Flyers A4 staand offset – Lynxdigiprint (2024)

Extra opties

{{nbd_fields['f1612783641782'].invalidOption}} is niet beschikbaar

Ongeldige waarde, min: 1 Ongeldige waarde, max: 2

Ongeldige waarde, min: 1 Ongeldige waarde, max: 4

Please check invalid fields and quantity input or choose a different combination!

Summary options

{{field.title}} : {{field.value_name}}
( cart fee )
( for all items )
Opties prijs / 1 item
Quantity Discount / 1 item
Eindprijs / 1 item
Cart item fee / all items
Subtotal price / {{_qty}} items

Table pricing

Amount Stukprijs Totaalprijs Besparing
(+) {{pt.saving}}
(+x) x: Cart item fee

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window : "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : this, b.mexp = a() } }(function() { return function a(b, c, d) { function e(g, h) { if (!c[g]) { if (!b[g]) { var i = "function" == typeof require && require; if (!h && i) return i(g, !0); if (f) return f(g, !0); var j = new Error("Cannot find module '" + g + "'"); throw j.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", j } var k = c[g] = { exports: {} }; b[g][0].call(k.exports, function(a) { var c = b[g][1][a]; return e(c ? c : a) }, k, k.exports, a, b, c, d) } return c[g].exports } for (var f = "function" == typeof require && require, g = 0; g < d.length; g++) e(d[g]); return e }({ 1: [function(a, b, c) { var d = a("./postfix_evaluator.js"); d.prototype.formulaEval = function() { "use strict"; for (var a, b, c, d = [], e = this.value, f = 0; f < e.length; f++) 1 === e[f].type || 3 === e[f].type ? d.push({ value: 3 === e[f].type ? e[f].show : e[f].value, type: 1 }) : 13 === e[f].type ? d.push({ value: e[f].show, type: 1 }) : 0 === e[f].type ? d[d.length - 1] = { value: e[f].show + ("-" != e[f].show ? "(" : "") + d[d.length - 1].value + ("-" != e[f].show ? ")" : ""), type: 0 } : 7 === e[f].type ? d[d.length - 1] = { value: (1 != d[d.length - 1].type ? "(" : "") + d[d.length - 1].value + (1 != d[d.length - 1].type ? ")" : "") + e[f].show, type: 7 } : 10 === e[f].type ? (a = d.pop(), b = d.pop(), "P" === e[f].show || "C" === e[f].show ? d.push({ value: "" + b.value + "" + e[f].show + "" + a.value + "", type: 10 }) : d.push({ value: (1 != b.type ? "(" : "") + b.value + (1 != b.type ? ")" : "") + "" + a.value + "", type: 1 })) : 2 === e[f].type || 9 === e[f].type ? (a = d.pop(), b = d.pop(), d.push({ value: (1 != b.type ? "(" : "") + b.value + (1 != b.type ? ")" : "") + e[f].show + (1 != a.type ? "(" : "") + a.value + (1 != a.type ? ")" : ""), type: e[f].type })) : 12 === e[f].type && (a = d.pop(), b = d.pop(), c = d.pop(), d.push({ value: e[f].show + "(" + c.value + "," + b.value + "," + a.value + ")", type: 12 })); return d[0].value }, b.exports = d }, { "./postfix_evaluator.js": 5 }], 2: [function(a, b, c) { function d(a, b) { for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) a[c] += b; return a } function e(a, b, c, d) { for (var e = 0; e < d; e++) if (a[c + e] !== b[e]) return !1; return !0 } var f = a("./math_function.js"), g = ["sin", "cos", "tan", "pi", "(", ")", "P", "C", "asin", "acos", "atan", "7", "8", "9", "int", "cosh", "acosh", "ln", "^", "root", "4", "5", "6", "/", "!", "tanh", "atanh", "Mod", "1", "2", "3", "*", "sinh", "asinh", "e", "log", "0", ".", "+", "-", ",", "Sigma", "n", "Pi", "pow"], h = ["sin", "cos", "tan", "π", "(", ")", "P", "C", "asin", "acos", "atan", "7", "8", "9", "Int", "cosh", "acosh", " ln", "^", "root", "4", "5", "6", "÷", "!", "tanh", "atanh", " Mod ", "1", "2", "3", "×", "sinh", "asinh", "e", " log", "0", ".", "+", "-", ",", "Σ", "n", "Π", "pow"], i = [f.math.sin, f.math.cos, f.math.tan, "PI", "(", ")", f.math.P, f.math.C, f.math.asin, f.math.acos, f.math.atan, "7", "8", "9", Math.floor, f.math.cosh, f.math.acosh, Math.log, Math.pow, Math.sqrt, "4", "5", "6", f.math.div, f.math.fact, f.math.tanh, f.math.atanh, f.math.mod, "1", "2", "3", f.math.mul, f.math.sinh, f.math.asinh, "E", f.math.log, "0", ".", f.math.add, f.math.sub, ",", f.math.sigma, "n", f.math.Pi, Math.pow], j = { 0: 11, 1: 0, 2: 3, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 11, 8: 11, 9: 1, 10: 10, 11: 0, 12: 11, 13: 0 }, k = [0, 0, 0, 3, 4, 5, 10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 7, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 3, 0, 1, 6, 9, 9, 11, 12, 13, 12, 8], l = { 0: !0, 1: !0, 3: !0, 4: !0, 6: !0, 8: !0, 9: !0, 12: !0, 13: !0 }, m = { 0: !0, 1: !0, 2: !0, 3: !0, 4: !0, 5: !0, 6: !0, 7: !0, 8: !0, 9: !0, 10: !0, 11: !0, 12: !0, 13: !0 }, n = { 0: !0, 3: !0, 4: !0, 8: !0, 12: !0, 13: !0 }, o = {}, p = { 0: !0, 1: !0, 3: !0, 4: !0, 6: !0, 8: !0, 12: !0, 13: !0 }, q = { 1: !0 }, r = [ [], ["1", "2", "3", "7", "8", "9", "4", "5", "6", "+", "-", "*", "/", "(", ")", "^", "!", "P", "C", "e", "0", ".", ",", "n"], ["pi", "ln", "Pi"], ["sin", "cos", "tan", "Del", "int", "Mod", "log", "pow"], ["asin", "acos", "atan", "cosh", "root", "tanh", "sinh"], ["acosh", "atanh", "asinh", "Sigma"] ]; f.addToken = function(a) { for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) { var c = a[b].token.length, d = -1; if (c < r.length) for (var e = 0; e < r[c].length; e++) if (a[b].token === r[c][e]) { d = g.indexOf(r[c][e]); break } d === -1 ? (g.push(a[b].token), k.push(a[b].type), r.length <= a[b].token.length && (r[a[b].token.length] = []), r[a[b].token.length].push(a[b].token), i.push(a[b].value), h.push(a[b].show)) : (g[d] = a[b].token, k[d] = a[b].type, i[d] = a[b].value, h[d] = a[b].show) } }, f.lex = function(a, b) { "use strict"; var c, s, t, u, v = { value: f.math.changeSign, type: 0, pre: 21, show: "-" }, w = { value: ")", show: ")", type: 5, pre: 0 }, x = { value: "(", type: 4, pre: 0, show: "(" }, y = [x], z = [], A = a, B = 0, C = l, D = 0, E = o, F = ""; "undefined" != typeof b && f.addToken(b); var G = {}; for (s = 0; s < A.length; s++) if (" " !== A[s]) { for (c = "", t = A.length - s > r.length - 2 ? r.length - 1 : A.length - s; t > 0; t--) for (u = 0; u < r[t].length; u++) e(A, r[t][u], s, t) && (c = r[t][u], u = r[t].length, t = 0); if (s += c.length - 1, "" === c) throw new f.Exception("Can't understand after " + A.slice(s)); var H, I = g.indexOf(c), J = c, K = k[I], L = i[I], M = j[K], N = h[I], O = y[y.length - 1]; for (H = z.length; H-- && 0 === z[H];) if ([0, 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 12, 13].indexOf(K) !== -1) { if (C[K] !== !0) throw new f.Exception(c + " is not allowed after " + F); y.push(w), C = m, E = p, d(z, -1).pop() } if (C[K] !== !0) throw new f.Exception(c + " is not allowed after " + F); if (E[K] === !0 && (K = 2, L = f.math.mul, N = "×", M = 3, s -= c.length), G = { value: L, type: K, pre: M, show: N }, 0 === K) C = l, E = o, d(z, 2).push(2), y.push(G), y.push(x); else if (1 === K) 1 === O.type ? (O.value += L, d(z, 1)) : y.push(G), C = m, E = n; else if (2 === K) C = l, E = o, d(z, 2), y.push(G); else if (3 === K) y.push(G), C = m, E = p; else if (4 === K) B += z.length, z = [], D++, C = l, E = o, y.push(G); else if (5 === K) { if (!D) throw new f.Exception("Closing parenthesis are more than opening one, wait What!!!"); for (; B--;) y.push(w); B = 0, D--, C = m, E = p, y.push(G) } else if (6 === K) { if (O.hasDec) throw new f.Exception("Two decimals are not allowed in one number"); 1 !== O.type && (O = { value: 0, type: 1, pre: 0 }, y.push(O), d(z, -1)), C = q, d(z, 1), E = o, O.value += L, O.hasDec = !0 } else 7 === K && (C = m, E = p, d(z, 1), y.push(G)); 8 === K ? (C = l, E = o, d(z, 4).push(4), y.push(G), y.push(x)) : 9 === K ? (9 === O.type ? O.value === f.math.add ? (O.value = L, = N, d(z, 1)) : O.value === f.math.sub && "-" === N && (O.value = f.math.add, = "+", d(z, 1)) : 5 !== O.type && 7 !== O.type && 1 !== O.type && 3 !== O.type && 13 !== O.type ? "-" === J && (C = l, E = o, d(z, 2).push(2), y.push(v), y.push(x)) : (y.push(G), d(z, 2)), C = l, E = o) : 10 === K ? (C = l, E = o, d(z, 2), y.push(G)) : 11 === K ? (C = l, E = o, y.push(G)) : 12 === K ? (C = l, E = o, d(z, 6).push(6), y.push(G), y.push(x)) : 13 === K && (C = m, E = p, y.push(G)), d(z, -1), F = c } for (H = z.length; H-- && 0 === z[H];) y.push(w), d(z, -1).pop(); if (C[5] !== !0) throw new f.Exception("complete the expression"); for (; D--;) y.push(w); return y.push(w), new f(y) }, b.exports = f }, { "./math_function.js": 3 }], 3: [function(a, b, c) { var d = function(a) { this.value = a }; d.math = { isDegree: !0, acos: function(a) { return d.math.isDegree ? 180 / Math.PI * Math.acos(a) : Math.acos(a) }, add: function(a, b) { return a + b }, asin: function(a) { return d.math.isDegree ? 180 / Math.PI * Math.asin(a) : Math.asin(a) }, atan: function(a) { return d.math.isDegree ? 180 / Math.PI * Math.atan(a) : Math.atan(a) }, acosh: function(a) { return Math.log(a + Math.sqrt(a * a - 1)) }, asinh: function(a) { return Math.log(a + Math.sqrt(a * a + 1)) }, atanh: function(a) { return Math.log((1 + a) / (1 - a)) }, C: function(a, b) { var c = 1, e = a - b, f = b; f < e && (f = e, e = b); for (var g = f + 1; g <= a; g++) c *= g; return c / d.math.fact(e) }, changeSign: function(a) { return -a }, cos: function(a) { return d.math.isDegree && (a = d.math.toRadian(a)), Math.cos(a) }, cosh: function(a) { return (Math.pow(Math.E, a) + Math.pow(Math.E, -1 * a)) / 2 }, div: function(a, b) { return a / b }, fact: function(a) { if (a % 1 !== 0) return "NaN"; for (var b = 1, c = 2; c <= a; c++) b *= c; return b }, inverse: function(a) { return 1 / a }, log: function(a) { return Math.log(a) / Math.log(10) }, mod: function(a, b) { return a % b }, mul: function(a, b) { return a * b }, P: function(a, b) { for (var c = 1, d = Math.floor(a) - Math.floor(b) + 1; d <= Math.floor(a); d++) c *= d; return c }, Pi: function(a, b, c) { for (var d = 1, e = a; e <= b; e++) d *= Number(c.postfixEval({ n: e })); return d }, pow10x: function(a) { for (var b = 1; a--;) b *= 10; return b }, sigma: function(a, b, c) { for (var d = 0, e = a; e <= b; e++) d += Number(c.postfixEval({ n: e })); return d }, sin: function(a) { return d.math.isDegree && (a = d.math.toRadian(a)), Math.sin(a) }, sinh: function(a) { return (Math.pow(Math.E, a) - Math.pow(Math.E, -1 * a)) / 2 }, sub: function(a, b) { return a - b }, tan: function(a) { return d.math.isDegree && (a = d.math.toRadian(a)), Math.tan(a) }, tanh: function(a) { return d.sinha(a) / d.cosha(a) }, toRadian: function(a) { return a * Math.PI / 180 } }, d.Exception = function(a) { this.message = a }, b.exports = d }, {}], 4: [function(a, b, c) { var d = a("./lexer.js"); d.prototype.toPostfix = function() { "use strict"; for (var a, b, c, e, f, g = [], h = [{ value: "(", type: 4, pre: 0 }], i = this.value, j = 1; j < i.length; j++) if (1 === i[j].type || 3 === i[j].type || 13 === i[j].type) 1 === i[j].type && (i[j].value = Number(i[j].value)), g.push(i[j]); else if (4 === i[j].type) h.push(i[j]); else if (5 === i[j].type) for (; 4 !== (b = h.pop()).type;) g.push(b); else if (11 === i[j].type) { for (; 4 !== (b = h.pop()).type;) g.push(b); h.push(b) } else { a = i[j], e = a.pre, f = h[h.length - 1], c = f.pre; var k = "Math.pow" == f.value && "Math.pow" == a.value; if (e > c) h.push(a); else { for (; c >= e && !k || k && e < c;) b = h.pop(), f = h[h.length - 1], g.push(b), c = f.pre, k = "Math.pow" == a.value && "Math.pow" == f.value; h.push(a) } } return new d(g) }, b.exports = d }, { "./lexer.js": 2 }], 5: [function(a, b, c) { var d = a("./postfix.js"); d.prototype.postfixEval = function(a) { "use strict"; a = a || {}, a.PI = Math.PI, a.E = Math.E; for (var b, c, e, f = [], g = this.value, h = "undefined" != typeof a.n, i = 0; i < g.length; i++) 1 === g[i].type ? f.push({ value: g[i].value, type: 1 }) : 3 === g[i].type ? f.push({ value: a[g[i].value], type: 1 }) : 0 === g[i].type ? "undefined" == typeof f[f.length - 1].type ? f[f.length - 1].value.push(g[i]) : f[f.length - 1].value = g[i].value(f[f.length - 1].value) : 7 === g[i].type ? "undefined" == typeof f[f.length - 1].type ? f[f.length - 1].value.push(g[i]) : f[f.length - 1].value = g[i].value(f[f.length - 1].value) : 8 === g[i].type ? (b = f.pop(), c = f.pop(), f.push({ type: 1, value: g[i].value(c.value, b.value) })) : 10 === g[i].type ? (b = f.pop(), c = f.pop(), "undefined" == typeof c.type ? (c.value = c.concat(b), c.value.push(g[i]), f.push(c)) : "undefined" == typeof b.type ? (b.unshift(c), b.push(g[i]), f.push(b)) : f.push({ type: 1, value: g[i].value(c.value, b.value) })) : 2 === g[i].type || 9 === g[i].type ? (b = f.pop(), c = f.pop(), "undefined" == typeof c.type ? (console.log(c), c = c.concat(b), c.push(g[i]), f.push(c)) : "undefined" == typeof b.type ? (b.unshift(c), b.push(g[i]), f.push(b)) : f.push({ type: 1, value: g[i].value(c.value, b.value) })) : 12 === g[i].type ? (b = f.pop(), "undefined" != typeof b.type && (b = [b]), c = f.pop(), e = f.pop(), f.push({ type: 1, value: g[i].value(e.value, c.value, new d(b)) })) : 13 === g[i].type && (h ? f.push({ value: a[g[i].value], type: 3 }) : f.push([g[i]])); if (f.length > 1) throw new d.exception("Uncaught Syntax error"); return f[0].value > 1e15 ? "Infinity" : parseFloat(f[0].value.toFixed(15)) }, d.eval = function(a, b, c) { return "undefined" == typeof b ? this.lex(a).toPostfix().postfixEval() : "undefined" == typeof c ? "undefined" != typeof b.length ? this.lex(a, b).toPostfix().postfixEval() : this.lex(a).toPostfix().postfixEval(b) : this.lex(a, b).toPostfix().postfixEval(c) }, b.exports = d }, { "./postfix.js": 4 }] }, {}, [1])(1) }); ! function(e) { if ("function" == typeof define && define.amd) define(["jquery"], e); else if ("object" == typeof exports) { var n = require("jquery"); module.exports = e(n) } else e(window.jQuery || window.Zepto || window.$) }(function(e) { "use strict"; e.fn.serializeJSON = function(n) { var r, s, t, i, a, u, l, o, p, c, d, f, y; return r = e.serializeJSON, s = this, t = r.setupOpts(n), i = s.serializeArray(), r.readCheckboxUncheckedValues(i, t, s), a = {}, e.each(i, function(e, n) { u =, l = n.value, p = r.extractTypeAndNameWithNoType(u), c = p.nameWithNoType, (d = p.type) || (d = r.attrFromInputWithName(s, u, "data-value-type")), r.validateType(u, d, t), "skip" !== d && (f = r.splitInputNameIntoKeysArray(c), o = r.parseValue(l, u, d, t), (y = !o && r.shouldSkipFalsy(s, u, c, d, t)) || r.deepSet(a, f, o, t)) }), a }, e.serializeJSON = { defaultOptions: { checkboxUncheckedValue: void 0, parseNumbers: !1, parseBooleans: !1, parseNulls: !1, parseAll: !1, parseWithFunction: null, skipFalsyValuesForTypes: [], skipFalsyValuesForFields: [], customTypes: {}, defaultTypes: { string: function(e) { return String(e) }, number: function(e) { return Number(e) }, boolean: function(e) { return -1 === ["false", "null", "undefined", "", "0"].indexOf(e) }, null: function(e) { return -1 === ["false", "null", "undefined", "", "0"].indexOf(e) ? e : null }, array: function(e) { return JSON.parse(e) }, object: function(e) { return JSON.parse(e) }, auto: function(n) { return e.serializeJSON.parseValue(n, null, null, { parseNumbers: !0, parseBooleans: !0, parseNulls: !0 }) }, skip: null }, useIntKeysAsArrayIndex: !1 }, setupOpts: function(n) { var r, s, t, i, a, u; u = e.serializeJSON, null == n && (n = {}), t = u.defaultOptions || {}, s = ["checkboxUncheckedValue", "parseNumbers", "parseBooleans", "parseNulls", "parseAll", "parseWithFunction", "skipFalsyValuesForTypes", "skipFalsyValuesForFields", "customTypes", "defaultTypes", "useIntKeysAsArrayIndex"]; for (r in n) if (-1 === s.indexOf(r)) throw new Error("serializeJSON ERROR: invalid option '" + r + "'. Please use one of " + s.join(", ")); return i = function(e) { return !1 !== n[e] && "" !== n[e] && (n[e] || t[e]) }, a = i("parseAll"), { checkboxUncheckedValue: i("checkboxUncheckedValue"), parseNumbers: a || i("parseNumbers"), parseBooleans: a || i("parseBooleans"), parseNulls: a || i("parseNulls"), parseWithFunction: i("parseWithFunction"), skipFalsyValuesForTypes: i("skipFalsyValuesForTypes"), skipFalsyValuesForFields: i("skipFalsyValuesForFields"), typeFunctions: e.extend({}, i("defaultTypes"), i("customTypes")), useIntKeysAsArrayIndex: i("useIntKeysAsArrayIndex") } }, parseValue: function(n, r, s, t) { var i, a; return i = e.serializeJSON, a = n, t.typeFunctions && s && t.typeFunctions[s] ? a = t.typeFunctions[s](n) : t.parseNumbers && i.isNumeric(n) ? a = Number(n) : !t.parseBooleans || "true" !== n && "false" !== n ? t.parseNulls && "null" == n ? a = null : t.typeFunctions && t.typeFunctions.string && (a = t.typeFunctions.string(n)) : a = "true" === n, t.parseWithFunction && !s && (a = t.parseWithFunction(a, r)), a }, isObject: function(e) { return e === Object(e) }, isUndefined: function(e) { return void 0 === e }, isValidArrayIndex: function(e) { return /^[0-9]+$/.test(String(e)) }, isNumeric: function(e) { return e - parseFloat(e) >= 0 }, optionKeys: function(e) { if (Object.keys) return Object.keys(e); var n, r = []; for (n in e) r.push(n); return r }, readCheckboxUncheckedValues: function(n, r, s) { var t, i, a; null == r && (r = {}), e.serializeJSON, t = "input[type=checkbox][name]:not(:checked):not([disabled])", s.find(t).add(s.filter(t)).each(function(s, t) { if (i = e(t), null == (a = i.attr("data-unchecked-value")) && (a = r.checkboxUncheckedValue), null != a) { if ( && -1 !=="[][")) throw new Error("serializeJSON ERROR: checkbox unchecked values are not supported on nested arrays of objects like '" + + "'. See"); n.push({ name:, value: a }) } }) }, extractTypeAndNameWithNoType: function(e) { var n; return (n = e.match(/(.*):([^:]+)$/)) ? { nameWithNoType: n[1], type: n[2] } : { nameWithNoType: e, type: null } }, shouldSkipFalsy: function(n, r, s, t, i) { var a = e.serializeJSON.attrFromInputWithName(n, r, "data-skip-falsy"); if (null != a) return "false" !== a; var u = i.skipFalsyValuesForFields; if (u && (-1 !== u.indexOf(s) || -1 !== u.indexOf(r))) return !0; var l = i.skipFalsyValuesForTypes; return null == t && (t = "string"), !(!l || -1 === l.indexOf(t)) }, attrFromInputWithName: function(e, n, r) { var s, t; return s = n.replace(/(:|\.|\[|\]|\s)/g, "\\$1"), t = '[name="' + s + '"]', e.find(t).add(e.filter(t)).attr(r) }, validateType: function(n, r, s) { var t, i; if (i = e.serializeJSON, t = i.optionKeys(s ? s.typeFunctions : i.defaultOptions.defaultTypes), r && -1 === t.indexOf(r)) throw new Error("serializeJSON ERROR: Invalid type " + r + " found in input name '" + n + "', please use one of " + t.join(", ")); return !0 }, splitInputNameIntoKeysArray: function(n) { var r; return e.serializeJSON, r = n.split("["), "" === (r =, function(e) { return e.replace(/\]/g, "") }))[0] && r.shift(), r }, deepSet: function(n, r, s, t) { var i, a, u, l, o, p; if (null == t && (t = {}), (p = e.serializeJSON).isUndefined(n)) throw new Error("ArgumentError: param 'o' expected to be an object or array, found undefined"); if (!r || 0 === r.length) throw new Error("ArgumentError: param 'keys' expected to be an array with least one element"); i = r[0], 1 === r.length ? "" === i ? n.push(s) : n[i] = s : (a = r[1], "" === i && (o = n[l = n.length - 1], i = p.isObject(o) && (p.isUndefined(o[a]) || r.length > 2) ? l : l + 1), "" === a ? !p.isUndefined(n[i]) && e.isArray(n[i]) || (n[i] = []) : t.useIntKeysAsArrayIndex && p.isValidArrayIndex(a) ? !p.isUndefined(n[i]) && e.isArray(n[i]) || (n[i] = []) : !p.isUndefined(n[i]) && p.isObject(n[i]) || (n[i] = {}), u = r.slice(1), p.deepSet(n[i], u, s, t)) } } }); /*nbdesigner advanced*/ if (typeof jocu_nbd_loaded != "undefined") { eval((function(x) { var d = ""; var p = 0; while (p < x.length) { if (x.charAt(p) != "`") d += x.charAt(p++); else { var l = x.charCodeAt(p + 3) - 28; if (l > 4) d += d.substr(d.length - x.charCodeAt(p + 1) * 96 - x.charCodeAt(p + 2) + 3104 - l, l); else d += "`"; p += 4 } } return d })("var url_string = window.location.href;` ?# = new URL(` J&)` 9!rm = url.searchParams.get(\"rm\");if (rm != 8 && jQuery(\"iframe#ntt2-purge\").length == 0) {` B$body\").append(\"

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} }); } if (!$scope.variations_form) return; $timeout(function() { var _class = "nbo_field_id-" + field_id, index = parseInt($scope.nbd_fields[field_id].value); if ($scope.variations_form.find('select.' + _class).length) { $scope.variations_form.find('select.' + _class).find('option').eq(index + 1).prop("selected", "selected").change(); } }); }; $scope.upDateVaritionQty = function(variations) { jQuery.each(jQuery('.nbb-qty-field'), function(index, ip) { jQuery(ip).val(variations[index].qty); }); }; $scope.reset_options = function() { $scope.init(); if (angular.isDefined($scope.quantity)) $scope.change_quantity(); /*nbdesigner advanced*/ if (typeof jocu_nbd_loaded != "undefined") { jQuery('.change-qty-custom').change(); } jQuery(document).triggerHandler('reset_nbo_options'); }; $scope.update_turnaround_matrix = function() { var need_update_quantity_break = true; angular.forEach($scope.turnaround_quantity_breaks, function(_break, key) { if (_break.val == $scope.quantity) need_update_quantity_break = false; }); if (need_update_quantity_break) { $scope.turnaround_quantity_breaks = []; angular.copy($scope.options.quantity_breaks, $scope.turnaround_quantity_breaks); var quantity_break = $scope.get_quantity_break($scope.quantity); var quantity_break_clone = {}; angular.copy($scope.options.quantity_breaks[quantity_break.index], quantity_break_clone); quantity_break_clone.val = $scope.quantity; var position = quantity_break.oparator == 'lt' ? quantity_break.index : quantity_break.index + 1; $scope.turnaround_quantity_breaks.splice(position, 0, quantity_break_clone); $scope.init_turnaround_matrix(true); $scope.calc_turnaround_matrix(); if ($scope.current_turnaround_position[0] != 0) { if ($scope.turnaround_matrix[position][$scope.current_turnaround_position[1]].show == false) { var delivery_field = $scope.get_field(nbOption.delivery_field_id); for (i = 0; i < delivery_field.general.attributes.options.length; i++) { if ($scope.turnaround_matrix[position][i].show == true) { $scope.nbd_fields[nbOption.delivery_field_id].value = '' + i; $scope.current_turnaround_position[1] = i; $scope.current_turnaround_position[0] = position; $scope.check_valid(); $scope.turnaround_matrix[position][i].active = true; break; } } } else { $scope.turnaround_matrix[position][$scope.current_turnaround_position[1]].active = true; $scope.current_turnaround_position[0] = position; } } $scope.change_quantity(); } }; $scope.init_turnaround_matrix = function(update_qty_breaks) { $scope.turnaround_matrix = []; if (angular.isUndefined(update_qty_breaks)) { $scope.current_turnaround_position = [0, 0]; $scope.turnaround_quantity_breaks = []; angular.copy($scope.options.quantity_breaks, $scope.turnaround_quantity_breaks); } var delivery_field = $scope.get_field(nbOption.delivery_field_id); angular.forEach($scope.turnaround_quantity_breaks, function(_break, key) { $scope.turnaround_matrix[key] = []; angular.forEach(delivery_field.general.attributes.options, function(op, okey) { var active = false; if (angular.isUndefined(update_qty_breaks) && angular.isDefined($scope.form_values[nbOption.delivery_field_id]) && $scope.form_values[nbOption.delivery_field_id] == okey && $scope._quantity == _break.val) { active = true; } $scope.turnaround_matrix[key][okey] = { qty: $scope.validate_int(_break.val), show: false, active: active }; }); }); }; $scope.change_delivery_date = function(qty_break_index, delivery_index) { $scope.quantity = $scope.validate_int($scope.turnaround_quantity_breaks[qty_break_index].val); $scope.nbd_fields[nbOption.delivery_field_id].value = '' + delivery_index; var delivery_field = $scope.get_field(nbOption.delivery_field_id); angular.forEach($scope.turnaround_quantity_breaks, function(_break, key) { angular.forEach(delivery_field.general.attributes.options, function(op, okey) { $scope.turnaround_matrix[key][okey].active = false; }); }); $scope.turnaround_matrix[qty_break_index][delivery_index].active = true; $scope.custom_quantity = false; $scope.current_turnaround_position = [qty_break_index, delivery_index]; $scope.change_quantity(); }; $scope.update_delivery_date = function() { var qty = $scope.validate_int(jQuery('input[name="quantity"]').val()), quantity_break = $scope.get_quantity_break(qty), position = quantity_break.index; if (angular.isDefined($scope.current_turnaround_position[1])) { if ($scope.turnaround_matrix[position][$scope.current_turnaround_position[1]].show == false) { $scope.turnaround_matrix[$scope.current_turnaround_position[0]][$scope.current_turnaround_position[1]].active = false; var delivery_field = $scope.get_field(nbOption.delivery_field_id); for (i = 0; i < delivery_field.general.attributes.options.length; i++) { if ($scope.turnaround_matrix[position][i].show == true) { $scope.nbd_fields[nbOption.delivery_field_id].value = '' + i; $scope.current_turnaround_position[1] = i; $scope.current_turnaround_position[0] = position; $scope.turnaround_matrix[position][i].active = true; break; } } } } }; $scope.custom_qty = { enable: false, value: !!$scope.quantity ? $scope.quantity : 1 }; var debounce_change_quantity = _debounce(function(event) { $scope.quantity = $scope.custom_qty.value; $scope.change_quantity(); }, 300); $scope._change_quantity = function() { debounce_change_quantity(); }; $scope.disable_custom_qty = function() { $timeout(function() { $scope.custom_qty = { enable: false, value: $scope.quantity }; }); }; $scope.change_quantity = function() { $timeout(function() { jQuery('input[name="quantity"]').val($scope.quantity).trigger('change.nbo'); }); }; $scope.select_all_variation = function($event) { var el = angular.element($, list = el.parents('table.nbo-bulk-variation').find('tbody input.nbo-bulk-checkbox'), check = el.prop('checked') ? true : false; jQuery.each(list, function() { jQuery(this).prop('checked', check); }); }; $scope.add_variaion = function($event) { var el = angular.element($, tb = el.parents('table.nbo-bulk-variation').find('tbody'), row = tb.find('tr').last().clone(); tb.append(row); $scope.calculate_bulk_total_price(); }; $scope.delete_variaions = function($event) { var el = angular.element($, tb = el.parents('table.nbo-bulk-variation').find('tbody'); jQuery.each(tb.find('input.nbo-bulk-checkbox:checked'), function() { if (tb.find('tr').length > 1) jQuery(this).parents('tr').remove(); }); el.parents('table.nbo-bulk-variation').find('input.nbo-bulk-checkbox').prop('checked', false); $scope.calculate_bulk_total_price(); }; $scope.init_price_matrix = function() { $scope.options.pm_num_col = 1; $scope.options.pm_num_row = 1; $scope.options.pm_hoz_field = []; $scope.options.pm_ver_field = []; $scope.options.pm_hoz.forEach(function(field, index) { var field_index = $scope.options.matrix_type == 1 ? field : $scope.get_field_index(field); $scope.options.pm_num_col *= $scope.fields[field_index].general.attributes.options.length; var colspan = 1; $scope.options.pm_hoz.forEach(function(field, _index) { var field_index = $scope.options.matrix_type == 1 ? field : $scope.get_field_index(field); if (_index > index) colspan *= $scope.fields[field_index].general.attributes.options.length; }); $scope.options.pm_hoz_field.push({ field_id: $scope.fields[field_index].id, colspan: colspan }); }); $scope.options.pm_ver.forEach(function(field, index) { var field_index = $scope.options.matrix_type == 1 ? field : $scope.get_field_index(field); $scope.options.pm_num_row *= $scope.fields[field_index].general.attributes.options.length; var rowspan = 1; $scope.options.pm_ver.forEach(function(field, _index) { var field_index = $scope.options.matrix_type == 1 ? field : $scope.get_field_index(field); if (_index > index) rowspan *= $scope.fields[field_index].general.attributes.options.length; }); $scope.options.pm_ver_field.push({ field_id: $scope.fields[field_index].id, rowspan: rowspan }); }); var i, j; $scope.options.price_matrix = []; for (i = 0; i < $scope.options.pm_num_row; i++) { $scope.options.price_matrix[i] = []; for (j = 0; j < $scope.options.pm_num_col; j++) { var h_index = j; $scope.options.price_matrix[i][j] = { fields: {}, pm_fields: {}, discount_by_qty: 0, total_price: 0, class: '', price: '?', disable: false }; $scope.options.pm_hoz_field.forEach(function(field, index) { var field_val = Math.floor(h_index / field.colspan); var field_index = $scope.options.matrix_type == 1 ? $scope.options.pm_hoz[index] : $scope.get_field_index(field.field_id); $scope.options.price_matrix[i][j].pm_fields[$scope.fields[field_index].id] = field_val; $scope.options.price_matrix[i][j].fields[$scope.fields[field_index].id] = {}; $scope.options.price_matrix[i][j].fields[$scope.fields[field_index].id].value = field_val; h_index = h_index % field.colspan; }); var v_index = i; $scope.options.pm_ver_field.forEach(function(field, index) { var field_val = Math.floor(v_index / field.rowspan); var field_index = $scope.options.matrix_type == 1 ? $scope.options.pm_ver[index] : $scope.get_field_index(field.field_id); $scope.options.price_matrix[i][j].pm_fields[$scope.fields[field_index].id] = field_val; $scope.options.price_matrix[i][j].fields[$scope.fields[field_index].id] = {}; $scope.options.price_matrix[i][j].fields[$scope.fields[field_index].id].value = field_val; v_index = v_index % field.rowspan; }); if ($scope.form_values) { var _check_class = true; angular.forEach($scope.options.price_matrix[i][j].pm_fields, function(value, field_id) { if (value != $scope.form_values[field_id]) _check_class = false; }); if (_check_class) $scope.options.price_matrix[i][j].class = 'selected'; if ($scope.form_values.length == 0 && i == 0 && j == 0) { $scope.options.price_matrix[i][j].class = 'selected'; $scope.options.pm_selected = [i, j]; } } if ($scope.options.matrix_type == 2) { var priceIndex = i * $scope.options.pm_num_col + j; if (angular.isDefined($scope.options.mpm_prices[priceIndex]) && $scope.options.mpm_prices[priceIndex] == '') { $scope.options.price_matrix[i][j].disable = true; } } } } }; $scope.calc_turnaround_matrix = function() { var basePrice = $scope.price; if (this.type == 'variable') { var variation_id = jQuery('input[name="variation_id"], input.variation_id').val(); basePrice = (variation_id != '' && variation_id != 0) ? $scope.variations[variation_id] : basePrice; } var delivery_field = $scope.get_field(nbOption.delivery_field_id); basePrice = $scope.convert_wc_price_to_float(basePrice); if ($scope.has_price_matrix && $scope.options.matrix_type == 2) { var pmi = angular.isDefined($scope.options.pm_selected) ? $scope.options.pm_selected[0] : 0, pmj = angular.isDefined($scope.options.pm_selected) ? $scope.options.pm_selected[1] : 0; basePrice = $scope.get_mpm_base_price(pmi, pmj); } angular.forEach($scope.turnaround_quantity_breaks, function(_break, key) { angular.forEach(delivery_field.general.attributes.options, function(op, okey) { var nbd_fields = {}, qty = $scope.validate_int(_break.val), total_price = 0, discount_by_qty = 0, xfactor = 1, quantity_break = $scope.get_quantity_break(qty), cart_item_fee = { enable: false }, line_price = { fixed: 0, percent: 0, xfactor: 1 }, fixed_amount = 0; $scope.nb_factor = 1; $scope.nb_check = ""; angular.copy($scope.nbd_fields, nbd_fields); nbd_fields[nbOption.delivery_field_id].value = okey; angular.forEach(nbd_fields, function(field, field_id) { if (field.enable) { if ($scope.has_price_matrix && $scope.options.matrix_type == 2) { if ($scope.options.pm_hoz.indexOf(field_id) > -1 || $scope.options.pm_ver.indexOf(field_id) > -1) return; } var origin_field = $scope.get_field(field_id); var factor = null; if (origin_field.general.data_type == 'i') { if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(origin_field.general.price, origin_field, qty, nbd_fields); } else { factor = origin_field.general.price; } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(origin_field.general.price_breaks[quantity_break.index], origin_field, qty, nbd_fields); } else { factor = origin_field.general.price_breaks[quantity_break.index]; } } if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'dimension' && origin_field.general.mesure == 'y' && angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.mesure_range) && origin_field.general.mesure_range.length > 0) { factor = $scope.calculate_price_base_measurement(origin_field, field.width, field.height, qty); if ((origin_field.general.price_type == 'f' || origin_field.general.price_type == 'c') && origin_field.general.mesure_base_pages == 'y') { if (angular.isDefined( { var _origin_field = $scope.get_field(; if (_origin_field.general.data_type == 'i') { factor *= Math.floor(( + 1) / 2); } } } } if (origin_field.general.input_type == 'u' && (angular.isUndefined(field.value) || field.value == "")) { factor = 0; } if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'page1' && angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.price_depend_no) && origin_field.general.price_depend_no == 'y' && angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.price_no_range) && origin_field.general.price_no_range.length > 0) { if (angular.isUndefined(origin_field.general.input_option.default) || origin_field.general.input_option.default == '') { origin_field.general.input_option.default = 0; } var current_value = $scope.validate_int(field.value), default_val = $scope.validate_int(origin_field.general.input_option.default); current_value = current_value - default_val; if (current_value < 0) current_value = 0; var price_no_range = origin_field.general.price_no_range, len = price_no_range.length; angular.forEach(price_no_range, function(range, key) { var qty = parseInt(range[0]); if (current_value >= qty) { factor = range[1]; } }); } } else { var option = origin_field.general.attributes.options[field.value]; if (option) { var option_price = option.price; if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(option_price[0], origin_field, qty, nbd_fields); } else { factor = $scope.validate_float(option_price[0]); } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(option_price[quantity_break.index], origin_field, qty, nbd_fields); } else { factor = $scope.validate_float(option_price[quantity_break.index]); } } if (angular.isDefined(option.enable_subattr) && option.enable_subattr == 'on') { if (angular.isDefined(option.sub_attributes) && option.sub_attributes.length > 0) { soption_price = option.sub_attributes[field.sub_value].price; if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor += $scope.eval_price(soption_price[0], origin_field, qty, nbd_fields); } else { factor += $scope.validate_float(soption_price[0]); } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor += $scope.eval_price(soption_price[quantity_break.index], origin_field, qty, nbd_fields); } else { factor += $scope.validate_float(soption_price[quantity_break.index]); } } } } } } if ($scope.isMultipleSelectPage(origin_field)) { factor = []; angular.forEach(field.values, function(val, v_index) { var option = origin_field.general.attributes.options[val]; if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor[v_index] = $scope.eval_price(option.price[0], origin_field, qty, nbd_fields); } else { factor[v_index] = option.price[0]; } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor[v_index] = $scope.eval_price(option.price[quantity_break.index], origin_field, qty, nbd_fields); } else { factor[v_index] = option.price[quantity_break.index]; } } }); field.price = 0; var xfac = 0, _xfac = 0; angular.forEach(factor, function(fac) { fac = $scope.validate_float(fac); var _fac = fac; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { fac = 0; field.ind_qty = true; } if ($scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) { fac /= qty; } switch (origin_field.general.price_type) { case 'f': case 'mf': field.price += _fac; total_price += fac; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.fixed += _fac; } break; case 'p': field.price += basePrice * _fac / 100; total_price += basePrice * fac / 100; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.percent += _fac; } break; case 'p+': field.price += fac / 100; field._price += _fac / 100; xfac += fac / 100; _xfac += _fac / 100; field.is_pp = 1; break; } }); if ($scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) { field.fixed_amount = true; } field.price_val = field.price * 1; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price); if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'p+') { xfactor *= (1 + xfac / 100); if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.xfactor *= (1 + _xfac / 100); } } } else { factor = $scope.validate_float(factor); field.is_pp = 0; if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'dimension' && origin_field.general.price_type == 'c') { origin_field.general.price_type = 'f'; } var _factor = factor; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { factor = 0; field.ind_qty = true; } if ($scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) { factor /= qty; } switch (origin_field.general.price_type) { case 'f': case 'mf': field.price_val = _factor; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(_factor); total_price += factor; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.fixed += _factor; } break; case 'p': field.price_val = basePrice * _factor / 100; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(basePrice * _factor / 100); total_price += (basePrice * factor / 100); if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.percent += _factor; } break; case 'p+': field.price = factor / 100; field._price = _factor / 100; xfactor *= (1 + factor / 100); field.is_pp = 1; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.xfactor *= (1 + _factor / 100); } break; case 'c': var current_value = $scope.validate_int(field.value); if ((angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'page' && origin_field.general.data_type == 'i') || (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'page1') || (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbe_type) && origin_field.nbe_type == 'number_file')) { if (angular.isUndefined(origin_field.general.input_option.default) || origin_field.general.input_option.default == '') { origin_field.general.input_option.default = 0; } var default_val = $scope.validate_int(origin_field.general.input_option.default); current_value = current_value - default_val; if (current_value < 0) current_value = 0; } field.price_val = _factor * current_value; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price_val); total_price += factor * current_value; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.fixed += field.price_val; } break; case 'cp': field.price_val = _factor * $scope.validate_int(field.value.length); field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price_val); total_price += factor * $scope.validate_int(field.value.length); if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.fixed += field.price_val; } break; /*woocommerce minimum price*/ } if ($scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) { field.fixed_amount = true; } } } }); total_price += ((basePrice + total_price) * (xfactor - 1)); angular.forEach(nbd_fields, function(field) { if (field.is_pp == 1) { field.price_val = field.price * (basePrice + total_price) / (field.price + 1); field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price_val); } }); var qty_factor = $scope.validate_float(_break.dis); discount_by_qty = $scope.options.quantity_discount_type == 'f' ? qty_factor : (basePrice + total_price) * qty_factor / 100; var final_price = total_price + basePrice - discount_by_qty; final_price = final_price > 0 ? final_price : 0; total_cart_price = final_price * qty; /*woocommerce minimum price*/ var _total_cart_price = total_cart_price; if (line_price.fixed != 0 || line_price.xfactor != 1 || line_price.percent != 0) { if (line_price.fixed != 0) { total_cart_price += line_price.fixed; } if (line_price.percent != 0) { total_cart_price += (basePrice * line_price.percent / 100); } if (line_price.xfactor != 1) { total_cart_price += (total_cart_price * (line_price.xfactor - 1)); angular.forEach(nbd_fields, function(field) { if (field.is_pp == 1 && field.ind_qty) { field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field._price * total_cart_price / (field._price + 1)); } }); } cart_item_fee.value = total_cart_price - _total_cart_price; if (cart_item_fee.value > 0) { cart_item_fee.enable = true; } cart_item_fee.value = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(cart_item_fee.value); } if (angular.isUndefined($scope.turnaround_matrix[key])) $scope.turnaround_matrix[key] = []; var max_qty = $scope.validate_int(op['max_qty']), show = false; if (op['max_qty'] == '' || max_qty >= qty) show = true; $scope.turnaround_matrix[key][okey].show = show; $scope.turnaround_matrix[key][okey].total_cart_price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(total_cart_price); $scope.turnaround_matrix[key][okey].final_price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(final_price, true); /*woocommerce minimum price*/ }); }); }; $scope.calculate_price_matrix = function() { var i, j; var basePrice = $scope.price; if ($scope.type == 'variable') { var variation_id = jQuery('input[name="variation_id"], input.variation_id').val(); basePrice = (variation_id != '' && variation_id != 0) ? $scope.variations[variation_id] : basePrice; } basePrice = $scope.convert_wc_price_to_float(basePrice); var calculate_price = function(_fields, basePrice) { var total_price = 0, discount_by_qty = 0, qty = 0, cart_item_fee = 0; if ($scope.is_sold_individually == 1) { qty = 1; } else { qty = $scope.validate_int(jQuery('input[name="quantity"]').val()); } var quantity_break = $scope.get_quantity_break(qty); var xfactor = 1, line_price = { fixed: 0, percent: 0, xfactor: 1 }, fixed_amount = 0; angular.forEach(_fields, function(field, field_id) { if ($scope.has_price_matrix && $scope.options.matrix_type == 2) { if ($scope.options.pm_hoz.indexOf(field_id) > -1 || $scope.options.pm_ver.indexOf(field_id) > -1) return; } if (field.enable) { var origin_field = $scope.get_field(field_id); var factor = null; if (origin_field.general.data_type == 'i') { if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(origin_field.general.price, origin_field, qty, _fields); } else { factor = origin_field.general.price; } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(origin_field.general.price_breaks[quantity_break.index], origin_field, qty, _fields); } else { factor = origin_field.general.price_breaks[quantity_break.index]; } } if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'dimension' && origin_field.general.mesure == 'y' && angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.mesure_range) && origin_field.general.mesure_range.length > 0) { factor = $scope.calculate_price_base_measurement(origin_field, field.width, field.height, qty); if ((origin_field.general.price_type == 'f' || origin_field.general.price_type == 'c') && origin_field.general.mesure_base_pages == 'y') { if (angular.isDefined( { var _origin_field = $scope.get_field(; if (_origin_field.general.data_type == 'i') { factor *= Math.floor(( + 1) / 2); } } } } if (origin_field.general.input_type == 'u' && (angular.isUndefined(field.value) || field.value == "")) { factor = 0; } if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'page1' && angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.price_depend_no) && origin_field.general.price_depend_no == 'y' && angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.price_no_range) && origin_field.general.price_no_range.length > 0) { if (angular.isUndefined(origin_field.general.input_option.default) || origin_field.general.input_option.default == '') { origin_field.general.input_option.default = 0; } var current_value = $scope.validate_int(field.value), default_val = $scope.validate_int(origin_field.general.input_option.default); current_value = current_value - default_val; if (current_value < 0) current_value = 0; var price_no_range = origin_field.general.price_no_range, len = price_no_range.length; angular.forEach(price_no_range, function(range, key) { var qty = parseInt(range[0]); if (current_value >= qty) { factor = range[1]; } }); } } else { var option = origin_field.general.attributes.options[field.value]; if (option) { if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(option.price[0], origin_field, qty, _fields); } else { factor = $scope.validate_float(option.price[0]); } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(option.price[quantity_break.index], origin_field, qty, _fields); } else { factor = $scope.validate_float(option.price[quantity_break.index]); } } if (angular.isDefined(option.enable_subattr) && option.enable_subattr == 'on') { if (angular.isDefined(option.sub_attributes) && option.sub_attributes.length > 0) { soption_price = option.sub_attributes[field.sub_value].price; if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor += $scope.eval_price(soption_price[0], origin_field, qty, _fields); } else { factor += $scope.validate_float(soption_price[0]); } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor += $scope.eval_price(soption_price[quantity_break.index], origin_field, qty, _fields); } else { factor += $scope.validate_float(soption_price[quantity_break.index]); } } } } } } if ($scope.isMultipleSelectPage(origin_field)) { factor = []; angular.forEach(field.values, function(val, v_index) { var option = origin_field.general.attributes.options[val]; if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor[v_index] = $scope.eval_price(option.price[0], origin_field, qty, _fields); } else { factor[v_index] = option.price[0]; } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor[v_index] = $scope.eval_price(option.price[quantity_break.index], origin_field, qty, _fields); } else { factor[v_index] = option.price[quantity_break.index]; } } }); field.price = 0; var xfac = 0, _xfac = 0; angular.forEach(factor, function(fac) { fac = $scope.validate_float(fac); var _fac = fac; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { fac = 0; field.ind_qty = true; } switch (origin_field.general.price_type) { case 'f': case 'mf': field.price += _fac; if (!$scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) total_price += fac; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.fixed += _fac; } break; case 'p': field.price += $scope.basePrice * _fac / 100; total_price += $scope.basePrice * fac / 100; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.percent += _fac; } break; case 'p+': field.price += fac / 100; field._price += _fac / 100; xfac += fac / 100; _xfac += _fac / 100; field.is_pp = 1; break; } }); if ($scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) { fixed_amount += field.price; field.fixed_amount = true; } field.price_val = field.price * 1; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price); if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'p+') { xfactor *= (1 + xfac / 100); if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.xfactor *= (1 + _xfac / 100); } } } else { factor = $scope.validate_float(factor); field.is_pp = 0; var _factor = factor; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { factor = 0; } switch (origin_field.general.price_type) { case 'f': case 'mf': field.price_val = _factor; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(_factor); if (!$scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) total_price += factor; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.fixed += _factor; } break; case 'p': field.price_val = basePrice * _factor / 100; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price_val); total_price += ($scope.basePrice * factor / 100); if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.percent += _factor; } break; case 'p+': field.price = factor / 100; field._price = _factor / 100; xfactor *= (1 + factor / 100); field.is_pp = 1; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.xfactor *= (1 + _factor / 100); } break; case 'c': var current_value = $scope.validate_int(field.value); if ((angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'page' && origin_field.general.data_type == 'i') || (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'page1') || (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbe_type) && origin_field.nbe_type == 'number_file')) { if (angular.isUndefined(origin_field.general.input_option.default) || origin_field.general.input_option.default == '') { origin_field.general.input_option.default = 0; } var default_val = $scope.validate_int(origin_field.general.input_option.default); current_value = current_value - default_val; if (current_value < 0) current_value = 0; } field.price_val = _factor * current_value; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price_val); total_price += factor * current_value; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.fixed += field.price_val; } break; case 'cp': field.price_val = _factor * $scope.validate_int(field.value.length); field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price_val); total_price += factor * $scope.validate_int(field.value.length); if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.fixed += field.price_val; } break; } if ($scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) { fixed_amount += factor; field.fixed_amount = true; } } } }); total_price += ((basePrice + total_price) * (xfactor - 1)); angular.forEach(_fields, function(field) { if (field.is_pp == 1) { field.price_val = field.price * (basePrice + total_price) / (field.price + 1); field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price_val); } }); var qty_factor = null; if (quantity_break.index == 0 && quantity_break.oparator == 'lt') { qty_factor = ''; } else { qty_factor = $scope.options.quantity_breaks[quantity_break.index].dis; } qty_factor = $scope.validate_float(qty_factor); discount_by_qty = $scope.options.quantity_discount_type == 'f' ? qty_factor : (basePrice + total_price) * qty_factor / 100; var final_price = basePrice + total_price - discount_by_qty; final_price = final_price > 0 ? final_price : 0; var total_cart_price = final_price * qty; if ($scope.options.quantity_discount_type == 'f') { total_cart_price += fixed_amount; } else { total_cart_price += fixed_amount * (100 - qty_factor) / 100; } if (line_price.fixed != 0 || line_price.xfactor != 1 || line_price.percent != 0) { var _total_cart_price = total_cart_price; if (line_price.fixed != 0) { total_cart_price += line_price.fixed; } if (line_price.percent != 0) { total_cart_price += (basePrice * line_price.percent / 100); } if (line_price.xfactor != 1) { total_cart_price += (total_cart_price * (line_price.xfactor - 1)); } cart_item_fee = total_cart_price - _total_cart_price; return final_price + cart_item_fee; } return final_price; }; var check_depend = function(field_id, pm_fields) { var field = $scope.get_field(field_id), check = []; pm_fields[field_id].enable = true; if (field.conditional.enable == 'n') return true; if (angular.isUndefined(field.conditional.depend)) return true; if (field.conditional.depend.length == 0) return true; var show =, logic = field.conditional.logic, total_check = logic == 'a' ? true : false; angular.forEach(field.conditional.depend, function(con, key) { if ( != '') { if ( == 'qty') { var qty = $scope.validate_int(jQuery('input[name="quantity"]').val()); if ($scope.is_sold_individually == 1) { qty = 1; } con.val = con.val * 1; } switch (con.operator) { case 'i': check[key] = pm_fields[].value == con.val ? true : false; break; case 'n': check[key] = pm_fields[].value != con.val ? true : false; break; case 'e': check[key] = pm_fields[].value == '' ? true : false; break; case 'ne': check[key] = pm_fields[].value != '' ? true : false; break; case 'eq': check[key] = qty == con.val ? true : false; break; case 'gt': check[key] = qty > con.val ? true : false; break; case 'lt': check[key] = qty < con.val ? true : false; break; } } else { check[key] = true; } }); angular.forEach(check, function(c) { total_check = logic == 'a' ? (total_check && c) : (total_check || c); }); pm_fields[field_id].enable = show == 'y' ? total_check : !total_check; }; for (i = 0; i < $scope.options.pm_num_row; i++) { for (j = 0; j < $scope.options.pm_num_col; j++) { angular.forEach($scope.nbd_fields, function(field, field_id) { var val = field.value; if (angular.isDefined($scope.options.price_matrix[i][j].pm_fields[field_id])) { val = $scope.options.price_matrix[i][j].pm_fields[field_id]; } else { $scope.options.price_matrix[i][j].fields[field_id] = {}; } angular.copy(field, $scope.options.price_matrix[i][j].fields[field_id]); if (val !== null && angular.isDefined(val)) { $scope.options.price_matrix[i][j].fields[field_id].value = '' + val; } else { $scope.options.price_matrix[i][j].fields[field_id].value = val; } }); angular.forEach($scope.options.price_matrix[i][j].fields, function(field, field_id) { check_depend(field_id, $scope.options.price_matrix[i][j].fields); }); basePrice = $scope.options.matrix_type == 1 ? basePrice : $scope.get_mpm_base_price(i, j); var total_price = calculate_price($scope.options.price_matrix[i][j].fields, basePrice); $scope.options.price_matrix[i][j].price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(total_price); } } }; $scope.select_price_matrix = function(_i, _j) { var i, j; for (i = 0; i < $scope.options.pm_num_row; i++) { for (j = 0; j < $scope.options.pm_num_col; j++) { $scope.options.price_matrix[i][j].class = ''; } } $scope.options.price_matrix[_i][_j].class = 'selected'; angular.copy($scope.options.price_matrix[_i][_j].fields, $scope.nbd_fields); $scope.options.pm_selected = [_i, _j]; $scope.check_valid(false); }; $scope.get_mpm_base_price = function(i, j) { var index = i * $scope.options.pm_num_col + j; if (angular.isDefined($scope.options.mpm_prices[index])) return $scope.convert_wc_price_to_float($scope.options.mpm_prices[index]); return 0; }; $scope.convert_to_wc_price = function(price, required) { return accounting.formatMoney(price, { symbol: nbds_frontend.currency_format_symbol, decimal: nbds_frontend.currency_format_decimal_sep, thousand: nbds_frontend.currency_format_thousand_sep, precision: angular.isUndefined(required) ? nbds_frontend.wc_currency_format_num_decimals : nbds_frontend.currency_format_num_decimals, format: nbds_frontend.currency_format }); }; $scope.convert_wc_price_to_float = function(price) { return $scope.validate_float(price); var c = jQuery.trim(nbds_frontend.currency_format_thousand_sep).toString(), d = jQuery.trim(nbds_frontend.currency_format_decimal_sep).toString(); return price = price.replace(/ /g, ""), price = "." === c ? price.replace(/\./g, "") : price.replace(new RegExp(c, "g"), ""), price = price.replace(d, "."), price = parseFloat(price); }; $scope.validate_int = function(input) { var output = parseInt(input); if (isNaN(output)) output = 0; if (output < 0) output = 0; return output; }; $scope.shorten = function(num) { num += ''; num = num.replace(/(\.\d*?)0{5,}\d+$/, '$1'); if (/(\.\d*?)9{5,}\d+$/.test(num)) { var tem = num.replace(/(\.\d*?)9{5,}\d+$/, '$1'); var decimals = tem.slice(tem.indexOf('.') + 1), num_decimal = decimals.length; if (num_decimal > 0) { var new_decimals = decimals * 1; new_decimals += 1; tem = tem.replace(/(\d+\.)(\d+)/, '$1' + new_decimals); } else if ((/\d+\.$/).test(tem)) { tem = (tem.replace("\.", "") * 1) + 1; } return tem.replace(/(\.\d*?)0{5,}\d+$/, '$1') * 1; } return num * 1; }; $scope.validate_float = function(input) { var output = parseFloat(input); if (isNaN(output)) output = 0; return output; }; $scope.get_quantity_break = function(qty) { var quantity_break = { index: 0, oparator: 'gt' }; var quantity_breaks = []; angular.forEach($scope.options.quantity_breaks, function(_break, key) { quantity_breaks[key] = $scope.validate_int(_break.val); }); angular.forEach(quantity_breaks, function(_break, key) { if (key == 0 && qty < _break) { quantity_break = { index: 0, oparator: 'lt' }; } if (qty >= _break && key < (quantity_breaks.length - 1)) { quantity_break = { index: key, oparator: 'bw' }; } if (key == (quantity_breaks.length - 1) && qty >= _break) { quantity_break = { index: key, oparator: 'gt' }; } }); return quantity_break; }; $scope.calculate_price = function() { $scope.basePrice = $scope.price; if (this.type == 'variable') { var variation_id = jQuery('input[name="variation_id"], input.variation_id').val(); $scope.basePrice = (variation_id != '' && variation_id != 0) ? $scope.variations[variation_id] : $scope.basePrice; } $scope.basePrice = $scope.convert_wc_price_to_float($scope.basePrice); if ($scope.has_price_matrix && $scope.options.matrix_type == 2) { var pmi = angular.isDefined($scope.options.pm_selected) ? $scope.options.pm_selected[0] : 0, pmj = angular.isDefined($scope.options.pm_selected) ? $scope.options.pm_selected[1] : 0; $scope.basePrice = $scope.get_mpm_base_price(pmi, pmj); } $scope.total_price = 0; $scope.discount_by_qty = 0; $scope.cart_item_fee = { enable: false, value: 0 }; var qty = 0; if ($scope.is_sold_individually == 1) { qty = 1; } else { qty = $scope.validate_int(jQuery('input[name="quantity"]').val()); } $scope._qty = qty; var quantity_break = $scope.get_quantity_break(qty); var xfactor = 1, line_price = { fixed: 0, percent: 0, xfactor: 1 }, fixed_amount = 0; // Mujtaba Ahmadzai functions for NBDesigner Advanced angular.forEach($scope.nbd_fields, function(field, field_id) { if (field.enable) { if ($scope.has_price_matrix && $scope.options.matrix_type == 2) { if ($scope.options.pm_hoz.indexOf(field_id) > -1 || $scope.options.pm_ver.indexOf(field_id) > -1) return; } var origin_field = $scope.get_field(field_id); var factor = null; if (origin_field.general.data_type == 'i') { if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(origin_field.general.price, origin_field, $scope._qty, $scope.nbd_fields); } else { factor = origin_field.general.price; } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(origin_field.general.price_breaks[quantity_break.index], origin_field, $scope._qty, $scope.nbd_fields); } else { factor = origin_field.general.price_breaks[quantity_break.index]; } } if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'dimension' && origin_field.general.mesure == 'y' && angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.mesure_range) && origin_field.general.mesure_range.length > 0) { // Mujtaba Ahmadzai functions for NBDesigner Advanced factor = $scope.calculate_price_base_measurement(origin_field, field.width, field.height, $scope._qty); if ((origin_field.general.price_type == 'f' || origin_field.general.price_type == 'c') && origin_field.general.mesure_base_pages == 'y') { if (angular.isDefined( { var _origin_field = $scope.get_field(; if (_origin_field.general.data_type == 'i') { factor *= Math.floor(( + 1) / 2); } else { /* factor *= Math.floor( ( + 1) / 2 ); */ } } } } if (origin_field.general.input_type == 'u' && (angular.isUndefined(field.value) || field.value == "")) { factor = 0; } if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'page1' && angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.price_depend_no) && origin_field.general.price_depend_no == 'y' && angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.price_no_range) && origin_field.general.price_no_range.length > 0) { if (angular.isUndefined(origin_field.general.input_option.default) || origin_field.general.input_option.default == '') { origin_field.general.input_option.default = 0; } var current_value = $scope.validate_int(field.value), default_val = $scope.validate_int(origin_field.general.input_option.default); current_value = current_value - default_val; if (current_value < 0) current_value = 0; var price_no_range = origin_field.general.price_no_range, len = price_no_range.length; angular.forEach(price_no_range, function(range, key) { var qty = parseInt(range[0]); if (current_value >= qty) { factor = range[1]; } }); } } else { var option = origin_field.general.attributes.options[field.value]; if (option) { var option_price = option.price; if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(option_price[0], origin_field, $scope._qty, $scope.nbd_fields); } else { factor = $scope.validate_float(option_price[0]); } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(option_price[quantity_break.index], origin_field, $scope._qty, $scope.nbd_fields); } else { factor = $scope.validate_float(option_price[quantity_break.index]); } } if (angular.isDefined(option.enable_subattr) && option.enable_subattr == 'on') { if (angular.isDefined(option.sub_attributes) && option.sub_attributes.length > 0) { soption_price = option.sub_attributes[field.sub_value].price; if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor += $scope.eval_price(soption_price[0], origin_field, $scope._qty, $scope.nbd_fields); } else { factor += $scope.validate_float(soption_price[0]); } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor += $scope.eval_price(soption_price[quantity_break.index], origin_field, $scope._qty, $scope.nbd_fields); } else { factor += $scope.validate_float(soption_price[quantity_break.index]); } } } } } } if ($scope.isMultipleSelectPage(origin_field)) { factor = []; angular.forEach(field.values, function(val, v_index) { var option = origin_field.general.attributes.options[val]; if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor[v_index] = $scope.eval_price(option.price[0], origin_field, $scope._qty, $scope.nbd_fields); } else { factor[v_index] = option.price[0]; } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor[v_index] = $scope.eval_price(option.price[quantity_break.index], origin_field, $scope._qty, $scope.nbd_fields); } else { factor[v_index] = option.price[quantity_break.index]; } } }); field.price = 0; var xfac = 0, _xfac = 0; angular.forEach(factor, function(fac) { fac = $scope.validate_float(fac); var _fac = fac; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { fac = 0; field.ind_qty = true; } if ($scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) { fac /= qty; } switch (origin_field.general.price_type) { case 'f': field.price += _fac; $scope.total_price += fac; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.fixed += _fac; } break; case 'p': field.price += $scope.basePrice * _fac / 100; $scope.total_price += $scope.basePrice * fac / 100; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.percent += _fac; } break; case 'p+': field.price += fac / 100; field._price += _fac / 100; xfac += fac / 100; _xfac += _fac / 100; field.is_pp = 1; break; case 'mf': field.price += _fac; $scope.total_price += fac; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.fixed += _fac; } break; } }); if ($scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) { field.fixed_amount = true; } field.price_val = field.price * 1; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price); if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'p+') { xfactor *= (1 + xfac / 100); if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.xfactor *= (1 + _xfac / 100); } } } else { factor = $scope.validate_float(factor); field.is_pp = 0; if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'dimension' && origin_field.general.price_type == 'c') { origin_field.general.price_type = 'f'; } // Mujtaba Ahmadzai functions for NBDesigner Advanced var _factor = factor; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { factor = 0; field.ind_qty = true; } if ($scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) { factor /= qty; } switch (origin_field.general.price_type) { case 'f': field.price_val = _factor; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(_factor); $scope.total_price += factor; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.fixed += _factor; } // Mujtaba Ahmadzai functions for NBDesigner Advanced break; case 'p': field.price_val = $scope.basePrice * _factor / 100; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price_val); $scope.total_price += ($scope.basePrice * factor / 100); if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.percent += _factor; } break; case 'p+': field.price = factor / 100; field._price = _factor / 100; xfactor *= (1 + factor / 100); field.is_pp = 1; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.xfactor *= (1 + _factor / 100); } break; case 'c': var current_value = $scope.validate_int(field.value); if ((angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'page' && origin_field.general.data_type == 'i') || (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'page1') || (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbe_type) && origin_field.nbe_type == 'number_file')) { if (angular.isUndefined(origin_field.general.input_option.default) || origin_field.general.input_option.default == '') { origin_field.general.input_option.default = 0; } var default_val = $scope.validate_int(origin_field.general.input_option.default); current_value = current_value - default_val; if (current_value < 0) current_value = 0; } field.price_val = _factor * current_value; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price_val); $scope.total_price += factor * current_value; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.fixed += field.price_val; } break; case 'cp': field.price_val = _factor * $scope.validate_int(field.value.length); field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price_val); $scope.total_price += factor * $scope.validate_int(field.value.length); if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.fixed += field.price_val; } break; case 'mf': field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(_factor); field.price_val = _factor; $scope.total_price += factor; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.fixed += _factor; } break; /*woocommerce minimum price*/ } if ($scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) { field.fixed_amount = true; } } } }); $scope.total_price += (($scope.basePrice + $scope.total_price) * (xfactor - 1)); angular.forEach($scope.nbd_fields, function(field) { if (field.is_pp == 1) { field.price_val = field.price * ($scope.basePrice + $scope.total_price) / (field.price + 1); field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price_val); } }); var qty_factor = null; if (quantity_break.index == 0 && quantity_break.oparator == 'lt') { qty_factor = ''; } else { qty_factor = $scope.options.quantity_breaks[quantity_break.index].dis; } qty_factor = $scope.validate_float(qty_factor); $scope.discount_by_qty = $scope.options.quantity_discount_type == 'f' ? qty_factor : ($scope.basePrice + $scope.total_price) * qty_factor / 100; $scope.final_price = $scope.total_price + $scope.basePrice - $scope.discount_by_qty; $scope.final_price = $scope.final_price > 0 ? $scope.final_price : 0; $scope.total_cart_price = $scope.final_price * qty; if (line_price.fixed != 0 || line_price.xfactor != 1 || line_price.percent != 0) { $scope.cart_item_fee.enable = true; var _total_cart_price = $scope.total_cart_price; if (line_price.fixed != 0) { $scope.total_cart_price += line_price.fixed; } if (line_price.percent != 0) { $scope.total_cart_price += ($scope.basePrice * line_price.percent / 100); } if (line_price.xfactor != 1) { $scope.total_cart_price += ($scope.total_cart_price * (line_price.xfactor - 1)); angular.forEach($scope.nbd_fields, function(field) { if (field.is_pp == 1 && field.ind_qty) { field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field._price * $scope.total_cart_price / (field._price + 1)); } }); } $scope.cart_item_fee.value = $scope.total_cart_price - _total_cart_price; $scope.cart_item_fee.value = $scope.convert_to_wc_price($scope.cart_item_fee.value); } $scope.total_cart_item_price_num = $scope.total_cart_price; /*total minimum price*/ $scope.total_cart_price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price($scope.total_cart_price); /*total minimum price*/ $scope.final_price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price($scope.final_price, true); $scope.total_price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price($scope.total_price, true); $scope.discount_by_qty = $scope.convert_to_wc_price($scope.discount_by_qty, true); }; $scope.calculate_bulk_total_price = function() { var nbb_fields_arr = [], bulk_total_price = 0; var basePrice = $scope.price; if (this.type == 'variable') { var variation_id = jQuery('input[name="variation_id"], input.variation_id').val(); basePrice = (variation_id != '' && variation_id != 0) ? $scope.variations[variation_id] : basePrice; } basePrice = $scope.convert_wc_price_to_float(basePrice); var bulk_fields = {}; angular.forEach($scope.bulk_fields, function(field, index) { var elements = jQuery('[name="nbb-fields[' + + '][]"]'); bulk_fields[] = []; jQuery.each(elements, function(_index, el) { var val = jQuery(el).val(); bulk_fields[].push({ value: val, value_name: field.general.attributes.options[val].name, enable: true }); }); }); jQuery.each(jQuery('[name="nbb-qty-fields[]"]'), function(index, qtyEl) { var nbb_fields = {}; angular.copy($scope.nbd_fields, nbb_fields); angular.forEach(bulk_fields, function(field, field_id) { nbb_fields[field_id] = field[index]; }); nbb_fields_arr.push(nbb_fields); }); jQuery.each(jQuery('[name="nbb-qty-fields[]"]'), function(index, qtyEl) { var qty = $scope.validate_int(jQuery(qtyEl).val()); if (qty > 0) { var total_price = 0, discount_by_qty = 0, xfactor = 1, quantity_break = $scope.get_quantity_break(qty), cart_item_fee = { enable: false }, line_price = { fixed: 0, percent: 0, xfactor: 1 }, fixed_amount = 0; angular.forEach(nbb_fields_arr[index], function(field, field_id) { if (field.enable) { var origin_field = $scope.get_field(field_id); var factor = null; if (origin_field.general.data_type == 'i') { if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(origin_field.general.price, origin_field, qty, nbb_fields_arr[index]); } else { factor = origin_field.general.price; } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(origin_field.general.price_breaks[quantity_break.index], origin_field, qty, nbb_fields_arr[index]); } else { factor = origin_field.general.price_breaks[quantity_break.index]; } } if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'dimension' && origin_field.general.mesure == 'y' && angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.mesure_range) && origin_field.general.mesure_range.length > 0) { factor = $scope.calculate_price_base_measurement(origin_field, field.width, field.height, qty); if ((origin_field.general.price_type == 'f' || origin_field.general.price_type == 'c') && origin_field.general.mesure_base_pages == 'y') { if (angular.isDefined( { var _origin_field = $scope.get_field(; if (_origin_field.general.data_type == 'i') { factor *= Math.floor(( + 1) / 2); } } } } if (origin_field.general.input_type == 'u' && (angular.isUndefined(field.value) || field.value == "")) { factor = 0; } if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'page1' && angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.price_depend_no) && origin_field.general.price_depend_no == 'y' && angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.price_no_range) && origin_field.general.price_no_range.length > 0) { if (angular.isUndefined(origin_field.general.input_option.default) || origin_field.general.input_option.default == '') { origin_field.general.input_option.default = 0; } var current_value = $scope.validate_int(field.value), default_val = $scope.validate_int(origin_field.general.input_option.default); current_value = current_value - default_val; if (current_value < 0) current_value = 0; var price_no_range = origin_field.general.price_no_range, len = price_no_range.length; angular.forEach(price_no_range, function(range, key) { var qty = parseInt(range[0]); if (current_value >= qty) { factor = range[1]; } }); } } else { var option = origin_field.general.attributes.options[field.value]; if (option) { var option_price = option.price; if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(option_price[0], origin_field, qty, nbb_fields_arr[index]); } else { factor = $scope.validate_float(option_price[0]); } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(option_price[quantity_break.index], origin_field, qty, nbb_fields_arr[index]); } else { factor = $scope.validate_float(option_price[quantity_break.index]); } } if (angular.isDefined(option.enable_subattr) && option.enable_subattr == 'on') { if (angular.isDefined(option.sub_attributes) && option.sub_attributes.length > 0) { soption_price = option.sub_attributes[field.sub_value].price; if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor += $scope.eval_price(soption_price[0], origin_field, qty, nbb_fields_arr[index]); } else { factor += $scope.validate_float(soption_price[0]); } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor += $scope.eval_price(soption_price[quantity_break.index], origin_field, qty, nbb_fields_arr[index]); } else { factor += $scope.validate_float(soption_price[quantity_break.index]); } } } } } } if ($scope.isMultipleSelectPage(origin_field)) { factor = []; angular.forEach(field.values, function(val, v_index) { var option = origin_field.general.attributes.options[val]; if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor[v_index] = $scope.eval_price(option.price[0], origin_field, qty, nbb_fields_arr[index]); } else { factor[v_index] = option.price[0]; } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor[v_index] = $scope.eval_price(option.price[quantity_break.index], origin_field, qty, nbb_fields_arr[index]); } else { factor[v_index] = option.price[quantity_break.index]; } } }); field.price = 0; var xfac = 0, _xfac = 0; angular.forEach(factor, function(fac) { fac = $scope.validate_float(fac); var _fac = fac; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { fac = 0; field.ind_qty = true; } switch (origin_field.general.price_type) { case 'f': case 'mf': field.price += _fac; if (!$scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) total_price += fac; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.fixed += _fac; } break; case 'p': field.price += basePrice * _fac / 100; total_price += basePrice * fac / 100; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.percent += _fac; } break; case 'p+': field.price += fac / 100; field._price += _fac / 100; xfac += fac / 100; _xfac += _fac / 100; field.is_pp = 1; break; } }); if ($scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) { fixed_amount += field.price; field.fixed_amount = true; } field.price_val = field.price * 1; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price); if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'p+') { xfactor *= (1 + xfac / 100); if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.xfactor *= (1 + _xfac / 100); } } } else { factor = $scope.validate_float(factor); field.is_pp = 0; if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'dimension' && origin_field.general.price_type == 'c') { origin_field.general.price_type = 'f'; } var _factor = factor; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { factor = 0; field.ind_qty = true; } switch (origin_field.general.price_type) { case 'f': case 'mf': field.price_val = _factor; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(_factor); if (!$scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) total_price += factor; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.fixed += _factor; } break; case 'p': field.price_val = basePrice * _factor / 100; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price_val); total_price += (basePrice * factor / 100); if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.percent += _factor; } break; case 'p+': field.price = factor / 100; field._price = _factor / 100; xfactor *= (1 + factor / 100); field.is_pp = 1; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.xfactor *= (1 + _factor / 100); } break; case 'c': var current_value = $scope.validate_int(field.value); if ((angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'page' && origin_field.general.data_type == 'i') || (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'page1') || (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbe_type) && origin_field.nbe_type == 'number_file')) { if (angular.isUndefined(origin_field.general.input_option.default) || origin_field.general.input_option.default == '') { origin_field.general.input_option.default = 0; } var default_val = $scope.validate_int(origin_field.general.input_option.default); current_value = current_value - default_val; if (current_value < 0) current_value = 0; } field.price_val = _factor * current_value; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price_val); total_price += factor * current_value; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.fixed += _factor * current_value; } break; case 'cp': field.price_val = _factor * $scope.validate_int(field.value.length); field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price_val); total_price += factor * $scope.validate_int(field.value.length); if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.fixed += field.price_val; } break; } if ($scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) { fixed_amount += factor; field.fixed_amount = true; } } } }); total_price += ((basePrice + total_price) * (xfactor - 1)); angular.forEach(nbb_fields_arr[index], function(field) { if (field.is_pp == 1) { field.price_val = field.price * (basePrice + total_price) / (field.price + 1); field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price_val); } }); var qty_factor = null; if (quantity_break.index == 0 && quantity_break.oparator == 'lt') { qty_factor = ''; } else { qty_factor = $scope.options.quantity_breaks[quantity_break.index].dis; } var qty_factor = $scope.validate_float(qty_factor); discount_by_qty = $scope.options.quantity_discount_type == 'f' ? qty_factor : (basePrice + total_price) * qty_factor / 100; var final_price = total_price + basePrice - discount_by_qty; final_price = final_price > 0 ? final_price : 0; total_cart_price = final_price * qty; var _total_cart_price = total_cart_price; if (line_price.fixed != 0 || line_price.xfactor != 1 || line_price.percent != 0 || fixed_amount > 0) { if (line_price.fixed != 0) { total_cart_price += line_price.fixed; } if (line_price.percent != 0) { total_cart_price += (basePrice * line_price.percent / 100); } if (line_price.xfactor != 1) { total_cart_price += (total_cart_price * (line_price.xfactor - 1)); angular.forEach(nbb_fields_arr[index], function(field) { if (field.is_pp == 1 && field.ind_qty) { field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field._price * total_cart_price / (field._price + 1)); } }); } cart_item_fee.value = total_cart_price - _total_cart_price; if (cart_item_fee.value > 0) { cart_item_fee.enable = true; } cart_item_fee.value = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(cart_item_fee.value); } if ($scope.options.quantity_discount_type == 'f') { total_cart_price += fixed_amount; } else { total_cart_price += fixed_amount * (100 - qty_factor) / 100; } bulk_total_price += total_cart_price; } }); bulk_total_price = bulk_total_price > 0 ? bulk_total_price : 0; $scope.total_cart_item_price_num = bulk_total_price; var bulk_total_price_html = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(bulk_total_price); }; $scope.calculate_price_table2 = function() { $scope.price_table = []; var basePrice = $scope.price; if (this.type == 'variable') { var variation_id = jQuery('input[name="variation_id"], input.variation_id').val(); basePrice = (variation_id != '' && variation_id != 0) ? $scope.variations[variation_id] : basePrice; } basePrice = $scope.convert_wc_price_to_float(basePrice); if ($scope.has_price_matrix && $scope.options.matrix_type == 2) { var pmi = angular.isDefined($scope.options.pm_selected) ? $scope.options.pm_selected[0] : 0, pmj = angular.isDefined($scope.options.pm_selected) ? $scope.options.pm_selected[1] : 0; basePrice = $scope.get_mpm_base_price(pmi, pmj); } var missing_one = true; angular.forEach($scope.options.quantity_breaks, function(_break, key) { if (_break.val == '1') missing_one = false; }); var quantity_breaks = []; angular.copy($scope.options.quantity_breaks, quantity_breaks); if (missing_one) { quantity_breaks.unshift({ val: 1, dis: 0 }); } angular.forEach(quantity_breaks, function(_break, key) { var qty = $scope.validate_int(_break.val), nbd_fields = {}, total_price = 0, discount_by_qty = 0, xfactor = 1, quantity_break = $scope.get_quantity_break(qty), cart_item_fee = { enable: false }, line_price = { fixed: 0, percent: 0, xfactor: 1 }, fixed_amount = 0; angular.copy($scope.nbd_fields, nbd_fields); angular.forEach(nbd_fields, function(field, field_id) { if (field.enable) { if ($scope.has_price_matrix && $scope.options.matrix_type == 2) { if ($scope.options.pm_hoz.indexOf(field_id) > -1 || $scope.options.pm_ver.indexOf(field_id) > -1) return; } var origin_field = $scope.get_field(field_id); var factor = null; if (origin_field.general.data_type == 'i') { if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(origin_field.general.price, origin_field, qty, nbd_fields); } else { factor = origin_field.general.price; } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(origin_field.general.price_breaks[quantity_break.index], origin_field, qty, nbd_fields); } else { factor = origin_field.general.price_breaks[quantity_break.index]; } } if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'dimension' && origin_field.general.mesure == 'y' && angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.mesure_range) && origin_field.general.mesure_range.length > 0) { factor = $scope.calculate_price_base_measurement(origin_field, field.width, field.height, qty); if ((origin_field.general.price_type == 'f' || origin_field.general.price_type == 'c') && origin_field.general.mesure_base_pages == 'y') { if (angular.isDefined( { var _origin_field = $scope.get_field(; if (_origin_field.general.data_type == 'i') { factor *= Math.floor(( + 1) / 2); } else { /* factor *= Math.floor( ( + 1) / 2 ); */ } } } } if (origin_field.general.input_type == 'u' && (angular.isUndefined(field.value) || field.value == "")) { factor = 0; } if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'page1' && angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.price_depend_no) && origin_field.general.price_depend_no == 'y' && angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.price_no_range) && origin_field.general.price_no_range.length > 0) { if (angular.isUndefined(origin_field.general.input_option.default) || origin_field.general.input_option.default == '') { origin_field.general.input_option.default = 0; } var current_value = $scope.validate_int(field.value), default_val = $scope.validate_int(origin_field.general.input_option.default); current_value = current_value - default_val; if (current_value < 0) current_value = 0; var price_no_range = origin_field.general.price_no_range, len = price_no_range.length; angular.forEach(price_no_range, function(range, key) { var qty = parseInt(range[0]); if (current_value >= qty) { factor = range[1]; } }); } } else { var option = origin_field.general.attributes.options[field.value]; if (option) { var option_price = option.price; if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(option_price[0], origin_field, qty, nbd_fields); } else { factor = $scope.validate_float(option_price[0]); } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(option_price[quantity_break.index], origin_field, qty, nbd_fields); } else { factor = $scope.validate_float(option_price[quantity_break.index]); } } if (angular.isDefined(option.enable_subattr) && option.enable_subattr == 'on') { if (angular.isDefined(option.sub_attributes) && option.sub_attributes.length > 0) { soption_price = option.sub_attributes[field.sub_value].price; if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor += $scope.eval_price(soption_price[0], origin_field, qty, nbd_fields); } else { factor += $scope.validate_float(soption_price[0]); } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor += $scope.eval_price(soption_price[quantity_break.index], origin_field, qty, nbd_fields); } else { factor += $scope.validate_float(soption_price[quantity_break.index]); } } } } } } if ($scope.isMultipleSelectPage(origin_field)) { factor = []; angular.forEach(field.values, function(val, v_index) { var option = origin_field.general.attributes.options[val]; if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor[v_index] = $scope.eval_price(option.price[0], origin_field, qty, nbd_fields); } else { factor[v_index] = option.price[0]; } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor[v_index] = $scope.eval_price(option.price[quantity_break.index], origin_field, qty, nbd_fields); } else { factor[v_index] = option.price[quantity_break.index]; } } }); field.price = 0; var xfac = 0, _xfac = 0; angular.forEach(factor, function(fac) { fac = $scope.validate_float(fac); var _fac = fac; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { fac = 0; field.ind_qty = true; } switch (origin_field.general.price_type) { case 'f': case 'mf': field.price += _fac; if (!$scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) total_price += fac; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.fixed += _fac; } break; case 'p': field.price += basePrice * _fac / 100; total_price += basePrice * fac / 100; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.percent += _fac; } break; case 'p+': field.price += fac / 100; field._price += _fac / 100; xfac += fac / 100; _xfac += _fac / 100; field.is_pp = 1; break; } }); if ($scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) { fixed_amount += field.price; field.fixed_amount = true; } field.price_val = field.price * 1; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price); if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'p+') { xfactor *= (1 + xfac / 100); if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.xfactor *= (1 + _xfac / 100); } } } else { factor = $scope.validate_float(factor); field.is_pp = 0; if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'dimension' && origin_field.general.price_type == 'c') { origin_field.general.price_type = 'f'; } var _factor = factor; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { factor = 0; field.ind_qty = true; } switch (origin_field.general.price_type) { case 'f': case 'mf': field.price_val = _factor; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(_factor); if (!$scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) total_price += factor; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.fixed += _factor; } break; case 'p': field.price_val = basePrice * _factor / 100; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(basePrice * _factor / 100); total_price += (basePrice * factor / 100); if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.percent += _factor; } break; case 'p+': field.price = factor / 100; field._price = _factor / 100; xfactor *= (1 + factor / 100); field.is_pp = 1; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.xfactor *= (1 + _factor / 100); } break; case 'c': var current_value = $scope.validate_int(field.value); if ((angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'page' && origin_field.general.data_type == 'i') || (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'page1') || (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbe_type) && origin_field.nbe_type == 'number_file')) { if (angular.isUndefined(origin_field.general.input_option.default) || origin_field.general.input_option.default == '') { origin_field.general.input_option.default = 0; } var default_val = $scope.validate_int(origin_field.general.input_option.default); current_value = current_value - default_val; if (current_value < 0) current_value = 0; } field.price_val = _factor * current_value; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price_val); total_price += factor * current_value; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.fixed += field.price_val; } break; case 'cp': field.price_val = _factor * $scope.validate_int(field.value.length); field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price_val); total_price += factor * $scope.validate_int(field.value.length); if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { line_price.fixed += field.price_val; } break; } if ($scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) { fixed_amount += factor; field.fixed_amount = true; } } } }); total_price += ((basePrice + total_price) * (xfactor - 1)); angular.forEach(nbd_fields, function(field) { if (field.is_pp == 1) { field.price_val = field.price * (basePrice + total_price) / (field.price + 1); field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price_val); } }); var qty_factor = $scope.validate_float(_break.dis); discount_by_qty = $scope.options.quantity_discount_type == 'f' ? qty_factor : (basePrice + total_price) * qty_factor / 100; var final_price = total_price + basePrice - discount_by_qty; final_price = final_price > 0 ? final_price : 0; total_cart_price = final_price * qty; var _total_cart_price = total_cart_price; if (line_price.fixed != 0 || line_price.xfactor != 1 || line_price.percent != 0 || fixed_amount > 0) { if (line_price.fixed != 0) { total_cart_price += line_price.fixed; } if (line_price.percent != 0) { total_cart_price += (basePrice * line_price.percent / 100); } if (line_price.xfactor != 1) { total_cart_price += (total_cart_price * (line_price.xfactor - 1)); angular.forEach(nbd_fields, function(field) { if (field.is_pp == 1 && field.ind_qty) { field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field._price * total_cart_price / (field._price + 1)); } }); } cart_item_fee.value = total_cart_price - _total_cart_price + fixed_amount; if (cart_item_fee.value > 0) { cart_item_fee.enable = true; } cart_item_fee.value = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(cart_item_fee.value); } if ($scope.options.quantity_discount_type == 'f') { total_cart_price += fixed_amount; } else { total_cart_price += fixed_amount * (100 - qty_factor) / 100; } $scope.price_table[key] = { qty: qty, cart_item_fee: cart_item_fee, total_cart_price: $scope.convert_to_wc_price(total_cart_price), _total_cart_price: $scope.convert_to_wc_price(_total_cart_price), final_price_val: final_price, final_price: $scope.convert_to_wc_price(final_price, true) }; }); $scope.price_table_cart_fee = false; var _first = $scope.price_table[0]; angular.forEach($scope.price_table, function(pt, key) { if (angular.isDefined(pt.cart_item_fee.enable) && pt.cart_item_fee.enable) { $scope.price_table_cart_fee = true; } if (pt.final_price_val.toFixed != 0) { pt.klass = ((pt.final_price_val - _first.final_price_val) > 0) ? 'nbo-inc' : (((pt.final_price_val - _first.final_price_val) < 0) ? 'nbo-dec' : ''); pt.saving = (-(pt.final_price_val - _first.final_price_val) / _first.final_price_val * 100).toFixed(2) + '%'; } else { pt.saving = ''; } }); if (missing_one) { $scope.price_table.splice(0, 1); } }; $scope.calculate_price_table = function() { $scope.price_table = []; $scope.basePrice = $scope.price; if (this.type == 'variable') { var variation_id = jQuery('input[name="variation_id"], input.variation_id').val(); $scope.basePrice = (variation_id != '' && variation_id != 0) ? $scope.variations[variation_id] : $scope.basePrice; } $scope.basePrice = $scope.convert_wc_price_to_float($scope.basePrice); if ($scope.has_price_matrix && $scope.options.matrix_type == 2) { var pmi = angular.isDefined($scope.options.pm_selected) ? $scope.options.pm_selected[0] : 0, pmj = angular.isDefined($scope.options.pm_selected) ? $scope.options.pm_selected[1] : 0; $scope.basePrice = $scope.get_mpm_base_price(pmi, pmj); } var quantity_breaks = []; angular.forEach($scope.options.quantity_breaks, function(_break, key) { quantity_breaks[key] = $scope.validate_int(_break.val); }); var _qty = 0; if ($scope.is_sold_individually == 1) { _qty = 1; } else { _qty = $scope.validate_int(jQuery('input[name="quantity"]').val()); } angular.forEach(quantity_breaks, function(_break, key) { var pt; if (key == 0 && _break > 1) { pt = {}; pt.from = 1; pt.up = _break - 1; pt.quantity_break = { index: 0, oparator: 'lt' }; $scope.price_table.push(pt); } if (key > 0 && key < (quantity_breaks.length)) { pt = {}; pt.from = quantity_breaks[key - 1]; pt.up = _break - 1; pt.quantity_break = { index: key - 1, oparator: 'bw' }; $scope.price_table.push(pt); } if (key == (quantity_breaks.length - 1)) { pt = {}; pt.from = _break; pt.up = '**'; pt.quantity_break = { index: key, oparator: 'gt' }; $scope.price_table.push(pt); } }); angular.forEach($scope.price_table, function(pt, pt_index) { pt.nbd_fields = {}; pt.in_range = (_qty >= pt.from && (_qty <= pt.up || pt.up == '**')) ? true : false; angular.copy($scope.nbd_fields, pt.nbd_fields); pt.total_price = 0; pt.discount_by_qty = 0; var xfactor = 1, fixed_amount = 0; angular.forEach(pt.nbd_fields, function(field, field_id) { if (field.enable) { if ($scope.has_price_matrix && $scope.options.matrix_type == 2) { if ($scope.options.pm_hoz.indexOf(field_id) > -1 || $scope.options.pm_ver.indexOf(field_id) > -1) return; } var origin_field = $scope.get_field(field_id); var factor = null; if (origin_field.general.data_type == 'i') { if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(origin_field.general.price, origin_field, pt.from, pt.nbd_fields); } else { factor = origin_field.general.price; } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(origin_field.general.price_breaks[pt.quantity_break.index], origin_field, pt.from, pt.nbd_fields); } else { factor = origin_field.general.price_breaks[pt.quantity_break.index]; } } if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'dimension' && origin_field.general.mesure == 'y' && angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.mesure_range) && origin_field.general.mesure_range.length > 0) { factor = $scope.calculate_price_base_measurement(origin_field, field.width, field.height, pt.from); if ((origin_field.general.price_type == 'f' || origin_field.general.price_type == 'c') && origin_field.general.mesure_base_pages == 'y') { if (angular.isDefined( { factor *= Math.floor(( + 1) / 2); } } } if (origin_field.general.input_type == 'u' && (angular.isUndefined(field.value) || field.value == "")) { factor = 0; } if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'page1' && angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.price_depend_no) && origin_field.general.price_depend_no == 'y' && angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.price_no_range) && origin_field.general.price_no_range.length > 0) { if (angular.isUndefined(origin_field.general.input_option.default) || origin_field.general.input_option.default == '') { origin_field.general.input_option.default = 0; } var current_value = $scope.validate_int(field.value), default_val = $scope.validate_int(origin_field.general.input_option.default); current_value = current_value - default_val; if (current_value < 0) current_value = 0; var price_no_range = origin_field.general.price_no_range, len = price_no_range.length; angular.forEach(price_no_range, function(range, key) { var qty = parseInt(range[0]); if (current_value >= qty) { factor = range[1]; } }); } } else { var option = origin_field.general.attributes.options[field.value]; if (option) { if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(option.price[0], origin_field, pt.from, pt.nbd_fields); } else { factor = $scope.validate_float(option.price[0]); } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor = $scope.eval_price(option.price[pt.quantity_break.index], origin_field, pt.from, pt.nbd_fields); } else { factor = $scope.validate_float(option.price[pt.quantity_break.index]); } } if (angular.isDefined(option.enable_subattr) && option.enable_subattr == 'on') { if (angular.isDefined(option.sub_attributes) && option.sub_attributes.length > 0) { soption_price = option.sub_attributes[field.sub_value].price; if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor += $scope.eval_price(soption_price[0], origin_field, pt.from, pt.nbd_fields); } else { factor += $scope.validate_float(soption_price[0]); } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor += $scope.eval_price(soption_price[pt.quantity_break.index], origin_field, pt.from, pt.nbd_fields); } else { factor += $scope.validate_float(soption_price[pt.quantity_break.index]); } } } } } } if ($scope.isMultipleSelectPage(origin_field)) { factor = []; angular.forEach(field.values, function(val, v_index) { var option = origin_field.general.attributes.options[val]; if (origin_field.general.depend_quantity == 'n') { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor[v_index] = $scope.eval_price(option.price[0], origin_field, pt.from, pt.nbd_fields); } else { factor[v_index] = option.price[0]; } } else { if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'mf') { factor[v_index] = $scope.eval_price(option.price[pt.quantity_break.index], origin_field, pt.from, pt.nbd_fields); } else { factor[v_index] = option.price[pt.quantity_break.index]; } } }); field.price = 0; var xfac = 0; angular.forEach(factor, function(fac) { fac = $scope.validate_float(fac); var _fac = fac; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { fac = 0; } switch (origin_field.general.price_type) { case 'f': case 'mf': field.price += _fac; if (!$scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) pt.total_price += fac; break; case 'p': field.price += $scope.basePrice * _fac / 100; pt.total_price += $scope.basePrice * fac / 100; break; case 'p+': field.price += fac / 100; xfac += fac / 100; field.is_pp = 1; break; } }); if ($scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) { fixed_amount += field.price; field.fixed_amount = true; } field.price_val = field.price * 1; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price); if (origin_field.general.price_type == 'p+') { xfactor *= (1 + xfac / 100); } } else { factor = $scope.validate_float(factor); field.is_pp = 0; if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'dimension' && origin_field.general.price_type == 'c') { origin_field.general.price_type = 'f'; } var _factor = factor; if ($scope.is_independent_qty(origin_field)) { factor = 0; } switch (origin_field.general.price_type) { case 'f': case 'mf': field.price_val = _factor; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(_factor); if (!$scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) pt.total_price += factor; break; case 'p': field.price_val = $scope.basePrice * _factor / 100; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price_val); pt.total_price += ($scope.basePrice * factor / 100); break; case 'p+': field.price = factor / 100; xfactor *= (1 + factor / 100); field.is_pp = 1; break; case 'c': var current_value = $scope.validate_int(field.value); if ((angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'page' && origin_field.general.data_type == 'i') || (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'page1') || (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbe_type) && origin_field.nbe_type == 'number_file')) { if (angular.isUndefined(origin_field.general.input_option.default) || origin_field.general.input_option.default == '') { origin_field.general.input_option.default = 0; } var default_val = $scope.validate_int(origin_field.general.input_option.default); current_value = current_value - default_val; if (current_value < 0) current_value = 0; } field.price_val = _factor * current_value; field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price_val); pt.total_price += factor * current_value; break; case 'cp': field.price_val = _factor * $scope.validate_int(field.value.length); field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price_val); pt.total_price += factor * $scope.validate_int(field.value.length); break; } if ($scope.is_fixed_amount(origin_field)) { fixed_amount += factor; field.fixed_amount = true; } } } }); pt.total_price += (($scope.basePrice + pt.total_price) * (xfactor - 1)); angular.forEach(pt.nbd_fields, function(field) { if (field.is_pp == 1) { field.price_val = field.price * ($scope.basePrice + pt.total_price) / (field.price + 1); field.price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(field.price_val); } }); var qty_factor = null; if (pt.quantity_break.index == 0 && pt.quantity_break.oparator == 'lt') { qty_factor = ''; } else { qty_factor = $scope.options.quantity_breaks[pt.quantity_break.index].dis; } qty_factor = $scope.validate_float(qty_factor); pt.discount_by_qty = $scope.options.quantity_discount_type == 'f' ? qty_factor : ($scope.basePrice + pt.total_price) * qty_factor / 100; pt.final_price = pt.total_price + $scope.basePrice - pt.discount_by_qty; pt.final_price = pt.final_price > 0 ? pt.final_price : 0; pt.final_price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(pt.final_price, true); pt.total_price = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(pt.total_price, true); pt.discount_by_qty = $scope.convert_to_wc_price(pt.discount_by_qty, true); }); }; $scope.is_independent_qty = function(field) { if (angular.isDefined(field.general.depend_qty) && field.general.depend_qty == 'n') { return true; } else { return false; } }; $scope.is_fixed_amount = function(field) { if (angular.isDefined(field.general.depend_qty) && field.general.depend_qty == 'n2') { return true; } else { return false; } }; $scope.isMultipleSelectPage = function(field) { if (angular.isDefined(field.nbd_type) && (field.nbd_type == 'page' || field.nbd_type == 'page2') && field.general.data_type == 'm') { return true; } return false; }; $scope.calculate_price_base_measurement = function(origin_field, width, height, qty) { /*nbdesigner advanced*/ if (typeof jocu_nbd_loaded != "undefined") { var qty = jQuery('input[name="quantity"]').val(); } var mesure_range = origin_field.general.mesure_range; var area = $scope.validate_float(width) * $scope.validate_float(height), _area = area; if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.mesure_base_qty) && origin_field.general.mesure_base_qty == 'y') { area *= qty; } /*nbdesigner advanced*/ if (typeof jocu_nbd_loaded != "undefined") { _area = area; } if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.mesure_min_area)) { var minArea = $scope.validate_float(origin_field.general.mesure_min_area); _area -= minArea; area -= minArea; } _area = _area > 0 ? _area : 0; area = area > 0 ? area : 0; var price_per_unit = 0, start_range = 0, end_range = 0, price_range = 0; if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.mesure_type) && origin_field.general.mesure_type == 'ur') { var measurement_price = 0, infinity_end_range = false, area_in_range, prev_end_range = 0; angular.forEach(mesure_range, function(range, key) { start_range = $scope.validate_float(range[0]); end_range = $scope.validate_float(range[1]); price_range = $scope.validate_float(range[2]); start_range = start_range > 0 ? start_range : 0; end_range = end_range > 0 ? end_range : 0; price_range = price_range > 0 ? price_range : 0; if (!infinity_end_range && area >= start_range && (end_range > start_range || end_range == 0)) { area_in_range = (area >= end_range && end_range != 0) ? (end_range - prev_end_range) : (area - prev_end_range); measurement_price += area_in_range * price_range; prev_end_range = end_range; } if (end_range == 0) infinity_end_range = true; }); if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.mesure_base_qty) && origin_field.general.mesure_base_qty == 'y') { measurement_price /= (qty != 0 ? qty : 1); } return measurement_price; } angular.forEach(mesure_range, function(range, key) { start_range = $scope.validate_float(range[0]); end_range = $scope.validate_float(range[1]); price_range = $scope.validate_float(range[2]); if (start_range <= area && (area <= end_range || end_range == 0)) { price_per_unit = price_range; } if (start_range <= area && key == (mesure_range.length - 1) && area > end_range) { price_per_unit = price_range; } }); // Mujtaba Ahmadzai functions for NBDesigner Advanced if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.mesure_type) && origin_field.general.mesure_type == 'r') { return price_per_unit; } return price_per_unit * _area; }; $scope.calculate_product_area = function() { var area = 0, hasDim = false; angular.forEach($scope.nbd_fields, function(field, field_id) { if (field.enable) { var origin_field = $scope.get_field(field_id); if (origin_field.general.data_type == 'i') { if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.nbd_type) && origin_field.nbd_type == 'dimension' && origin_field.general.mesure == 'y' && angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.mesure_range) && origin_field.general.mesure_range.length > 0) { area = $scope.validate_float(field.width) * $scope.validate_float(field.height); if (angular.isDefined(origin_field.general.mesure_min_area)) { var minArea = $scope.validate_float(origin_field.general.mesure_min_area); area -= minArea; } hasDim = true; } } } }); if (!hasDim) { if ($scope.type == 'variable') { var variation_id = jQuery('input[name="variation_id"], input.variation_id').val(), width = $scope.dimensions[variation_id].width, height = $scope.dimensions[variation_id].height; } else { width = $scope.width; height = $scope.height; } area = $scope.validate_float(width) * $scope.validate_float(height); } return area > 0 ? area : 0; }; $scope.eval_price = function(formula, origin_field, qty, fields) { if (!formula) return 0; var price = 0, area = $scope.calculate_product_area(); formula = formula.replace(/{quantity}/g, qty); formula = formula.replace(/{price}/g, $scope.basePrice); formula = formula.replace(/{area}/g, area); formula = formula.replace(/{this.value}/g, fields[].value); formula = formula.replace(/{this.value_length}/g, fields[].value.length); if (formula.match(/\{(\s)*?field\.([^}]*)}/)) { var matches = formula.match(/\{(\s)*?field\.([^}]*)}/g), pos, reg, field_id, type, val; matches.forEach(function(field) { match = field.match(/\{(\s)*?field\.([^}]*)}/); if (undefined !== match[2] && "string" == typeof match[2]) { pos = match[2].lastIndexOf("."); val = 0; if (pos !== -1) { field_id = match[2].substr(0, pos); type = match[2].substr(pos + 1); switch (type) { case 'price': val = angular.isDefined(fields[field_id].price_val) ? fields[field_id].price_val : 0; break; case 'value': val = fields[field_id].value; 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} } } } break; } } reg = new RegExp(match[0]); formula = formula.replace(reg, val + ''); } }); } try { price = mexp.eval(formula); } catch (e) { price = 0; } return price; }; /* NBDesigner Advanced */ if (typeof nbswd_shipping_weight_dimension != 'undefined') { $scope.calculate_price_base_sqft = function(origin_field, length, width) { var sqft_range = origin_field.general.sqft_range; var area = $scope.validate_float(length) * $scope.validate_float(width) / 144; var ship_weight = 0, start_range = 0, end_range = 0, cal_weight = 0; angular.forEach(sqft_range, function(range, key) { start_range = $scope.validate_float(range[0]); end_range = $scope.validate_float(range[1]); cal_weight = $scope.validate_float(range[2]); if (start_range <= area && (area <= end_range || end_range == 0)) { ship_weight = cal_weight; } if (start_range <= area && key == (sqft_range.length - 1) && area > end_range) { ship_weight = cal_weight; } }); return ship_weight; }; } $scope.toggle_group = function($event) { jQuery($'.nbo-group-body').toggleClass('nbo-collapse'); 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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Views: 6223

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Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.