The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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VICTORY The Boys Bought It With Blood YOU Buy With Bonds ESTABLISHED BI 8 A Eb BO WLSS WEEKLY IN 1824 DAILY IN 1844 bONDAY IN 1878 pringfitlb llllll UtpuMtan 4 i 1 i SA VICTORY The Boys Bought It With Blood YOU Buy With Bonds SPRINGIELD MASS TUESDAY AIAY 6 SIXTEEN PAGES 7 STH YEAR DAILY: NUMBER PRICE: THREE CENTS EIGHT DOLLARS A YEAR IRE IS NOT EXPECTED TO HOLD UP NC I ITALIANS ARE GOING BACK TO PARIS Swope SUES OL ONE CENT LUCIUS STORRS Com who as it for Their for Italy Swope flatly accuse rance of' retard lArinl 1 1 Ct nil YX rx ill IT TA A 4 pair Ui U1J 1 tica I a few minutes when the 1 IS light craft took its fatal ph full sight of the groups aroi to THINK 10 PERSONS PERISHED IN IRE NEW YORK BEHIND to furnish thia company any NO PARADE OR 76TH HXLCD RECOGNIZED Boston May Mayor (Ueutiuufd on Second vtbleles be llghtcl at S2u Peace Com Conference ay to St I the London Awarded ull War Costs Amount ing to America Will Collect loan from Germany under the league as its aim would of peace and it with a broader left Romo for news that has given its of the delegates re NAVY SEAPLANES TO START TO DAY WANT AN ALLIANCE RANCE AND ITALY Many Injured in Jumping from Big Tenement Building iu Columbus Scores Trapped in Upper Stories Attack Newspaper Correspondents from United States and the President Himself Another Johns Mail's Give Strong Support to the Claims of the Italians for the Annexa tion of iume Advocacy Is Active for Peace Set tlement Based on Equilibrium of orce Rather Than on Wilsonism out be Crown Council Acts When In formed by Head of Delegation Peace Terms Are Just Compromise Plan of Straight Across Vernon Street Structure 80 eet Wide Is Shown at Hearing Germany Is Reported to Have De livered Ultimatum to Allies in Regard to Peace Delay President Storrs of New Ha ven Holding Company Says Towns Must Help LIKENED TO THE TOONER VILLE TROLLY When Terms Go to Germany Al lies May Have Beached Agree ment With Italy Regarding Dis position of innic Mr Statement the Leo Huntington line General Manager Richmond Explains Expenses Matter May Be Taken to Public Service Com mission MOST IRE DAMAGE HAS BEEN REPAIRED BELGIUM GAINS STRIKING VICTORY SMALLER POWERS TO i GET TREATY TO DAY No Definite Opposition to Them Crops Up Though New Haven Railroad ears Incident Water Street Widening CHINA TO PROTEST AWARD MADE JAPAN to the BITTER AGAINST Such Excellent ORLANDO AND SONNINO HAVE LET OR PARIS BELGIANS DECIDE TO SIGN TREATY Team Is on to Try lor $50000 Prize Hungarians Recapture Szolnok London May 5 Hungarian soviet forces have recaptured the town of Szolnok on the Theiss river from the Rumanians according to a Hun garian wireless message from Buda pest dated Sunday BERLIN MAY CALL DELEGATES BACK BRITISH LYERS ON AIRDROME HUNT CITY WILL GET SORT BRIDGE IT ASKED OR GERMANY WILL GET TERMS TO MORROW ALLIES' TROUBLES MAY BE SETTLED PLANS SOON GO TO SUPREME COURT BROOKLYN RALLY RAISES $30000000 Nothing But Impossible Weather or a Heal Accident Will Prevent from Rockaway MILITARISTS ARE ACTIVE IN PARIS ITALY TO GET IUME IN TWO YEARS Hungarian Radicals Capitulate Un conditionally London May 5 According to a dispatch to the Exchange Tel egraph from Paris the ques tion regarding iume has been settled in full agreement with the Italian government on the basis that iume shall remain an autonomous port for two years when it will be assigned to Italy Mme Cisneros Gives a Kiss for Each $1000000 Subscription All Loan Records Broken Needs $156513350 a Day to Beach' Victory Loan Quota New York May Total Victory loan subscriptions reported officially in the new York federal reserve district to the close of business to day mounted to $410959000 a gain for the day of $34013650 and bringing the portion subscribed of its $1350 000000 quota to 304 per cent or the remaining business days of the campaign daily subscriptions of $15G 513350 must be obtained in order to put the district the for its full share of Victory notes New York city subscribed $12757200 to day reaching a total of $278411800 or 278 per cent of its quota because of the narrow With almost went would prevail in the peace con fereuce The obstacle represented by the protests of the Belgians lias been surmounted by the Belgian crown council having decided unanimously toign the treaty it having been point ed out by the head of the Belgian 'l rgation that the document gave hon orable and satisfactory terms to Bel gium China's protest Against 'the award the conclusion of peace in oppos re'sident Wilson's program Rare those papers which to day plead cause of rance In New York Newark May Mayor Charles Gillen of thisv city filed suit for one cent against the Public Service rail way company to day alleginghe was overcharged for a trolly ride The public utilities com mission last riday authorized an increase of fares on the line from six to seven cents andtayor Gillen immediately went forth to obtain grounds for a suit to test the validity of the increase The first two con ductors to whom the mayor tendered a six cent fare noted the determined gleanijxuJriseyes and merely grinned when he asked if 'they did not insist on the extra cent A third con ductor was more obdurate and furbished LINE HEARING AT WESTIELD Westfield May 5 The public serv ice commission ill be called to take a hand in the reopening of the Hunt ington Lee trolly line unless satisfac tion is secured in one more conference which will be held at Springfield with Lucius Storrs head of the New Haven holding company and Richmond manager of the Berkshire street railway This Is the decision which was reached this afternoon at a hearing held at the Westfield club at which 60 including Mayor Arthur ambitions Belgians IV ill Sign the Italian question settled complete unanimity of senti be counted on Austria Is Instructed by Supreme Council to Send Her missioneis to Paris Immediately Rival Transatlantic Pilots JoinLto ind Better Site Head I of New Haven Holding jnny Who Says Towns Must Give inancial Aid to Abandoned Trolly Line By Lincoln Eyre By Cable to the New' York World 1 Special Dispatch to The Republican Paris May 5 Renewing its cm sure of the attitude of American cor respondents at the peace conference In which it covertly assails the pres ident himself the Matin under a New York date line says public opinion in United States no longer concerns itself with rance' it' adds certain representa tives in Paris such as Herbert Bayard' tlicy quitted the peace more than a week ago nullity to oinain wnat cred concessions which Italian THE WEATHER be invited back the announce Ey the Associated Press Basle May 5 Confirmation of the unconditional surrender of the flungt rian government has been received in a dispatch from Vienna Italian Premier and oreign Min ister Started rom Rome rench Capital Yesterday One of Big Seaplanes That is Scheduled to Leave Rockaway Beach Early To day on irst Leg of Transatlantic light Both Upper and Lower Wings of the NC 1 Shown Above Were Destroyed by ire Yesterday Repairmen Worked 18 Hours Yesterday itting on Another Set Photo by International ilm Service Columbus May 6 Between 7 and 10 persons perished a dozen oth ers are in hospitals in a serious con dition and a score more were badly hurt in a spectacular fire in Broad and ront streets in the heart of downtown Columbus at midnight to night Several killed and most of those injured jumped from upper floors of the seven story building Half a dozen babes in arms were tossed to firemen vvith life nets Thft tiro Qfnrfnrl in tv a fill Prtnm Oil the second floor trapping most of the occupants of upper stories Uncertainty as to the' number in the building when the fire was discovered as well as to tli number who escaped who was born in whose parents were reports account for seven and another is said to have died on reaching a hos pital Identity of many who were hurried away in police and Are am bulances is not known With the blaze under control after an hour's fighting efforts were bent toward aecountinc for tlio tenants the I charred remains of several of whom mayor said it had nd military recordfiremen reported having foound as a division New York May 5 More titan $30 000000 in Victory note subscriptions wag obtained at a rally held in the Erookk'n academy of music to night under the auspices of the 41 financial institution of the borough of Brooklyn This is a record for subscriptions re ceived at any one meeting in the five big Liberty loan compaigns of the war United States Senator Gilbert Hitchco*ck of Nebraska addressed the big audience and Mme Eleanor de Cis neros sang and then exchanged a series of kisses for $1000000 subscrip tions Boston Mayor Says Division Has No Military Record as Though Units Did Work General Conditions and orecast Winds along the north and Atlantic coasts will be respectively moderate north and northwest and moderate north The storm that Was central over Indiana Sunday night moved rapidly eastward and Monday night its center was over Newfound land Another storm was central Monday night over Colorado orecast for 5en England Tim weather bureau report indi cates for northern New England fair and cooler to day to morrow fair: for eastern New York fair to day cooler south portion Wednesday cloudy for southern New England fair and cool or to day Wednesday cloudy Weather in Springfield The rainfall from 7 a Sunday tc 7 a yesterday was a trace The weather yesterday according to the Springfield armory report and In co nparison with the corresponding A Adams of Springfield were pres ent The need of speed ih getting cars rol'ing over the roadwas especially emphasized and to night Herbert Kingsbury secretary of the Westfield board of trade notified Mr Storrs lay telephone that the final conference to be held at the Springfield chamber cf commerce should take place within a fortnight if possible A subcommittee made up of Stnte Senator Leonard Hardy George Roe president cf the Westfield association Elisha Brewster of the Springfield chamber of commerce Judge James of Lee and Carl Wurtzbach president of the Lee business association will represent the inter ests of those who wish to have the railroad operated The situation will be gone over with Nir Richmond and Mr Storrs to see if a way can lie found whereby these two men can arrange to make use of the Lee Huntington road and if not the mat ter automatically will be placed be fore the public service commission The Springfield conference was de cided upon in the hope that an ar rangement could be agreed upon without the delay which would be necessary if the matter has to go to the public service commission If the question goes to the public service tribunal these in addition to the five who comprise the subcommittee wlh represent Western Massachusetts: Mavor Arthur A Adams of Spring field Horace A Moses of Woronocn Parks of Russell George Stanton of Huntington William Bushmann of Westfield Percy Hall of Goodrich James Carl Wurtzbach all of Lee David Newali Of Westerly I Ripley of Blandford Steven son and Elisha Brewster of Spring field Arthur IT Harris of Otis and Ballou of Becket Control But No Aid Percy Hall president of the Westfield board of trade presided He maintained in his introductory re marks that what is desired is to co operate with the company to make the road pay adding is out with a brickbat to tell the railroad what it must or shall Lucius Storrs of New Haven Ct then was called upon The head of the New' Haven holding company which con trols the Lee Huntington line for the New Haven railroad explained in de tail that the Haven railroad built the Lee Huntingtcn road with the in tention of making up deficits from ihii' New Haven treasury It was thought that in the course of years the line might show a profit However the court of southern New York in 1914 forced the New Haven railroad to dis sociate itself from its subsidiary trolly companies and thereafter ren der po financial aid The New York New Haven and Hartford railroad was permitted to keep control temporarily over the Berkshire railway but is not allowed money St Johns May Balked by continued adverse winds and weath er Harry Hawker and Capt rederick Raynham the British aviators seeking first honors for a transat lantic flight to day joined forces in a hunt for a nstv airdrome site which will allow them to with the wind in any quarter At present only an easterly or westerly wind can be of service fields they are usin or two searched for enough room for a field but their search fruitless noissance for a new site unless con ditions suddenly become favorable for the transatlantic "hop As a means of relieving the phy sical strain to he met in the 20 hours or more of continuous flying required (or the transatlantic flight Capt Rayn ham has equipped his Martinsyde with a rubber band attachment by which the controls are set navi gator said that the plane could be kept headed in the desired direction with lateral and longitudinal stability reasonably assured by adjusting the rubber band to the controls Hawker has installed two heating devices in his Sopwith hangar to keep the engine warm and in constant readiness for instant flight He an nounced that he has retained the two bladed propeller tested a week ago Another British team of aspirants for transatlantic flight honors has entered the London Daily $5(1 000 prize competition Capt Alco*ck pilot and Lieut Brown navigator arc on the steamship Mauretania having left Liverpool Saturday Their ma chine a Vickers Vimy bomber plane will follow on another vessel The Handley Page machine another contestant and its crew have left Liverpool on the steamship Digby for St Johns en route to Harbor Grace where the start is to be made The Digby is due here Sunday Capt Alco*ck Won London May Capt Alco*ckdav entered ms machine with Royal aero club for the transatlantic flight for the $501X10 prize of the Lon don Dally Mail He won the dis tinguished service order for carrying out long distance bombing raids in the Mediterranean including one against Constantinople lie wifi fly a Vimy Rolis two engine airplane His navigator will be Lieut Arthur Whitten Brown Glasgow but By the Associated Press 1 A The peace treaty formulated bvl the allied and associated powers tai to be handed to the German deleJ gates to moirow afternoon Definital I announcement of the time when the Germans arc to be made cognizant of the price that once imperialists Germany must pay for having instiJ gated the world war has at least been made I Italian Settlement Likely With peace measurably near I reason of this fact there now' aiss I seems to be good basis for belief that the differences between Italy and Great Britain rance and the Unit ed States over claims regard ing iume and the Dalmatian coast may yet be settled with full accord Signor Orlando the Italian pre inicr and his foreign minister Baron Sonnino are returning to Paris from Rome where they have been since! they quitted the peace conference owing to in Italy consid would satisfy By the Associated Press 'Rome May 5 Premier Orlando and oreign Minister Sonnino of started for Paris to day ipg ing are the only the Tribune can as firmly favorable to The purpose of the Matin's article is to show' that only the question of the league of nations is of abiding in terest to the American public plat ters of territory reparations and guarantees' being of no direct con cern to America The writer places the blame for this on the American newspaper men in Paris rom the outset a large per cent of the rench press has displayed a spirit of carping criticism toward the efforts of the American writers to tell the exact truth about the conference Paris editors opposed even the small measure of publicity the British and American correspondents were able to wring from tho last Jan uary At the same time they haveindulged in subtly bitter attacks against President Wilson apparently forgetting the tact that these on slaughts appearing in columns passed by the rench censor were given an official sanction altogether absent from matter published in the uncen sored American press New York May A score of naval youths in the twen ties and Carly thirties yet experts hi radio operators and motor mechanics were ready to night for a start soon after daybreak to 1 in their attempt to drive three giant hydroairplanes of the American navy across the Atlantic With favorable wcathcik officially 1 predicted both in the vicinity of the home station at Rockaway Point and along the coast to Newfound i landterminus oftlie journey's first the airmen expected to launch at least two and possibly all three of the airplanes scheduled to make the cruise The NC 1 whose starboard wings were destroyed early to day in a lira which also slightly damaged the NC 4 was nearly fit for flight again when darkness fell on a small army of me chanics who had worked on the craft for more than IS hours The NC 4 had been completely restored by mid afternoon There was a possibility that the NC 1 might be delayed in her a few hours or even a day or more if necessity of unexpected ad justments of the new wings developed at the last moment but the NC 3 and NC 4 were scheduled to take jhe air some time between dawn and 7 a Though saddened by the death of two of their Ensign Hugh Adams and Chief Alate Harold in the plunge to earth a naval scout 'lane tlie trans oceanic crews survived no discourage ment over the interference with their plans resulting from the flames ll nair work on a NC 1 was baited lor AOMIS took its fatal plunge in groups around tne NC hangars but the officers in charge expected to continue operations through the night with the hope that the damaged craft could start with tier mates for the Newfoundland baseire Started at 210 A Yesterday Should this prove impossible Comdr John Towers chief of the expedi tion' said the NC 1 would follow the other two craft to Trepassey arriv ing in ample time for tlie jump" to the Azores scheduled for about the middle of May Comdr Towers declared that the navy and civilian mechanics had done in preparing the damaged NC 1 for the flight The fire started at 210 this morning when an overheated electric pump which was emptying her hull of bilge water ignited a can of oil nearby The fuel tanks were bciitg filled at the time and the flames spread in a twinkling to several barrels of gaso line on the floor Before tlie work ers could get fire extinguishers into action the upper and lower starboard wings of the NC 1 had been burned off and the blaze had spread to the tail piece of the NC 4 which was housed in the same hangar The lat ter plane was restored by substitut ing the elevator of tlie NC 2 which is not assigned to the transatlantic flight and by re covering the tail sur face The NC 3 in a hangar several hundred feet away was not endan gered Repair Crews Start Work at Once Within 20 minutes of the accident the repair crews were at work Scaf folding was erected and the original starboard vings of the NC tlie craft had been fitted with the NC 2's wings after her own had been dam aged in a wind storm were attached It would be impossible until morning Comdr Towers asserted to state de finitely whether the NC 1 would begin the cruise with the other planes but lie was very hopeful Tlie transoceanic crews remained on the ground to day and their craft were not taken out of the hangars as all had passed through satisfactory I tests Comdr Towers and his asso By Associated TTess T' Berlin May 5 A semibtficialJian nouncemcnt to says the peace: he gotiations will be in no way affected by the departure of the German min isters Landsberg and Giesberts Versailles No announcement has been received that Herr Landsberg and Herr Gel berts have left Versailles or that was their intention to depart GOVERNMENT SURRENDERS By the Associated Press London May 5 A German wireless' dispatch received here' this evening says: the delay continues at Ver sailles it is contemplated that Berlin will recall the German delegates in which case they would 'only sent to Versailles again when' the allied gov ernments are ready to A dispatch to tlie Central cws from Copenhagen quotes a Berlin newspa per as saying that the German peace delegation yesterday sent an ultima tum to the entente demanding a reply by "5 o'clock Monday after noon in which it was declared ythat the Germans would be obliged td fe turn to Berlin in the event ther postponement in the submission of the peace terms i Repair Crews Worked More Than 18 Hours Putting Big Machines Back in irst Class Condition Blaze Was Purely an Accident That sold for junk would bring in a con siderable amount of money was the significant statement made by Air Storrs whose statement follows: line was projected and legis lation obtained in 1910 authorizing the New Haven to acquire the Berkshire street railway and provide funds for tho construction of additions to that property the principal one of which was the line from Lee to Hunting ton At that time it was expected that territory tributary to the lines of the New Haven road could be de veloped by such construction and that during the period of development the losses that would naturally accrue from the operation of such electric road lines could be absorbed by the (Continued on Second Hr Herbert Bayard By Wireless to New York World Special Dispatch to The Republican Paris May 5 Belgium supported by America gained a striking vic tory when the peace conference awarded her full war costs inclusive of all damages and expenses in which are listed her foreign loans The to tal claim allowed aggregates aboul $6000000060 of which $5(XIOIX)WIO is to be made a priority in the pay ments by Germany loans to Belgium are to be paid by accepting German obligations in the placeC Belgian To no other country is giv en the treatment accorded Belgium because she was violated through no fault of her own Other important developments in clude the direct intimation that Italy is to merit that China proposed to protest at a seciet' plenary session on' the Jap anese settlement: the inclusion in the treaty of Austrian independence but no estoppel of her continued separa tion front Germany unless a union be desired by both! countries and theSettlement of theshipping problem by 1 pooling all ships save those seizeu by America and Brazil Tho final draftof the treaty has been completed in the form in which it will go to the Germans on Wednes day Efforts to keep tlie terms of the tieaty secret continue although it is almost certain now that personal con versation between the big three and the Germans will be countenanced The announcement is made that Aus tria lias been directed to send com missioners to Varis immediately There will be a halt while the Ger mans are studying the treaty to hours the rival pilots four their search was They plan an aerial recon rom Our Special Reporter Boston May 5 The compromise plan for a Vernon stroct bridge as petitioned for by Springfield resi dents is retained in practically every feature in the plans of the Spring field bridge commission presented to the waterways commission at a hear ing this afternoon No definite op position to the new bridge which will be SO feet wide developed and the plans will be approved by the water ways commission As soon as this approval is obtained th plans will go the supreme judicial court fo' final ratification Once the courts consent is given the bridge commis work will be done and the car rying out of the plans will be in the hands of the Hampden county com missioners The two phases of the plans to wlfich the consent of the waterways Commission was nessary cre the building of the budge so that reconstruction into a draw bnaeype would be feasible and not too expensive and the projection of sup porting piers into the harborpar of the river The proposed draw 1 built later jvill have a to feet wide and a depth of at Icat 1 feet at low water 5ew Haven ears Yard Congestion The New Haven railroad through counsel directed that the widening of At at er stre would handicap freight facilities and would make necessary the extension of the harbor line into the iter in along the river bank to per expansion by the railroad in that dThe Haven railroad's position was Presented by rank A fnham counsel Edward GageL chief engi neer and I Waterman construc tion engineer Chairman cole of the waterways commission said the rad road will have to petition for an change in the harbor line and this might prove to require special ablins legislation i Edward Broadhurst Sprmgfie citv solicitor admitted that tlie iail road is now cramped for room and aid the only question is whether the additional space necessary should be made by building toward the rner er elsewhere ill Direction of Current Chancel Herman Eurgi representing Snringfield gaslight company cf smaller items are yet under ifls cussion The council of three sat Monday afternoon in an endeavor to settle the minor ones A plenary session of tlie peace coun cil is to be held Tuesday afternoon at which the peace treaty is to be presented to the smaller Orlando on His Way Varis Afay 5 Vittorio Orlando Italian premier and Baron Sonnino the foreign minister are to return to it is officially announced They will take a train front Rome to night In the meantime it had been announced that Alarquis Imperial! the Italian embassador at London had been designated to participate for Italy in the meeting this afternoon of the executive committee of league of nations Tlie information regarding rcmiA Orlando and oreign Alinislcr Son nino came front 1he Italian embassa dor in Varis He transmitted it to the rench foreign ministry Im mediately informed the heads of allied and associated governments' Tho Italian representatives will reacn Wednesday morning it wasstated Hay is Smoothed The announcement that Vietnier Or lando and oreign Aiinister Sonnino the leading It ilian delegates to the penep conference have and tlie further Belgian crown council assent to the signing treaty bv the Belgian gardless of unsatisfactory financial ar rangements 'have resulted in reliev ing the embarrassments of the conferees London May A Havas dispatch confirms the news that tlie Italian embassador at lias informed Ste phen Pichon the rench foreign min ister that Premier Orlando and Baron Sonnino wore leaving hom*o for Paris this evening An Exchange telegraph dispatch also reported that the Italian premier and foreign minister were re turning from Romo to to night Ry Lincoln Eyre 1 By Cable to The New York World Special Dispatch to The Republican Varis May 5 Exponeftts of the militaristic idea in rance are urging the Clemenceau government to stand by the Italians in the demands they make on their return to the peace conference even to the extreme of developing a separate defensive alli anc between the two powers Tiie project of a rcnci ltalian union it is believed has the support of Marshal och It is certainly backed by the new born rench tary party which is strenuously en gaged in promoting a peace guaran teed by equilibristic arrangements and by armed force father than by the moral suasion of Wilsonism Adherents of this movement are Marshal warmest: sup porters argue that with Great Brit ain and America disinclined to help to guard the rench frontiers with their arms' Italy is the only nation to which rance can turn for sistance in men and guns Back Up lume Claims Therefore they say it is up to the rench peSce delegates not only to insist that Premier Orlando get innic or a compromise wholly" satisfactory rto Italic public opinion but to lay the corner stone of a definite alliance with Rome as well Such an alliance its advocates aver would be permissible of nations inasmuch be the maintenance would not interfere agreement among rance I tiily Great Britain and the United States It would be in no sunse directed against the Jugoslavs and should in fact be welcomed by them as a protective agency against aggression fi om Ger man forces The first public hint of this pro posed commitment is contained in an editorial in the Matin which asks: wo lose for iume the proffered occasion t5 found in tne face of the menacing alliance of Berlin and Vienna animate and definite en tente between Paris and Rome which alone wobld permit us to oppose Sll O00O00 of Latins to those of Germans who are preparing unite against Danger to Italy and rance The Matin observes that left of the common peace Italy will obliged to make a peace of her own in which she would risk a species of serfdom dangerous to rance hypothesis of an Italy returning uie day or another to a Germanic alli ance would force us to redraft the whole peace the article goes on guarantees given us to day would be insufficient Not only would our frontiers be lengthened the num ber of troops required and our diffi culties in northern Africa where tlie Italian population is so numerous 1 greatly augmented but America and England having recalled their soldiers rance would find herself alone in Eu By that same token the Matin con siders that as tlie Slav countries in southern Europe cannot be relied upon a prostrate Russia would be at the mercy of the Austro Germans (Copyright 1919 by the Tress Pub lishing Company) the and Springfield navigation interests said that the plan to cut off a slioal Avhici projects about two thirds of the way across the river would cause the cur rent to run in a diagonal directioo through the draw Engineer ay of th company which designed the bridge plans replied that this mat ter has been taken up with the United States engineers with the re sult that the government Is consider ing widening the channel so that no change in the current can take place AL Grey of the Springfield engi neering department was with Solicitor Broadhurst the Connecticut Valley realty trust and Springfield chamber of commerce were represented by John Robinson Edward A Mc Clintock David Hoar and Selectman Palmer appeared for West Springfield Andrew do AXcil Cis LU U10 1 1 tlillJJf 1 AA IJU coLdpvU makes the death list doubtful Police Veters to day vetoed the plan for a parade here of the 76th division say ing that in his opinion is "unwise and to hold such a celebration Even though the units divi I did excellent work abroad the By the Associated Vress aris May 5 The council of Jkr cign ministers to day decided that rcc ognition would be extended the gov ernment of inland under conditions which have not been disclosed The fact that the credentials of the Jugo slav and Czechp Slovak delegations were turned over to the Germans along with those of other nations is accepted in conference circles as a recognition of those new states 1 Incident being commented upon by intercepted German wireless yatvlr WHKW (' A A X' day last year Was as follows: Mij IViM 391K OEEItVA TIONH 7 aui 2 inn pm 7 am 2 pni 9 pm Barr meter 2071 20 7' 2093 to Thf Irv 39 82 Bl 52 Wit rx 77 om 17 37 6U'I 3 0 0 0 Wind NW 5 SU MV Ex of loin 86 nnJ 31 bv and 4 0 he in to dny at 340 find at 753 LiHnp on niid du other.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


What was the original name of the city of Springfield MA? ›

The history of Springfield, Massachusetts dates back to the colonial period, when it was founded in 1636 as Agawam Plantation, named after a nearby village of Algonkian-speaking Native Americans. It was the northernmost settlement of the Connecticut Colony.

What is famous about Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Springfield has several nicknames—"The City of Firsts", due to the many innovations developed there, such as the first American dictionary, the first American gas-powered automobile, and the first machining lathe for interchangeable parts; "The City of Homes", due to its Victorian residential architecture; and "Hoop ...

Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

Who founded Springfield Massachusetts? ›

William Pynchon and a company of six men from Roxbury, a town near Boston, established Springfield in 1636 at the junction of the Agawam and Connecticut Rivers.

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

White: 46.06% Black or African American: 20.52% Two or more races: 18.5% Other race: 11.62%

What is Springfield best known for? ›

The lore and reputation of Abraham Lincoln has made Springfield a global destination because of the story of his life and the location in Springfield of his home and the Abraham Presidential Library and Museum.

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

What is a fun fact about Springfield? ›

Springfield is the capital of the U.S. state of Illinois. The city lies on the Sangamon River. Abraham Lincoln lived in Springfield for more than 20 years before he became the president of the United States. Many people in Springfield work for the government.

Is Springfield MA expensive? ›

What's the cost of living in Springfield, MA? Springfield is affordable Compared to other east coast metropolitan areas like Boston and New York City. Housing tends to get more expensive the further from the city center you go. The city's median home sale price is lower than the national median.

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

What is the federal arsenal in Springfield? ›

Springfield Armory was established in 1777 as a federal arsenal; as an arsenal, firearms that supplied the Continental Army during the American Revolution were stored here. After the Revolution, Springfield Arsenal was officially established as a federal armory where arms could be stored and produced.

Who owns Mass Live? ›

Advance Local, a subsidiary of Advance Publications, owns MassLive as well as 11 other digital local news operations in cities such as New Orleans and Cleveland.

What sport was invented in Springfield Massachusetts? ›

The Birthplace of Basketball

Basketball is built into the fabric of Springfield College. The game was invented by Springfield College instructor and graduate student James Naismith in 1891, and has grown into the worldwide athletic phenomenon we know it to be today.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Springfield and Takikawa City officially became sister cities in 1993, In 1997, after a five year courtship, the Concord Town Meeting voted to formalize the sister city relationship with Nanae Town.

Why is Springfield MA called the city of Homes? ›

Springfield is known as the “City of Homes” for its Victorian mansions and collection of unique architecture as well as the multitude of single-family homes constructed for manufacturing workers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Where did Springfield get its name? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex. Springfield, Massachusetts, became nationally important in 1777, when George Washington founded the United States' National Armory at Springfield.

How many of the 50 states have a city named Springfield? ›

According to a common factoid, there's a community called Springfield in all 50 states, but the U.S. Board on Geographic Names says that's not true: only 34 states have a Springfield. The real champ is Riverside. Unless you live in Alaska, Hawaii, Louisiana, or Oklahoma, there's at least one Riverside in your state.

When did West Springfield MA become a city? ›

West Springfield, Massachusetts
Incorporated (town)1774
Incorporated (city)2000
28 more rows

What year did Springfield become a city? ›

Inc. town, 1832; city, 1840.


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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.