The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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A IhilroaOs QPcean Steamers financial tvational line of steamers TO LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN Kegal Notices 3cc Dealers Steamboats HOLLAND HELVETIA ERIN CANADA GREECE Med Tan 12 Wed Tan 20 Wed Jan 27 Wed eb 3 ecording a icpaiu 5080 3847 3970 4040 4276 4310 York 4871 EGYPT Wil 3676 3441 4471 3724 steamers will leave New Q1PRING1LD 3 INSTITUTION OR SAVINGS Incorporated A 1827 Banking Room New Building corner of Main and State streets first floor Receives Deposits and pays Interest on sums from One to One Thousand Dollars JAMES THOMPSON President JOHN STE JBINS Vice President JlEKBV Lbe Treas'r Shchtlhef Sec'v George Dwight Thompson Stebbins William Gunn Henry Morris Henry 3 Loe i i 1 ESTABLISHED IN 1849 PET Aj TENGILL Advertising Ageuov No 10 State st BOSTON and 37 Park Row NEW YORK Estimates furnished gratis for Advertising in all Newspapers in the United States and British Prov ucea JgREWSTER BASSET CO BANKERS 35 CONGRESS ST BOSTON Dealers iu GOLD BONDS STOCKS and COM MERCIAL PAPER' Orders executed on commission at Board Auction and Private Sale in Boston New York Philadelphia d9 1yd A WALL ST INV ESTMENT On Nov 3 we secured for a customer a spread fot 100 share sj Northwestern Stock which cost 212 the in terest at 36 and the call at 40 Some days later it declined to 36 when we adtised buying 100 share on the put winch left him the possessor of 109 at and on his call 100 at 40 Dec 1 we sold for him 200 shares at 46 securing a net profit of 8149121 Pamphlet giving tull explanation sent on application Gold and stocks bought and sold on three per cent margin Address DARRAG11 RIDGEMAN CO Bankers and Brokers 52 and 56 Broadway and 7 Exchange Cotut New York (P Box 5026) 17 daw3tn HAMPDEN SAVINGS BANK II SPRINGIELD MASS Banking Room new Building corner Main and Lyman Streets Business hours from 9 a to 4 Elipbalet Trask President Vice Presidents: Chester Chapin II Hyde ID Harris Bailey Peter Bailey Secretary and Treasurer Trustees Marvin Chapin Sturtevant Hawkins Lev is Powers Baker A Rnmrill Greenleaf Stebbins Arthur I Bemis Russell Brown William Melcher Interest commences on deposits on the 15th day of each month CUN ARD SPECIAL With the view of diminishing thechances of col lision the steamers of this line will henceforth take a specified course for all seasons of the vear On the outward passage from Queenstown to New York or Boston crossing meridian of 50 at 43 lat or nothing to the north of 43 On the homeward passage cross ing the meridian of 50 at 42 lat or nothing to the north of 42 The British and North American Royal Mail Steam Packet CO CONARD LINE STEAMERS sailing direct from BOSTON OR LIVERPOOL calling al Queenstown and Ccrk China Saturday December 19 at 4 Samaria Saturday December 26 at Ila in Siberia Saturday January 2 at 4 Marathon Saturday January 9 at 10 a Hecla Saturday January 16 at 3 China Saturday January 23 nt 10 a AtlaSj Saturday January 30 at 3 pm 1 Siberia Saturday ebruary 6 at 830 a 'u Passengers embark at Cunard wharf East Boston ROM NEW YORK OR a uyssiuia wed Dec 16 IzvC ZZ a HlMly Wed Dec 30 Russia Wed Jan 6 Java veiy bit They make them for the thievish and quarrelsome parrow for the titmousewith the azine tail for the warbler for tle king fisher (there are large artificial lakes in the Ibis de Vincennes) and for the chaffinch The cuck oo the blackbird and the magpie hiiruelf are not forgotten Sacb beautiful nests! Large and small apartments for leathered families to ba let i with iu mediate jicstefsion without taking a Jeate or with a lease of three six or nine years nt pleasure These by the way are the usual teinis of leases in rance The writer goes on to slide that three thousands of these nests A have been put up The plan we believe was i first suggested by a professor of the Tardin des Mi Plantes with a view to encouraging the licatieu of birds that may help to destroy worms ana insects injurious to Paper corn western bn hom*o SI 25 oats 85c wheat middlings $190 shorts $160 rye feed $180 corn menl 180 buckwheat $125 wheat screenings $110 Cattle At Brighton the supply of cattle was the smallest this week of any this season only 493 head and 1 rices were a little better iu consequence The sup ply of sheep and lambs was up to the 4007 brad and swine 5200 The quotations are: Maikct beef extra quality first quality 725 second quality 625'a650 third quality 525 poorest grades of coarse oxen bulls etc 37515 working oxen 142 a 170 for 266023000 lbs live weight store cattle yearlings $11 £15 two year olds 15a27 three year olds 26(215 milch cows extra S5595 ordinary 25(250 store cows 1845 sheep and lambs oyrlSlc fat hogs 8c oreign At Paris rentes 61 francs 87 centimes At Antwerp petroleum at 29 francs At London consols 91a91 United States bonds five twenties old 107 107 new lives 103 Erie 25 do preferred 42 linseed oil Ljs 3d(225s 6d At Liverpool cotton steady uplands 7d Orleans 7 cotton to arrive 16d cheaper breadstuns quiet pork 82s for new mess spirits of turpentine 26s ware Lackawanna and Western 109 Colnmbu Chi cago aud Indiana Central 9 Chicago Burlington and Quincy 108 Hannibal and St Joseph 25 Adams ex 1 ress iny2 wens argo a express 83 American express 62 United States express 59 Gvi ton 60 Consolidated coal 4212 Cumberland 50 Western Union telegraph 79 Atlantic and telegraph 19 Quicksilver 31 do preferred 42 aeilic Mail 37 Boston water power 11 Produce At Tloston flour steady western superfine $425 160 common extras 462u)5 Wisconsin extras Minnesota do 550ut do fancy 5 white wheat Ohio Indiana and Michigan 55oaG50 Illinois 550 fe7 St Louis 5 7'xwS 60 southern 4758 corn dull mixed and yellow oats quiet at 65)70c for mixed and No 1 white rye held at 1 a)l05 shorts if2X2t5C fine feed and middlings 2731 pork steady at $17(218 for prime 21 2150 for mess and 24 60 2550 lor clear and extra clear beef steady at 51 060 1350 for mess aud extra mess and lor family lard quiet at for city and western smoked hams held atT243e batter 25: 42c cheese held at 12J16c A5 cotton wetk aud irregular sales 1 TOG ales at 14c tor middling unlauds forward deliveries declined 3 32(ac flour without decided change limited export and home trade demand re ceipts 9768 bbls safes 14900 western and state $42 560 white wheat western extra 5602)615 extra Ohio 475(r 665 extra St liuis 5148 including 3900 bbls shipping extras at 5(2550 the latter choice southern 4900825 wheat a shade firmer with a moderate ex 1 ort and home trade inquiry also a fair speculative demaud receipts 10654 bush ales 192000 at $109 (2110 for No 3 spring 1112114 for No 2Chicago 113(2115 for No 2 Northwest 115116 for No 2 Milwaukee L20l25for No I spring 1092)125 for ungraded Iowa aud Minnesota spring 1202128 for winter red western 129 2132 for amber do 13(1137 for white western corn scarce and decidedly firmer receipts 56493 bush sales 181000 at 96297c for old western mixed in store 98 for do afloat 85(89 for new western mixed ami yellow 89 for new vellow southern 87 lor poor new white do oats a turner aud moderately active receipts 7700 bush sales 78000 at 6971c for mixed western 70272 for white do 71 for mixed state cotlee firm a'ud in good jobbing demand at 17(22i)e gold for Rio sugar very liraholdeis asking uigher prices 828c foi fail to good relining 8 for prime centrifugal 8 relined higher at 10(210 for A and 10 for hard grades molasses New Orleans steady at 50 ig GCkjc rice unchanged petroleum firmer crude 5 12 16c closing at 5 relined Jl(212 tallow dull prime city 8c rosin heavy at $210'2220 turpen tine heavy at36(a35c wool firm domestic tl eece 43(jC6c pulled 33(50 pork dull old mess $1975 new do 50220 62 beef unchanged lard heavy prime steam 13A 13 ll 16c January 13 1 1 16 ebru ary 13(g(13 13 16 March 13a1i ou spot 13 butter prime steady other grades dull at 18233c for western and 42 for state whisky lower at 99e At Chicago flour unchanged wheat in fair demand No 1 spring 93c No 2 do 90 cash 90 for Janu ary 92 for ebtuaiy No 3 spring 83284 rejected 79 cdln in fair demand old corn is effectually cornered aud prices are unsettled sales were made at 81 83c closing at the inside figures new 66 cash 66 for ebruary rejecter! tl oats quiet and unchanged rye steady No 2 barley quiet and unchanged dressehogs in good demand at 759 (2 825 whisky dull at 97c pork quiet and unchanged lard firm and iu fair demand nt $1310 cash 1337 foi ebruary bulk meats in good demand shoulutrs short rib middles 9 short clear middles 10 all partly cured and spot At the call of the board in the afternoon wheat was steady at 91c tor January 92 for ebruary other articles uu jihaoged pork large sales at $1910 for ebruary At St Louis flour declining with a fair demand low to medium grades of winter superfine $4102 425 winter extra 4 4 50 winter double extra 45C (a465 wheat firm No 2 red winter $106 2106 No 2 spring 88c on track corn steady new 61266c oats dull No 2 57(2 58c barley quiet and unchanged No 3 spring No 2 spring rye dull at $1 whisky quiet at 97c pork nominally $1950 dry salted meats held firmly shoulders 6e deal1 ribs 9 clear sides 10 bacon only limited job bing demand lard firmer at 13(a l3c some lots sold higher live hogs firm packers extra 725 At Cincinnati pork quiet and steady at $19 20 buyer for March lard ln steam outside asked kettle 14 bulk meats steady shoulders 67c spot 7 buyer for March clear rib sides 9 'o9 clear sides bacon steady and un changed with few transactions green ineats held higher few transactions whisky firm at 95c live hogs active and firm common $675(27 medium aud fair 7lt(a725 good packing choice 750 7 CO bulk of the sales at At Toledo flour steady wheat ditto No 2 white Wabash $114 No 1 white Michigan 111 amber Michigan cash and January 110 ebruary 113 corn turn and in fair demand high mixed 70c Jaim aiy 70 low mixed 68 oats firm and in fair de mand No 2 and Michigan 57c white 58 clover seed $565 dressed hogs 825 At Milwaukee flour quiet and unchanged wheat steady No 1 Milwaukee 94c No 2 do 90 or January 91 for ebruary oats firm and moderate ly (active No 2 51c corn excited and prices higher No 2 mixed held at 68c rye nominally lower No 1 96c barley weak and lower No 2 spring for December $128 No 3 in store 110 provisions weak and entin ly nominal mess nock $19 cash 1925 for ebruary 1950 for March sweet pickled hams quiet at l0T21lc: dry salted meats shoulders 6c loose boxed middles 9 ai0 lard nominal prime 13c At Detroit flour quiet and unchanged wheat firm and in fair demand extra $115 No 1 111 amber 109 corn quiet and unchanged oats firm aud iu fair demand No 1 5456c Cotton At New Orleans dull at 14c at Savan nah easier at 14 at Mobile easier at 14 at Charles ton steady at 14(214 At St Albans the butter market this week was dull and the offerings limited common to fair 302 24c medium to good 26(230 choice fall made 362)38 I 'p Npriucfleld Retail Market lour and Wheat spring $8 bbl superfine 8 double extra 9 Haxall 10213 cracked wfteat 8c lb crushed wheat 8c graham flour 5c pearl barley 6c rye flour 4c rye meal 4c corn meal boRcd 4c hominy 57c oat meal 7c samp 6c buck wheat flour 5c iv Steaks sirloin and porter hoiise 23225c th round 1820c roast beef stew bits 212c liver and tripe HX212c dried beef cornbeef 10218c pork steak 18c roast 1517chains 15217c sliced 25c: mutton chops 25c hind quarter fore quarter 12c veal cutlets 25c roast 1820ctew I2(215c sausages 18c bolognas 20c chickens 25c tur keys 25o spring lamb 12al6e hind anarter 17220c partridges $1 $4 pair prairie chickens $1 jp pair Butter cheese Butter extra 45250c bestnmp 48C first class tub 48c second class 40c cooking 25c cheese factory 22c sage 25c Edam $150 a cheese pine apple 33c flj eggs freh 40c barreled 32 235 milk 8c qt lard 18220c ib Potatoes $1 hush onions 40c nk carrots 40c pk turnips 25c pk beans 10 215c qt cabbages 8(21 7c jp head beets 40c pk squash Apples $1 bush $250325 Tp bbl oranges apiece Jamaica 60c lemons 3g 5c each 40c IP doz prunes 18225c lb figs 2530c 3p ft raisins 18225c cur rants 12c bananas 60275c doz dates 15c ft chestnuts 10c pqt Lisbon grapes 35c lb grapes 1020c ft 30(250c pbox cranberries new 15c ot Nuts and Coeoanuts 10215c apiece $1 per doz Brazil and pecan nuts 20c (P ft English walnuts 25c Naples 25c soft shelled almonds 50c filberts 20c walnuts 15c qt pk butter nuts 30c pk candies assorted ft al monds 404fic gum drops 40 JT0c cocoauuts 50c caramels 30c taffy 30c fig 40c i Tea English breakfast 30 Oo long Japan 125 Hvson green gunpowder $125 coffee Java 45c Mocha 50e Rio 40c chocolate 50e sugar fts for $1 block 7 granulated 8 pulverized 8 brown 8 210 molasses New Orleans $1 gal Porto Rico 85c Muscovado sv rub host vinegar 40c cider 30c pickles 35259c bottle 75c gal honey 35(240c ft pop corn 7c corn starch 15c crackers 12e grahain wafers 20c Corn hill biscuit 25c cream biscuits 30c dried apples 15c extra line 20c dried white beans qt mar row and peas 12c sardines 35c for quarters 60c for halves 55c for Philippe and Canaud Shaker apple sauce $150 bucket starch 10212c ft candles adamar tine 35c sperm 40c common mold 15c soap bar 9c soft 16c gal Canned peaches 35252c: California Bart lett pears 55c California aprirots 56c California qninces50c pumpkin 25c blueberries 30c black berries 30c tomatoes 25c lima beans 30235c string beans 25c green peas 35240c corn 3540c plums 40c snccotash 35c white cherries 40s deviled entremets ham lobster tongue 50c turkey 60c chicken 62c spiced salmon lft 42c 3fts 87e canned soup 50c green turtle soup $125 clams 30c choice jellies 25g 75c tumbler resh Haden ck and cod 10c ft: halibut 22c: ovsters 45c qt counts Norwalks 60c shells 75c sea bass 20c ft white fish 20c: 12c clams 5O4z 60c pk quahaugs 70c eels 20c lake trout 20c smelt 20c 4 Salt Cod 8c ft salmon 20c mackerel 20c salmon trout 15c smoked smoked salmon 30g35c sword fish 20 herring 821 Oc tongues and sounds 15c scollops 50c Sperm $225(6250 pgal whale $1252150 kerosene 25c five gals It neats foot $150 linseed burning fluid 40c benzine 35 (g40c turpentine 65(275c Coal and wood delivered eGe Lackawanna $10 ton nut $950 rod ash $1150 1 ranklin $1150 charcoal 40c bn wood bard 19 rnrrl onff Inna 7 VinUiem 'Ka Yk UV1 I niuuifugn ism UDI Ohio and Milj Is ana nay 25239 ton single bales oaud Mississippi 31 Dela $140150 cwt straw loose $20 ton baled $25 KTEW YORK via NEW HAVEN STEAM LI Steamer Noriham leaves New Ha ven (daily (Sundays excepted) at 1130 Return ing leaves New York at 3 tn Passengers an can take tie 11 train from New Haven Steamer Elm City leaves New York daily (Sundays excepted) at 1 1 arri ring in New Haven in time for early train To Springfield Leaves New Haven at 1015 a arriving in New York about 330 THE SPRINGIELD IVE GENTS SAVINGS BANK Banking Room No 2 Court st Hampden House Block north side of Court square Business hours from 9 to 1 and 2 to 3 pm Joseph President Vice Willis Philps A Chapin Aaron Bagg Bond Secretary Daniel Marsh Treasurer Ephraim Bond Thos Warner Jr Henry uller Jr William Rice Wm Smith Charles Marsh William IL Smith James Russell Robert Morris fl With the exception of stocks which were ir regular and somewhat fluctuating the various markets were steady aud without feature of note Ayesterday Word comes from Chicago that oldcorn is effectually and the quotationsjindtaaie as much but the evident expectation I Ithar the Hock exchange will come to the relijf as it has iu one or two receui I by fixing the price at which contracts 1 shall lie settled prevents the excitement which(has hitherto characterized these The ews from Europe yesterday was favorable American bonds in London were very steady With an advance of per cent in per cent and Ja per cent in new fives British inds veie easier 11 Money was in fair supply and easy at 3i4 per cent most of the day in Wall street yesterdaybut was active and dearer in the afternoon when 'call loans advanced to 5J per cent the closingbusiness being at 5 per cent The clearing house Statement showed: Currency exchanges $67 VUliLHVJ wiauvGT I S' HU changes $6206737 gold balances $956588 wuiu hub siuguaui an aay at srne rates for carrying were 2 2J 3 1J and 1 per cent at the close loans were made flat The as isiaut treasurer paid out $786000 on account of inter est and $5000 in redemption of bonds sThe (business of the gold exchange bank was: Gold I cleaied $29505000 gold balances $1216081: currency balances $1460394 The specio ship ment yesterday aggregated $900000 and the engagements for to steamers foot uo $600 000 oreign exchange was firm for long at $48H a485jf and dull for demand bills at $489Ja493 Government bonds were strong throughout the Id ay and an animated business was transacted with rather more disposition to sell than of late owing to the profits offered by the advance and some round amounts changed hands In 18 'alone the dealings aggregated $626000 State bonds were neglected and railroad bonds firmThe stock market was firm in the early dealings when prices advanced to 1 per cent but the improvement was afterward partly lost The widest changes were in Wabash whit 'fell from 20 to 19s rose to 20g and still later lost most of the advance Union Pnrifin rncp fpAtw 'Tl tilt i I 1 IIVUA oor LU UU LSt Paul common from 37A to 381 and Erie from 7 4' wwouure uecunea rrom 80s to 79g with sales at 79Aa79 seller 60 days and was the weak spot of the market At the second call the market was duli and generally to i per cent below the best pri ces of the day and continued so till the close The transactions aggregated 192000 shares in cluding Erie 14100 Lake Shore 28100 North XTRfitPm 09 Vnnb rilolnn) 4)0 TAA its MwarMiauu JO I VU I UC111U (Mau 10800 St Paul 10600 Ohioi 7500 West ITninn 1Q IVnko 1 to tzarx cine 32o00 The principal flactuationg Erie 28 27g Lake Shore 80g 79j Northwest ern 47f 47g Rock Island 1031 1015 Pacific Mail 37i 37 St Pau 38J Ohios Big 31g Western Union 79g 79J Wabash 204 194 Union Pacific 3CJ 35J ft The interest and dividend mpney to be dis bursed in Boston next month aggregates $9 948409 against $9695675 last January and $12083034 in January 1873 It is divided thus Railroad dividends $1691268 manufacturing dividends $668600 interest on bonds $6654 585 miscellaneous $933956 Of the railroads the Boston and Lowell again reduces from 34 to 3 per cent and the Iowa alls and Sioux City passes The Ocdenshnra and Tata 'himnia will doubtless declare one the first of the month vuu uucouuo crtiiy ri oauuary ur cue man ufacturing companies the Atlantic Clinton aud Waumbeck which have hitherto failed to pay come to time while the Bates Continental Dwight Great alls Newmarket Salisbury and Washington pass The ranklin reduces from 4 3 per cent Hill 5 to4 Lowell bleachery 10 to 6 Middlesex 8 to 6 and Naumkeag 4 to 3 per cent The Massachusetts has changed the time PJk paying to the last of January The new (autnsster mills organized this year and based ou the debts of the Manchester print works pays its first dividend of 3 per cent The Cocheco divided 10 per cent December 15 and the Salmon alls passed at that time The Old Colony steamboat company makes its first divi dend The East Boston company makes a semi annual payment and the United States hotel voiujiany increases irom to 0 per Cent Tne Prescott insurance company divided 5 per cent December its fit's dividend The Nationallecurity bank pays its first quarterly dividend of 3 per cent Other dividends due in January and not yet declared are the Bay State brick company Boston exchange comoany Cable screw wire Chelsea gas light McKay heeling machine McKay sowing machine Kearsargo manufacturing and Wmnisimmet railroad com panies Only 80000 tons of Scranton coal were' dis posed of at the monthly auction sale in New York yesterday the prices show a reduction of from 10 to 40 cents per ton Grate coal sold atS522Ja525 ae ainst A525a550 in Nnvamiv gg at against $570 stove at $622la $650 and chestnut at $4874a490 against i barton Brothers Cd iron manufacturers It Pittsburg Pa have filed a petition in bank ruptcy Their liabilities are $219531 and their assets $393547 The controller of the currency has declared la dividend of 9 per cent in favor of the creditors Luurusv nauonai Dank ot Petersburg Va wt pvi vein au i ue udifliices in the treasury yesterday were iCurreney $13569322 special deposit 6 legal vuuuio 'vi we icuempcion ot certilicates of de MJS11U coin SZHUA4UH1 nn (21984400 in coin certificates outstanding legal tenders $882000000 Russia Java Cabin passage $80 $100 and 130 gold according accommodation Steerage $20 currency Prepaid steerage passage from Liverpool Queenstown Bel fast Glasgow or Derry $27 currency Drafts on Great Britain and Ireland for £1 and upward or passage or freight apply at the offices 99 Slate st Boston I JAMES ALEXANDER Agent Or to PHILIP RYAN 269 Main street Spring field ly SPAIN ITALY RANCE ENGLAND THE QUEEN DENMARK One of the above every SATURDAY: Liverpool every Wednesday Queenstown every Thursday and fortnightly to Lou don direct Cabin passage to Liverpool 0 $80 and $99 Prepaid cabin passage from Iff verpool and ex cursion tickets to Liverpool and return at lowest rates Steerage to Liverpool $23: prepaid $25 Passengers booked to and from Liverpool Cardiff Bristol Queenstown Londonderry Glasgow Lon don Antwerp Rotterdam Gothenburg Christiana or Copenhagen or further particulars apply at the Office No 69 Broadway New York orS 8 BAI LEY Agawam National Bank and TOOMEY BROS Springfield Mass or CARROLL MoDONNELL Rockville Ct HURST Manager QTI)urcl) anb SnnbaD SdjooUDirectorj) irst Corner of Main street and Harrison avenue Sunday preaching services at 1 0CO a Sabbath school at 12 prayer meetings on Sunday and Thursday evenings Yonng peoples prayer meeting on Monday evening Rev George Merrill pastor residence 60 High street Sunday school superintendent Bowman residence 5a Highstreet Meets in chapel on Bliss street Preach ing on Sunday at 3 and 730 pin Rev Peter Smith piistor residence Willow street i State Opposite Dwight preaching bn Sun day at 1030 a ui Sunday school at 13 prayer meet mgs Sunday andThursoay evenings vonng prayer meeting Tuesday evening Preaching in West i Springfield chapel at 2 Rev A Potter pastor residence School street near Mulberry at home eve ry Monday evening Sunday school superintendent I Parker residence 28 Mattoon street CONGREGATIONAL irst Opposite Court square preaching service on Sunday at 1030 a Bible service aud Sunday school at 230 in meet ings also Sunday evenings with preaching the last Sabbath evening in the month young prayer meeting Monday evening church prayer meeting 1 Thursday evening Rev A Reed pastor: rest i ence 97 Spring street Superintendents of Bible semce A Leonard Joseph Shipley Amos Whiting and the pastor Indian Berkshire street preaching on Sunday at 1045 a in Sunday school at 12 prayer meetings Thursday evening Rev William Hamilton pastor residence Worcester street I Sunday school superintendent Dr Smith: residence Main street 1 0 Salem street opposite Elliott street pub he services Sundays at 1030 a and 7pm Sunday school 12 tn social worship Thursdav evening 730 young prayer meeting Tuesday evening Sunday sclaxil superintendent Oliver Morse residence 73 Vernon street State street opposite the United States armory grounds preaching on Sunday at 215 pm Bible service at 1030 a prayer meetings Sunday and Thursday evenings yonng prayer meet ing Monday evening Sabbath school meeting Tuesday evenings Rev Cone pastor if residence 82 Walnut street Sunday school superin tenctesit Quinby residence 523 State street Sanford Pulpit vacant Preaching on Sun day at 3 and 730 Sunday school at 2pm prayer meeting Thursday evening Sunday school superin tendent Isaiah Williams Corner of Maple and High streets preach ing on Sunday at 1030 a Sunday school at 3 8 prayer meetings Sunday and Thursday evenings Rev Dr Buckingham pastor residence 90 Howard street study in the rear of the church Sun day school superintendent Edward Chapin resi dance 52 Mulberry street lorence street corner of Hanco*ck preaching on Sunday at 1030 am service at 2 prayer meetings Sunday and Thurs day evenings class meetings Holiday aud evenings Rev Stratton pastor parsonage 52 lorence street Sunday school supenntendent John Hersey residence 30 Stebbins street Coiner of Main and Winthrop streets vrteachtag on Sunday at 1030 a and 730 Sun day school at 12 prayer meetings Sunday and Thursday evenings class meetings Tuesday anil ri 'biy evenings Rev A Cass pastor residence 53 AVilcox street Sunday school superintendent A Pease residence 88 Court street State Corner of Myrtle preaching on Sun day at 1030 am and 730 ni: Bible services at 23d pm prayer meetings Sunday evening at 6 and Thursday evening class meetings Sunday noon and 1 Tuesday evening RevR Meredith pastor resi dence 30 Spring street Sunday school superintou ent Edward Allbe residence 396 Union street Bridge street near Alain preiching on Sunday at 1030 a Sunidav school at 12 nraver meetings Sunday at 9 a and 730 also Mon day and Thundny evenings class meetings Wednes day and riday evenings Rev Merritt Hulbtird pas tor residence 35 Elliott street study at house Union American Loring street pulpit vacant preaebingon Sunday at 1080 a and 730 Sun day school at 12 prayer meeting Tuesday even ing class meeting Thursday evening Sunday school superintendent Edward Williams residence Gard ner street ROMAN St Corner Worcester and Pine streets Indian Orchard ssrvih! at 830 a ou every second Sunday iu the uiq'it nn other Sundays at 1030 ajij Sunday Schott 2 pm Rev 1 Dfetone pitor jxnfifAice' niconee falls j00J William Godfrey 3t MiclMifii Stata undayaf 730 and 9am high mass at 1030 am i at 330 children's mass at 9 a undav 2 Services on the holidays throtv the jfriyr with mass at 530 a mass and high mass 9 a in vespers at 730 pm Chief raster Right Rev bishop of Springfield assistants Rev Charles Burke and ftev Phelan and Rev Jeremiah McCarthy res idence of the clergy 250 State street corner of Elliott street Sunday school superintendent I Askin residence 174 Water street St chureh West Springfield and St church Long meadow are also connected with the cathedral St Howard street near Water street: high mass at 1030 am vespers at 430 Rev Gagnier pastor reeidnpce 73 Howard street St Main streetj Indian Orchard mass at 880 a and vespers every Sunday at 2 attended by Rev Gagnier The chapel of the Sacred Heart Everett street 1 first mass at 730 a mass at 9 a high mams at 1030 am vespers at 330 Sunday school at 2 Rev McDermott pastor Rev Janies itzgerald assistant priest residence of the clergy 35 Everett street Sunday school superinten dent Charles McKay residence 73 Congress street i OTHER Bethel Advent Vernon street pulpit vacant preaching on Sunday at 1030 am and 215 Sunday school at 12 prayer meetings on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 730 class meeting on Saturday evening Sun day school superintendent Weaver residence is croon street Christ church State street near Chest nut street: services on Sunday at 1030 am and 730 Sunday school at 12 also services on Wednes day at 10 a aud riday at 7 Rev Dr Alox ander Burgess rector residence 174 State street Rev John Egbert assistant priest residence at William West Springfield Sunday school superintendent Horatio Southworth residence 18 vernon street Church of the State street near Maple morning service at 1030 Sunday school at 12 ves pers at 730 Rev A Mayo pastor boards at hotel Sunday school superintendent 8 Bailey residence 117 Spring street ranklin hall street opposite city hall pulpit vacant services at 19 a 230 and 7 pm Thursday evening prayer meeting atr 730 Sunday school superintendent Thomas etherell residence 183 Spring street 7 Memorial union At the junction of North Main and llainneld streets preaching on Sunday at 1045 a and 6 tn snmmpr i a in winter Sunday school at 1145 a prayer meet ing Sunday evening lecture and conference meet 1 ing Thursday evening in the chapel Rev Eustis Jr pastor parsonage Round' Hill near Plainfield street usually at the study in the church from 12 till 1 ou week days except Mondays and Saturdays Sunday school superintendent Adams residence 74 Charles street New Jerusalem 3 Manin street near State senices on Sunday at 11 a in No set tled i astor St Universalist Comer of and Bridge streets preaching on Sunday at 1030 am and 7pm Sunday school at 12 conference meetings on Thmsday evenings at 730 Sunday school teach meetings Saturday evening at 730 Rev Albert IL Sweetser pastor residence 62 School street Sun day school superintendent Dr Gardner resi dence 336 Central street ree Religions society ot Liberty ball 218 Worthington street services at 2J0 ani pm MISSION SUNDAY SCHOOLS irst Baptist Carlisle district Merritt superintendent resi dence 297 Maple street Emery street school honse Douglas super intendent residence 190 Chestnut street Chbist Cm ikch St mission school house Oak street near Union street John Tbonger superintendent residence 48 Highstreet Services on second Sunday of each month at 3 in St mission school house Central street Louis Stebbins superintendent residence 200 Maple street Services on fourth Sunday at 3 St mission school house Auburn street Shipman superintendent residence 397 Miin street Services on the first and third Sundays of each month at 3 obth Ch licit York st rest mission school house York street Bible service at 215 pm James Cowan superintendent South Chibch aith chapel corner of ort Pleasant and Sumner avenues Bilde service at 2p( Burbank superintendent: residence Long Hill Preaching service st 730pm Hope chapel corner of Union street and Eastern avenue Bible service at 1 Ralph Kirkham superintendent residence 88 Spiring street Preach ing service at 1030 a and 6 in Rev A Hazen pastor residence 36 Stebbins street TitrsrrY Mbthothst fission chapel Chestnut street comer of Ringgold Preaching Sun day at 4 Sunday school at 230pm prayer meeting Tuesday evening Eaton superin tendent West Springfield Old school house Preaching at 8pm Sunday school at 430 prayer meetings' Sunday and Tuesday evenings 8 Reed super! tendenjt State 'Street Home chapel West Stringfield: James ParaotMuperuiteudMit re weoce 188 Union afreet fjOStON AND ALBANY RAILROAD AJl On and after Monday November 16 1874 Bus senger Trains will leave Springfield: or Boston 2 and 630 a (express) 715 and 1130 a tn (accommodation) 135 and 235 (express) Albany 905 a iu (acwmmoimlfion) 11 45 a pACIIC MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE TO (expiresa) 1215 aud 630 pm (accommodation) 830 I "i CALIE OlvNIA JAPAN AND CHINA re (express) The 1145 am and 830 pm trains con I 1 nect with fast express trains at Albany on the New THE CHEAPEST SAEST AND BEST ROUTE York Central and Hudson River railroad for Chicago I 1 I'OR 1 lEIGIIT AND PASSENGERS via Buffalo and Suspension Bridge Drawing room 2 cars on 1145 a train Sleeping cars on 830 pm new a11 iplonnff Steamships of this line will train running through from Boston to Rochester dispatched from New York as 9 05 and 1145 am and 1215pm trains connect al I Acapulco Saturday Jan 2 Chatham with trains for Hudson 905 and 1145 am Colom Saturday January 16 1215 and 630 connect at Pittsfield with train for nd every fortnightly Saturday thereafter North Adams I Steamers for freight only sail on intermediate Westfield Spebial 715 a in and 4 returning I Saturdays from Westfield 9am and 630 pm I Ah steamers carrying passengers connect at Panama Leave Bostou for Spiringlield 5 7 830 and 10 a I ew and magnificent steamships of this line 3 5 and 9 nm I for San rancisco and also with steamen for all Leave Worcester for Springlield 645 9 955 and I Central American and South Pacific ports 1120 am 430 445 630 and 1035 pm Business men tourists families and all persons Leave West Brookfield for Springfield T47 1005 I traveling for business health or pleasure should a 1208 523 550 723 and 1131 take this route to San rancisco as It is the safest Leave Palmer for Springfield 825 1038 and 1107 I T1K cheapest the most comfortable and the am 1233 548 625 748 and 1155 pm Leave Albany for Springfield 2640 and 9 a tn I i PASSAGE GREATLY REDUCED 245 pm I Cabin $100 steerage $50 in currency and ii clu Leave Pittsfield for Springfield 411 857 and 1054 I ding all expenses am and602nm TO JAPAN AND CHINA Leave Chester for Springfield 510 and 1007 and The splendid steamers of this line leave San ran 1160 a nnand 616 I cisco for Japan and China January 2 16 and 30 and Westfield for Springfield 5499 and 1050 every fortnightly Saturday thereafter 7PU1 A I or reight and Passage and full information ap Tne 6J0 a tram east and 830 train west ply at the office New York or to the Ageuto for New England or Boston Mondays 1225 and 630 a ci APTT TT Jb rn or Vlnchendon and stations on the Ware River I i is broad atrfft Rostov railroad 715 am and 235 RUUS HATCH Managing 1 'I LO RUSSELL Snpt1 Or 1 1 I RYAN Stringfield THE LATEST MARKETS Stock and JToney At HolvokA cif not i Nashua Znd ntvaviA vu 'a iMivinn ann hiala i iatv 5 boyton and i J1V vHeni ozin 'I AKZa TTUIX till I murLIW I'JI A Owensburg and Lake Champlain hnutrnd lassumPaio Yer preferred 6 Chictwo Burlington and Quincy 108 sevens Illi 3 Ginonnnfl AanrltiaVv nn1 kelpina Wilmington and Baltimore 54 Michigan PePPerell manufacturing companyater company 19 any 44 I 'At Amerioan gold 111 United couPon sixes (1881) 122 five twen riftn (1S66) Dew) (18C8) 12 ten forties 115 Pa currency sixes 117 Central Pacific 5 Union Pacific 36 do sixes 94 do Land grant sevens 90 Income i Nee and HudsOn cnal company JO CeMral aud Hudson River 101 Peened 45 Harlem 127 do prX tut 107 lOft Island 1 1 New Jer Cen IfUwankee 811 Sl Paal 2o" do pfferred W8bl'hnd Western II KlelyeJ 25 Chicago and Alton I vnw aud MisStaiiA 31 Dais NOTICE is hereby given that the Bubscrib I ers have been duly appointed administrators of I the estate of Cory Smith late of Chicopee in the county of Hampden deceased and have DATES Sr LOOKR Newananar AJvorttelnn takeu upon themselves that trust by giving bonds as I Agents 34 Park Row NlPvP YORK the law directs All persona haviig demands upon Bates late of 8 Pettemdti r' the of said deceased are required to exhibit the I of Locke Jones' Toledo Blade Saud for Hat same aud all persons indebted to said estate are 100 ctoice newSre Send for list of called upon to make payment to iw choice newspapers CHARLES SMITH) xm ma 7 7 WILBUR SMITH 7 Adm NILES Advertising Agent Contracts Chicopee December 10 173Th I for Advertisem*nts in all Newspapers of all a 1 I ntfiAta nn1 forma viviv eiivi us vl Mie? vJLLllzvLl Om1i txj V'ckUivUfUy UrlMJ British Provinces Office No 6 Tremont street BOSTON TEDICINE TIMEKEEPER TUMBLER TOP 1 INVALUABLE IN THE SICK ROOM Insuring regularity in giving medicine Its use is urged by all physicians A spoon handle hole allows the spoon to remain in tumbler a place for the Doc tor prescription under rear end of hand a cover for the tumbler protecting it from dust and insects Puce delivered to any part of the $5 per 100 In lots of 50 or upwards Samples mailed postpaid for ten cents each Show cards accompany each order THE MOSES DAME CO i DANBURY CONN or sale by Druggists and ancy Goods deal ers a24ly BAKTURD PROVIDENCE AND ISHKILL RAILROAD On aud after Oct 7 1874 trains will leave us follows GOING EAST Hartford for Proiideuce (way) at 630 a and 215 tn express 10 am Willimautic 630 10 am 1 215 620 and 10 pm Plainfitld for Providence 645 840 a tn 1220 and 440 ui asliirgtou for Providence 540 8 940 a 118 350 and 535 tn Wednesdays and Saturdays 740 Waterbury lor Hartford 755 a 1205 and 410 in ProvHence 755 a tn 1205 GOING WEST Providtnce for Plainfield 7 1010 a 1239515 pm Vlailrington 7 1010 1130 a 1230305 515 620 Wednesdays and Saturdays 1030 Hartfold lor Waterbury 815 1115 a in 415 pm New Britain 6 815 1125 a 1245 415 615 and 10 pin McMANUS Assist Sup' fONKECTICUT RIVER AD Passenger traius leave Springfield At 8 a in for Brattleboro Bellows alls White Riv er Junction St Johnsbury Lake Mempliremagog White Mauntaius Quebec Montpelier Burlington St Albans Ogdensburg Montreal Rutland Keene and intennestiate stations At 230pm for Brattleboro Bellows alls Rutland White ver Junction aud Keene 820p (night express with Pullman palace drawing room and sleeping cars) for Brattlelxiro Bellows alls White River Junction Montpelier Burlington St Albaus Montreal Ogdensburg Rut land Steps on only at Holyoke North ampton South Deerfield Greenfield Bernardston anI South Vernon At 1215 145 and 445 tn for Northampton at 910 a for Holyoke at 645 for Greenfield At 650 and 1 0 a in 12 245 620 and 845 for Chicopee alls Passenger trains for Springfield Chicopee alls at 620 750 and 1035 a tn 1 325 and 645 tn Chicopee Junction at 636 8 839 956 1045 and 1117 a 109 207 335 450 556 656 aud 726 Holyolc at 623 822 945 and 1104 a 153 430 543 ard 712 Northempton at 553 6 8 and 1039 a 130 519 nnd6C0pm 1 MOUNT TOM ANf) EASTHAMPTON BRANCH 1 RAILROAD Passenger trains for Mount Tom leave Easthampton nt 753 aid 1025 a ui 1237 123 510 and 636 leave Mount Tom at 842 and 1050 a tn 1255 230 530 and 730 pm mv24 MULLIGAN (COMMONWEALTH MASSAOHU Hampden To the Town Clerk of laid Wed Snrinofidn MondLthAf a any paper in the United States or Canada atpubhsh lowest prices Send or estimates January uet at 2 of the clock in the afternoon then and there to act on the foHowing I T'YmiTVGt a a miYrr i Article 1 To choose a moderator to preside In I Washing said meeting ton st BOSTON Advertisem*nts received for Article 2 To sec if the town will direct the Se in United 9tatea and British Prov lectmeii to petition with Goodhue the Le risla e9t contl'act Pnce9 Any information ture to gi ant a charter to bring water into the south I given and estimates promptly furnished part of the town upon terms to be made known at I HORACE DODD saia meeting Article 3 To see if the town will appropriate the moriey received from dog licenses for the public library or or schools Article 4 To transact any other business that may legally come before the meeting And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by ublishing attested copies thereof one in The Springfield Daily Republican and one in the Spring field Daily Union two insertions the last to be three days at least before the time for holding said meet ing Given under our hands this twenty ninth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy four HARVEY a AMOS RUSSELL of ALVIN SIBLEY West Springfield A true attest 30 2 HARMON Town Clerk (Slotting CHA3 A BIRNIE ri if INE CUSTOM TAILORING HOUSE 1 zo tsroftciway new York I 1 tg at 417 matnt qt Elevator entrance on Reade st 1 I MASS NOTICE is hereby given that the under I sigied' has been duly appointed assignee in I bankrtqtcy of the estate of George Stebbins of I W(6Xd1c toW4ANDER TCE ice ice ioe ice icb iqb Bpnnjtlela Dec 16 1874 17 3Th 1 GEOROB A LAGG Ice Dealer 7 I Orders left at the office 132 or at my house 66S ZJ EKRY A RILEY I State street will be promptly attended to ATTORNEY Sc COUNSELOR AT LAW No 21 Park Row New York UWtHtetlSing SlQEntG Collodions promptly wade in all parts of the United States nf2 ZN BORGE ROWELLS CIO Advort4an vX Agents for all the Leading Newspapers Deal ers in Printing Materials of every description Type Presses etc Office No 41 Park Row NEW YORK I 21 1 fiailroaUs fjENTRAL VERMONT RAILROAD LINE (NEW LONDON NORTHERN DLV1S ION) Trains Going Leave Brattleboro tor New London at 825 am and 339 pm (Special for Corner itchburg and Boston 2 pm) Leave Amherst 455 (mixed) aud 10 am and 5 pm Leave Palmer Sam 213 and 620 Going Leave New London for Brattle and the North 5 and 810 a tn and'317 Leave Palmer 820 a in 210 and 617 in The latter is a mixed train Trains connect at South Vernon and Brattleboro fcr Keene Rutland Montreal etc H6 BENTLEY 1UEW HAVEN AND NORTHAMPTON LX Trains tor New Haven and New York will leave Westfield at 7 and 1 136 a in and 547 connecting at Plainville for Hartford and Waterbury and at New Haven with express trains for New York te i 'Dains from New York and New Haven leave West field for Northampton 'Williamsburg and Holyoke at 922 a 125 and 808 in connecting with Connec ticut River at Northampton a or particulars see posters and small time tables to be had at offices CHAS YE AMANS Vice New Haven Conn 'i d4 CONNECTICUT VALLEY RAILROAD Vj Ou and after Monday Nov 30 1874 trains will run as follows Hartford to Saybrook Leave Hartford for Say brook 705 1000 a 1230 351 and 619 or New London Norwich Mystic Stonington and Prov idence 705 1000 am 1230 and 351 New Haven via Shore Line 1990 a m351 or New York via steamer from Saybreok Point 610 or New Haven via Sc 705 a 1230 and 351 tn or Willimantic via 705 a tn 1 230 and 351 Saybrook tv Hartford: Leave Saybrook Point fcr Hartford and Way Stations 4 733 915 a 1203 and 433 Leave Saybrook Junction 745 a 1215 and 444 connecting with trains from Stonington Mystic Norwich and New London ar riving at Hartford at 933 a tn 238 and 652 and there connecting with trains for and arriving at Springfield 1040 a and 740 HIRAM OWLER A 3 AN 81 IELI) AND RAMINGHAM and Iva sRAMlNGUAM AND LOWELL RAIL The Direct route from Springfield aud points on the Boston and Albany railroad yia South iamingham to Lowell Lawrence Taunton all River New Bedford Martha's Vineyard and Oak Bluffs Minier Arrangements for i74 75: or Taunton New Bedford and way stations pas sengers can leave Springfield at 715 a and 4 pm or Oak Bbiffs Vineyard Edgariown Nantucket and all River leave Springfield at 715 am or Lowell leave Springfield at 2 a 135 235 and 4 pm or Lawrence leave Springfield at 2 a 135 and 235 pro No change of cars between South ramingham Lowell Lawrence and New Bedford Close and sure connections at South ramingham with tiain to nnd from Boston and Albany Through tickets and baggage checked through Ask for tickets na South ramingham A WEBBER n5j Supt Sr and Roads itchburg PROVIDENCE and WORCESTER RAIL A Arrangement of Express train leaves Providence at 215 pm leaves oreester at 1015 a stopping only at Woonsocket and Uxbridge Passenger trains leave Providence for Worcester at 740 and 1130 a and 430 Worcester for Providence at 730 and 1130 a 410 and 620 in The 740am and 215 pm (express) from Provi dence and the 1015 a (express) and 410 tn trains from Morcester connect at Worcester Junction with trains to and from Clinton itchburg Rutland Sara toga Montreal Nashua Lowell Concord and the White Mountains Springfield Albany and points North and West Through Tickets and Baggage checked to all im portant points 1 I SPECIAL TRAINS LEAVE Providence for Waterford at Sam and 405 connecting with trains for Southbridge Putnam and Nmwich oonsocket for Providence at 8 and 2 JO nt Providence for Ux bridge at 7 Uxbridge for Worcester at 545 a Providence for Valiev alls at 645 10 JO a nt 12 1 JO 230 330 430 5 JO 630 8 30 and 10 Valley Tails for Providence at 615 8 8 30 10 11 a m1 135 3 4 5 550 710 and 930 pm Trains leave Milford for Providence and Worcester at 750 and 1115 a and 430 Woonsocket for Milford at 830a 1 and 530 jl HILTON Superintendent WORCESTER AND NASHUA RAIL ROAD On andafter Dec 1 1073 passenger trains will run as follows: Leave Worcester 630 1115 am 439 Leave Nashua 710 a 12 re and 5 tn LeaveAyer for Worcester 5 a Leave Worcester for Ayer 615 or connections at Worcester itchburg Ayor Junction and Nashua see Pathfinder Railway Guide for New England 00 TURNER Supt Worcester Mass 11 EW YORK NEW HAVEN andHART IP RAILROAD Commencing November 30 1874 Trains leave Springfield as follows: Accommodation trains for Suffield Hartford Mid dletown New Britain New Haveu and New York at 520 and 655 a and 210 for Hartford at 1035 a in and 5 Express train for Hartford Berlin Middletown New Britain Meriden New Haven and New York at 1225 and 1140 a and 625 i ast train for Hartford Meriden New Haven and NcwYorkatl256pnl Monday morning express at 1220 a or connections see posters at stations Al REED Vice Prest CS Davidson Supt THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: THURSDAY DECEMBER 32 1874 1 11 i i JNMAN MAIL STEAMSHIPS rom New York to Queenstown and Liverpool every Saturday rom Liverpool to New York every 1 hursduy calling at Queenstown on riday for pas sengera and mails Cabin and Steerage at lowest rates or further information apply to PHILIP RV 269Mhh) st Springfield or at the Company's Office 102 State st Boston 0 CREAGH Agent DIRECT LINE TO RANCE vz The General Transatlantic Company1? mail ships between New York and Havre The splendid vessels on this favorite route for the Continent (being more southerly than any other) will sail from Pier No 50 North River as follows: VILLE DE PARIS Dauie Saturday December 12 I IRE Surmont Saturday December 26 RANCE Trudelle Saturday January 9 1875 Price of Passage tn Gold (including wine) to Brest or Havre: irst Cabin $125 Second $75 Third $35 Excursion tickets at reduced rates American travelers going to or returning from the' Continent of Europe by taking this Hue avoid both transit by English Railway and the discomforts of crossing the Channel besides saving time trouble and expense GEO MACKENZIE Agent 58 Broadway a 7 fl rL I I II fl xlJ 1 vi 1 b' (A L' A 'is i '4 5 4 1 sCiRj a rar jnt Bl i Bz 4 (H i li I vH Mri 7 I li 1 Bi i.

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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