St. Dennis Church Fifth Sunday Parish Mission In Ordinary Our next Rosary Sale will be held on April 16-17. Many new - [PDF Document] (2024)

St. Dennis Church Fifth Sunday Parish Mission In Ordinary Our next Rosary Sale will be held on April 16-17. Many new - [PDF Document] (1)

Bulletin Information Center Deadline to submit info for the bulletin is 4 pm Friday one week before you want it to appear. Please send all information by email to [emailprotected] PLEASE NOTE: In subject area, type St. Dennis Bulletin. All info must now be in MS Word or Publisher document as an attachment. Thank you, Kim Cast

MONTHLY REMINDERS Sunday—Catechesis of GS 9:15am,

2nd & 4th Sunday-Baptism 1 pm

Mondays—Catechesis of GS 4:30pm, Bible Study 6:30pm

2nd Tues.—Altar & Rosary 12 pm - Sept., Dec., March & May

Wednesday—Catechesis of GS, 6pm, Thursday— All Choir Practices,

Bible Study 10 am, RCIA 6:30pm Third Thursday— Senior Luncheon

First Friday—Holy Hour 3:30pm

February 6, 2011

Fifth Sunday

In Ordinary Time

1214 Hamilton Street, Lockport, IL 60441

Phone— 815 838-2592 Fax— 815 838-2401

E-mail —[emailprotected] Web -


Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday 7:30 am, 9:15 am,

11:00 am & 7:00 pm Daily Monday thru Friday— 7:15 am

Wed.—2:00 pm School Mass (Changes to daily Mass may occur.

View page 2 for all changes.) Glory & Praise —Tues.— 7:00 pm

SACRAMENTS Reconciliation: Sat. 3:30-4:15 pm or Appt.

Baptism Please call 815 838-2592 ext.123 to

register and complete a ―Baptismal Request‖ form.

Marriage Please call 815 838-2592 ext.123 to

Register, at least six months in advance.

Parish Office Hours 8:30 am — 4:00 pm


Pastor Rev. James Curtin

Associate Pastors Rev. Thomson Panakal

Rev. Justin Dike

Pastoral Associates Deacon Rob Weierman Sr. Joanne Vallero, CSJ

Jackie Bedore

Music Director Patti Johnson

Healing Prayer Lorrie Murphy 708 301-5107 [emailprotected]

Bulletin Editor Kim Cast


1201 Washington St.

Lockport, IL 60441

815 838-4494


Principal—Lisa Smith

Dear Family, You are invited, all ages, to our Parish Mission with Frank Runyeon on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 7 p.m. this week in the church. This is a time for spiritual renewal. I know each of the sessions on ―The Gospel of John‖, ―The Sermon on the Mount‖ and ―Hollywood vs. Faith‖ will be informative with inspirational

stories, humor and a wonderful message. We will also be having a special session for St. Dennis School students, grades K- 4 will hear ―Salt and Light‖ and 5-8 will hear ―Hollywood Vs. Faith‖ during school on Wednesday. There will be a free will donation to help cover Frank Runyeon’s travel expenses and to help him in his ministry. You are invited to all three evenings, February 8-9-10 which would be best, but it is fine to come to just one or more evenings if that is all that is possible.

In the Lord’s Love, Fr. Jim

Our Mission Statement

St. Dennis is a welcoming, Spirit-led, Catholic Community called to be

disciples of Christ, servants of those in need and celebrators of God’s love.

We Welcome New Parishioners If you would like to join St. Dennis Parish or learn more about us,

please contact the parish office at 815 838-2592 x 123 or stop in to pick up a new parishioner packet.

We would like to welcome you to our parish family!

The Gospel of John Tues. Feb 8, 7 pm

Sermon on the Mount Wed. Feb 9, 7 pm

Hollywood vs. Faith Thurs. Feb 10, 7 pm

Everyone is encouraged to attend. Invite your friends and family. For more information call

the parish office 815-838-2592.

St. Dennis Church Parish Mission

Financial Peace University

Financial Peace University (FPU) is a Biblically based, common sense education/empowerment program. FPU is a 13 week pro-gram designed to give you tools and knowledge to take control of your finances and get out of debt. Classes begin Wed. Feb 16th –May 25th, 6:30 to 8:30 pm in Narthex. Come to a free Preview session on Feb 2nd. Contact David Mayer for more info. 630-802-1821 (cell) or email [emailprotected]

She's Back!!!! Sister Strikes Again!: Late Night Catechism 2

Saturday, February 26, 2011 St. Dennis Parish Center

Includes dinner, comedy show, and amazing raffle items! Doors open at 5:30 pm, Show starts at 7:00 pm

Tickets go on sale Saturday, January 29th after All Masses

Knights of Columbus

Pancake Breakfast Celebrate with a Valentine's Day breakfast on

February 13, 2011 in Fracaro Hall 8 to 11am

Spaghetti Supper Lockport Lions Club 26th Annual Spaghetti Supper.

Saturday, February 12, 2011 in St. Dennis Parish Center. Serving begins at 4:30pm until 7pm, carry

outs available. Adult $8, children 12 & under $5

We are looking for someone to be coordinator of the Donut & Coffee Ministry on Sunday mornings. You would need to coordinate with the help of volunteers the pick up of

donuts, and serving after Masses. Please contact Fr. Jim or the Parish office with your name and number if you are willing to volunteer.


St. Dennis Church Fifth Sunday Parish Mission In Ordinary Our next Rosary Sale will be held on April 16-17. Many new - [PDF Document] (2)

February 6, 2011


Jan. 29/30 Collection * ……….…...…….…. $ 11,185 Weekly Auto Debit………………………….….. 2,718 Monthly Auto Debit (weekly aver.) ..……..…. 2,949 Total …….…. $ 16,852 *10,611 in envelopes, $574 loose cash Weekly Operating Expenses ………………$ 18,767


Please consider using auto debit in which your contribution is automatically withdrawn on a regular basis. Call Kathy at 815 838-2592 ext. 121 to enroll. PARISH CENTER DEBIT………………... $ 73,900 Year-end statements are available. Statements can be e-mailed, faxed, mailed or picked up in the Parish Office. If you would like your 2010 statement, please call 815.838.2592 ext. 123 or e-mail [emailprotected],

Rosaries for Healing

Our next Rosary Sale will be held on April 16-17. Many new items. Do you need a first communion gift? Would you like to give a custom Rosary, key chain or necklace, etc. as a gift? Please feel free to contact Kim or Mary any time. Do you have old rosaries, chaplets, beads you no longer wear? Do you have old Holy Medals? We are in need of all types of beads and Holy Medals. The beads are used to make rosaries for those beginning their journey to wholeness through healing prayer, as well as to encour-age people to pray the rosary. Holy Medals are repurposed and provide another avenue of prayer. If you would like to donate beads, medals, or rosaries, please place them in the basket on the table in narthex or call Kim 815 838-8407 or Mary 815 838-2592 for more info. If you are in need of rosaries, prayer bracelets, auto rosaries, wall crosses, Angels, necklaces or earrings, please feel free to call us anytime. We also repair rosaries at no charge. We are happy to serve you.

Mass Intentions

Saturday, February 5 4:30 pm – Verne Gajewski, Birthday Remembrance by

Clara Gajewski, Charlotte Ward by James Tierney, Mary Ann Hardey, Anniversary of Death by family, Bill and Lillian Griffiths by Ruthie

Sunday, February 6

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

7:30 am — Mary Jungles, Anniversary of Death by Stan & family, Audrey Steffes by Jerry & Carol Richards 9:15 am — George Kintz by Marge & Greg Anderson,

Blessing of Engaged Couples

11:00 am — Luigi Collabello, Anniversary of Death by

daughter Elena DiFalco & family

7:00 pm – St. Dennis Parish Family

Monday, February 7

7:15 am — Rosemary Cullen Mazelin by Fr. Jim & Mary


NO 12:30 pm Mass

Tuesday, February 8

7:15 am — Gladys Paskiet by family

NO 12:30 pm Mass

Wednesday, February 9

7:15 am – William Tierney by Joe & Carol Coverdill

2:00 pm – School Mass

Thursday, February 10

7:15 am – St. Dennis Parish Family

No 12:30 pm Mass

Friday, February 11

7:15 am – Jacquelyn Erickson by family, Bernard

Onderisin, Anniversary of Death by family

No 12:30 pm Mass

Saturday, February 12

4:30 pm — Charlotte Ward by Lucille Spencer, James

Leyendecker by Gene Handzik, Raymond Burcenski by family

Sunday, February 13

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

7:30 am — Elaine Swiech, Anniversary of Death by family,

John Kausak by wife Marie & family, Donna Tierney by Jim & family, John & Sadie DiBenardo by John & Rosemary Gasper, Anthony Piersanti by wife Carolyn 9:15 am —In Thanksgiving for 60

th Wedding Anniversary

of Gene & Tess Keegan by family, Audrey Steffes by Chuck & Linda Pastore, George Kintz by Perez Council Knights of Columbus Lockport

11:00 am — Janice LeFevers by Eberle Family, Jane

Moran by Moran & Absalon Families

7:00 pm — St. Dennis Parish Family

Please pray for those who have entered into

Eternal Life especially…

Members of Our St. Dennis Parish Family

This Week the Flame of Faith will burn in loving memory of …

Louis Crouse by family

Please pray for those who are ill, especially…

Eva Garvey, Ida Baker, Genevieve Handzik, Kelly Gannon, Elaine Bugno, Gene Keagan,

Betty Muehlbauer, Sr. Joanne Vallero, Emil Spal

Readings for the Week:

Today’s Readings: Is 58:7-10, 1 Cor 2:1-5, Mt 5:13-16 Mon: Gn 1:1-19, Mk 6:53-56 Tues: Gn 1:20-2: 4a, Mk 7:1-13 Wed: Gn 2: 4b-9, 15-17, Mk 7: 14-23 Thurs: Gn 2: 18-25, Mk 7:24-30 Fri: Gn 3:1-8, Mk 7:31-37 Sat: Gn 3:9-24, Mk 8:1-10 Sun: Sir 15: 15-20, 1 Cor 2: 6-10, Mt 5: 17-37

Have you ever borrowed something and forgotten to return it? Have you ever felt nervous about returning something you borrowed years ago. Would you like to have the op-

portunity to return items with no questions asked? We are looking for several items that are missing from our St. Dennis Parish Campus. Some items were donated by parishioners and some were purchased. Replacing these items is costly. If you have kitchen utensils, cookware, chairs, tables, keys, or any other items that might have been borrowed for a personal event or perhaps you took them to repair or clean and forgot you had them, we

would love to have them returned no questions asked. Just drop them off in the Narthex, Fracaro Hall or the parish office. If you need assistance returning an item, call the Parish office.

SAVE THE DATE Youth Group Feb. 6 Meeting in Parish Center, 4:30 - 6:30pm Feb 12 Ice skating at Millennium Park, Chicago, 1 - 7:30pm $10 Skate rental. $20 for transportation and dinner. Feb 13 Valentine’s Flower Sale all Masses - $2/flower St. Dennis Parish Mission February 8-9-10 : ―Hollywood vs. Faith‖ with Frank Runyeon. Visit Divorce Care & Beyond, a confidential support group sensi-tive to the painful experience of divorce, will begin February 10th at 7 pm in the fireside room of St. Dennis Parish Rectory if we have at least 10 participants. Contact the Parish Office to register 815-838-2592. Past participants are welcome.

VIRTUS training ―Protecting God’s Children‖ course will be offered Sat. Feb.12

th, 9 am-noon in Stalzer Room. Call the

parish office at 838-2592 to register. Per Diocese policy, any adult working or volunteering with children in St. Dennis School or Parish must attend this class. Senior Luncheon: Join us on Thursday, February 17

th at

noon for a luncheon and entertainment. Please RSVP by call-ing the Parish Office at 838-2592 x 123 by Monday, February 14

th. . Cost is $7.00 at the door. All seniors welcome

Burial Cloth Ministry for Haiti We need volunteers from jr high - adult to create burial shrouds for Haitian children. Our next mtg is Wed., Feb. 16

th, 6:15-8:45 pm in Fracaro

Hall. We are need of new/used sheets, pillowcases, religious Christmas or funeral cards & fabric. Bring donations to Narthex Care pantry bins on February 12-13

th. ONLY.

For more info., Christen Morris 708-220-1308. ALPHA: Marriage course begins Thursday, Feb 24th for 8 weeks the cost is $100 per couple. There will be a limit of 15 couples per course. Visit for more information. Late Night Catechism 2: Sister Strikes Again! Saturday, February 26, 2011 see back of bulletin. First Reconciliation & First Communion Preparation

Parents of children who wish to receive First Reconciliation and First Communion this spring should register their child. Prep. evenings with children are: Feb. 4, March 4, April 8 in church 1st Reconciliation/1st Communion will be May 13/14. Reg. forms found at

Preparation for Sacrament of Baptism Your family must be registered and ―active‖ members of our Parish. The prep classes are Feb 19, March 19, (No April class), May 21


and June 18th

from 9 - 11 am . For more info, please contact the Parish Office at 815 838-2592, ext. 123. At least one God-parent must be a confirmed Catholic and active in their faith--a letter of permission is required from their Church.

The 12:30 pm Mass will resume weekly on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Fridays starting on Monday

Feb 20th. . There will be no 12:30 Mass on Wednesday, join the students of

St. Dennis School for Mass at 2 pm

St. Dennis Church Fifth Sunday Parish Mission In Ordinary Our next Rosary Sale will be held on April 16-17. Many new - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.