Carmichael and Charles V. Hamilton in “Black Power: The Politics of Liberation,” called “systemic racism” today, is really a bull**** term that means nothing at all, or it can mean anything and everything the BLACK LIVES MATTER crowd want it to mean, when it is defined as being “less perceptible” than what is called “individual racism,” because of its “less overt, far more subtle” nature, where “perceptible” means capable of being perceived; recognizable; appreciable, which takes us back to the Times Union story entitled “Systemic racism needs to be addressed in policing audit, Center for Law and Justice says” by Eduardo Medina, Albany, New York Times Union on Nov. 13, 2020, to wit:

    The Center for Law and Justice said a recent audit that examined the city’s police department didn’t adequately incorporate the impact of systemic racism in its findings.

    end quotes

    First off, the so-called “audit” wasn’t an audit at all in any true sense of the word.

    Rather, it was a waste of $80,000 of taxpayer dollars on what could properly be called a fishing expedition – an attempt to discredit the Albany Police Department as being racist and discriminatory, because that was the premise and foregone conclusion going in – that the Albany Police Department is racist and needs to be reformed.

    Dorcey Appylrs might just as well have taken that money and wadded it up and flushed it down the toilet.

    It’s called the “Dame Snow Jeopardy” by the lawyer trade – pick the conclusion you want to reach,,and then arrange the data in such a way that it supports the conclusion, which is what this so-called “audit” was all about, which takes us to yet an0ther Times Union story on that very subject entitled “Activists urge city to take stronger stance on police reform” by Steve Hughes on Nov. 6, 2020, to wit:

    ALBANY — Dozens of residents and activists spoke out about their concerns with the city’s police reform process Friday night.

    Standing on the sidewalk on Second Street outside of VanRennselaer Park in Arbor Hill, they said the city’s plan moved too slowly and that they did not believe it would bring about meaningful change in how the police department and community members viewed each other.

    The entire way the city approaches policing has to be changed, said organizer Shawn Young, co-founder of All of Us.

    “It’s about transformation, it’s about tearing down what we have now and building something better,” he said.

    end quotes

    Now, talk about a real stupid statement by an ignorant moron, there we have it right before us from this “activist” – let’s just scrap what we have, tear it down, leave the violent Democrat-controlled sanctuary city of Albany, New York without any police at all, which the lawless savages committing all the acts of violence in that city would dearly love.

    As to something better, perhaps these “activists” could model Albany after Seattle, Washington, with an “Albany Cop-Free Zone” surrounding Black Town where no white police officers are allowed entry, which I think a lot of white police officers in Albany would not mind at all, and they can put mayor Kathy Sheehan and Alice Green and BLACK LIVES MATTER in charge of security in there, instead.

    So if there are any “law enforcement” issues in the ACFZ, those calls can go directly to Kathy Sheehan, and she can figure out how to solve them, since she is already in charge of “law and order” in her city, deciding who gets punished for violating the law, and who doesn’t, which takes us back to the Times Union story entitled “Systemic racism needs to be addressed in policing audit, Center for Law and Justice says” by Eduardo Medina, Albany, New York Times Union on Nov. 13, 2020, as follows:

    Alice Green, executive director of the Center for Law and Justice, said she believes the audit — done by CNA, a non-profit research organization — is useful and an important step to help transform policing.

    But its findings — which showed that Black residents are more likely to be charged with resisting arrest, have force used against them and file civil rights complaints against the city — needed to do a better job of looking “at the entire system,” she said.

    end quotes

    Ah. yes, people – let’s look at the entire system, which clearly, this CNA crowd up from Virginia failed to do, which takes us to a Times Union story entitled “Albany Council discusses police reform legislation – Police chief, mayor react to audit that suggest bias within city police department” by Steve Hughes on Nov. 5, 2020, where we have this same Alice Green, the violent criminal’s BFF, going on as follows:

    Alice Green, executive director for the Center for Law and Justice, said the audit confirmed a 2012 report by the center that described the disproportionate impact of policing on people of color.

    “We’re happy to see that they did affirm what we’ve been saying for so long,” she said.

    “These are things that we’ve known for so long; from arrests, charges of resisting arrest and police use of force.”

    Green added she was still reviewing the entire audit but hoped that it would lead the city to directly confront the potential of systemic racism within the department.

    “Regardless of whether or not individual officers harbor racial biases, the department’s policies and procedures along with the whole culture of the Albany police department promote inequitable treatment of Blacks,” she said.

    end quotes

    So, there we have the “potential” for “systemic racism” in the Albany Police Department which raises the question of exactly how the City of Albany is going to “directly confront the potential of systemic racism within the department,” when “systemic racism” is nothing more than an empty bull**** term that means whatever Alice Green wants it to mean.

    Stupid piled upon more stupid is what we have there, and while we are looking at this “systemic racism” horse**** Alice Green, a Black woman, is peddling, let’s check out her bio for a moment where we find that Alice, who must herself be a product of this same “systemic racism” that promotes inequitable treatment of Blacks, has earned several degrees from SUNY Albany which include a bachelor’s in African-American studies, a master’s degrees in education, social welfare and criminal justice, and a doctorate in criminal justice, which serves to make this charge of “systemic racism” quite ludicrous, given she has a far better education than do many white folks, which takes us back to the Times Union story entitled “Systemic racism needs to be addressed in policing audit, Center for Law and Justice says” by Eduardo Medina, Albany, New York Times Union on Nov. 13, 2020, for more Alice as follows:

    What CNA missed in its audit, Green said, was that systemic racism has had a direct impact on the very statistics cited in the report, such as Black drivers accounting for 65 percent of those arrested due to a traffic stop, compared to 25 percent who were white drivers.

    “We always want to blame individual officers rather than looking deeply into how racism is in all of our policies and practices and institutions,” Green said.

    “If you only focus on certain policies, then you miss the bigger issue: systemic racism.”

    “We could miss the boat if we don’t acknowledge the existence of systemic racism,” Greene said.

    “This is a very important process … and it has to be looked at through the eyes of systemic racism.”

    “Otherwise, we don’t get anywhere.”

    end quotes

    Yes, indeed, people, even though there is no such thing as “systemic racism,” even though that is nothing more than a bull**** term invented by the BLACK POWER dudes to justify the BLACK POWER movement that by the late 1960s came to represent the demand for more immediate violent action by the Black folks to counter “American white supremacy,” which is what BLACK LIVES MATTER is all about, in addition to wanting to disrupt our stable, productive, law-abiding nuclear families, we have to believe that there really is such a thing as systemic racism, even though there isn’t in reality, and even though it doesn’t exist, we have to believe that it pervades the entirety of the Albany Police Department, requiring the Albany Police Department to be “reformed” to make it more criminal friendly, and if this sounds like a tale from “Stories of the Extreme Bizarre and Insane,” believe me, it is.

    Welcome to the bizarro world of Alice Green, Kathy Sheehan, the Albany Times Union, Rex Smith and BLACK LIVES MATTER.


  26. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (33)Paul Plante says

    As to this so-called “audit” of the Albany Police Department that was in reality a witch hunt using $80,000 of taxpayer money in an effort to paint a picture of the Albany Police Department being a hotbed of seething anti-Black racism, let’s go back for a moment to the Albany Times Union “Albany Council discusses police reform legislation – Police chief, mayor react to audit that suggest bias within city police department” by Steve Hughes on Nov. 5, 2020, where we have as follows:

    The audit done by CNA, a nonprofit research and analysis organization, found that Black residents made up roughly 65 percent of both arrests and traffic stops that ended in arrests.

    It stopped short of blaming the discrepancies on bias within the department or among individual officers, noting that a combination how the department collects information and the lack of information on individual police stops made it impossible to determine the exact cause of the disparities.

    end quotes

    So, if it stopped short of blaming these so-called “discrepancies” between arrests of white skinned people versus Black, which is a stupid comparison to start for a host of reasons, on bias within the department or among individual officers, then it would logically follow that the City asked them to look for bias, which is to say, the City asked this company from Virginia to help the City hang its police department, and the company from Virginia failed in that mission, which takes us back to that same TU article, as follows:

    City Auditor Dorcey Appylrs hired the firm in August for $80,000 as part of a larger city review of its police department and its policies.

    That review is required by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s executive order that says municipalities must do comprehensive reviews of their police departments and develop plans to reform them.

    end quotes

    And here we get to ground zero with that statement that this $80,000 review was required by an executive order of “Willie Horton” Democrat governor Andy Cuomo that says municipalities must do comprehensive reviews of their police departments and develop plans to reform them.

    So why is the Albany Police Department going to be “reformed?”

    Because Andy Cuomo wants it that way.

    Does he have any reason to believe the Albany Police Department needs reform?

    Obviously not, since this company from Virginia failed to find any, but what does evidence have to do with anything, besides nothing, when it is about the politics of race game Andy Cuomo and Kathy Sheehan of Albany are playing here as they pander and grovel to BLACK LIVES MATTER?

    If this audit was to be a real audit, the first thing it would have discussed would have been the reasons why the Albany Police Department exists in the first place, because if you are really going to “reform” something, as opposed to cripple it, which takes us to a discussion of the “police power” of the “state,” which has existed since at least Biblical times, where we have as follows on that subject from the Legal Information Institute, an independently-funded project of the Cornell Law School where a small team of technologists who believe that everyone should be able to read and understand the laws that govern them employ technology to gather, process, and publish public legal information that is accurate and objective, as follows:

    “Property” and Police Power.

    States have an inherent “police power” to promote public safety, health, morals, public convenience, and general prosperity.

    end quotes

    There is where this so-called audit should have started, right there with that statement about the “police power” being for the purpose of promoting public safety, health, morals, public convenience, and general prosperity, followed by the question, “Is the Albany Police Department promoting public safety, health, morals, public convenience, and general prosperity in the City of Albany, and if not, why not?”

    But it didn’t.

    Does the Albany Police Department promote public safety?

    The audit does not say.

    Does the Albany Police Department fail to promote public safety?

    Again, we don’t know.

    All we know right now is that there is no evidence of bias against Black people in Albany, New York and obviously, that is not what Alice Green of Albany wants to hear.

    The next thing this audit would have done if it was a legitimate audit as opposed to what it really was, a fishing expedition and witch hunt to appease the anti-police, anti-law and order BLACK LIVES MATTER movement, would have been to explain that regardless of how it might be done elsewhere, including Virginia, the actions of the Police in Albany are governed by the New York State Penal Law which states in Penal Law § 1.05, General purposes, as follows:

    The general purposes of the provisions of this chapter are:

    1. To proscribe conduct which unjustifiably and inexcusably causes or threatens substantial harm to individual or public interests;

    2. To give fair warning of the nature of the conduct proscribed and of the sentences authorized upon conviction;

    3. To define the act or omission and the accompanying mental state which constitute each offense;

    4. To differentiate on reasonable grounds between serious and minor offenses and to prescribe proportionate penalties therefor;

    5. To provide for an appropriate public response to particular offenses, including consideration of the consequences of the offense for the victim, including the victim’s family, and the community;  and

    6. To insure the public safety by preventing the commission of offenses through the deterrent influence of the sentences authorized, the rehabilitation of those convicted, the promotion of their successful and productive reentry and reintegration into society, and their confinement when required in the interests of public protection.

    end quotes

    There is what this audit should have been looking for if it was to have been a legitimate audit, as opposed to a fishing expedition, evidence as to whether the Albany Police Department is properly enforcing the provisions of the New York State Penal Law which were enacted in the name of the People of the State of New York, regardless of skin color, to proscribe conduct which unjustifiably and inexcusably causes or threatens substantial harm to individual or public interests.

    Yes, they are?

    Or no, they are not!

    It really was that simple.

    In New York state, the purpose of the Penal Law that the Albany Police are to enforce is to insure the public safety by preventing the commission of offenses through the deterrent influence of the sentences authorized, the rehabilitation of those convicted, the promotion of their successful and productive reentry and reintegration into society, and their confinement when required in the interests of public protection.

    TO INSURE THE PUBLIC SAFETY BY PREVENTING THE COMMISSION OF OFFENSES, which obviously is not happening in Albany, New York where we see Albany Times Union headlines screaming at us as follows: “Albany Common Council seeks outside help to deal with violence – Police arrest three in connection with Monday drive-by” by Steve Hughes on Oct. 21, 2020:

    ALBANY – Common Council members all but demanded the city bring in outside law enforcement agencies to help deal with a historically violent year in its borders.

    Councilors spoke in favor of the move, with one going as far as to call on the city to declare a state of emergency after two men were wounded in a drive-by shooting in the city’s South End while the Council was meeting Monday evening.

    The shooting on Mount Hope Drive was the fifth shooting in 48 hours and at least the third time this year six or more people had been shot within a two-day span in the city.

    At least 116 people have been shot in the city so far this year, with 16 homicides.

    Law enforcement officials believe much of the violence is tied to gang encounters in between groups in Albany as well feuds with gangs in Troy.

    The city needs to realize it has a gang problem and to rely on outside law enforcement, such as the Albany County Sheriff’s Department, to help deal with it, said Council President Corey Ellis.

    end quotes

    And this: “Albany nears 100 people being hit by bullets in 2020 – Four people shot Saturday night in continuing plague of violence” by Massarah Mikati on Aug. 9, 2020:

    ALBANY — It was just before 8 p.m. Saturday when the sound of gunshots split the air in West Hill at least 20 times in a row.

    Four people were shot.

    One of them, an 18-year-old, died.

    Saturday’s shooting, which Albany police say was a drive-by with more than one shooter in the vehicle, brings the city’s total number of gunshot victims this year to 91.

    The victim is the 11th person to be killed in Albany so far in 2020, as part of a wave of violence and gun incidents that have hit the city.

    According to Sheehan, there has been a 15 percent increase in all violent crime cases — which includes more than just shootings — in 2020 compared to 2019.

    end quotes

    And this: “As shootings rise, young offenders in Albany ‘run ragged’ – Albany joins other cities across NY seeing surge in gun violence, much of it caused by teenagers” by Brendan J. Lyons on July 12, 2020:

    The 17-year-old had been arrested for the day care shooting a year ago and was initially charged with attempted murder, reckless endangerment, assault and tampering with evidence.

    But his arrest kept him in custody at a juvenile facility only briefly, in part due to New York’s bail-reform statutes and a “Raise the Age” law that went into effect over the past two years — creating a new “adolescent offender” category that ensures 16- and 17-year-olds are not automatically prosecuted in adult courts or placed in adult jails, even for crimes of violence.

    The statute was intended to ensure young offenders are not unfairly punished, and to provide them with services needed to rehabilitate and reintegrate them into their communities rather than throwing them in prison.

    Pressing for those reforms, advocates noted that New York was one of the last states to automatically treat offenders as young as 16 as adults in criminal prosecutions.

    The state passed the legislation with reimbursable funding intended to help expand local programs to aid the troubled youths.

    But a fallout of the statute has been a veritable revolving door in the youth justice system that has been evident in the city of Albany, which has been rocked by gun violence this year.

    Some of that violence has involved cases in which juvenile offenders were placed under the supervision of probation officials rather than incarcerated — with many being re-arrested, often on gun charges, only to be released again.

    Although a large number of Albany’s shootings this year — which are up nearly 400 percent from 2019 — have involved victims and suspects age 18 or older, there have also been dozens of violent crimes attributed to youthful offenders in the past two years.

    Interviews with law enforcement officials and crime victims, and a months-long review of criminal cases handled in Family Court and the Youth Part of Criminal Court in Albany County, reveal numerous instances in which offenders whose release on supervision was fostered under the new statutes were subsequently arrested for committing new crimes, including murder.

    Over roughly the past two years, Albany County has handled more than 100 youth and adolescent criminal cases: 31 involving weapons possession charges; 45 robberies; 16 assaults; and seven charges of murder or attempted murder.

    In addition, at least a dozen teenage boys and young men involved in Albany shootings and gun cases over the past two years were not incarcerated after their arrests due to the Raise the Age statutes and the more recent bail reform changes, according to police and court records, as well as interviews with law enforcement officials.

    Many of the youthful offenders, law enforcement officials said, also have been keenly aware of the relative leniency of the new statutes, and are exploiting them by failing to charge or simply cutting off GPS ankle-monitoring bracelets so that probation officers can’t monitor their whereabouts.

    Even when they are hauled in front of a judge, they often are put back on house arrest, where parents often struggle to control them.

    Although there has been no formal studies on the statutes’ impact on criminal statistics, part of Albany’s explosion in shootings this year has been at the hands of teenagers released under the supervision of probation officers rather than jailed as adults.

    “There’s nothing that fell through the cracks, but there is a chasm that was created by Raise the Age … and the (new) bail laws,” Albany County District Attorney David Soares said.

    “The (state) district attorneys association continued to provide warnings as to what would occur.”

    “… We warned about the fact that young people are carrying weapons and shooting each other, that the process in Family Court was not adequate … and at the time we were told we were fear-mongering.”

    Soares said for 16 years his office had a program — Operation Speeding Bullet — in which they would seek to have people arrested for shootings or weapons possession incarcerated and only pursue plea agreements that included prison terms.

    But that program fell apart when bail reform measures went into effect earlier this year that struck illegal gun possession off the the list of alleged offenses that allow judges to set bail.

    Although there have been no formal studies of the spiking crime rates across New York this year — the state’s overall crime rate is up 10 percent — statistics show the increase in gun violence in Albany is being mirrored in other cities that have seen explosions in the number of shootings and homicides.

    “Because of reform, the new rule becomes: If you have a gun, we have to actually wait for you to kill someone,” Soares said.

    “Judges can’t consider dangerousness.”

    “Judges can’t use their discretion.”

    “What you have in Albany — and you have it in Syracuse and you have it in Buffalo and you have it in Rochester — this is not a coincidence.”

    When there are cycles of shootings, Soares said, police and prosecutors had previously used other tactics to lock up shooting suspects or individuals likely to engage in a retaliatory gun violence, including arresting them for drug charges or other criminal activity.

    end quotes

    But they can’t do that, because that is considered “systemic racism” to actually go after the criminals committing these violent acts, so hey, I know the solution – instead of focusing on who is committing the crimes, which we already know, let’s instead look the other way and use $80,000 of tax payer money to find evidence that the Albany Police is guilty of systemic racism because it is focused on going after those violent criminals instead of coddling them because they are Black to justify reforming the Albany Police Department to make it more criminal friendly, and as was said above, if this sounds like a tale from “Stories of the Extreme Bizarre and Insane,” believe me, it is.

    And once again, welcome my friends to the show that never ends in bizarro world of Alice Green, Kathy Sheehan, the Albany Times Union, Rex Smith and BLACK LIVES MATTER.


  27. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (34)tokenny says

    The survival of our republic is dependent upon an indictment of Barack Hussein Obama. Obama set precedent by weaponizing federal agencies like the FBI, IRS, and DOJ and using these weapons against his “enemies.” Either this precedent needs to be changed by punishing these criminals for their illegal actions or Trump needs to be allowed to do the same. I prefer that we return to constitutional sanctity and force government back into it’s proper role; this absolutely involves punishing Obama and his entire cult so that this sort of travesty never happens again.


  28. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (35)Paul Plante says

    And as we continue to look at the weird **** going on in the violent Democrat-controlled sanctuary city of Albany, New York under mayor Kathy Sheehan, first, let me say that were this BLACK LIVES MATTER horse**** with the Albany, New York Police Department going on in some random city in New York, or Virginia, and some other state, other than the state capital, which is not Democrat mayor Kathy Sheehan’s personal fiefdom, although she would surely dispute that fact, I would have to consider it not of much consequence to those living outside those cities.

    But when it is happening in the state capital as it clearly is here; when huge intimidating BLACK LIVES MATTER banners are seen flying over the entrance to Albany City Hall, it is quite different, as that is where people must travel to as that is where the state’s business is conducted, including its Appellate Division, Third Department of State Supreme Court where lawsuits against the state are heard, so that the state of law and order in that city is quite important to everyone in the state, or even in other states, where citizens of those states have to travel to Albany for business reasons.

    So this game Kathy Sheehan and Alice Green and City Auditor Dorcey Appylrs are playing here with this CNA audit as an attempt to discredit the Albany Police Department is important to everyone not only in this state, but elsewhere as well, as the purpose of the New York State Penal Law is to protect us from the criminals roaming free in Kathy Sheehan’s sanctuary city, not to protect the criminals from the law, as Andy Cuomo, Kathy Sheehan and Alice Green and BLACK LIVES MATTER want it to be.

    And that takes us back to an Albany, New York Times Union article entitled “Churchill: Who’s to blame for Albany’s spike in shootings? – City experiencing a dramatic rise in gun violence, and some are blaming Mayor Sheehan” by Chris Churchill on June 27, 2020, where we have as follows:

    ALBANY — One reader who writes regularly is alarmed, understandably, by the frightening spike in violence this summer.

    He thinks I should take Albany’s mayor to task for it.

    “I know you like to kick Gov. Andrew Cuomo in the shins when you can, but why are you as quiet as a church mouse regarding Kathy Sheehan?” he wrote, noting that he, a lifelong Albanian, has never seen anything like the mayhem of recent weeks.

    “How long will you stay silent on her mishandling of the crime issue in Albany?” he asked.

    “What is the limit of dead and wounded that you are willing to tolerate before asking questions about her policing policy?”

    No doubt, the violence has been both shocking and sickening.

    This month alone, through Friday, there were at least 36 shootings and four killings in the city.

    So far this year, eight people have been killed, more than double last year’s total.

    My letter writer isn’t the only one pointing a finger at Sheehan.

    You can easily find similar thoughts on talk radio and social media.

    And if I thought the mayor was to blame, I’d be more than willing to join in.

    I don’t think she is.

    Sheehan didn’t put guns in the hands of the young men who open fire even in broad daylight.

    She didn’t give them a callous disregard for life.

    She isn’t responsible for the national economic policies that have created neighborhoods of despair and anxiety in American cities.

    end quotes

    Horse****, all of it, as can be expected from a Hearst Communications rag, and it is not national economic policies that have created neighborhoods of despair and anxiety in Albany, New York – no, far from it, those neighborhoods of despair and anxiety in Albany, New York were created by politicians in Albany, New York, aided and abetted by state government in Albany which helped create those those neighborhoods of despair and anxiety in Albany, New York.

    But the dude is an apologist for Kathy Sheehan, so what else can we expect, which takes us back to 2018 and a Times Union article entitled “At swearing in, Sheehan promises profound changes in Albany” by Wendy Liberatore on Jan. 1, 2018, where we had a different story, as follows:

    ALBANY – Mayor Kathy Sheehan took the oath of office Monday, beginning her second term with a promise to focus attention on every neighborhood in the city.

    In the rotunda at City Hall, Sheehan called herself a pragmatist who will work to make every corner of the city a place that is safe, where good quality housing is available, where residents have access to good jobs and children have access to a great education.

    end quotes

    So, okay, recapping here, folks, in 2018, Democrat mayor Kathy Sheehan of the sanctuary city of Albany, New York, which is BLACK LIVES MATTER turf, began her second term with a promise to focus attention on every neighborhood in the city and called herself a pragmatist who will work to make every corner of the city a place that is safe, where good quality housing is available, where residents have access to good jobs and children have access to a great education, and now that it is not that way at all, and in fact, is far worse, the same Times Union is now saying it’s no fault of Kathy Sheehan’s, which takes us back to that 2018 article as follows:

    “It’s not a flashy thing,” Sheehan said after she took the oath of office with her husband, Bob, and son, Jay, by her side.

    “But it will profoundly change our city.”

    end quotes

    And with this violence we are seeing in her city in 2020, where lawless savages run loose on a shooting and killing spree, because that is what savages do, which is why Karl Marx called them savages, it can truthfully be said that yes, between them, BLACK LIVES MATTER and Kathy Sheehan have indeed profoundly changed the city of Albany for the worse, which again takes us back to that article as follows:

    Sheehan pointed to achievements in her first four-year term to justify her optimism for the next four.

    She recited a long list that included fiscal accountability and savings and improvements in community policing, which she called a model for the nation.

    end quotes

    So, in 2018, Democrat Kathy Sheehan, who wants us all to embrace the gross ignorance that is the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement recited a long list of what she called HER achievements that included improvements in community policing, which she called a model for the nation.

    So like Lori Lightfoot in Chicago, it is obvious that in 2018, Kathy Sheehan of Albany, New York was very much a hand’s-on mayor when it comes to tweaking and controlling the programs of the Albany Police Department, which means that before the Times Union had her not being responsible for how law enforcement in Albany is conducted in 2020, the Times Union had her being responsible for how law enforcement in Albany was conducted in 2018, which is an indication of the schizophrenic nature of this on-going drama where “schizophrenia,” which certainly can apply as well to a city government like that in Albany as it can to an individual, is defined as a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation, a mentality or approach characterized by inconsistent or contradictory elements, which certainly applies to the administration of mayor Kathy Sheehan, which takes us back to the Albany Times Union, as follows:

    “Albany is a special place.”

    “It is filled with people who care, who are kind to one another and love our great city.”

    “If this vision can be accomplished anywhere, it is here.”

    end quotes

    And as I sit here shaking my head in disbelief at that statement about Albany being is a special place filled with people who care, who are kind to one another and love our great city, that takes us to a New York Post story entitled “Son of Albany mayor robbed and beaten while delivering pizzas: report” by Jon Levine on August 3, 2019, where we have as follows in connection with this bizarre saga, to wit:

    The son of Albany mayor Kathy Sheehan was beaten and robbed while delivering pizzas late Wednesday evening, the Times Union reported.

    “Two black males in their 20s, both wearing dark-colored clothing, jumped out of bushes and began to punch and kick the pizza delivery driver,” Albany police officer Steven Smith told the paper.

    “They stole two pizzas and his money.”

    “The driver had some injuries to his face as a result of being punched, and refused medical attention.”

    Violent crime has surged in Albany in recent years, with the paper noting that 2018 “was one of the deadliest the city has seen in the last two decades.”

    The attack on Sheehan’s son comes as the city also faces an acute shortage of police officers.

    end quotes

    And all of that background takes us to a Times Union story entitled “Albany hiring firm to study racial bias in police department” by Steve Hughes on Aug. 24, 2020, to wit:

    ALBANY — The city is hiring a Virginia-based firm to conduct a study of racial bias in the Albany Police Department.

    Chief City Auditor Dorcey Applyrs said the city will pay CNA, a nonprofit research and analysis organization that got its start tracking Nazi U-boat attacks, $80,000 to do the audit along with members of her staff.

    At a brief news conference in front of City Hall, Applyrs said that in order for the city to make the right decisions about its police department, it needed to understand the extent of any implicit or racial basis in the department.

    end quotes

    So, if it is true in 2020 that in order for the city to make the right decisions about its police department, it needed to understand the extent of any implicit or racial basis in the department, why wasn’t that done in 2018, or even earlier, by mayor Kathy Sheehan who is quite obviously personally responsible for how the Albany Police Department functions today given that in 2018, in the same Times Union, she recited a long list of her achievements as mayor that included improvements in community policing, which she called a model for the nation?

    Getting back to that Times Union article, Dorcey Applyrs continues as follows:

    “We must use all of our platforms to promote racial justice and begin the healing we so desperately need in cities all across our nation,” she said.

    The audit will examine the department’s internal operations, policies and procedures, looking for evidence of implicit and racial biases and how they impact city residents.

    Auditors will be looking at data related to traffic stops, use of force and other department interactions with the public over a five-year period.

    The firm’s findings will provide the city with a “baseline of information” to help drive decision making about reforms.

    Applyrs hinted at other audits to come, saying her office was adopting an “equity lens” for all city audits, using a toolkit developed by the city of Seattle’s audit office.

    “We were looking for a firm who could balance the understanding of communities of color…but also a firm who understands law enforcement culture,” she said.

    Sheehan said she had discussed the planned audit with Applyrs and the city recognized that it needed outside help to do a in-depth examination.

    end quotes

    But wait, isn’t this is the same Kathy Sheehan who in 2018 recited a long list of her achievements that included improvements in community policing, which she called a model for the nation?

    So what has changed?

    How did a police department that was a model for the nation in 2018 become something that in 2020 needs to be reformed because it is now a hotbed of anti-Black racism?

    How on earth could that have happened, and Kathy Sheehan bear no responsibility?

    An existential question for us to ponder in the new day and age of BLACK LIVES MATTER.


  29. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (36)Paul Plante says

    And as we watch this on-going “demonizing” of the Albany, New York Police Department as a hotbed of anti-Black systemic racism and Jim Crow by the administration of Democrat Kathy Sheehan, who herself has taken the knee in an act of surrender and submission to BLACK LIVES MATTER, what we are witnessing here in the violent Democrat-controlled sanctuary city of Albany, New York under mayor Kathy Sheehan is nothing less than a BLACK LIVES MATTER coup, not the sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government we often think of when we hear the word “coup,” but instead, in this case, a highly successful, unexpected stroke, act, or move by BLACK LIVES MATTER to take control of government in the capital city of New York state; a clever action or accomplishment; a brilliant, sudden, and usually highly successful stroke or act on their part, which takes us back to a Newsweek article entitled “BLM Leader: We’ll ‘Burn’ the System Down If U.S. Won’t Give Us What We Want” by Meghan Roos on 6/25/20, where we had a bad-ass BLACK LIVES MATTER dude named Hawk Newsome telling us exactly how that coup came about as follows, to wit:

    A leader of Black Lives Matter’s New York chapter on Wednesday said the movement was prepared to “burn down this system” if the U.S. does not work with participants to enact real change.

    “If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it,” said Hawk Newsome, chairman of Black Lives Matter of Greater New York, during an interview with Fox News.

    “This country is built upon violence,” Newsome said, pointing to the American Revolution and modern American diplomacy as examples.

    Several city leaders across the country have begun reviewing the training and policies in place at their local police departments, and a handful of officers accused of using excessive or unnecessary force that resulted in the death of a Black individual have been fired.

    From Newsome’s perspective, that kind of progress is at odds with the due process claims government and law enforcement leaders made previously as explanations for why quick change was difficult.

    “The moment people start destroying property, now cops can be fired automatically.”

    “What is this country rewarding?”

    “What behavior is it listening to?”

    “Obviously not marching,” Newsome said.

    end quotes

    And there it is, people -right before our faces from straight out of the mouth of Hawk Newsome of BLACK LIVES MATTER – “listen up, my Homies, you want the mayor of Albany to cripple her police department, just do some looting and burning in her city and she’ll come crawling on her knees begging for mercy!”

    Which is exactly what happened here, and not only that, but she appointed Dorcey Applyrs to conduct a bogus audit of the Albany Police to cast doubt and suspicion on them as a prelude to “reforming” them to make them more criminal friendly.

    So Hawk Newsome and BLACK LIVES MATTER won big time here in Albany, New York, and all it took was some lawlessness and violence against the property of others on their part, which is exactly what Hawk Newsome was saying when he said “The moment people start destroying property, now cops can be fired automatically.”


  30. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (37)Paul Plante says

    And to see the direction this demonizing of the Albany, New York Police Department by the administration of Democrat Kathy Sheehan as being guilty of systemic racism to appease BLACK LIVES MATTER who want the police emasculated is taking us as a nation and as a people as this BLACK LIVES MATTER movement intrudes further and further into our lives, gaining control of what we can think and what we can say as citizens of this nation, by way of background, let us first go back to an Albany Times Union story entitled “As statues tumble, relatives of Gen. Philip Schuyler ask for pause” by Brendan J. Lyons on July 5, 2020, where we were informed as follows, to wit:

    Although (Kathy) Sheehan has been mayor of the city (Albany) since 2014, the recent protests in Albany and across the country in the wake of the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer prompted her call for the statue’s removal at a time she believes everyone should embrace the Black Lives Matter movement.

    Earlier this month, Sheehan authorized city workers to paint a giant “Black Lives Matter” mural on Lark Street in the Center Square neighborhood.

    While a few leaders of Black Lives Movement groups have promoted violence, or have a history of violence themselves, the mayor said it is time for the nation to embrace that cause.

    “To me, saying that Black Lives Matter is not a political statement,” she said.

    “To me, stating that Black Lives Matter is something that we have to say out loud because of our history.”

    end quotes

    To embrace BLACK LIVES MATTER, of course, is to embrace stupidity, ignorance and outright lies, and to embrace BLACK LIVES MATTER, you have to hate the United States of America, people with skin that is white, stable, law-abiding nuclear families, law and order and rule of law, and that thought takes us to a story in the New York Times entitled “What Happened When a School District Banned Thin Blue Line Flags – Some students in a mostly white New York suburb said the flag made them feel unsafe. Banning it prompted accusations of political bias” by Michael Gold on Nov. 21, 2020 where we have our future with regard to freedom of expression and freedom of thought being spelled out for us in no small detail, as follows:

    In late October, administrators in a suburban New York school district told employees that some of their apparel was making students feel uncomfortable, and even threatened.

    At issue were masks showing the so-called thin blue line flag, which signals support for the police but which has increasingly been used to display opposition to the Black Lives Matter movement, which rose in opposition to racism in policing.

    end quotes

    Display opposition to BLACK LIVES MATTER after Democrat Kathy Sheehan, the mayor of the violent sanctuary city of Albany, New York, told us we have to embrace the movement?

    Perish the thought.

    What can America be coming to when people in America are able to openly oppose BLACK LIVES MATTER, which is just so un-American it isn’t even funny?

    According to mayor Kathy, we should all be groveling on our knees before BLACK LIVES MATTER, instead, which takes us back to the New York Times for more of our future as a people and as a nation in thrall to BLACK LIVES MATTER, to wit:

    Wearing the symbol violated a district policy prohibiting employees from expressing political speech, officials said.

    The logo, a black-and-white version of the American flag with a single blue stripe at its center, could no longer be worn by staff members.

    end quotes

    Said another way, being for law and order and rule of law in the United States of America in the age of BLACK LIVES MATTER is now a form of prohibited speech, which takes us back to the New York Times for what is acceptable political speech, to wit:

    Days later, a group of employees of the district, in Pelham, N.Y., appeared at work wearing shirts bearing the word “Vote” and the names of Black people who had been killed by the police, prompting accusations of hypocrisy and political bias.

    end quotes

    So, be sure to take notes here, people, so you can stay well over on the side of being politically correct, if you don’t want to find yourself in trouble with the BLACK LIVES MATTER THOUGHT POLICE who are in control of our lives, which again takes us back to the New York Times, to wit:

    The resulting controversy has divided Pelham, an affluent and mostly white Westchester County town of about 12,000 people just north of New York City.

    The tense debate exemplifies the political tinderbox that much of the United States has become, where an emblem on a mask or a patch on a sleeve can ignite a dispute that consumes a community.

    At the center of the conflict is a symbol that has come to mean vastly different things to different people, a black, white and blue Rorschach test whose significance continues to shift amid a continuing national reckoning over racism and police violence.

    “It made a lot of people upset here, obviously,” said Ralph DeMasi, a school safety coordinator who was told not to wear the flag.

    “Clearly a directive was given.”

    “One side followed it, while another side was allowed to express their views.”

    end quotes

    But for BLACK LIVES MATTER to be satisfied, there can only be the one side, which is their side, which is the only politically correct side there is in the matter – embrace BLACK LIVES MATTER or else!

    Getting back to the story, we have more as follows:

    Facebook discussions have grown heated.

    Neighbors staked out clear positions and lined up in the cold to speak at a public meeting.

    School employees and parents said they had gotten threatening messages as the district attracted national media attention.

    “People are taking this hard line,” said Solange Hansen, a Black and Latina woman who moved to Pelham last year and whose teenage son is a student there.

    “All of a sudden, overnight, you see these blue line flags on people’s lawns.”

    “You see them in people’s businesses.”

    “And that makes it really hard for the people of color.”

    end quotes


    A pro-police flag makes it really hard for the people of color?

    How so?

    And while we are waiting for that answer whi8ch will never come, we have more as follows:

    On Friday evening, The Pelham Examiner, a local news outlet, published a letter written by a Pelham high school senior, Nadine LeeSang, that expressed support for the district’s policy and said that the flag reminded students of color of “racist experiences they have had” with law enforcement.

    “Nobody was really talking about how students felt uncomfortable, and it was kind of being dismissed,” Ms. LeeSang, 17, who is Black and Asian, said in an interview.

    Her letter was signed by 15 other people, most of them also students.

    end quotes

    So, 16 high school students who have had some kind of run-ins with the police get to control what an entire community can think and say?

    How democratic!

    But the story of our future under BLACK LIVES MATTER does not stop there:

    The debate over the flag’s meaning has played out across the country, particularly after the widespread protests this summer over police brutality and systemic racism.

    An Ohio school district banned it after a football player displayed it before a game; a school in another Ohio district suspended students for carrying it onto the field.

    There were opposing rallies in a Massachusetts town where officials ordered the flag removed from fire trucks.

    Those who support the flag say it has long been used to honor law enforcement officers who sacrificed their lives, and that it is not meant as a political statement.

    “It signifies a memorial, a connection between officers killed in the line of duty and those who continue with their duties in the present,” said Carla Caccavale, a Pelham resident who has four children enrolled in district schools and whose father, a New York City Transit detective, was killed while trying to stop a robbery when Ms. Caccavale was an infant.

    Ms. Caccavale has made sweatshirts honoring her father’s memory that include a thin blue line patch.

    Although she initially made them only for her family and another family, she has begun to sell them to support police-related charities.

    When school staff members were told they could no longer wear the flag, her sweatshirts were included in the ban.

    She said the decision baffled her.

    “You have to look at the intention of the sweatshirts,” she said.

    But supporters of the district’s ban on the flag said the logo could not be divorced from its current context as a symbol for the pro-police Blue Lives Matter movement that sprang up in response to the Black Lives Matter movement.

    end quotes

    The pro-police Blue Lives Matter movement sprang up in response to the Black Lives Matter movement?

    Wouldn’t that then make the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement anti-police?

    And of course it would, which again takes us back to the story as follows:

    But the ban on Ms. Caccavale’s sweatshirts provoked a ferocious letter from the president of the Detectives’ Endowment Association, a New York City police union, who accused Cheryl Champ, the district’s superintendent, of “perverting views” of students and turning them into “cop-haters.”

    end quotes

    And well said, because that is exactly what she has done, which is the same thing Kathy Sheehan of Albany is doing with her talk of embracing the ignorance and racial hate that is the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement – perverting the views of students and turning them into cop-haters, which really does not bode well for our future as a nation when you think about it.

    And they wonder why the people of America are buying guns and stocking up on plenty of ammo.

    Go figure.


  31. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (38)Paul Plante says

    And as we consider this effort by Democrat Kathy Sheehan, mayor of the violent sanctuary city of Albany, New York, to appease the Marxist-inspired BLACK LIVES MATTER movement which sees the use of violence as a potent political tool, which for them it is, by her demonizing the Albany Police Department by depicting it as a hotbed of systemic racism so that it can be “reformed” to make it more criminal-friendly, and thus, by emasculating it, making it much less of a threat to the criminals in Albany, before we go to, the Marxist website known as Marxists Internet Archive (also known as MIA or, a non-profit online encyclopedia that hosts a multilingual library (created in 1990) of the works of communist, anarchist, and socialist writers, such as Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Rosa Luxemburg, Che Guevara, Mikhail Bakunin, and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, where we interestingly come across the “Second Treatise of Civil Government” by John Locke in 1690, CHAP. III. Of the State of War, a political treatise as to why it is we have what is called “civil society” in this country, which civil society would include organizations like the Albany Police, let us first go back to a Times Union story entitled “Activists urge city to take stronger stance on police reform” by Steve Hughes on Nov. 6, 2020, for relevant background as follows, to wit:

    ALBANY — Dozens of residents and activists spoke out about their concerns with the city’s police reform process Friday night.

    Standing on the sidewalk on Second Street outside of VanRennselaer Park in Arbor Hill, they said the city’s plan moved too slowly and that they did not believe it would bring about meaningful change in how the police department and community members viewed each other.

    The entire way the city approaches policing has to be changed, said organizer Shawn Young, co-founder of All of Us.

    “It’s about transformation, it’s about tearing down what we have now and building something better,” he said.

    end quotes

    For the record, this Shawn Young who wants to tear down the Albany Police Department is a Black dude who says in his podcasts that he is fighting for “racial justice,” which is his reason for tearing down the Albany Police and “building something better,” without telling us exactly what that might be, although it does conjure up memories of armed Black Panthers lining the hallways to Kathy Sheehan’s office in Albany City Hall with its large, intimidating BLACK LIVES MATTER banner flying over the entrance to Albany City Hall to denote it as BLACK LIVES MATTER turf where people with white skin had better tread carefully.

    For those too young to remember the Black Panthers, the Black Panther Party for Self Defense was founded in October 1966 by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale who had met at Merritt College in Oakland, California.

    Dedicated to revolutionary internationalism and armed self-defense of Black communities, the Panthers initially operated in Oakland and Berkeley then in San Francisco and Richmond and in May 1967, the organization gained world-wide media attention when Seale led a contingent of heavily armed Panthers into the California state capital in Sacramento to demonstrate their opposition to a proposed law that would restrict the right to carry loaded weapons on city streets.

    Created, in Newton’s words, “to serve the needs of the oppressed people in our communities and defend them against their oppressors,” the Panthers patrolled black areas of Oakland with visible, loaded firearms — at the time in accordance with the law — to monitor police actions involving blacks.

    In October 1967, Newton was wounded in a gun battle with police and charged with killing an officer.

    His three-year incarceration became a cause célèbre for many young African Americans and chapters of the Party rapidly opened throughout the country.

    So that we can understand how this history is relevant to the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement today, and their push to defund the police in this country, before we consider Locke, who told us in the Second Treatise that “Men living together according to reason, without a common superior on earth, with authority to judge between them, is properly the state of nature; but force, or a declared design of force, upon the person of another, where there is no common superior on earth to appeal to for relief, is the state of war: and it is the want of such an appeal gives a man the right of war even against an aggressor, tho’ he be in society and a fellow subject,” which is where this Shawn Young of All Of Us is taking us with his talk of doing away with the Albany Police, in testimony before Congress, a former managing editor of the Party’s newspaper discussed the group and debated the meaning of a slogan and a gruesome cartoon:

    Mr. PREYER. It is an objective of this hearing to develop information on the activities and objectives of the national office of the Black Panther Party. We are particularly interested in whether the statements and pronouncements of revolutionary violence which emanate from national leaders or are printed in the Black Panther Party newspaper are intended as mere rhetoric or the advocacy of a recommended course of revolutionary action. . . .

    During the 10-year period, 1960–1969, there were 561 law enforcement officers feloniously murdered while protecting life and property. In 1969, the last year for which complete statistics are available, there were 35,202 assaults on police officers, 11,949 resulting in injury. Eighty-six police officers, a 34-percent increase over 1968, were killed. While there are no complete statistics for 1970, the trend, if anything, would appear to be increasing. News accounts have alleged that certain of these killings and assaults have resulted from Panther activities. Statements by Panther leaders and remarks in their newspaper would seem to leave little doubt that the Panthers attempt to encourage physical attacks on police.

    There are at present at least 10 bills pending before the House and 3 before the Senate which would make it a Federal offense to kill or assault a State or local policeman or fireman. . . .


    Mr. ROMINES. Mr. Jones, are you now or have you ever been a member of the Black Panther Party?

    Mr. JONES. Yes, I have been but I am not now.

    Mr. ROMINES. When did you join the Black Panther Party?

    Mr. JONES. The date is a little difficult; I can’t give you an exact date, sometime in May or June of 1968.

    Mr. ROMINES. Why did you join the party?

    Mr. JONES. In Oakland, California.

    Mr. ROMINES. Why did you join the party?

    Mr. JONES. I thought the Black Panther Party was doing something that needed to be done. They were opposing racism, and I felt that because racism was a problem in the United States that the party was serving the necessary need.

    Mr. ROMINES. Why would you have selected the Black Panther Party over certain other organizations which were in existence at the time?

    Mr. JONES. Well, the other organizations that I knew of had been in existence for quite a while and the problem still existed. The Black Panther Party was new and I thought maybe a new approach might solve the problem.

    Mr. ROMINES. Did the Black Panther Party have any approach that you saw at that time which you thought was perhaps going to be more advantageous or beneficial?

    Mr. JONES. Yes, taking the stance that we were entitled to and have the right of self-defense as opposed to nonviolence.

    Mr. ROMINES. When did you leave the Black Panther Party?

    Mr. JONES. Approximately a year later, probably May or June, probably May of 1969.

    Mr. ROMINES. For what reason did you leave the party?

    Mr. JONES. Basically, primarily because I think the party had changed its emphasis and was no longer emphasizing racism as the problem to be combated and I felt that was where I wanted to continue to place my emphasis.

    Mr. ROMINES. You indicated a change in emphasis, which would at least infer a change from an emphasis on racism to an emphasis on something else?

    Mr. ROMINES. Yes.

    Mr. ROMINES. What would that something else have been?

    Mr. JONES. The party started to oppose capitalism, saying that was the primary problem.

    Mr. ROMINES. And you thought that was incorrect?

    Mr. JONES. Yes. . . .


    Mr. ROMINES. Was there any discussion in the classes of the term “revolution”?

    Mr. JONES. Yes.

    Mr. ROMINES. What was the discussion in terms of revolution?

    Mr. JONES. In terms of revolution, that there needed to be some changes made, as I said, in the law and in the application of the law in the United States.

    Mr. ROMINES. Does the Black Panther Party encourage members of the black community to possess weapons?

    Mr. JONES. Yes.

    Mr. ROMINES. Why?

    Mr. JONES. For self-defense. The Black Panther Party, when I joined, was entitled the “Black Panther Party for Self-Defense.” That title was chosen because of the activities of police officers in the city of Oakland, primarily. They often showed disrespect for the homes and persons of people in the black community. The Black Panther Party was instituted with the intention of instilling in the black people in that area their right to defend their homes and the necessity of doing so.

    Mr. ROMINES. Is the Black Panther Party still known as the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense?

    Mr. JONES. No, it isn’t.

    Mr. ROMINES. The term “for Self-Defense” has been dropped; is that correct?

    Mr. JONES. Yes, it has.

    Mr. ROMINES. Do you know why the term has been dropped?

    Mr. JONES. I was told the reason it was dropped was to cancel out this impression that many people have of the party that it was a paramilitary organization, and they wanted to adopt the posture of being more political than military. Self-defense implies a military type action. . . .

    Mr. ROMINES. Does the Black Panther Party differentiate at all between black and white policemen?

    Mr. JONES. Not on that basis, no. I think they differentiate between good and bad policemen.

    Mr. ROMINES. The vast majority of the cartoons that I have seen depict white policemen.

    Mr. JONES. I don’t think so; I think the vast majority would depict a pig dressed in a policeman’s uniform.

    Mr. ROMINES. And no intent on the part of the Panther Party to say this is a white policeman?

    Mr. JONES. No.

    Mr. ROMINES. What, Mr. Jones, in your opinion, is the purpose of the cartoons?

    Mr. JONES. I consider them sort of political satire. How often I have had to explain this before and I often use the analogy of, say, a political cartoon stating, “Stamp out litter bugs.” You might see a giant shoe about to smash a bug, but that in no sense means that you are to kill the next guy you see throw paper on the streets, you know. This is the way the cartoons in the Black Panther paper are used. There has been some discussion about how this affects people, and I often say the way the cartoon effects a person is dependent upon their psychological bent.

    Mr. ROMINES. Let’s back up and go at it first of all from the way they are intended. You say as a political satire?

    Mr. JONES. Yes.

    Mr., Romines. You use your analogy, but tell me exactly what you think they are trying to satirize.

    Mr. JONES. I think they are saying that policemen who don’t conduct themselves as police officers and who engage in criminal activity in the black community could be removed from the black community.

    Mr. ASHBROOK. Is that really the case? I have in front of me a cartoon which shows, as you pointed out, a police officer depicted as a pig, and I suppose what they refer to as one of the brothers stabbing him in the back with all kinds of blood oozing out. And it says underneath it, “The only good pig, is a dead pig.” There isn’t any real way you could construe that into being a satire or being a commentary. That is about as definite as one could be. “The only good pig, is a dead pig,” and here it is in the so-called Black Panther Coloring Book. How could that be construed to be satire in the context of what you have just said, that it is all in the mind of a person? What possible connotation could there be in the mind of a beholder that would not be violence prone, murder prone or in a sense opening up a dialogue. That is what I gather from your statement, but it is not borne out by some phenomena.

    Mr. JONES. Is that from the Black Panther paper?

    Mr. ASHBROOK. It is from the Black Panther Coloring Book.

    Mr. JONES. Some of those cartoons may have been used in the paper. But to answer your question, you said that the caption states that the only good pig is a dead pig. Then you have to decline what is meant by “pig.” If pig is intended to be or if you believe that a pig is a policeman who conducts himself improperly and in a criminal manner in a black community or in any community, then I would like for you to tell me how you could ever call this person, if he is alive, indeed a good policeman, you see.

    Mr. ASHBROOK. That is not what it says. It says the only good pig is a dead pig.

    Mr. JONES. That is right, because a pig would be the pig who was most criminal, you see what I mean? Either the pig who is going to come in and brutalize people—

    Mr. ASHBROOK. Up is down, fair is foul, in is out.


    Mr. PREYER. Let me ask you one final question. We have been trying to determine whether the Panthers are a revolutionary group or whether they are really reformists. Yesterday the testimony we had came down strong on the side that they were really a revolutionary group. I would gather that you would agree with this statement. This is from an article in The Washington Post by Bernard D. Nossiter. He has been talking about the Black Panther Revolutionary People’s Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia recently. He says—

    the Panthers are reformers, not radicals. For all their talk, and sporadic use of guns, for all the repetition of “proletariat” and “oppression,” their vision is not—or at least not yet—one in which an underclass forcibly seizes power from a ruling class. Rather, they seek a society more congruent with the vision they heard in grade school, one that offers to blacks “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

    I take it you would agree with this?

    Mr. JONES. In a sense I do. I would again like to deal with the words “reform” and “revolution.” The only difference I see in the two is the time span involved. Reform, of course, might take place over a long period of time and revolution implies an immediate change. The past history of the Panthers has indicated that they are, in fact, reformist because there has been no real confrontation on a class basis or a race basis. So I would agree they are reformers, yes.

    end quotes

    See Also: “We Must Destroy the Capitalistic System Which Enslaves Us”: Stokely Carmichael Advocates Black Revolution

    Getting back to Locke and his role in this discussion which is about the role Black folks play in American society today as opposed to last month, or last year, or in the last century, the so-called Founding Fathers of this country drew heavily upon English philosopher John Locke in establishing America’s First Principles, most notably the Social Compact, which takes us back to the Second Treatise, where Locke states thusly:

    “THE state of war is a state of enmity and destruction: and therefore declaring by word or action, not a passionate and hasty, but a sedate settled design upon another man’s life, puts him in a state of war with him against whom he has declared such an intention, and so has exposed his life to the other’s power to be taken away by him, or any one that joins with him in his defence, and espouses his quarrel; it being reasonable and just, I should have a right to destroy that which threatens me with destruction: for, by the fundamental law of nature, man being to be preserved as much as possible, when all cannot be preserved, the safety of the innocent is to be preferred: and one may destroy a man who makes war upon him, or has discovered an enmity to his being, for the same reason that he may kill a wolf or a lion; because such men are not under the ties of the commonlaw of reason, have no other rule, but that of force and violence, and so may be treated as beasts of prey, those dangerous and noxious creatures, that will be sure to destroy him whenever he falls into their power.”

    As Locke is making incandescently clear with that passage, there is where we all go back to when we no longer have civil society and the police to fall back on – one may destroy a man who makes war upon him, or has discovered an enmity to his being, for the same reason that he may kill a wolf or a lion; because such men are not under the ties of the commonlaw of reason, have no other rule, but that of force and violence, and so may be treated as beasts of prey, those dangerous and noxious creatures, that will be sure to destroy him whenever he falls into their power.

    Does Shawn Young really want to take us back to there?

    Stay tuned, more is yet to come.


  32. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (39)Paul Plante says

    So, by way of review in here with respect to this one-sided conversation with this BLACK LIVES MATTER bull**** being jammed down our throats here in America, as we hear over and over about “systemic racism,” a bull**** term invented by the BLACK POWER MOVEMENT to justify the use of violence against people with white skin who they consider their enemies, being biased against people with white skin as they are, let’s first go back to a POLITIFACT article entitled “Is Black Lives Matter a Marxist movement?” by Tom Kertscher on July 21, 2020, where we had as follows, to wit:

    Included on its list of beliefs is one that has drawn criticism as being consistent with Marxism:

    “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.”

    A spokesperson for Black Lives Matter; Kailee Scales, managing director at Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation; and the three co-founders did not reply to our requests for information.

    end quotes

    Now, why does anyone think that is, that Kailee Scales, managing director at Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation; and the three co-founders did not reply to POLITIFACTS’ requests for information?

    And the answer quite simply is that lack of a response by BLACK LIVES MATTER to POLITIFACT is because they are indoctrinated with Marxist dogma, and thus they lack critical thinking skills, and lacking critical thinking skills because of being “trained Marxists,” with the emphasis on the word “trained,” they cannot rationally explain themselves beyond spouting ignorant Marxist dogma.

    And that reality about being indoctrinated on dogma takes us back beyond the statement of mayor Kathy of Albany in the Times Union story “As statues tumble, relatives of Gen. Philip Schuyler ask for pause” by Brendan J. Lyons on July 5, 2020 where she was quoted as saying “(T)o me, stating that Black Lives Matter is something that we have to say out loud because of our history,” where we will never know exactly what history she is talking about, because she hasn’t a clue herself, to an article in the Daily Mail six (6) years ago on 20 August 2014 where we were informed that shortly after taking office in February 2009, Eric Himpton Holder, Jr, a Democrat Black man who was Democrat Hussein Obama’s top law enforcement officer, called the United States ‘a nation of cowards’ when it comes to talking about race, in a Black History Month speech, where only Black people were in attendance.

    Now, think about that statement in the light of this thread alone, where the top law enforcement officer under Hussein Obama, a Black man, was calling a nation of some 328 million people, or 250,264,000 white people, a “NATION OF COWARDS,” that in a forum where white people were not allowed and thus, did not have a voice in the conversation, which would seem to indicate the real coward was Eric Himpton Holder, Jr., himself.

    According to the news media, in a segregated town hall meeting Himpton Holder, Jr. held in Ferguson, Missouri that was closed so no “white” viewpoints could be expressed, Himpton Holder, Jr. said to the segregated audience present that “(W)e need concrete action to change things in this country,” and “(S)o this interaction must occur,” and “‘(T)his dialogue is important,” and “(B)ut it can’t simply be that we have a conversation that begins based on what happens on August 9, and ends sometime in December, and nothing happens.”

    Except there was no “conversation” then, and there hasn’t been one since, precisely because the Himpton Holder and BLACK LIVES MATTER crowd cannot hold a rational conversation on the subject, having nothing but the same old racially-motivated garbage to spew, over and over again, which gets quite tedious and irksome, and that in turn takes us to a podcast by something calling itself The Sanctuary For Independent Media on July 14, 2020 with Shawn Young, a lead organizer with All Of Us Community Action Group, who discusses why police reform is not enough and the need for everyone to keep engaged in their community with Michele Maserjian, Hudson Mohawk Radio Network, to wit:

    HOST: Today, my guest is Shawn Young, a community activist with All of Us, and welcome, Shawn.

    SHAWN: Oh, welcome, thanks for having me.

    HOST: And can you tell me what is All of Us?

    SHAWN: Okay, so All Of Us community action group grassroots organization – we are based in Schenectady, New York – we are influential across the Capital region – we have folks up in Saratoga, Albany, Troy, Schenectady, Clifton Park as well – We are out here fighting for racial justice in our community in all the ways that shows up – police brutality, healthcare, etc, education – so we are here for the fight and particularly in this moment – we’re facing largely police brutality in our community …

    end quotes

    We are out here fighting for racial justice in our community in all the ways that shows up?

    Fighting for “racial justice” for whom, exactly?

    For Eric Hawkins, perhaps, the Black police chief of the violent Democrat-controlled sanctuary city of Albany, New York under Democrat Kathy Sheehan, herself a kneeler to BLACK LIVES MATTER?

    Or racial justice for Alice Green, a Black woman who is executive director for the Center for Law and Justice and who has earned several degrees from SUNY Albany which include a bachelor’s in African-American studies, a master’s degrees in education, social welfare and criminal justice, and a doctorate in criminal justice?

    Or how racial justice for the Hon. Dr. Dorcey Applyrs, a very accomplished young Black woman who moved to Albany in 2003 to pursue graduate-level education and since has earned a master’s degree and doctorate in public health from the University at Albany School of Public Health and serves as Clinical Associate Professor in the Health Policy, Management, and Behavior Department and is a member of the Dean’s Advisory Council and Community Advisory Council and also serves as the Subject Matter Expert for the School’s Center for Public Health Continuing Education?

    Is Shawn fighting for racial justice for her, one must wonder?

    Or how about Congressman Antonio Delgado, the Black man who represents Albany in the U.S. Congress who attended Notre Dame-Bishop Gibbons High School and played for the school’s basketball team and then enrolled at Colgate University and played for the Colgate Raiders men’s basketball team alongside future Golden State Warriors player Adonal Foyle and after Delgado graduated from Colgate in 1999, he earned a Rhodes Scholarship to study at The Queen’s College, Oxford, from which he received a Master of Arts degree in 2001, and in 2005, Delgado graduated from Harvard Law School?

    Is Shawn going to get him some racial justice?

    And how so?

    By burning down civilization and looting the property of others?


  33. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (40)Paul Plante says

    And going back to the statement of Shawn Young of All Of Us community action group grassroots organization in a 14 July 2020 podcast that “We are out here fighting for racial justice in our community in all the ways that shows up,” this being the same Shawn Young quoted in an Albany, New York Times Union story on 6 Nov. 2020 as saying “(T)he entire way the city (Albany, New York) approaches policing has to be changed; it’s about transformation, it’s about tearing down what we have now and building something better,” and my question, “fighting for racial justice for whom, exactly,” that all takes us back to June 28, 2020, and an Albany, New York Times Union story entitled “Bumpy’s employees walk out amid protest against alleged racist operator – Hundreds rally against ice cream shop owner’s alleged racist text messages” by Cayla Harris, where we get a good glimpse into what tearing down what we have now and building something better looks like min real life, to wit:

    SCHENECTADY – More than 200 people gathered on Sunday outside Bumpy’s Polar Freeze, a popular ice cream parlor, to rally against store owner David Elmendorf, who allegedly sent text messages using racial slurs and saying he doesn’t hire black people.

    The demonstration was peaceful and passionate, with protesters blocking part of State Street in front of the restaurant for more than two hours.

    end quotes

    Blocking streets, of course, is a form of violence against those who use those streets, given the streets are “public ways,” defined as any passageway as an alley, road, highway, boulevard, turnpike or part thereof open as of right to the public and designed for travel by vehicle, on foot, but since these protestors are fighting for “racial justice,” they have some kind of apparent God-given right to inflict violence on others by denying them access to the public ways.

    So much for the concept of “justice for all” in the United States of America.

    Getting back to that story of the fight for racial justice being waged on the streets of America by this All of Us group, we have more as follows:

    The protest culminated in the shop shutting down for the evening around 6:15 p.m. – three hours earlier than usual – and three employees walking out, saying they’d quit.

    “We set this up today … to eradicate white supremacy in our home.”

    “There’s no space for it here,” said organizer Mikayla Foster, 21, who was born and raised in Schenectady.

    “It looks a lot of different ways.”

    “I think people get it confused, that the only thing we’re fighting against is police brutality, but that’s not the case.”

    “We’re fighting against every system that is set to discredit us, disenfranchise us, dismantle us as a people.”

    end quotes

    And there we have it, people, what the fight for racial justice is all about – it’s a fight against every system put in place in America to dismantle the Black folks as a people, where the word “dismantle” means “take a machine or structure to pieces,” with such synonyms as destroy, strip, deprive, disassemble, break up, take-down, tear down, pull down, knock down, undo and dismount.

    Getting back to the story now that we are much more clear as to what this fight is really all about, we have:

    Foster, who works with the community organizing group All of Us, led the crowd for much of the protest, kicking off the event by directing a group of roughly 75 people who had shown up at 4 p.m. from a side road to the sidewalks in front of Bumpy’s and much of State Street, blocking traffic.

    end quotes

    Ah, yes, now that we know what the fight is about, there we have who is doing the fighting, and it is this same All of Us crowd that Shawn Young is a member of, which takes us back to the story for more, as follows:

    Within an hour, more than 200 people had arrived with signs ranging from “Shut racists down” to “Be kind.”

    They chanted and danced together in front of the shop.

    “We are active and ready to move forward against oppression, against black and brown people dying, against white supremacy – the same white supremacy you see at Bumpy’s over here today,” Foster said at the start of the protest.

    end quotes

    White supremacy at an ice cream stand?


    What the hell kind of white supremacists in America sell ice cream?

    And how on earth is an ice cream stand oppressing Black people and causing black and brown people to die?

    And while we wait for answers to those questions which will never come, the story of the fight being waged for racial justice by All Of Us continues as follows:

    “They have been operating on systems of racism and oppression for years now.”

    end quotes

    An ice cream stand is operating on systems of racism and oppression?

    That’s ridiculous!

    And stupid.

    Getting back to it, we have more as follows:

    “It’s a damn shame, because they didn’t know that Schenectady came with heat like this.”

    “So, today, what the (expletive) we’re going to do is shut it the (expletive) down.”

    The group did what was promised – at least for Sunday.

    There were at least five employees inside Bumpy’s Sunday afternoon, and by the end of the event, three had walked out.

    All were black men.

    end quotes

    And there is exactly how stupid this whole horse**** show really is, which is why groups like BLACK LIVES MATTER and this offshoot All Of Us are ridiculed and held in contempt, as they ought to be for peddling such stupidity and then asking us to embrace it and buy into it, as if we were all morons and idiots like them – these All of Us idiots were protesting as “racist” an ice cream stand that employed three Black people, and the purpose of their protest was to destroy the owner’s livelihood and deprive him of a means to earn a living, which is what “justice” in the era of BLACK LIVES MATTER looks like in real life if you should have been unfortunate enough to have been born with skin that is not Black, but is the hated white color.

    Getting back to that sick story of the “fight for racial justice,” which really is a fight by the Black folks like Shawn Young and Mikayla Foster of the BLACK LIVES MATTER offshoot All Of Us to to discredit, disenfranchise, and dismantle white people as a people, we have:

    The protest gradually moved from the street to the lot directly outside the ice cream parlor, as demonstrators held a sit-in in front of the venue for about an hour.

    As attendees inched closer to the shop around 5:15 p.m., some protesters started collecting money for the employees, saying they would buy them out of working for the restaurant.

    Attendees raised at least $270 for each of the men who left and promised to help them find new jobs.

    One of the workers, Shameil McCoy, was wearing a Bumpy’s shirt – and took it off as protesters cheered.

    Some demonstrators later jumped on it and threw it in the pool next to the establishment.

    end quotes

    What is stupid here and weird as all get out is that this All Of Us crowd was raising money to “buy” the freedom of these Black employees of Bumpy’s ice cream parlor as if they were slaves.

    Getting back to the weirdness, and the promise of further violence against people with white skin by these “protestors” in this fight of theirs for “racial justice,” we have:

    Organizer Khalifa Jackson, 27, of the group BLX, said Sunday’s protest was just the first step in taking down a number of businesses in local communities “that are built on the foundation of white supremacy and are allowed to thrive in these environments.”

    “I think we had a really good turnout today,” Jackson said.

    “A lot of people are very passionate here, so of course emotions run high.”

    “We’re very frustrated, we’re tired at the end of the day – but I feel like we definitely maintained our initial purpose and mission, which was to shed light on what is going on in this establishment and bringing the community together to remind them just how much we’re worth and how much our lives are valued.”

    end quotes

    And what a load of bull**** that all is, but such is the “fight for racial justice” here in America today where all it now takes to be a racist and white supremacist is to have white skin and sell ice cream.

    Welcome to the New World Order in America today being ushered in by BLACK LIVES MATTER and All of Us whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress.


  34. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (41)Paul Plante says

    So, a question here: how do we know that this All of Us crowd shutting down this ice cream stand for being a bastion of racism and white supremacy are a splinter group of BLACK LIVES MATTER?

    To which I respond, if a picture is worth a thousand words, if we go to a Spectrum News story entitled “Community Group Says It Will Be ‘Constant Presence’ Demanding Change” by Jaclyn Cangro on June 18, 2020, we see people at an All of Us rally holding signs that link All Of Us to BLACK LIVES MATTER:

    And if we then go to an Albany, New York Times Union article entitled “Bumpy’s employees walk out amid protest against alleged racist operator – Hundreds rally against ice cream shop owner’s alleged racist text messages” by Cayla Harris on June 28, 2020, we see a picture of the All Of Us mob blocking off the public street in front of the ice cream stand and front and center in that picture, we see the upraised BLACK POWER fist on a sign with BLM written on it:

    If we scroll through those photos, we get an idea of just how ugly an All Of Us/BLACK LIVES MATTER “protest” can really be, where in the name of the fight for “racial justice” and All Of Us fighting against every system that is set to discredit them, disenfranchise them, and dismantle them as a people, they have commandeered not only a city street, but have taken over private property, as well,

    and clearly intend to use violence to make sure that theirs is the only voice being heard:

    In the meantime, what we fail to find in any of those photos, and what we fail to see is any “police brutality,” and in fact, scan as hard as we might, despite the threat of violence and the fact that the mob was blocking off a major thoroughfare, what we fail to find is any sign whatsoever of the police, period, precisely because they weren’t there to get involved and then find themselves in big trouble deep for failing to be “sensitive” enough to the needs of the mob that were intent on destroying a man’s life and livelihood because they, the howling mob who now rule out streets, believe his is a racist, which is all it takes anymore to get a howling mob sicced on you in America by All Of Us and BLACK LIVES MATTER.

    And that brings us then to the question “what does it mean to extort someone,” the answer to which is “to obtain from a person by force, intimidation, or undue or unlawful use of authority or power.”

    In other words, do exactly as All of Us/BLACK LIVES MATTER says to do, and think only as they say is permissible to think, and then you won’t find a howling mob of them on your doorstep, threatening you with violence, which is extortion and what this All Of Us/BLACK LIVES MATTER crowd is doing today is no different than what Democrat terror groups such as the Red Shirts of the Southern United States, white supremacist paramilitary terrorist groups that were active in the late 19th century in the last years of, and after the end of, the Reconstruction era of the United States when politically conservative private terror units adopted red shirts to make themselves more visible and threatening to Southern progressives, both whites and freedmen, were doing in the South after the Civil War,

    And that brings us to the question “what is considered coercion,” the answer to which is “the use of intimidation or threats to prevent someone doing something they have a legal right to do,” which is exactly what we are witnessing with regard to these mob scenes outside the ice cream parlor.

    And that brings us to the word “brutality” we hear being bandied about almost on a daily basis anymore by these violent BLACK LIVES MATTER protestors.

    The word “brutality” means savage physical violence, or the quality of being brutal; cruelty; savagery. a brutal act or practice, or violence or physical force unlawfully exercised toward property and/or persons.

    So who is it being brutal here?

    Clearly it was not the police, who knew better than to tangle with a BLACK LIVES MATTER howling mob and get themselves in trouble with the “authorities,” as we see in a Daily Gazette article entitled “Bumpy’s owner arrested for allegedly pointing a pellet gun at protesters in Schenectady – The owner’s truck pulled over by police” by Pete DeMola on June 30, 2020, to wit:

    City and county sheriff’s deputies were on site Tuesday afternoon to warn the protesters against blocking traffic on State Street, but left by 6:40 p.m..

    Afterward, the atmosphere remained tense as the crowd engaged in minor skirmishes with motorists attempting to enter or leave Shirley Lane, which organizers blocked.

    end quotes

    In America today, if you are Black and are “fighting for racial justice,” then for you, violence is clearly the way to achieve your objectives while the police who are scared of you because you can get them fired run and hide to keep themselves safe.


  35. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (42)Paul Plante says

    So, as we all have a really good look here courtesy of the Cape Charles Mirror at what is called “community organizing” is all about in this Age of BLACK LIVES MATTER, which so-called “community organizing” is nothing more than being able to raise a howling mob at your command and then wield that mob as a political weapon as Shawn Young and Mikayla Foster of the BLACK LIVES MATTER offshoot All Of Us are clearly able to do, let us for a moment go back in time to the last century BC, long regarded by some historians as one of the most pivotal times in the history of the world, just as are these times we are now in today in this country pivotal times in our history, to another time in history when the use of mobs as political weapons in Rome was rampant, to get an idea of what our own future might look like if Shawn Young of the BLACK LIVES MATTER offshoot All Of Us is able to make his wish come true by having Democrat Kathy Sheehan, the mayor of the violent sanctuary city of Albany, New York and her city council cut off all funding for the Albany, New York Police Department, which goal was clearly expressed in the Albany, New York Times Union story entitled “Activists urge city to take stronger stance on police reform” by Steve Hughes on Nov. 6, 2020, as follows:

    ALBANY — Dozens of residents and activists spoke out about their concerns with the city’s police reform process Friday night.

    Standing on the sidewalk on Second Street outside of VanRennselaer Park in Arbor Hill, they said the city’s plan moved too slowly and that they did not believe it would bring about meaningful change in how the police department and community members viewed each other.

    The entire way the city approaches policing has to be changed, said organizer Shawn Young, co-founder of All of Us.

    “It’s about transformation, it’s about tearing down what we have now and building something better,” he said.

    end quotes

    It’s about transformation, alright.

    It’s about tearing down what we have now, which to the Marxists is the hated symbol of the “state” they want to tear down to take us back to the communism which existed prior to the rise of the “state,” that being the police, and replacing them with rule by mob, or ochlocracy as the ancient Greeks, who knew it well called it, which is the rule of government by a mob or mass of people and the intimidation of legitimate authorities.

    Going back in time, it was during that time in Roman history, this just before their civil war, that the greatest of Romans vied for the fate of the Republic – Pompey and Caesar, Cicero and Crassus, names that became legends, along with Publius Claudius Pulcher who is remembered to this day for his control over the mob in Rome, where he was known as the King of the Street.

    What Clodius was seeking, and what he got, was the post of “Tribune of the Plebs”.

    A Tribune was a Plebian elected by Plebians.

    They had several unrivalled powers, most of which stemmed from one simple fact – it was an automatic death sentence to harm a Tribune.

    He won the eternal loyalty of the Plebs by instituting an official Dole of free grain to the poor, something that would become a key part of Roman life in the centuries to come.

    He also legalised associations “of a semi-political nature” – in other words, lower-class political pressure groups that could organise mob violence to order.

    Ah, yes, the ability to organize mob violence to order – there is where the political power of Shawn Young of All Of Us/BLACK LIVES MATTER stems from today, which makes him a modern-day Clodius Pulcher, who himself led several such groups, and soon became the “king of the streets” of Rome.

    His power started to wane when his relations with the Triumvirate began to fray.

    Clodius’ power went to his head, and rumours that Pompey planned to allow Cicero to return from from exile drove him to begin harassing him, reportedly even trying an assassination attempt.

    This made the Triumvirate realise they had created a monster.

    An attempt was made to recall Cicero from exile at the beginning of 57 BC, when Clodius’ term of office ended, but Clodius used his gangs to break up the meetings.

    Pompey was forced to allow the new tribunes, including a firebrand named Milo, to raise their own gangs in opposition to Clodius.

    Mobs in opposition to other mobs!

    Think about it, people!

    There is where people like this Shawn Young of All Of Us/BLACK LIVES MATTER are taking us as they try to jam their dogma and ideology down our throats with a two by four with their mobs.

    Getting back to what came before in Rome, Milo and Clodius soon became bitter rivals, as they each fought for control of the Plebians.

    Clodius had himself elected to a minor public office in 57 BC, for example, to avoid being prosecuted by Milo.

    He then himself had Milo prosecuted for public violence.

    The violence in question consisted of fighting off the mobs Clodius had sent to smash his house up.

    The two men continued their private war for several years, until it reached its climax in 52 BC.

    The two men were travelling outside of the city, and their parties met “by chance”, and a scuffle broke out that escalated into a full blown battle.

    Later accounts would have it that one or the other was laying in ambush, of course.

    As a result of the fight Clodius was wounded, and he fled to a nearby inn.

    Milo won the battle, and he and his men then found the injured Clodius.

    Milo decided this was too good an opportunity to pass up, and had his men murder the defenceless man and abandon his body by the side of the road.

    Of course, things didn’t end there.

    A traveller found and recognised Clodius’ body, and had it sent back to Rome.

    There his wife Fulvia organised his followers to take it and march on the senate’s meeting house, the Curia.

    There they drove the senators out before setting the building alight as a funeral pyre for their fallen leader.

    In response to this the Senate appointed Pompey to take on command of the city to restore order, an action which would lead inevitably to the Roman civil war that saw Caesar come to power.

    Milo was tried for the murder of Crassus, and Cicero (of course) spoke in his defence.

    The great orator was intimidated by the mob in the audience, and his delivery was unusually poor.

    Milo was convicted and exiled, a verdict which Pompey allegedly forced the jury to pass in order to quiet the streets.

    He, like many others, would perish in the decade of civil war that was to come.

    Fulvia married Mark Anthony, one of Caesar’s protegé, and brought Clodius’ gangs to his side.

    She may have prompted his enmity against Cicero, who he had executed in 43 BC.

    One story recounts that when the great orator’s head was put on display, she pulled out his tongue and jabbed it with a hairpin in revenge for the words it had spoken.

    In many ways the story of Clodius parallels that of the end of the Republic.

    He began as a typical Patrician youth, in military service, before falling into the decadence that marked the disintegration of the traditional social order.

    As the old politics were superseded by outright violence (something which had begun much earlier) he gradually became less a politician, and more a gang lord.

    And in the end, like so many, he was consumed by the violence he created, relegated to a footnote in the tales of better men.

    In our times today, is that really a road we want to go down?

    Or be taken down?

    Something to think about, anyway.

    Because once started, civil wars are hard to stop.


  36. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (43)Paul Plante says

    “Neither they (the Carthagenians) or the Romans, owed their dissolation to any causes arising from that kind of government: ’twas the party rage, animosity, and violence of their citizens, which destroyed them both; it weakened them, ’till the one fell under the power of their enemy, and was thereby reduced to ruin; the other changed their form of government, to a monarchy, which proved in the end, equally fatal to them.”

    “The same causes, if they can’t be restrained, will weaken or destroy any nation on earth, let their form of government be what it will; witness the division and dissolution of the Roman empire; the late dismemberment of Poland; the intestine divisions, rage, and wars of Italy, of France, of Spain, and of England.”

    “No form of government can preserve a nation which can’t control the party rage of its own citizens; when any one citizen can rise above the control of the laws, ruin draws near.”

    Those are words of wisdom from the days of our beginnings as a nation from the political essay “A Citizen of Philadelphia” by Peletiah Webster, Philadelphia, in January 1787.

    And when he talks about “(N)o form of government can preserve a nation which can’t control the party rage of its own citizens; when any one citizen can rise above the control of the laws, ruin draws near,” he is talking about us today in this Age of BLACK LIVES MATTER and these mobs like this All Of Us crowd who commandeer public streets and set up checkpoints as if they were ISIS, acting as if they were in fact the governmental power in this country, while they make a mockery of the concept of RULE OF LAW, which does not apply to them, which takes us to the “Atticus I” political essay by Atticus for the Independent Chronicle and the Universal Advertiser, Boston, an early American version of the Cape Charles Mirror today, on August 9, 1787, to wit:

    “If the temper and principles of the nation be wholly corrupt, their ruin is certain in the nature of things.”

    “They must of necessity be slaves.”

    “In vain did Brutus think to make the Romans free by killing Caesar.”

    “The spirit of Romans had so totally forsaken them, that any man, who could assemble an army of desperadoes, might be a Caesar if he pleased.”

    end quotes

    And today, the spirit of Americans has so totally forsaken them that any man or woman acting as a “community organizer” like Shawn Young or Mikayla Foster of the BLACK LIVES MATTER splinter group All Of Us who can assemble an army of thugs, hooligans, and desperados, might be a Caesar as they please, which is what we are seeing happen in the Democrat-controlled violent sanctuary city of Albany, New York with it huge, intimidating BLACK LIVES MATTER banner flying over Albany City Hall, which is BLACK LIVES MATTER turf, where they are becoming the “police power” instead of the Albany Police Department, which they want dismantled and disbanded to leave them solely in charge.

    Which leads us to the political essay “A Citizen of America: An Examination Into the Leading Principles of America” by Noah Webster on October 17, 1787, to wit:

    The Romans never discovered the secret of representation — the whole body of citizens assembled for the purposes of legislation — a circ*mstance that exposed their government to frequent convulsions, and to capricious measures.

    end quotes

    Which takes us back to an Albany, New York Times Union story entitled “As statues tumble, relatives of Gen. Philip Schuyler ask for pause” by Brendan J. Lyons on July 5, 2020, where we have the following mayor Kathy Sheehan of Albany, to wit:

    “To me, stating that Black Lives Matter is something that we have to say out loud because of our history.”

    end quotes

    Our history, mayor Kathy?

    But that is our history I have just laid out above here in those political essays, and that history tells us quite clearly that to embrace BLACK LIVES MATTER is to embrace a viper intent on destroying our nation and we as a people.

    So why would we do that, mayor Kathy?

    The candid world would like to know.


  37. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (44)Paul Plante says

    “To maintain the armed bands whom he employed, Clodius required large sums of money; but this he did not find much difficulty in procuring : for with the populace he was all-powerful, and his influence made his favour worth purchasing.”

    That is an excerpt from a biographical sketch of Clodius Pulcher, the King of the Streets in Rome in the last century. B.C., whose political power, like that of BLACK LIVES MATTER today, came from the violent mobs he had control over, which takes us back to a Newsweek article entitled “BLM Leader: We’ll ‘Burn’ the System Down If U.S. Won’t Give Us What We Want” by Meghan Roos on 6/25/20, where we had a real bad-ass BLACK LIVES MATTER dude named Hawk Newsome, a modern-day version of Clodius Pulcher, because the use of mob violence to attain political ends, confirming that very premise about the use of mob violence to achieve political goals in our times today, to wit:

    A leader of Black Lives Matter’s New York chapter on Wednesday said the movement was prepared to “burn down this system” if the U.S. does not work with participants to enact real change.

    “If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it,” said Hawk Newsome, chairman of Black Lives Matter of Greater New York, during an interview with Fox News.

    “This country is built upon violence,” Newsome said, pointing to the American Revolution and modern American diplomacy as examples.

    “The moment people start destroying property, now cops can be fired automatically.”

    “What is this country rewarding?”

    “What behavior is it listening to?”

    “Obviously not marching,” Newsome said.

    end quotes

    Which is something Clodius Pulcher knew quite well in his time.

    And here, to get an idea of what our future may well look like as mob violence to achieve political ends, such as dismantling police departments, becomes more mainstream, as it has in the Democrat-controlled sanctuary city of Albany, New York where the BLACK LIVES MATTER banner flies over Albany City Hall proclaiming it as BLACK LIVES MATTER turf, let’s take a quick look at a timelije from history here, as follows:

    Publius Clodius Pulcher/Date of death: January 18, 52 BC

    Pompey/Date of assassination: September 28, 48 BC

    Caesar’s Civil War/Period: January 10, 49 BC – March 17, 45 BC

    Are there any lessons for us in any of that?

    And that raises the question of where were the police when all that mob violence was going on in Rome, mob violence which led to Caesar’s civil war?

    Why did the police stand by and let all of that mob violence destroy the “state?”

    Why do we read in the history of Rome early Americans knew so well, even if we are totally ignorant of it today, to our detriment, although we don’t even realize that, as follows:

    “Next year (B. C. 57), Clodius, possessing no longer tribunitial power, was obliged to depend on his armed bands for preventing the people from passing a decree to recall Cicero.”

    “On the twenty-fifth of January, when a rotation to that effect was brought forward by the tribune Fabricius, Clodius appeared with an armed body of slaves and gladiators; Fabricius had also brought armed men to support him, and a bloody fight ensued, in which the party of Fabricius was worsted.”

    “Soon afterwards, Clodius with his men fell upon another of his opponents, the tribune Sextius. who nearly lost his life in the fray.”

    “He attacked the house of Milo, another of the tribunes, and threatened his life whenever he appeared.”

    “He set fire to the temple of the Nymphs, for the purpose of destroying the censorial records; interrupted the Apollinarian games, which were being celebrated by the praetor L. Caecilius, and besieged him in his house.”

    “Milo made an unsuccessful attempt to bring Clodius to trial for his acts of violence; and finding his endeavours unsuccessful, resolved to repel force by force.”

    “Accordingly he collected an armed band of slaves and gladiators, and frequent contests took place in the streets between the opposing parties.”

    end quotes

    As an aside, does that remind anyone of Charlottesville?

    Getting back to the question of why the police in Rome allowed that mob violence to happen and destroy the “state,” the simple answer, which is most definitely relevant today, as we have “community organizers” like this Shawn Young, who was himself a participant in the Bumpy’s Ice Cream Stand “white supremacy” protest in Schenectady, New York, agitating to do away with the police force in Albany., New York, the state capital in exchange for him keeping his mobs in check, is that unlike Albany, New York today, there was no police force in Rome at that time to deal with the mobs.

    At that time in history, this before the establishment of the police forces we have today to maintain law and order, which is a characteristic of civilized society, outside of Rome, the military usually enforced the edicts of magistrates and the rule of law.

    However, no weapons could be carried within Rome’s boundaries, the pomerium.

    In the absence of this ordinary method of policing, the Senate came up with the senatus consultum ultimum (SCU) in 121 BC, when Gaius Gracchus was causing unrest.

    This decree ordered all magistrates to take up arms in defence of the State, as Plutarch describes, and seems to have superseded the ordinary limit on weapons being carried within the pomerium, enabling the magistrates to act as a civilian police force.

    Through the SCU, the magistrates became a de facto police force, and of interest, the magistrate’s guards are also described, which perhaps suggests that the magistrate’s authority was passed on to them as a result of the SCU.

    However, while the Republic had the capacity to form a police force when necessary, with regard to the mobs of Clodius, the nature of the SCU meant that it had to be passed in the Senate, so that if a certain proportion of the Senate were not opposed to the political violence, no SCU would be passed and the violence allowed to proceed unchecked.

    So why didn’t the Senate of Rome, highly factionalized as it was, much like is the case in the USA today, simply create a police force independent of political interest?

    And that answer was as simple then as it is today, especially in the violent, Democrat-controlled city of Albany, New York under mayor Kathy Sheehan – because a police force truly independent of political interest would only weaken their position and be of no benefit to them, just as a police force in Albany, New York truly independent of Kathy Sheehan’s political interests would only weaken her position and be of no benefit to her.

    So, very reminiscent of the real bad-ass BLACK LIVES MATTER dude Hawk Newsome, a modern-day version of Clodius Pulcher who is the chairman of Black Lives Matter of Greater New York telling Fox News that BLACK LIVES MATTER was prepared to “burn down this system” if the U.S. does not work with participants to enact real change, we read in the history of Rome, as follows:

    Clodius was at this time a candidate for the aedileship, that, if successful, he might be screened from a prosecution; and threatened the city with fire and sword if an assembly were not held for the election.

    end quotes

    As Hawk Newsome of BLACK LIVES MATTER makes incandescently clear in his Fox News interview, threatening cities like Albany, New York with fire and sword is a very effective political tactic, which is why it has endured some 2,000 years up to our times today, where it is making a revival before our eyes.

    So where does it go from there?

    Well, for us today, that is the question of the hour – where is it going to go, and how rapidly are we going to get there?

    As to Clodius, this is what history tells us, and it says absolutely nothing whatsoever about embracing BLACK LIVES MATTER, to wit:

    In B. C. 53 Clodius was a candidate for the praetorship, and Milo for the consulship.

    Each strove to hinder the election of the other.

    They collected armed bands of slaves and gladiators, and the streets of Rome became the scene of fresh tumults and frays, in one of which Cicero himself was endangered.

    When the consuls endeavoured to hold the comitia, Clodius fell upon them with his band, and one of them, Cn. Domitius, was wounded.

    The senate met to deliberate.

    Clodius spoke, and attacked Cicero and Milo, touching, among other things, upon the amount of debt with which the latter was burdened.

    Cicero replied in the speech De Aere alieno Milonis.

    The contest, however, was soon after brought to a sudden and violent end.

    On the 20th of January, B. C. 52, Milo set out on a journey to Lanuvium.

    Near Bovillae he met Clodius, who was returning to Rome after visiting some of his property.

    Both were accompanied by armed followers, but Milo’s party was the stronger.

    The two antagonists had passed each other without disturbance; but two of the gladiators in the rear of Milo’s troop picked a quarrel with some of the followers of Clodius, who immediately turned round, and rode up to the scene of dispute, when he was wounded in the shoulder by one of the gladiators.

    The fray now became general.

    The party of Clodius were put to flight, and betook themselves with their leader to a house near Bovillae.

    Milo ordered his men to attack the house.

    Several of Clodius’ men were slain, and Clodius himself dragged out and despatched.

    The body was left lying on the road, till a senator named Sex. Tedius found it, and conveyed it to Rome.

    Here it was exposed to the view of the populace, who crowded to see it.

    Next day it was carried naked to the forum, and again exposed to view before the rostra.

    The mob, enraged by the spectacle, and by the inflammatory speeches of the tribunes Munatius Plancus and Q. Pompeius Rufus, headed by Sex. Clodius carried the corpse into the Curia Hostilia, made a funeral pile of the benches, tables, and writings, and burnt the body on the spot.

    Not only the senate-house, but the Porcian basilica, erected by Cato the Censor, and other adjoining buildings, were reduced to ashes.

    end quotes

    So, yes, let Kathy Sheehan of Albany, New York acquiesce to the demands of Shawn Young of the BLACK LIVES MATTER splinter group All Of US to disband the Albany Police Department and turn control of the streets of Albany, New York to his mobs, and then, let the games begin, just as they did in Rome in the time of Clodius Pulcher, and if anyone today is for that, they have to be considered a dangerous lunatic.

    My thoughts, anyway.


  38. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (45)Paul Plante says

    Speaking for the moment as a twice-wounded combat veteran, going back for a moment to this photo in the Albany, New York Times Union article “Bumpy’s employees walk out amid protest against alleged racist operator – Hundreds rally against ice cream shop owner’s alleged racist text messages” by Cayla Harris on June 28, 2020 of a public thoroughfare in the Democrat-controlled city of Schenectady, New York being blocked by a BLACK LIVES MATTER sign with an upraised BLACK POWER fist on it, proclaiming that public street beyond that point to be BLACK LIVES MATTER territory, as if that were an ISIS checkpoint in Syria, no greater symbol for the oppression yet to come and no greater insult to a free people regardless of skin color can there be than that BLACK POWER fist being stuck in our collective faces by this BLACK LIVES MATTER mob blocking off that public street with their checkpoint, and yet, what is amazing to me is that there was not a hint of outrage about this BLACK LIVES MATTER forceful takeover of public property from any of the media, nor was there any hint of outrage from any public official in Schenectady, which is not surprising given it is a Democrat-controlled city and violence is their way:

    And that thought takes us back to an Albany, New York Times Union story entitled “As statues tumble, relatives of Gen. Philip Schuyler ask for pause” by Brendan J. Lyons on July 5, 2020, where we had Democrat mayor Kathy Sheehan of Albany telling us citizens of America that “To me, stating that Black Lives Matter is something that we have to say out loud because of our history.”

    Which again brings us back to the question – what history, and written by whom, to cover what period of time?

    And if we then look at her statement in the context of her being a recent convert to Marxism, which her own embrace of BLACK LIVES MATTER would indicate she is, a Novice Marxist still in training, then it would follow that the “history” she is referring to as “our” history, i.e., the history that the Marxists adhere to as their own, would have to be “Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State,” which Lenin would later describe as “one of the fundamental works of modern socialism.”

    With respect to the statement of mayor Kathy of Albany that “(T)o me, stating that Black Lives Matter is something that we have to say out loud because of our history,” Engels wrote that history titled “The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State” in just two months – beginning toward the end of March 1884 and completing it by the end of May.

    It focuses on early human history, following the disintegration of the primitive community and the emergence of a class society based on private property.

    In the Marxist version of history mayor Kathy of Albany, New York embraces, Engels looks into the origin and essence of the state, and concludes it is bound to wither away leaving a classless society: “Along with [the classes] the state will inevitably fall, society, which will reorganise production on the basis of a free and equal association of the producers, will put the whole machinery of state where it will then belong: into the museum of antiquity, by the side of the spinning-wheel and the bronze axe.”

    So, in that context, which is the Marxist context of BLACK LIVES MATTER, we have to embrace BLACK LIVES MATTER as our saviors, because as trained Marxists, they and they alone can lead us to a glorious new future by taking us back to primitive communism where we never should have left in the first place, which takes us to Chapter III of “The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State,” titled “The Iroquois Gens,” where we have this view of the tribal future BLACK LIVES MATTER is leading us to as we embrace them as our saviors, to wit:

    From the bonds of blood uniting the gens sprang the obligation of blood revenge, which the Iroquois unconditionally recognized.

    If any person from outside the gens killed a gentile member, the obligation of blood revenge rested on the entire gens of the slain man.

    end quotes

    No police brutality, anymore, since there are no longer police, which are a hated symbol of the “state” the Marxists see falling.

    And as to who the “gens” are going to be to exact this “blood revenge” when we no longer have the police around, just study these photos from the Albany Times Union, and you are looking at them:

    Going back to the history that mayor Kathy says we have to embrace BLACK LIVES MATTER because of, it describes the brave new world our saviors BLACK LIVES MATTER are going to lead us to as they take us back to primitive tribal communism as the path to a glorious new future, as follows:

    But once the gens is given as the social unit, we also see how the whole constitution of gentes, phratries, and tribes is almost necessarily bound to develop from this unit, because the development is natural.

    Gens, phratry, and tribe are all groups of different degrees of consanguinity, each self-contained and ordering its own affairs, but each supplementing the other.

    And the affairs which fall within their sphere comprise all the public affairs of barbarians of the lower stage.

    When we find a people with the gens as their social unit, we may therefore also look for an organization of the tribe similar to that here described; and when there are adequate sources, as in the case of the Greeks and the Romans, we shall not only find it, but we shall also be able to convince ourselves that where the sources fail us, comparison with the American social constitution helps us over the most difficult doubts and riddles.

    And a wonderful constitution it is, this gentile constitution, in all its childlike simplicity!

    No soldiers, no gendarmes or police, no nobles, kings, regents, prefects, or judges, no prisons, no lawsuits – and everything takes its orderly course.

    All quarrels and disputes are settled by the whole of the community affected, by the gens or the tribe, or by the gentes among themselves; only as an extreme and exceptional measure is blood revenge threatened – and our capital punishment is nothing but blood revenge in a civilized form, with all the advantages and drawbacks of civilization.

    Although there were many more matters to be settled in common than today – the household is maintained by a number of families in common, and is communistic, the land belongs to the tribe, only the small gardens are allotted provisionally to the households – yet there is no need for even a trace of our complicated administrative apparatus with all its ramifications.

    The decisions are taken by those concerned, and in most cases everything has been already settled by the custom of centuries.

    There cannot be any poor or needy – the communal household and the gens know their responsibilities towards the old, the sick, and those disabled in war.

    All are equal and free – the women included.

    end quotes

    Sounds great, does it not, especially that part about no gendarmes or police!

    Just think of it, no more speeding tickets!


  39. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (46)Paul Plante says

    Only one thing was wanting, people: an institution which not only secured the newly acquired riches of individuals against the communistic traditions of the gentile order, which not only sanctified the private property formerly so little valued, and declared this sanctification to be the highest purpose of all human society; but an institution which set the seal of general social recognition on each new method of acquiring property and thus amassing wealth at continually increasing speed; an institution which perpetuated, not only this growing cleavage of society into classes, but also the right of the possessing class to exploit the non-possessing, and the rule of the former over the latter.

    And this institution came.

    The state was invented.

    And whose words are those?

    From whence come those words?

    What is their source?

    And that answer is that those words come directly from that very document which Democrat mayor of the violent, sanctuary city of Albany, New York Kathy Sheehan, a novice in the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement, calls “OUR history,” that being Chapter IV, titled “The Greek Gens” of “The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State,” which for novice Marxists like Albany’s Kathy Sheehan, is THE BIBLE, the TRUTH, and the ONLY TRUTH, because it is the words of Karl Marx himself, the founder of the Marxist Movement, as transcribed to paper by his sponsor Frederick Engels, and it is out of those words above about the hated “state” being an institution which secured the riches of individuals against the communistic traditions of the gentile order as well as an institution which perpetuated, not only the growing cleavage of society into classes, but also the right of the possessing class to exploit the non-possessing, and the rule of the former over the latter that the BLACK LIVES MATTER goal of disrupting our stable, productive, law-abiding nuclear families so that they can then lead us back to that simpler, primitive tribal time so as to reintroduce the communistic traditions of primitive society, so there will finally be peace and universal love and all of that kind of stuff associated with the glorious future Marxism has been promising now for over a hundred years.

    Which takes us back to Marx and Engels in Chapter V of the Marxist BIBLE Marxists like the founders of BLACK LIVES MATTER are trained from, that being the source of their dogma which informs their ideology, titled “The Rise of the Athenian State,” where we are treated to the following Marxist history lesson, as if we too were all drooling and fawning, non-thinking, easily conditioned and programmed novices lie Democrat Kathy Sheehan of Albany, New York, to wit:

    How the state developed, how the organs of the gentile constitution were partly transformed in this development, partly pushed aside by the introduction of new organs, and at last superseded entirely by real state authorities, while the true “people in arms,” organized for its self-defense in its gentes, phratries, and tribes, was replaced by an armed “public force” in the service of these state authorities and therefore at their command for use also against the people – this process, at least in its first stages, can be followed nowhere better than in ancient Athens.

    end quotes

    According to Marx and Engels, and by extension BLACK LIVES MATTER and Kathy Sheehan who tells us that because of this history we should embrace BLACK LIVES MATTER for our own good and go willingly with them into a bold new future based on tribalism and primitive communism where there is no private property, to do that, to accomplish that goal for mankind, we have to dismantle the “state,” and to dismantle the “state,” we have to understand how the “state” came into being, which is what these Marxist history lessons we are having in here are all about – understanding how the hated “state” came into being, so we can all pull the pins and topple it, which takes us back to Chapter V of the MARXIST BIBLE which forms the basis of mayor Kathy’s claims that we should all embrace BLACK LIVES MATTER, as follows:

    The first step had been taken towards undermining the gentile constitution; for this was the first step to the later admission of citizens who did not belong to any tribe in all Attica, but were, and remained, completely outside the Athenian gentile constitution.

    By a second measure ascribed to Theseus, the entire people, regardless of gens, phratry or tribe, was divided into three classes: eupatridai, or nobles, geomoroi, or farmers, and demiourgoi, or artisans, and the right to hold office was vested exclusively in the nobility.

    Apart from the tenure of offices by the nobility, this division remained inoperative, as it did not create any other legal distinctions between the classes.

    It is, however, important because it reveals the new social elements which had been developing unobserved.

    It shows that the customary appointment of members of certain families to the offices of the gens had already grown into an almost uncontested right of these families to office; it shows that these families, already powerful through their wealth, were beginning to form groupings outside their gentes as a separate, privileged class, and that the state now taking form sanctioned this presumption.

    It shows further that the division of labor between peasants and artisans was now firmly enough established in its social importance to challenge the old grouping of gentes and tribes.

    And, finally, it proclaims the irreconcilable opposition between gentile society and the state; the first attempt at forming a state consists in breaking up the gentes by dividing their members into those with privileges and those with none, and by further separating the latter into two productive classes and thus setting them one against the other.

    end quotes

    Which is why we all have to work with mayor Kathy and BLACK LIVES MATTER to tear down the “state” as that is the only way now to go forward with society by ending the irreconcilable opposition between gentile society and the state by dismantling the “state,” which thought takes us to Chapter III of THE MARXIST BIBLE, entitled “The Iroquois Gens,” where the justification for dismantling the modern “state” is given as follows:

    The power of this primitive community had to be broken, and it was broken.

    But it was broken by influences which from the very start appear as a degradation, a fall from the simple moral greatness of the old gentile society.

    The lowest interests – base greed, brutal appetites, sordid avarice, selfish robbery of the common wealth – inaugurate the new, civilized, class society.

    It is by the vilest means – theft, violence, fraud, treason – that the old classless gentile society is undermined and overthrown.

    And the new society itself, during all the two and a half thousand years of its existence, has never been anything else but the development of the small minority at the expense of the great exploited and oppressed majority; today it is so more than ever before.

    end quotes

    And there we have it, people; to the Marxists who want to tear down civilization in America to take us back to a primitive stone age form of life so they can have their beloved communism, where life is beautiful all the time, there is what THE STRUGGLE is all about – society itself, which is us, during all the two and a half thousand years of its existence, has never been anything else but the development of the small minority at the expense of the great exploited and oppressed majority and today it is so more than ever before which is why we should all embrace BLACK LIVES MATTER to get to the future by tearing down now and replacing it with yesterday!.


  40. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (47)Paul Plante says

    So, having delved a bit into the Marxist-based “historical” background underlying the goal of the Marxist-inspired BLACK LIVES MATTER movement, which Marxist movement Democrat mayor of Albany, New York Kathy Sheehan wants us as a nation and as a people to embrace, to “disrupt” our stable, productive, law-abiding nuclear families in order to dismantle the machinery of the hated modern “state” so as to be able to bring us all back to the primitive tribal past so we can all have a glorious future living in a state of primitive communism where all the women are married to all the men, let us delve a bit further into that Marxist history to see if we can determine where this hatred of the police by these Marxists stems from, and that takes us back to Chapter V of the Marxist BIBLE, “The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State,” that chapter titled “The Rise of the Athenian State,” where we have as follows:

    We find evidence of this in another state institution.

    We saw that an essential characteristic of the state is the existence of a public force differentiated from the mass of the people.

    At this time, Athens still had only a people’s army and a fleet provided directly by the people; army and fleet gave protection against external enemies and kept in check the slaves, who already formed the great majority of the population.

    In relation to the citizens, the public power at first existed only in the form of the police force, which is as old as the state itself; for which reason the naive French of the eighteenth century did not speak of civilized peoples, but of policed peoples (nations policees).

    The Athenians then instituted a police force simultaneously with their state, a veritable gendarmerie of bowmen, foot and mounted Landjäger [the country’s hunters] as they call them in South Germany and Switzerland.

    But this gendarmerie consisted of slaves.

    The free Athenian considered police duty so degrading that he would rather be arrested by an armed slave than himself have any hand in such despicable work.

    That was still the old gentile spirit.

    The state could not exist without police, but the state was still young and could not yet inspire enough moral respect to make honorable an occupation which, to the older members of the gens, necessarily appeared infamous.

    Now complete in its main features, the state was perfectly adapted to the new social conditions of the Athenians, as is shown by the rapid growth of wealth, commerce, and industry.

    The class opposition on which the social and political institutions rested was no longer that of nobility and common people, but of slaves and free men, of protected persons and citizens.

    end quotes

    The “state” is bad because the “state” is an institution which not only secured the newly acquired riches of individuals against the communistic traditions of the gentile order, which is where the Marxist BLACK LIVES MATTER movement and mayor Kathy Sheehan of Albany, New York want to take us back to; and which not only sanctified private property and declared this sanctification to be the highest purpose of all human society; but also was an institution which set the seal of general social recognition on each new method of acquiring property and thus amassing wealth at continually increasing speed; an institution which perpetuated, not only this growing cleavage of society into classes, but also the right of the possessing class to exploit the non-possessing, and the rule of the former over the latter.

    That is the “state” which must be dismantled.

    The police are a symbol of that hated “state.”

    Because according to Marx and Engels, the state could not exist without police, it logically follows to a trained Marxist that to dismantle the “state,” it is necessary to do away with the police, because as long as the police exist, so too does the hated “state.”

    To get to the Marxist future, the “state” as we know it today must fall, and for the “state” to fall, the police must be done away with, which takes us to an Albany New York Times Union story entitled “Activists urge Troy to defund police before 2021 budget vote” by Massarah Mikati on Nov. 23, 2020, where we were treated to the following Marxist dialogue on the police, to wit:

    TROY — A day before the city council plans to vote on the proposed 2021 city budget, community activists gathered at Barker Park to urge city officials to freeze funds allocated for Troy police.

    “We know that police are not the solution to what we’re trying to achieve,” said Kiani Conley-Wilson of Troy Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).

    “We’re not only trying to defund the police, but we’re trying to put systems in place that are going to replace the police and make sure we have healthy, joyous lives that aren’t ruled by oppression or capitalism.”

    “We spend over $20 million a year on an occupying force in Troy that operates without accountability,” said Caroline Nagy, another Troy DSA member.

    end quotes

    So what are they going to replace the police with?

    For that answer, if you go to this link, and check out the caption which says “Security staff with the organizers of a protest try to keep other angry protesters from a man, second from right, who showed up and started yelling at protesters outside of Bumpy’s Polar Freeze on Sunday, June 28, 2020, in Schenectady, N.Y.” you will be looking at them.


  41. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (48)Paul Plante says

    So, by way of review, let’s go back for a moment to Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors, a protégé of Eric Mann, a former member of the Weather Underground domestic terror organization, which bombed government buildings and police stations in the 1960s and 1970s who spent years absorbing the Marxist-Leninist ideology, known as the “opiate of ******* idiots,” telling us in a newly surfaced video from 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists,” which is like admitting to being a trained seal playing tuned bicycle horns on the Ed Sullivan Show, where in the video, Cullors is interviewed by Jared Ball of the Real News Network as follows:

    “The first thing, I think, is that we actually do have an ideological frame.”

    “Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers.”

    “We are trained Marxists.”

    “We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories.”

    Now, having been studying the concepts of Marxism since I was young, not because I ever wanted to be one, because wanting to be a Marxist is like consciously wanting to be a mindless moron incapable to rational thought or critical thinking; an automaton, in essence, but because I wanted to try and understand what makes those people “tick,” I would say today that those “ideological theories” these BLACK LIVES MATTER founders are “super-versed” on, sort of, anyway, are intellectually dishonest, which is when one avoids an honest, deliberate and comprehensive approach to a matter because it may introduce an adverse effect on personally and professionally held views and beliefs.

    What the practitioners of the legal trade call for some reason unknown to me the “Dame Snow Jeopardy,” which is where you pick your conclusion, and then you arrange “facts” to support it, rejecting those which don’t, which takes us to an excellent example of this Marxist intellectual dishonesty in practice in an academic paper entitled “Legitimacy, Dictatorship and Utopia: A Marxist Perspective on Political Authority” by Lea Ypi of the London School of Economics, which paper starts out thusly:

    Of all the ideas central to socialist philosophy and practice, few have been scorned, misunderstood, celebrated or feared more than the idea of the dictatorship of the proletariat: the post-revolutionary transitional government that stands between the capitalist state ridden by class-struggle and the communist abolition of class rule leading to the establishment of a classless society.

    end quotes

    That is her opening statement, and that is where the intellectual dishonesty being pushed by BLACK LIVES MATTER and all their adherents begins – with this thought that somehow, in some way, despite the fact that it has never yet been achieved, we are going to end up with a “classless” society where everybody will be exactly like everybody else and nobody will be different and we will then be all equal, and life will be good and we will all finally be happy, because there will be no more government, which the Marxists think is the greatest idea since somebody discovered white bread makes good toast.

    And to be clear here, to understand BLACK LIVES MATTER and where those Marxists and their fellow travelers want to take us, what we truly need to understand is this concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat and how the Marxists plan on making that happen, which takes us back to that academic paper, as follows:

    Recent political theory has sought to restore the analytical credibility of a number of concepts and themes central to the Marxian critique of capitalism.

    end quotes

    Now, to understand what she is saying there, we need to understand that Marxism is nothing new, and in fact derives many of its political ideas from “revolutionaries” like François-Noël Babeuf (23 November 1760 – 27 May 1797), also known as Gracchus Babeuf, who was a French socialist, revolutionary and journalist of the French Revolutionary period who wrote: “Society must be made to operate in such a way that it eradicates once and for all the desire of a man to become richer, or wiser, or more powerful than others.”

    That right there, in those plain and simple words, people, is what BLACK LIVES MATTER is really all about – making (i.e. forcing) society, which happens to be all of us, operate in such a way that it eradicates once and for all the desire of a man to become richer, or wiser, or more powerful than others.

    That is what Marxist equality being pushed by BLACK LIVES MATTER is really all about – coercion, plain and simple, coupled with thought control, by force, if and whenever necessary, as we shall see as this topic develops further.

    But first, let us go back to the blatant intellectual dishonesty of Marxist thought by going back to that academic paper, as follows:

    Firstly, in the following pages I shall completely bracket the problem of exploitation under capitalism.

    end quotes

    Ah, yes, people, there we have it in a nutshell – the problem of exploitation under capitalism.

    But what exactly might “exploitation under capitalism” be?

    For that answer, let’s go back to the academic paper, as follows:

    That is to say, I shall make no effort to show that there is such a thing as capitalist relations of production and that this set of relations reveals a specific form of injustice affecting the agents whose social positions reflect and replicate that injustice, among others capitalists and workers.

    All of that will be taken for granted.

    end quotes

    To which I say WHOA, wait a ******* minute here, that’s horse****, us having to “take something for granted,” with no attempt to discern whether what we are taking for granted is even true!

    That is what being intellectually dishonest is all about right there with that horsecrap, but wait, there is more to come as follows:

    Secondly, I will steer clear of the debate on the exact reasons for why capitalism is unjust, if at all.

    end quotes

    So, she and the rest of the Marxists like BLACK LIVES MATTER and their acolytes like Democrat Kathy Sheehan, the mayor of the sanctuary city of Albany, New York, don’t really know that capitalism is “unjust,” or how that might be, but that doesn’t matter, because it is an article of faith with mindless Marxists that capitalism is unjust, and that is all you need to know to be a Marxist like Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors, which takes us back to the academic paper, as follows:

    As long as my readers agree that capitalism is unjust for either of these reasons, the question of the legitimacy of the institutions required to abolish it remains a pertinent one (regardless of any internal disagreements of why exactly capitalism should be abolished).

    Conversely, those who disagree with the core of Marx’s theory, who think that talking about capitalism is like talking about unicorns, or who maintain that there is in fact no superior (more just) alternative to capitalist relations, will find very little of interest in the following pages.

    end quotes

    Ah, don’t you just love it, people?

    There is Marxist ideology right there before our eyes: IF you already believe, i.e. take for granted, what she is going to tell you before she actually does tell you, then you will find what she does tell you to be believable, because you have already been conditioned to believe it!

    And if you don’t already believe it, well, then, to a trained Marxist, there is no room for you in the discussion, nor is there a need for you, since being a non-believer, there is nothing for you to say!

    As Sun Tzu said back when, and it is still applicable today, especially in this AGE of BLACK LIVES MATTER, if you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles, but if you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

    Something to think about anyway.

    But stay tuned for more on what this “dictatorship of the proletariat” means to us in our lifetimes.


  42. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (49)Paul Plante says

    “In America, where a democratic constitution has already been established, the communists must make the common cause with the party which will turn this constitution against the bourgeoisie and use it in the interests of the proletariat.”

    Those are the words of Marxist Icon Karl Mark himself, whose disciple Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors is, in “The Principles of Communism” written down for the sake of posterity by Frederick Engels October-November 1847 from “Selected Works,” Volume One, p. 81-97, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1969, and those are the words that motivate the policies of BLACK LIVES MATTER and the Democratic Socialists who own New York’s U.S. senator Charley “Chuck” Schumer lock, stock and barrel as we see in this GOTHAMIST article by Raphael Pope-Sussman on Feb. 1, 2017, as follows:

    Hundreds of New Yorkers braved freezing temperatures Tuesday night on Brooklyn’s Grand Army Plaza at a rally calling upon U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to take a firm stand against the Trump administration.

    The rally was the latest in a series of weekly gatherings poetically dubbed “What the F*ck, Chuck?” outside the senator’s Brooklyn home on Prospect Park West and his offices in Midtown.

    As a series of speakers stood on a platform and shouted over a mobile PA system, protesters cheered and jeered as they held signs with slogans like “Buck Up Chuck”; “Resisting Trump Is Your Primary Duty”; and “Filibuster Filibuster Filibuster.”

    Hae-Lin Choi, of the Democratic Socialists of America and Resist Trump NY, took the stage first, announcing herself as an immigrant and telling the crowd why organizers had called for the protest.

    “We planned this rally to Schumer’s home to help him find the spine and maybe some of the other body parts he needs to grow,” she said, citing Schumer’s early “yea” votes on Trump’s nominees to lead Defense, Homeland Security, and the Central Intelligence Agency.

    Choi said organizers were encouraged by Schumer’s announcement in recent days that he would vote no on eight more nominees, but that they see this as a bare minimum— and they intend to keep up the pressure.

    “Senator Schumer must be bold and stand with the working class,” she cried over the loudspeaker.

    “He has to champion the resistance or get out of the way and we’ll find someone that will.”

    As Choi spoke, the crowd chanted, “Stand up, or get out of the way.”

    end quotes

    As the the Democratic Socialists who own Charley “Chuck” Schumer lock, stock and barrel and have him in the U.S. senate as their “running dog,” the Party of AOC, in the “The Principles of Communism,” under the heading “How do communists differ from socialists?” they are spoken of thusly by he would know better than anyone else:

    Finally, the third category consists of democratic socialists who favor some of the same measures the communists advocate, as described in Question 18, not as part of the transition to communism, however, but as measures which they believe will be sufficient to abolish the misery and evils of present-day society.

    These democratic socialists are either proletarians who are not yet sufficiently clear about the conditions of the liberation of their class, or they are representatives of the petty bourgeoisie, a class which, prior to the achievement of democracy and the socialist measures to which it gives rise, has many interests in common with the proletariat.

    It follows that, in moments of action, the communists will have to come to an understanding with these democratic socialists, and in general to follow as far as possible a common policy with them – provided that these socialists do not enter into the service of the ruling bourgeoisie and attack the communists.

    It is clear that this form of co-operation in action does not exclude the discussion of differences.

    end quotes

    Having established an ideological connection between the Marxists of BLACK LIVES MATTER and the Democratic Socialists of AOC who own Charley “Chuck” Schumer lock, stock and barrels and who have him as their “running dog” in the U.S. senate, that takes us to the BLACK LIVES MATTER Marxist goal of disrupting out stable, productive, law-abiding families which takes us in turn back to Marx in “The Principles of Communism,” as follows:

    What will be the influence of communist society on the family?

    It will transform the relations between the sexes into a purely private matter which concerns only the persons involved and into which society has no occasion to intervene.

    It can do this since it does away with private property and educates children on a communal basis, and in this way removes the two bases of traditional marriage – the dependence rooted in private property, of the women on the man, and of the children on the parents.

    And here is the answer to the outcry of the highly moral philistines against the “community of women”.

    Community of women is a condition which belongs entirely to bourgeois society and which today finds its complete expression in prostitution.

    But prostitution is based on private property and falls with it.

    Thus, communist society, instead of introducing community of women, in fact abolishes it.

    end quotes

    Recalling that those words were written in 1847, which is one hundred seventy-three (173) years ago now, how exactly that is all supposed to happen remains a mystery, since in all that time, nowhere has it happened yet, except for places like the Spahn Ranch and the Charley Manson commune that once lived there, but that doesn’t stop BLACK LIVES MATTER from advocating for it in our times, because as Marxist ideologues, the founders of BLACK LIVES MATTER can only believe and spout Marxist drivel, because as Marxist ideologues, they are incapable of thinking for themselves, which takes us back to Marx in “The Principles of Communism,” to wit:

    What will this new social order have to be like?

    Above all, it will have to take the control of industry and of all branches of production out of the hands of mutually competing individuals, and instead institute a system in which all these branches of production are operated by society as a whole – that is, for the common account, according to a common plan, and with the participation of all members of society.

    It will, in other words, abolish competition and replace it with association.

    Moreover, since the management of industry by individuals necessarily implies private property, and since competition is in reality merely the manner and form in which the control of industry by private property owners expresses itself, it follows that private property cannot be separated from competition and the individual management of industry.

    Private property must, therefore, be abolished and in its place must come the common utilization of all instruments of production and the distribution of all products according to common agreement – in a word, what is called the communal ownership of goods.

    In fact, the abolition of private property is, doubtless, the shortest and most significant way to characterize the revolution in the whole social order which has been made necessary by the development of industry – and for this reason it is rightly advanced by communists as their main demand.

    end quotes

    And there we have it, people, from the mouth of the BLACK LIVES MATTER Icon Karl Marx himself – for the brave new world of BLACK LIVES MATTER to happen, which of course like all things communist will be really good for all of us, even if we can’t see that for ourselves, we have to do away with our families and our private property.

    Who wants to go first?


  43. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (50)Paul Plante says

    “With this as its basic constitution, civilization achieved things of which gentile society was not even remotely capable.”

    “But it achieved them by setting in motion the lowest instincts and passions in man and developing them at the expense of all his other abilities.”

    “From its first day to this, sheer greed was the driving spirit of civilization; wealth and again wealth and once more wealth, wealth, not of society, but of the single scurvy individual – here was its one and final aim.”

    “If at the same time the progressive development of science and a repeated flowering of supreme art dropped into its lap, it was only because without them modern wealth could not have completely realized its achievements.”

    “Since civilization is founded on the exploitation of one class by another class, its whole development proceeds in a constant contradiction.”

    “Every step forward in production is at the same time a step backwards in the position of the oppressed class, that is, of the great majority.”

    “Whatever benefits some necessarily injures the others; every fresh emancipation of one class is necessarily a new oppression for another class.”

    Those words come to us from Karl Marx himself, the literal godhead of the religion Marxism is, if not a cult, through Frederick Engels in Chapter IX, Barbarism and Civilization, of the Marxist Bible entitled “Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State,” so that when we hear Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors, who spent years absorbing the Marxist-Leninist ideology, known as the “opiate of ******* idiots,” telling us in a newly surfaced video from 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists,” which is like admitting to being a trained seal playing tuned bicycle horns on the Ed Sullivan Show, and that “(T)he first thing, I think, is that we actually do have an ideological frame, myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers, we are trained Marxists, we are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories,” the ideological theories she is super-versed on, sort of, anyway, boil down to this: CIVILIZATION IS BAD!



    How do we know civilization is bad, people?

    Karl Marx said so!

    Sure, civilization produced some things we didn’t have when we were savages and barbarians, but it achieved them by setting in motion the lowest instincts and passions in man and developing them at the expense of all his other abilities.

    How do we know that?

    Karl Marx said it was so, and so it is so!

    So by becoming civilized, we have developed our lowest instincts and passions at the expense of all our other abilities.

    And now, we are in big trouble deep as a result.

    Think about it, people – from its first day to this, sheer greed was the driving spirit of civilization!

    Doesn’t that make you feel bad about yourself instead of all warm and squishy inside, which is the way it should be?

    So, bottom line, here, people – if you are civilized, then it is because of your sheer greed.

    If you weren’t civilized, then you wouldn’t be greedy, plain and simple!

    So to make things right again, each and every one of us and all of us have to renounce civilization!

    Think about it, people – wealth and again wealth and once more wealth, wealth, not of society, but of the single scurvy individual – here is the one and final aim of civilization.

    And the only we we can defeat that downward spiral is by renouncing civilization, each and every scurvy individual of us.

    And how do we do that?

    Where do we start?


    BLACK LIVES MATTER, being trained Marxists, and being super-versed on ideology, sort of, anyway, which is more than most of us can say, have all the answers we need to go forward into the past and welcome savagery and barbarism as our path to salvation, so we put them in charge of us and do what they say we have to do to save ourselves from the multitude of sins associated with being civilized.


    • Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (51)Ron Libby says

      Check out my newest book, “American Ochlocracy: Black Lives Matter & Mob Rule’, 2021./Users/ronaldlibby/Desktop/thumbnail.png


  44. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (52)Stuart Bell says

    They work with the FBI on back scratching exercises.


  45. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (53)Ronald T. Libby says

    Check out my new book, Ronald T. Libby, “AMERICAN OCHLOCRACY: Black Lives Matter & Mob Rule,” 2021.


    • Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (54)Stuart Bell says

      Funk Black Live Matter and each and every one of you that support it.


Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group that wants to destroy the Nuclear family (2024)


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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.