Julie T Wallace (Mrs Avery) (2024)



Dedicated Member
  • Dec 6, 2012
  • #21

She dis sapeared without any notice from the series ,personally I did not like her character very much and her daughter was not a good addition to the show.



Dedicated Member
  • Dec 11, 2012
  • #23

People who own VW vans are very passionate about them,not my cup of tea though.



Dedicated Member
  • Dec 13, 2012
  • #24

chris said:

People who own VW vans are very passionate about them,not my cup of tea though.

I am not too keen on the camper myself, but I did admire the way my son took this rusting heap of junk and turned it into much loved vehicle. He also has a 'beetle' which is called blossom, also pink and cherished.



Staff member

  • Dec 13, 2012
  • #25

Sue said:

chris said:

People who own VW vans are very passionate about them,not my cup of tea though.

I am not too keen on the camper myself, but I did admire the way my son took this rusting heap of junk and turned it into much loved vehicle. He also has a 'beetle' which is called blossom, also pink and cherished.

Your son doesn't live down the road from me does me? There is a man who has been working on an RV for years it was a shell when he started it looks brand new now. He also has a Beetle but I don't know its name!


Dedicated Member
  • Mar 27, 2013
  • #26

chris said:

She dis sapeared without any notice from the series ,personally I did not like her character very much and her daughter was not a good addition to the show.

I think that (1) IF they had made her more of a regular Yorkshire woman with vaguely hippie-style attire so that she could have been only slightly off beat, and (2) IF she and Tom had been an item but not living together; and (3) if she could have had a regular occupation such as a herbalist; THEN I think that her character could have worked. She could have had regular herbal tea breaks with Marina and Miss Davenport, and dispensed her herbs from a storefront.



Dedicated Member
  • Mar 28, 2013
  • #27

Susan said:

Sue said:

chris said:

People who own VW vans are very passionate about them,not my cup of tea though.

I am not too keen on the camper myself, but I did admire the way my son took this rusting heap of junk and turned it into much loved vehicle. He also has a 'beetle' which is called blossom, also pink and cherished.

My son is in Godalming, so no Susan he won't be a neighbour of yours. Shame.

Your son doesn't live down the road from me does me? There is a man who has been working on an RV for years it was a shell when he started it looks brand new now. He also has a Beetle but I don't know its name!


LOTSW Fanatic
  • Mar 28, 2013
  • #28

I was the user of a camper van in the 1980s in Leeds -it was a shared arrangement where they used my Fiat 500 (named Polly) and I used their camper van.

I think it was because I could claim mileage allowance for vehicle use, and it only did about 19 mpg. It was noteworthy in that there was a red whale jumping out of a green sea on one side spouting green water and a yellow submarine in a blue sea the other. Quite out of keeping with my sober dark suits. Very alternative.

It was not in the best of condition and when you braked it veered badly to the left and an indicator light came on. I once was asked to tow a caravan with it - having never towed a caravan before, and there were no refinements such as additional wing mirrors to help. Because of the aforementioned problem one preferred not to brake if possible, but this made progress slow and sometimes jerky. It was not helped by the couple, who had hired the caravan, sitting in the back of the camper looking increasingly worried.

Perhaps I should have got Wesley to fix it!

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Julie T Wallace (Mrs Avery) (2024)


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