There's plenty to kvell about in Jewish music! Get into's Day is Sunday, May 12, so remember all the moms in your - [PDF Document] (2024)

There's plenty to kvell about in Jewish music! Get into's Day is Sunday, May 12, so remember all the moms in your - [PDF Document] (1)

March 2019 Adar I – Adar ll 5779

אדר א' – אדר ב' תשע״ט

Weekday Mornings 7:00 a.m.Sunday Mornings 9:00 a.m. Weekday Evenings 5:40 p.m.


Daily Minyan Schedule

NEW – Shleimut Legal

see page 7

Cantor's Concert at Beth Israel

see page 9

Purim Celebration Carnival and Shpiel

see page 8

see page 2

There's plenty to kvell about in Jewish music! Get into the swing during a host of musical events.

"Jewish Music Coffeehouse" Seth Kibel Quartet Sunday, March 3, 7–9pm

The Music and Lives of Preeminent Jewish-American Composerswith Jonathan Palevsky, program director, 91.5 FM (WBJC) Thursdays, March 7, 14, & 21 at 7pm

Shabbat Song Sessionswith Cantor Jen Rolnick Saturday, March 16

There's plenty to kvell about in Jewish music! Get into's Day is Sunday, May 12, so remember all the moms in your - [PDF Document] (2)

March 2019Beth Israel Guide 2

Lynn & Robert JacobsDaniel

ברוכים הבאים בשם ה'

with guest artists Cantor Jen Rolnick and David Madoff

Triple musical threat Seth Kibel brings his distinctive musical stylings with clarinet, flute, and saxophone performances. (concert)

Along with klezmer, jazz and swing arrangements, the night includes light desserts and plenty of coffee!

$10 per personRSVP:

The Music and Lives of Preeminent Jewish American Composers Thursdays at 7pm

• March 7 – George Gershwin• March 14 – Aaron Copland• March 21 – Leonard BernsteinJonathan Palevsky, program director, 91.5 FM (WBJC), will offer insight into the trailblazing work of legendary Jewish composers and performers George Gershwin, Aaron Copland and Leonard Bernstein. A musicologist, Palevsky speaks frequently about jazz and swing. (lecture)

FREE, RSVP Requested

Shabbat Song Sessionswith Cantor Jen Rolnick Saturday, March 16Join Cantor Jen Rolnick for a musical D’var Torah during Shabbat morning services.

Following Congregational Kiddush, Cantor Rolnick will lead a singing conversation, featuring Hebrew and Yiddish melodies, folk songs, and their musical roots.

Sponsored by The Sabina and Walter Dorn Education Endowment Fund

"Jewish Music Coffeehouse" Seth Kibel Quartet Sunday, March 3, 7–9pm

SAVE THE DATE! Thursday, April 11Congregational Pesach Program

The Rabbinical Assembly Pesach Guide:Everything you need to know to prepare for Pesach!

There's plenty to kvell about in Jewish music! Get into's Day is Sunday, May 12, so remember all the moms in your - [PDF Document] (3)

March 2019Beth Israel Guide 3

Sarah Shapiro, LCSW-C


410-654-0800 ex. 263 [emailprotected]

Beth Israel Shleimut Hours: Tuesday afternoons Wednesday mornings Alternate Sundays

Today in the United States, about one-third of all adults provide informal care to other adults. The majority of caregivers are middle-aged (35-64 years old) though many of those caring for older people are elderly themselves and about 25% are millennials. Most caregivers are female, married or living with a partner, and employed. While it can be rewarding to provide care for a loved one, it can also be very challenging. Ongoing caregiving can lead to high levels of stress, anger, exhaustion, anxiety, depression, isolation, substance use, weight gain, poor physical health and more chronic disease. Long-term caregiving is also associated with significant financial consequences as caregivers may lose some or all of their employment income and medical benefits, reduce their savings to pay for the cost of providing care, and contribute less to their retirement funds. If you or someone you love is experiencing caregiver stress, it is important to seek and accept help. Allowing others to run errands for you or to sit with your loved one while you take a break both reduces your caregiving burden and enables family and friends to feel helpful. To prevent or manage caregiver stress, it is also vital to take time for yourself. Stay connected with family and friends, continue to engage in a hobby you enjoy, and maintain your own health by exercising (even if it is in ten-minute increments), eating healthy foods, and getting enough rest. Practicing relaxation techniques such as visualization, meditation, breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation can also be immensely helpful in alleviating caregiver stress.Support for caregivers is also available in the form of information, respite care, home modifications and assistive devices, counseling and support groups. You may want to start with an online search for resources in your area, both general and disease-specific. Here are a few local resources:• The Greater Maryland Chapter of the Alzheimer’s

Association ( operates a 24/7 helpline (800-272-3900) offering information and support around the clock.

• Jewish Community Services’ ( Elder Care Management program offers consultation, comprehensive assessment, and care management services to help individuals age “in their own homes or in other settings with maximum independence and dignity while providing the family and caregivers with peace of mind.” JCS also partners with the Myerberg Senior Center ( to provide monthly support groups for caregivers of those with Dementia and those with Parkinson’s Disease.

• Care Patrol ( is a no-cost placement services that “helps seniors and their families find safer, reliable, and affordable Senior Living Options”.

• Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland ( arranges meal delivery and support services to help homebound people “eat well and remain in their own homes”.

(Shleimut, continued on p11)

Creative Kabbalat Shabbat & Potluck Dinner

Friday, March 8

Dairy Potluck Dinner: to sign up, for kashrut information and more

Creative Kabbalat Shabbat Service followed by Dessert Oneg

We will be building community through song with this relaxed service.

Sitting in circles, we will sing together, pray together, and connect with each other.

Bring your friends and family and join us for easy-to-learn new tunes along with traditional melodies!

There's plenty to kvell about in Jewish music! Get into's Day is Sunday, May 12, so remember all the moms in your - [PDF Document] (4)

March 2019Beth Israel Guide 4

BrotherhoodAJ Stolusky, President

Stan Stovall, WBAL-TV 11 News Anchor, was the guest speaker at the Beth Israel Brotherhood breakfast in January. The

more than 80 attendees enjoyed learning how Stan got into reporting and the media, the due diligence that goes into reporting, and a comparative discussion around reporting vs. agenda driven promotion/reporting. It was an informative morning and Mr. Stovall was generous with his time. Thank you to Barry Goldschmidt for bringing in Mr. Stovall as our speaker.

January 20 – Brotherhood Breakfast:Guest speaker, Stan Stovall, WBAL-TV 11 News Anchor

Brotherhood Shabbat is Saturday morning, March 2:The "Sheldon Schwartz Brotherhood Shabbat" is named in memory of our past Brotherhood president and Seaboard Region President.Our guest speaker will be Marc Terrill, President, The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore.If you are interested in participating in our Shabbat Service, or supporting Brotherhood by making a donation for our a special Kiddush, please contact me at [emailprotected] "Blue Yarmulke Man of Year" event is at Chizuk Amuno on April 7, 11am – 2pm. Stuart Fine is our nominee this year, in appreciation of all his hard work for Brotherhood.Sunday, May 5 is Brotherhood's Annual Shredding event, in conjunction with Sisterhood's "Penny's Plant Sale."

Mini-ReJewvenateSaturday, April 13 & May 11 at 10:15am

Complement your Shabbat experience

Beth Israel in the Community Habitat for Humanity

Want to help build houses for deserving families? No experience necessary! You can help for all or just part of the day, usually 8:30am to 3pm.For more info, please contact Seth Glassman, 443-928-4562 or [emailprotected].

Friday, March 15Friday, April 5

Beth Israel Congregation of Owings Mills, MD

Beth Israel Community Learning LabBeth Israel Preschool

There's plenty to kvell about in Jewish music! Get into's Day is Sunday, May 12, so remember all the moms in your - [PDF Document] (5)

March 2019Beth Israel Guide 5

SisterhoodSandy Kirsh, President

As of this writing we are now in a Polar Vortex of 7’- 17’ and it is snowing!Sisterhood Shabbat is March 9 at 9:30am. Our speaker will be Stephanie Romano, Community Educator at the House of Ruth Maryland. Stephanie provides training to the

community about intimate partner violence. This year’s Shabbat service will be in memory of:

Penny KafkaSandi Mervis

Charlene PoleyDolores Rhody

They will be greatly missed.Wednesday, March 20, 5:30pm: Beth Israel's Purim Celebration. Sisterhood will be helping with the food and Carnival.Please contribute to the Sisterhood's “Bee” Kiddush Conscious, the buzz is we need you. Todah! To the Joint Sisterhood Committee for putting together a delicious dinner, and to Cindy Bradley and all the participants for another great job on Sisterhood Shabbat. We have a great group of Women!Sunday, May 5 is Penny’s Plant Sale. We will have plants and herbs for sale, along with Brotherhood's Annual Shredding event. Sisterhood's proceeds will go towards a hearing loop in the Chapel, in memory of Penny Kafka. Mother's Day is Sunday, May 12, so remember all the moms in your life with a gift!If anyone has any questions, please call me at 410-484-6192, or email [emailprotected] you for all your support!

Beth Israel Sisterhood ShabbatMarch 9, 9:30am

My check is enclosed! $___________


Amount: __$18 __$25 __$36 __$50 __$100 __Other

We need YOU to make Sisterhood Shabbat happen!

• Attend! To pray and enjoy our amazing Kiddush.• Participate! If you are interested in participating

in our Shabbat Service, please contact Cindy Bradley 410-484-2779.

• Contribute! Please show your support for Sisterhood by making a donation. Send the form below and your check, made payable to Beth Israel Sisterhood, to: Beth Shavitz 8909 Lesan Road Randallstown, MD 21133

Beth Israel's Senior SceneGloria Friedman & Harriet Shapiro,


Sunday, March 10 at 6pm, Beth Israel Hazak is invited to Beth El's Offut Auditorium to attend dinner and a performance of the music of

"Guys and Dolls," by Musical Artists Theater. Cost: $21/personSunday, March 31, 1pm: Join your Hazak friends for an afternoon of BINGO (2 free cards included!) and a catered lunch (dairy.) Cost: $15/person

RSVP: Your check is your reservation. Please make checks payable to: Beth Israel/Hazak. Mail checks to: Vera Kestenberg, 6350 Red Cedar Place, Unit 401, Baltimore, MD 21209. Please specify the program(s) you are responding to.For more information, please call Gloria Friedman, 410-318-8009, or Harriet Shapiro, 410-358-2711.

Wednesday, April 10, 6pmBeth Israel welcomes 5 other local Sisterhoods to go on a Sentimental Journey with Michael Brown Sr. Songs such as I Left My Heart in San Francisco, Unforgettable, and Love Ballad are among many of his favorites.

Joint Sisterhood Dinnerat Beth Israel

There's plenty to kvell about in Jewish music! Get into's Day is Sunday, May 12, so remember all the moms in your - [PDF Document] (6)

March 2019Beth Israel Guide 6

March (Conference Month)

Mon., Mar. 11 Early Childhood Conference – SCHOOL CLOSEDWed., Mar. 20 Shorashim Purim Carnival (costumes encouraged) 5:30-7pmThur., Mar. 21 Purim Parade – Come to school in costume Fri., Mar. 22 Purim Parade – Come to school in costume


Tues., April 16 Preschool Passover Seder all 2s – Parents and Guests Invited Wed., April 17 Preschool Passover Seder 3’s, Pre-K – Parents and Guests Invited April 19 – April 26 Pesach Break – NO SCHOOLMon., April 29 SCHOOL REOPENS

PreschoolSherry Caplan, Preschool Director

We have braved through the winter months and are so glad that March is here! We are ready to get back outside on a regular basis. With March, comes Purim! Our hallways will soon be filled with the delicious aroma of apple,

blueberry, cherry and chocolate hamantaschen. Want to help bake? Let us know. We can connect you with one of our classrooms on their special bake day. Calling all Queen Esthers, Mordecais, Kings and Hamans (Boo!). We will be celebrating the holiday at the Preschool Purim Carnival with the congregation on March 20 from 5:30-7pm. Come, eat, play games and schmooze with the teachers. Costumes a must! We hope to see you there!A big thank you to Harry Baumhol for donating the iPad. One of our preschool classrooms will be using it to research areas of interest.Thank you for your continued support in our Pennies Plus for the Playground fundraiser. Jars are available at the front desk and Preschool office.

February 9 – Pajama Havdallah:We’re Lost in the Zoo! An original play starring the

Preschool morot (teachers), clergy, and staff

Gift Cards

Support Beth Israelwhen you purchase

Call 410-654-0800

Fall 2019-2020Come join our family! Fall 2019-2020 application forms are now available. Our program welcomes two, three and four year olds into a nurturing, secure environment that promotes social and intellectual growth. Schedules are designed to meet the needs of our families and range from 2-5 days with hours from 7:00am-5:00pm.

We also offer a Me Too! class for children 15 to 23 months. Applications are available in the Preschool office or email [emailprotected] Fun ProgramSummer Fun at Beth Israel! We are offering an 8-week program for children two, three and four years old. The camp runs from June 17 through August 9 with basic hours from 9am to 1pm. Activities will have a summer theme as well as water play and sprinkler fun.Children can attend two-five days a week. Extended day options are available from 7:00 am until 5:00 pm. We are also offering a special Art Camp for 5 year olds on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Applications are available in the Preschool office. We are also offering 2 one-week mini sessions the weeks before and after the summer program. This will allow 9-11 weeks of summer fun!

There's plenty to kvell about in Jewish music! Get into's Day is Sunday, May 12, so remember all the moms in your - [PDF Document] (7)

March 2019Beth Israel Guide 7

Celebrate Shabbat with music from Jewish communities around the world, featuring musicians and singers from our own Beth Israel community!

RSVP for dinner by Wednesday, March 20

Friday, March 29, 6:13pmfollowed by a Full Shabbat dinner

including gefilte fish, chicken, vegetables, sides and dessert! Vegetarian and other dietary options available.

Dinner:• $22 Adults ages 13+• $12 Children ages 6 to 12• $8 Children ages 3 to 5

Since its inception in 2005, our Beth Israel Shleimut team has touched the lives of many people in our Congregation and schools, providing confidential support and guidance, through our clergy, Shleimut social worker and nurse.Shleimut is now expanding our services to provide legal information and guidance for our congregants. Navigating the legal system is not always easy. We are here to point you in the right direction. While we do not provide legal representation or specific legal advice, we can be a valuable source of information and support for you.Our Shleimut attorney, Harry Baumohl, together with Jeff Glaser, Neil Levy and Joshua Zukerberg, can provide you with information and help you find answers and resources.Shleimut, wholeness, allows us to reach the fullness of who we can be when we are at our best. Shleimut helps promote health, wellness and healing within our Beth Israel community.To reach our Shleimut attorneys, contact [emailprotected] or call the synagogue office at 410-654-0800, x265.

Teen Minyan (8-12 grades)

Saturday, March 16 10:30am

Please join us for a short service and Torah discussion, followed by a short activity/social hour following congregational kiddish.

March 4: The Girl with Seven Names: North Korean Defector Story by Hyeonseo Lee. April 1: The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris. We meet the first Monday monthly at 7pm at someone’s

home. Please contact Ellen Naftaniel, [emailprotected] or 410-458-9364.

The custom of sponsoring a Kiddush is a wonderful way to share your joy and at the same time support Beth Israel. You can honor a person, remember a loved one, or celebrate a simcha. Your sponsorship will appear in the Shabbat Program that week and in the following month's issue of the Guide.As a community we delight in each other's simchas, and would be honored if you share yours with us. Contact Ann Friedman at 410-654-0800 x210 or [emailprotected].

January/February Kiddush Sponsors & Contributors

• Beth Israel Sisterhood

• Mona & Russ Kaufman in honor of their 60th birthdays

• Betty & Herb Aaron in honor of Herb’s 90th birthday

• Sondra Sobkov in honor of her 75th birthday

• Jill & Joel Levin in honor of the B’nai Mitzvah of their children Hailey & Joseph Levin

There's plenty to kvell about in Jewish music! Get into's Day is Sunday, May 12, so remember all the moms in your - [PDF Document] (8)

March 2019Beth Israel Guide 8



Volunteers needed!

There's plenty to kvell about in Jewish music! Get into's Day is Sunday, May 12, so remember all the moms in your - [PDF Document] (9)

March 2019Beth Israel Guide 9

Beth Israel Congregation

$25/person in advance $36/person at the door by Friday, April 12

Dessert reception following concertSponsorships available

Cantor Jen RolnickBeth Israel

Cantor Ben Ellerin

Baltimore Hebrew

Cantor Melanie Blatt

Beth El

Cantorial Student Jake Greenberg

Cantor Robert Gerber

Har Sinai

Dr. Joshua Fishbein and Kol Rinah choirChizuk Amuno

There's plenty to kvell about in Jewish music! Get into's Day is Sunday, May 12, so remember all the moms in your - [PDF Document] (10)

March 2019Beth Israel Guide 10

Did you know that February was Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month (JDAIM)? Businesses are starting to understand the value

in hiring individuals with special needs. CBS Sunday Morning recently aired a remarkable story about this: people with Autism often have a hard time communicating, traditional interviews can be challenging. At Microsoft, an interview for candidates who are on the Autism spectrum is far from the traditional question/answer session. The new method Microsoft has implemented is one that meets those job seekers where they are. It focuses on the way someone works with others, on problem solving skills, on creativity, and on the person’s ability to complete the work. Not only is the new process effective, it’s fair. It levels the playing field for people who may have trouble expressing themselves verbally, but are more than qualified to do the job.Companies that rely on just one technique for determining who should be hired are missing out. For people with special needs, many times it’s not the actual work that can be an issue, but the things that involve social skills, like knowing where to eat lunch and who to sit with. The buddy system that companies like Microsoft and SAP have put in place can make all the difference just by lending a helping hand.Microsoft and SAP are putting their money where their mouth is. They’re not only talking about hiring people with disabilities, they are doing it, and they have made the changes necessary to accommodate the special needs community.

If you are thinking about hiring individuals who have diagnosed disabilities, here are some tips to help you become more inclusive:• Assess your workplace. What are the jobs that

could be filled by someone with special needs?• Seek out opportunities to learn. Call a local

Community Rehab Agency (CRP) and find out if they can provide disability awareness training. The JCS Career Center offers this service.

• Learn about the benefits of hiring people with disabilities. In addition to the ‘feel good’ ones, like increasing company moral, there are also financial ones, like tax deductions.

• Consider interviewing in non-traditional ways. Look at a visual portfolio. Ask the candidate to perform some of the job tasks that would be assigned.

• Offer a job trial or working audition. This allows the potential candidate to feel comfortable in an office setting.

• Ask for and accept assistance. Be open to job coaches coming onsite to support new employees and help ensure their success.

It’s easy to talk about being inclusive. It’s another thing to actually do it. Hunter McIntyre of SAFE Management, shared his thoughts about why hiring people with special needs is good for his company. Click to hear what this JCS Employer Partnership Award Winner had to say: Questions about how to start? The US Office of Disability Employment Policy can help:

Jamie Leboe is a career coach/vocational evaluator for the JCS Career Center.

The JCS Career Center offers comprehensive employment assistance that helps job seekers of all abilities and skill levels find and maintain employment. Services include career coaching, career assessments, resume and cover letter services, interview preparation, job readiness training, vocational rehabilitation and job placement assistance. For more information, call 410-466-9200 or visit

by Jamie Leboe

There's plenty to kvell about in Jewish music! Get into's Day is Sunday, May 12, so remember all the moms in your - [PDF Document] (11)

March 2019Beth Israel Guide 11

• Catastrophic Health Planners, Inc. ( provides “free educational development and case management to support patients and their families requiring assistance before, during and after a catastrophic health event”.

• The Well Spouse Association ( offers online resources as well as peer-led support groups for spousal caregivers (both in-person and over the phone);

• Levindale Adult Day Services ( provides adult day care at both its Levindale and Pikesville locations.

• The Soul Center at Beth El Congregation ( offers a monthly Caregiver Café support group on the third Thursday of the month from 2:00 to 3:30 pm which I co-facilitate along with a physician from Johns Hopkins Bayview. Free and open to the community, each Caregiver Café session begins with a 20-30 minute presentation from a community caregiving resource followed by a supportive discussion.

• I am also available to provide in-person or over the phone guidance to caregivers who are seeking

resources and support. Please do not hesitate to call (410-654-0800 ext. 263) or email me ([emailprotected]).

Caregiving can be very demanding. Remember, you don’t have to do this alone; help may be just a call or click away.

Some of the information for this article was drawn from the following sources:• Alzheimer’s Association, Caregiver Stress, www.

• Family Caregiver Alliance, Caregiving,

• Mayo Clinic, Caregiver Stress: Tips for Taking Care of Yourself,

• USA Today, Actor Rob Lowe: I Was My Sick Mother’s Caregiver, Don’t Underestimate the Stress Caregivers Face, January 13, 2019

• U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Women’s Health, Caregiver Stress,

(Shleimut, continued from p3)

Is Your Bar/Bat Mitzvah Coming Up?Please email a headshot, including kippah and tallit, to Ann Friedman no later than 8 weeks prior to Bar/Bat Mitzvah month, [emailprotected] photo will be printed in the Guide, and will also be displayed on our monitor in the chapel lobby. Beth Israel is looking forward to sharing your simcha!


Do you have photos from a Beth Israel event?

Share them with us and they may be featured online or in print!

Please email Dana Snyder, [emailprotected]

There's plenty to kvell about in Jewish music! Get into's Day is Sunday, May 12, so remember all the moms in your - [PDF Document] (12)

March 2019Beth Israel Guide 12

Thank You תודה

Beth Israel Celebrates Mazel Tov to Congregants celebrating “special” life milestones (birthdays and anniversaries). While every birthday or anniversary is a reason to celebrate, if you are having one ending with a five or a zero, we will automatically list your name. We apologize if our records are incomplete or in error. If you do not want your name listed, please call us at least two months in advance.

ברוך אתה ה’ א- להינו

מלך העולם‚שהחינו וקימנו והגיענו לזמן הזה.

Praised are you, Adonai, our God who rules the universe, granting us life, sustaining us, and enabling us to reach this day.

March 2019 Special Birthdays:

Risa HurwitzEllie CohenBarry DahneIris IngberMartha Macks-KahnEvelyn Posner

Lawrence Abrams Mona KershnerElizabeth Berner Melvin RubinDavid Abramson

Selma KolodkinFrancine ShureLester CaplanCharles WitowDiane Wolfson

March 2019 Special Anniversaries:

Cheryl Matthias & Osher PaisBetty & Herbert Aaron

May the Lord comfort and sustain you along with all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem

המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים

Beth Israel MournsSteven Braitman; brother of David (Helen) Braitman, uncle of Lauren & Jesse Braitman, Jacqueline & Jason Delman, and Amy Kaelin.

Melvin Rottman; husband of the late Evelyn Rottman.

Harriet Sandler; wife of the late Alvin Sandler.

Corinne C. Schwartz; wife of the late Joseph M. Schwartz, sister-in-law of Fritzie (and the late Ted) Schweitzer.

Susan Shefter; niece of Sandy & Lee Kirsh, and daughter of the late Eileen & Elliott Miller.

Esther Steinberg; mother of Sharon (Ira) Albert, grandmother of Mindi (Ivan) Lutwin, great-grandmother of Brooke and Allison Lutwin.

David Joseph Weisenfreund; husband of Janet Weisenfreund, father of Shira Weisenfreund and Rachel (Marc) Moses; brother of Jeffrey L. Weisenfreund and the late Steve Winters (Beth Israel Past President), brother-in-law of Sandy Winters, grandfather of Lyla Moses.

Dixie & David BerensonEsther & Jay BerkowitzAnn BermanTrudy & Wulfred BermanElizabeth & Stacey BernerAdrienne BlockJoan & Robert Jay BlockJan BraunsteinJudith & Laurence CampfArlene & Lester CaplanRochelle & Michael CohenMyra CohnLauren DavisBonnie & Neale DeutschDonna & Robert DiamondArlene & Marc EllisonDevera EllisonCarol & Stuart EloverTami & Stuart FineBarbara & Bob FischerHarold FranklePam & Richard FrankleWilliam FriedlanderGloria FriedmanAnita FriedmannSandy & Samuel FriedmannRuth & Stephen GandelDiane & Howard GartnerBerta & Norman GellerSharon D. & Louis GildenSandy & Barry GlassPhyllis Gofstein

Gary GoldmanMarjorie & David GranekBarbara GreenbergAllan GreenbergSherry & Howard GreenbergJanice Lee GreenbergBonnie GreenwaldStanley GumnitHarriet & Irwin GutinNorman HanenbaumJeanie Hillman-BrotmanIrene HimelfarbEsther & Howard HoffbergRosanne & Martin HorowitzAdriana & David HoughSuzanne & Mervyn HurwitzEsther & Jerald KatzMildred KesslerVeronica KestenbergCheryl & Michael KovensLoretta KriegerMarilyn E. & Alvin LehmanIrving LernerMarla & Jeffrey LinkerJerald LurieLouise MacksJoan & Fred MagazinerJoanne & Jared MandellMyrna & Ivan N. MarkowitzStanley MerwitzLois & Barry Meyer

Yahrzeit Contributions

Myra MeyersDiane & Donald MillerDavina MindelNancy & Marc MuserMarsha & James OremlandEvelyn PosnerGail PotashnickElaine & Harold RothmanLynda RotterHerbert SachsShirley & Harry ScherrHarriet & Harry SchwartzSelma & Leonard ShermanJanet & Scott ShindellMarian ShumanStanley SmithDavid SmithSandy & Stephen SnyderRona SoddenBarbara & Steven StaddEdward & Barbara SwitzerMargot & Paul TerleMindy & Stuart TrippeShelbie & Jerold WasselNadine & Ray WeinsteinHelene WeinsteinBarry WeissJeanne & Paul WeissGayle & Jeffrey WelshMyra WittikJae & Arnold Zalis

Cholent Recipes

• Aliza Rothenberg• Rabbi Marc Blatt• Stuart Fine• Rachel Glaser• Rebecca Roberts• Rabbi Josh Rabin• Amanda Rosenfelt

To our Beth Israel family who contributed delicious recipes for our Cholent/Chili Cook-off Kiddush on February 23.

Yasher Koach to the winning cholent chef, Stuart Fine! Stuart is the proud recipient of a Giant gift card.


• Sisterhood• Tami & Stuart Fine• Eileen & Jerry Chiat • Sandy & Lee Kirsh• Beth Shavitz• Rabbi Marc Blatt

There's plenty to kvell about in Jewish music! Get into's Day is Sunday, May 12, so remember all the moms in your - [PDF Document] (13)

March 2019Beth Israel Guide 13

Claire and Ken sodden MeMorial Youth Fund

in MeMorY oF:Marcia Snyder by Elaine & Harold Rothman, Sherri & Stuart

Fox, Sheila & Danny SternPhilip Matz by Stanley MerwitzReba Weinstein by Sheilah & Si Kalderon, Rita & Ira Meier,

Diane & Howard GartnerSteven Braitman by Sue & Phil Rabin, Rita & Ira Meier, Sheilah

& Si Kalderon, Ileen & Al Bard, Randi & Larry Waskow and family, Elaine & Harold Rothman and family, Lois Wolf, Gail Potashnick, Sheila & Danny Stern, Randee & Harry Baumohl, Paula & Lou Friedman, Diane & Howard Gartner

"Peachy" Schwartz by Elaine & Harold RothmanDavid Weisenfreund by Rita & Ira Meier, Elaine & Harold

Rothman and family, Lois Wolf, Rhona Simon, Dorothy Raines, Sue & Phil Rabin, Ilene & Allan Blumberg, Michael, Cecilia, Sophia and Jeffrey Berman, Ileen & Alvin Bard

Harriet Sandler by Ellie & Allen Cohen, Zelda & Jerry Zaben, Paula & Lou Friedman

Dick Greenspun by Nadine & Ray WeinsteinDavid Esraeilian by Sue & Phil Rabin, Edie & Ron Meyers,

Diane & Howard GartnerLeonard Weiss by Sheilah & Si KalderonLois Berman by Sheila & Danny SternSister of Eileen Drucker by Rona Sodden

in honor oF:Ellen Donen’s Special Birthday by Helen & David BraitmanDiane Gartner’s Special Birthday by Helen & David BraitmanHoward Gartner's 70th Birthday by Helen & David

Braitman, Rita & Ira Meier, Ellie & Allen Cohen, Sue & Phil Rabin, Paula & Lou Friedman

Herb Aaron's 90th Birthday by Ilene & Allan BlumbergSondra Sobkov's 75th Birthday by Ilene & Allan Blumberg,

Elaine & Harold Rothman and familyMarion Katz's Special Birthday by Helen & David Braitman,

Elaine & Harold Rothman and familyRona Sodden's 90th Birthday by Ellie & Allen Cohen, Sue &

Phil Rabin, Zelda & Jerry Zaben, Elaine & Harold Rothman and family

Wulf Berman's Special Birthday by Ilene & Allan BlumbergAll the Simchas to Saundra & David Madoff by Iris & Gary

IngberMarriage of Saundra & David Madoff’s son, Michael by Ellie

& Allen CohenEngagement of Elyse & Allan Posner's daughter, Ilana by

Sue & Phil RabinIleen & Al Bard's grandson, Noah, graduating from Ohio

State University by Helen & David BraitmanBar Mitzvah of Harriet & Joel Charkatz’s grandson, Cooper

by Rita & Ira Meier Bar Mitzvah of Rachel & Richard Glaser’s grandson, Nadav

by Rita & Ira Meier

Birth of Debbie & Seth Glassman’s Granddaughter, Shoshana Kramer Coakley by Paula & Lou Friedman

Marriage of Andrew Schlossberg and Rachel by Diane & Howard Gartner

speedY reCoverY:Ellen Naftaniel by Sue & Phil Rabin, Rita & Ira Meier, Paula

& Lou FriedmanDon Miller by Sheri & Jeffrey Stern, Monday & Friday Minyan

GroupHannah Silton by Sue & Phil Rabin, Randi & Larry Waskow

and familyZel Gresser by Randi & Larry Waskow and family, Elaine &

Harold RothmanFred Needel by Diane & Howard Gartner, Paula & Lou

FriedmanFrancis Yows by Rona Sodden Joel Charkatz by Rita & Ira Meier

in appreCiation oF:Charla Simms by Randi & Larry Waskow and family

Goldie Gorn eduCation Fund

in MeMorY oF:Marcia Snyder by Lois Wolf, Rebecca TuckerMelvin Meister by Linda & Harry ChupnickMalcolm Bernstein by Linda & Harry Chupnick, Doris SugarBeatrice Horton by Marcia Markowitz, Jane WeissSteven Braitman by Marilyn Schloss and Frank Goldstein,

Judi & Bernie Cataldo, Marion & Howard Katz, Elyse & Allan Posner

Marvin Glass by Marilyn Schloss, Shirley & Harry ScherrHarriet Sandler by Marilyn SchlossReba Weinstein by Joyce & Steve Weiner, Lois Wolf, Barbara

& Howard Berg, Ellie & Allen Cohen, Ellen & Max NaftanielSarah Karen by Lois Wolf, Ellie & Allen CohenDavid Esraeilian by Lois Wolf, Ellen & Max Naftaniel, Roz &

Henry Foxman, Beth HortonHoward Goodman by Sandie & Marty Zaben

in honor oF:Herb Aaron's 90th Birthday by Morton & Harriret Silverstein,

Roslyn & Henry Foxman, Harriet ShapiroMarriage of Vera Kestenberg's grandson Paul, and the

marriage of her granddaughter Michelle by Glenda Schlaifer

Birth of a grandson, Isaac, to Sharon & Barry Snyder by Ellie & Allen Cohen

Birth of a grandson, Dalton, to Diane & Edward Steinberg by Joanne & Jared Mandell

Ellen Donen's Special Birthday by Phyllis & Ralph HershRoz Foxman's Special Birthday by Phyllis & Ralph HershIlene Blumberg's 80th Birthday by Nadine & Ray Weinstein

Thank You for Your Contribution

Donations to thePrayer Book and Bible Fund

K’vod L’Torah FundClaire and Ken Sodden Memorial Youth

FundCamp Scholarship Fund

Goldie Gorn Education Fund Rachel V. Glaser Fund for Educational

EnrichmentMarla Joy Lerner Audio/Video Lending

LibraryTed. H. Schweitzer Memorial Fund

Beth Israel FundRabbi Goldstein’s Discretionary FundCantor Rolnick's Discretionary Fund

Rabbi Blatt's Discretionary Fundmay be made by calling the Synagogue

office at 410-654-0800or on-line at

Sisterhood Mitzvah Cards may be purchased by calling the

Synagogue office at 410-654-0800

Minimum donations:Rachel V. Glaser Fund for Educational

Enrichment , Prayer Book Fund - $18.00Prayer Book w/Plate - $36.00

Bible Fund - $30.00Bible w/Plate - $60.00

Claire and Ken Sodden Memorial Youth Fund, Camp Scholarship Fund, Ted. H.

Schweitzer Memorial Fund, Goldie Gorn Education Fund , and Beth Israel Fund -

$10.00K’vod L’Torah Fund - $15.00

Sincere thanks and appreciation to those who remember to honor their friends and loved ones through their generous contributions.

Todah Rabbah!

praYer booK Fund

in MeMorY oF:David Esraeilian by Ellie & Allen CohenReba Weinstein by Sandy & Howard Bernheim

in honor oF:Diane Seidel's Special Birthday by Marlene & Bruce


There's plenty to kvell about in Jewish music! Get into's Day is Sunday, May 12, so remember all the moms in your - [PDF Document] (14)

March 2019Beth Israel Guide 14

rabbi Goldstein’s disCretionarY Fund

in MeMorY oF:Reba Weinstein by Board of Youth Jewish Community of

Northern New Jersey & Stephanie & Barry KisslerBeloved Mother, Reba Weinstein by Iris & Gary IngberSteven Braitman by Robert Jackle

in honor oF:Officiating at the wedding of Lauren & Myles Poster by Arlene &

Marc EllisonShoshana Harris’s 75th birthday and Shoshana & Avi Harris being

together for 25 years by Gail LipsitzThe Special Birthdays of Debbie & Chuck Frazer by Janis & Barry

MillerThe Special Birthdays of Mona & Russ Kaufman by Janis & Barry

MillerSpecial Birthday of Barry Weiskopf by Janis & Barry Miller

in appreCiation oF:Rabbi Goldstein by Charlene Berger, Ian & Robin Berger & FamilyRabbi Goldstein officiating at their wedding by Lauren & Myles

PosterRabbi Goldstein by Shelley & Andrew Robinson

in CoMMeMoration oF:The Yahrzeit of David Earle by Janis & Barry MillerUnveiling ceremony of Arthur Cohn by Myra CohnUnveiling ceremony of Anita Caplan by Mindy & Stuart Trippe

Cantor rolniCK’s disCretionarY Fund

in appreCiation oF:Cantor Rolnick by Robyn HurwitzCantor Rolnick by Lauren &Myles Poster

in CoMMeMoration oF:The Yahrzeit of Helen Miller by Janis & Barry Miller

rabbi blatt’s disCretionarY Fund

in appreCiation oF:Rabbi Blatt by Lauren &Myles Poster

Howard Burkom's 70th Birthday by Vera KestenbergSheila & Danny Stern's 55th Wedding Anniversary by Vera


speedY reCoverY:Ellen Naftaniel by Roz & Henry Foxman, Marilyn SchlossMarsha Miller by the Beth Israel Sisterhood StitchersIrene Palter by Roz & Henry FoxmanFred Needel by Roz & Henry FoxmanSelma Sherman by Roz & Henry FoxmanRoz Foxman by Ellen & Max Naftaniel

beth israel Fund

in MeMorY oF:Sarah Karen by Eileen & Howard Jacobs, Heidi HoffmanGeorge Feldman by Randi & Marc Hertzberg Riselle Sandler and Barry Jurist by Barbara & Howard BergDavid Weisenfreund by Sharon & Louis Gilden, Harvey

Botzman, Myron Rogow, Dilip & Jan Dalvi, Lieberman, Ritvo and Cornblath families, Rochelle & Bernie Eisenberg, Mildred Berfeld, Ellen Jachman and Cindy & Stephen Bradley

Steven Braitman by Sherryl & David Silberman, Marc & Randi Hertzberg, Stephen Gandel & Ruthie Block

Marcia Snyder by Iris & Paul Rudman, Diane & Edward Steinberg, Pam & Rick Frankle, Stephen Gandel & Ruthie Block

Reba Weinstein by Leslie & Scott Wasserman, Bonnie Bailey, Shelley & Stewart Remer

Arline Sullivan by Eileen & Howard Jacobs David Esraeilian by Diane & Eddie SteinbergLeonard Weiss by Linda & Chuck Krengel and familyDolores Rhody by Louis and Susan Breitenother

in honor oF:Herb Aaron's 90th Birthday by Paul Hurwitz, Sonia ObstlerHoward Burkom's 70th Birthday by Irene & Robert PalterBecky and Daniel Bramer by Nancy KohlmanJudy Zeigenfuse by Nancy KohlmanSheila & Danny Stern's 55th Wedding Anniversary by Irene

& Robert PalterJanet & Scott Shindell's Wedding Anniversary by Irene &

Robert PalterBirth of a grandchild to Diane & Eddie Steinberg by Ellie &

Allen CohenMarriage of Andrew Schlossberg and Rachel by Ellie & Gene


speedY reCoverY:Ellen Naftaniel by Ellie & Allen Cohen, Ellen Jachman and

Cindy & Stephen Bradley, Rheta RosenMarcia Toppall by Ellen Jachman and Cindy & Stephen

BradleyFred Needel by Ellen Jachman and Cindy & Stephen BradleyIrene Himelfarb by Ellen Jachman and Cindy & Stephen

BradleySelma Sherman by Ellen Jachman and Cindy & Stephen

Bradley by Norma Samson

Glaser Fund For eduCational enriChMent

in MeMorY oF:Steven Braitman by Irene & Robert Palter, Joan & Dan Ross

and familyDavid Weisenfreund by Vera KestenbergEvelyn Wolman by Saundra & David MadoffReba Weinstein by Beth & David Hecht, Saundra & David

MadoffSarah Karen by Randi & Larry Waskow

in honor oF:Herb Aaron's 90th Birthday by Irene & Robert Palter, Vera

KestenbergWedding of Rachel and Andrew Schlossberg by Randi &

Larry WaskowBirth of a grandson, Ori to Saundra & David Madoff by Beth

& David HechtMarriage of Scott Samson and Becky by Joanne & Jared

Mandel Bar Mitzvah of Iris & Gary Ingber’s grandson by Shelly &

Stewart RemerShoshana Harris' Special Birthday by Phyllis & Ralph HershBirth of a grandson, Noam Our Shalom, to Judy & Jerel

Shapiro by Saundra & David Madoff

speedY reCoverY:Joan Magaziner by Randi & Larry WaskowHannah Silton by Saundra & David Madoff

bible Fund

in honor oF:Mona & Russ Kaufman's 60th Birthdays by Marion &

Howard KatzIlene Blumberg's 80th Birthday by Gloria Friedman, Irene

Himelfarb and Rona Kogan

CaMp Fund

in MeMorY oF:Charlotte Fischer by Bonnie & Robin BrodinskyDavid Weisenfreund by David Rubin

K'vod l'torah

in honor oF:Mona & Russ Kaufman's 60th Birthdays by Fran & Barry


stanleY & Minnie hoFFMan librarY Fund

in MeMorY oF:Doris Downing by Sharon & Barry SnyderReba Weinstein by Sharon & Barry Snyder

ted sChweitzer Fund

in MeMorY oF:Corrine Schwartz by Sue & Phil Rabin, Marlene & Bruce


Marla JoY lerner librarY Fund

in MeMorY oF:Reba Weinstein by Alan Hoffman, Renee & Brian LernerDavid Esraeilian by Gloria FriedmanSteven Braitman by Renee & Brian Lerner

There's plenty to kvell about in Jewish music! Get into's Day is Sunday, May 12, so remember all the moms in your - [PDF Document] (15)

March 2019Beth Israel Guide 15

March 2019 – Jewish Music Month

1 FRIDAY 5:30 pm Shababa (ages 2-5) 5:41 pm Candlelighting 6:00 pm Potluck Dinner 6:45 pm TGIF Shabbat

2 SATURDAY 9:30 am Brotherhood Shabbat 5:50 pm Mincha/Maariv/Havdallah

3 SUNDAY 7:00 pm Seth Kibel Quartet

4 MONDAY 7:00 pm Purim Care Packages

7 THURSDAY 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn 7:00 pm "The Music and Life of George Gershwin" Learning program

8 FRIDAY 5:48 pm Candlelighting 6:00 pm Potluck Dinner 6:45 pm Creative Shabbat followed by Dessert Oneg

9 SATURDAY 9:30 am Sisterhood Shabbat 10:30 am Beginyan (ages 5-11) 6:00 pm Mincha/Maariv/Havdallah

14 THURSDAY 7:00 pm "The Music and Life of Aaron Copland" Learning program

15 FRIDAY 9:00 am Habitat for Humanity 6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 6:55 pm Candlelighting

16 SATURDAY 9:30 am Shabbat Morning Services 10:30 am Teen Minyan (grades 8-12) 12:30 pm Kiddush Conversation 7:05 pm Mincha/Maariv/Havdallah

20 WEDNESDAY – Erev Purim 5:30 pm Purim Carnival & Celebration 6:00 pm Shorashim Young Family Megillah Reading 7:00 pm Purim Shpiel: "Shushan Rhapsody"

21 THURSDAY – Purim 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn 7:00 pm "The Music and Life of Leonard Bernstein" Learning program

22 FRIDAY 6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 7:02 pm Candlelighting

23 SATURDAY 9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service Bat Mitzvah: Marissa Sugar 10:15 am Shababa (ages 2-5) 7:10 pm Mincha/Maariv/Havdallah

29 FRIDAY6:13 pm Shabbat Around the World Service & Dinner

7:09 pm Candlelighting

March 2019 / Adar I – Adar ll 577930 SATURDAY 9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service 6:50 pm Bar Mitzvah: Zachary Adler 7:20 pm Mincha/Maariv/Havdallah

31 SUNDAY 1:00 pm Hazak Bingo and Lunch

April 2019

4 THURSDAY 12:00 pm Lunch & Learn

5 FRIDAY 5:30 pm Shababa (ages 2-5) 6:00 pm Potluck Dinner 6:45 pm TGIF Shabbat 7:16 pm Candlelighting

6 SATURDAY 9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service Bar Mitzvah: Elyas Becker 10:30 am Beginyan & "Silly Seder" (ages 5-11) 7:25 pm Mincha/Maariv/Havdallah

Beth Israel House Committee

Ever thought about managing a large building? Managerial and work crew needed. Please contact Howard Gartner at [emailprotected].

Do a Mitzvah! Be an Usher!

Info: Barry Goldschmidt, [emailprotected]

Beth Israel is looking for ushers to greet and assist congregants during Shabbat and Holiday services. ALL are welcome to usher, men and women.

There's plenty to kvell about in Jewish music! Get into's Day is Sunday, May 12, so remember all the moms in your - [PDF Document] (16)

March 2019Beth Israel Guide 16

Friday EveningsMarch 1 (TGIF) ...............................6:45 pmMarch 8 (Creative Shabbat) ......6:45 pmMarch 15, 22 ...................................6:00 pmMarch 29: (Shabbat Around the World)....6:13 pm

3706 Crondall LaneOwings Mills, MD 21117Phone: 410-654-0800Fax:

ReturnService Requested

OFFICERSMarc Hertzberg ..................................................PresidentRandi Buergenthal .......... Immediate Past PresidentHeidi Hoffman ...................................1st Vice PresidentScott Gensler ....................................2nd Vice PresidentEllen Feinerman ..............................3rd Vice PresidentLen Rus ................................................................. TreasurerBeth Hecht ........................................Financial SecretaryJason Taule .....................................Recording SecretaryMelissa Adler ...................... Corresponding Secretary

AFFILIATESSandy Kirsh .................................. Sisterhood PresidentAJ Stolusky ...............................Brotherhood PresidentIvan Lutwin ..................................................P.A. PresidentKathleen Chase ................................ P.T.O. Co-PresidentSarah Wilen ...................................... P.T.O. Co-PresidentGloria Friedman ............................Hazak Co-PresidentHarriet Shapiro .............................Hazak Co-PresidentJulia Eckard .................................................USY President

PROFESSIONAL STAFFJay R. Goldstein ..........................................................RabbiJen Rolnick .................................................................CantorRabbi Rachel Blatt ....Director of Lifelong LearningCharla Simms ................................. Synagogue DirectorSherry Caplan .................................. Preschool DirectorBecca Rosenfelt ..........................Program CoordinatorDana Snyder .............. Communications CoordinatorMayer Zimmerman ................................ Ritual DirectorRoger B. Eisenberg .............................Cantor Emeritus Rachel V. Glaser ..... Director of Education EmeritusMarcy Snow .........................Bonim & Machar AdvisorJacob Rosenbaum .................................Kadima Advisor

SHLEIMUT TEAMSarah Shapiro & Anita Meddin

GABBAIMAbraham Teitler zt”l, Gabbai Emeritus Jerome Frankle zt”l, Gabbai Emeritus

Affiliated withUnited Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

Schedule of Shabbat Services

March 2019 Adar I – Adar ll 5779

אדר א' – אדר ב' תשע״ט

Saturday EveningsMarch 2 ..............................................5:50 pmMarch 9 ..............................................6:00 pmMarch 16 ...........................................7:05 pmMarch 23 ...........................................7:10 pmMarch 30 ...........................................7:20 pm

Non-Profit Org.U.S. Postage

PAIDOwings Mills, MD

Permit No. 51

Shabbat Mornings March 2 (Brotherhood) .............. 9:30 amMarch 9 (Sisterhood) .................. 9:30 amMarch 9 (Beginyan) ....................10:30 am

Proud Member of USCJ

Mazal Tov to our March 2019 B'nai Mitzvah!

Marissa Rose Sugar daughter of David Sugar

Zachary Reuben Adler son of

Melissa & Brian Adler

March 23 March 30

March 16, 23, 30 ............................ 9:30 amMarch 16 (Teen Minyan) ..........10:30 amMarch 23 (Shababa)...................10:15 am

There's plenty to kvell about in Jewish music! Get into's Day is Sunday, May 12, so remember all the moms in your - [PDF Document] (2024)


What does Beth Israel mean? ›

Beth Israel is Hebrew for "House of Israel." The hospital was incorporated as Beth Israel Hospital on May 28, 1890, by a group of 40 Orthodox Jews on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, each of whom paid 25 cents to set up a hospital dedicated to serving immigrant Jews living in the tenement slums of the Lower East Side.

What does Beth Arbel mean in Hebrew? ›

Beth-arbel, beth-är'-bel (Heb.)-- house of God's ambush; house of God's lying-in-wait; house of God's watching; house of God's windows;)louse of God's court. A place that was destroyed by Shalman, or Shalmaneser, king of Assyria (Hos.

Is Beth Israel owned by Harvard? ›

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) is an academic medical center located in the heart of Boston. We are a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School.


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.